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Airbourne Alchaholic

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About Airbourne Alchaholic

  • Rank
    Staff Sergeant
  1. Airbourne Alchaholic

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Best. Mod. Ever
  2. Airbourne Alchaholic

    Insurgency Mod For HL2

    GOOD! Finally a free mod for HL2 that doesn't cost money and looks like its worthwile playing. I really liked all the mods available for HL, not that I played a lot of them but the idea was great. All the mods going payware with HL2 was getting me nervous a bit What do you mean. All 3rd party mods should be free, otherwise they're breaking copyright laws. Unless of course you mean DODS and CSS, which use the same engine. Anyways, this mod looks very impressive, and I'll keep my eye on it to see where it goes. Can't wait for a release!
  3. Airbourne Alchaholic

    Americas Army as Training tool

    *Gasp* Over a dozen other people!? Impossible!
  4. Airbourne Alchaholic

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    You try firing off a 30 round clip while standing up, it really hurts! (yourself I mean). I know for sure that is realistic recoil. If you're going to do that, you might aswell go prone and switch to semi. Makes it a whole lot eaiser.
  5. Airbourne Alchaholic

    Flight 93

    I guess it's an ok memorial to those on that plane... but a great paycheque for the Film Makers. I grew sick and tired of Hollywood a while back, I prefer watching the Eastern film festivals. Subtitles FTW!!
  6. Airbourne Alchaholic

    1991 01 13 - 2006 01 13

    Yeah... what Harley said Seriously though, a big cheer for Lithuania *cheer* *cheer*
  7. Airbourne Alchaholic

    LLW presents...

    I think I'm going to enjoy these planes when they're released! Can't wait!
  8. Airbourne Alchaholic

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Can anyone post or PM me an "empty" (as in no custom addons) addons folder (also Res/Addons). I can't see anything that might cause problems, but I'm still getting unit-related ones. Thanks
  9. Airbourne Alchaholic

    United Kingdom Island

    Oh my god! You've left out the Isle of Man! And Anglesey!! How could you! Really good idea! Looks very time-consuming though.
  10. Airbourne Alchaholic

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Crap! Why am I always late for FFUR releases! Anyways a thank you for this gift Thunderbird! I hope you can now sit back and relax a bit after months of hard work. Thanks again!
  11. Airbourne Alchaholic


    Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! Remember kids, don't drink and drive! Be safe on this merry holiday!
  12. Airbourne Alchaholic

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Will that grass in the pics be added to the islands?
  13. Airbourne Alchaholic

    Stalin's Super-Soldiers

    Stop it! You're killing me!
  14. Airbourne Alchaholic

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Yeah! A full statement!! Sounds so awesome I can't wait! Wait up tho, are the 3 nations under one "NATO" team (as in West) or are they separate. I'm confused as to how this could be a replacement pack if you need to add 3 countries under one banner, and still split up the units so each country is represented fairly. Sorry if I've confused things, still looking like a kickass mod, as always!
  15. Airbourne Alchaholic

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Don't tell me you're gonna be working on these through Xmas! Nice pics, who needs AA, eh? PS: (I do)