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Very Important Announcement from BAS

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Why would BAS suddenly stop making addons?

Did BIS hire them or something?  I find it very strange that BAS would suddenly decide to stop making OFP1 addons, when anybody else in BAS could have been given leadership.

I just find it pretty f*cking strange, and not fully explained if you ask me...

i think its pretty strange that a fellow modder wouldnt understand why a mond that is constantly critisized by its users, flamed by noobs, and buged to death on release dates decide its time to take a break for a lil while and reep the seeds sown, and enjoy thier own work for awhile

i also find it strange that a fellow modder wouldnt at least respect their desion to do so.

and BAS is not stuck up nor do they feel like their better then us. . . you guys make them out to be that way, then assume they feel the same.

at the very least they had the decency to post and inform us that they are taking a break rather then just leaving without a sound.

one more thing: they have tonali special forces which from what i hear are pretty god damn awesome. so mabe you might want to keep the negative comments to yourself instead of talking them into NOT releasing them crazy_o.gif

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Today it's bad day for OFP  comunity  sad_o.gif

Thanks really  guys,thanks for all hard work to make beautiful addons for we all!!!

damm I waiting so long for Seals


Edit:BTW when the last release? tounge_o.gif

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BTW when the last release?  tounge_o.gif

That's a point.

Go on BAS....break that old BAS tradition and give us a definite release date just for old times sake biggrin_o.gif

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how are you guys going to test the addons you make for OFP2   rock.gif

Oh well see you fookers in OFP2  smile_o.gif

In VBS wink_o.gif

no im kidding, but its a possibility .. or is it? unclesam.gif



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Quote[/b] ]You guys were the Delta Force of the addon community

What? a rip-off of the british SAS?

Only joking. Bye BAS, shame to see you leave. You made some great addons.

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Thanks for all the hard work, and for constantly raising the bar of add-on standards. Given some of the crap thrown at you guys on the forums you showed a great deal of restraint and dedication in keeping going for the length of time that you did.

I hope that you realise just how admired and appreciated your work has been by the vast majority of OFP players.

Once again thanks and good luck in any future projects you may have.

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Hm, waiting for OFP 2:

A. We'll have to wait till OFP 2 is rekeased-Aprox. a year or so (correct?)

B.  We'll have to wait for BAS to release new addons for OFP 2 (add another 5 months to that release)

Not at all harsh criticism, but you it will be atleast another year or so till we see an addon from you guys, not only the release date, but for your team to release their addons takes alot of time (you make them as perfect as you can).

Good luck, hope you guys last.

BIS has said it will come out 2005 at the EARLIEST, so that means its coming out early 2006 if we are lucky.

Your math assumes the proposition that BAS is not now working on addons for OFP2. Considering BIS has said OFP2 will be backwards compatible, I don't think your assumption is safe to make.

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Hm, waiting for OFP 2:

A. We'll have to wait till OFP 2 is rekeased-Aprox. a year or so (correct?)

B.  We'll have to wait for BAS to release new addons for OFP 2 (add another 5 months to that release)

Not at all harsh criticism, but you it will be atleast another year or so till we see an addon from you guys, not only the release date, but for your team to release their addons takes alot of time (you make them as perfect as you can).

Good luck, hope you guys last.

BIS has said it will come out 2005 at the EARLIEST, so that means its coming out early 2006 if we are lucky.

Your math assumes the proposition that BAS is not now working on addons for OFP2.  Considering BIS has said OFP2 will be backwards compatible, I don't think your assumption is safe to make.

Another voice joining the conspiracy... the plot thickens... I smell OFP 2 information somewhere around...  tounge_o.gif

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not a conspiracy, BIS have said they will try to make OFP2 as backwards compatible as possible with OFP, much like HL2.

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BAS, iam sorry to see you guys go! sad_o.gif

and thanks for all the addons you have released over the years. They were excellent.

But one thing i would like to say in regards to the SEALs and the others you were planning on releasing.

Why can't you just release them with out all of these so called features you can't put on them. Who really is going to care if there on them or not. NOT ME! So why don't you just release them now for OFP1, then worry about the other features for OFP2.

Its as simple as that. And don't say you can't do it, because you guys can do that.

If you release them then you won't have to worry about all these guys on the forum bashing you guys about not releasing them just because you can't get some features to work.

Like i said. F@#K the features and just release them. crazy_o.gif


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not a conspiracy, BIS have said they will try to make OFP2 as backwards compatible as possible with OFP, much like HL2.

I meant conspiracy in the sense of someone may have info we'd all like to have and is with-holding it (like in X-Files) wink_o.gifwow_o.gifblues.giftounge_o.gif

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Man, I haven't seen a topic cause this much heat in a while. BAS, thanks for the great addons. Without you and all of the other addon makers this game would never have the following it has. I sencerely hope you have decided to put things on hold for yourselves and not this ungreatful community. I agree that if you are not going to produce anymore OFP1 products then you might as well release everything you have now so other addon makers can finish them and we can enjoy them. As far as the critics go, screw em! A lot of these idiots bitch and moan but as soon as you release something they are downloading it. Thanks again for the great addons, you will be missed.


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All i say is thank you for everything. Take care where ever you guys will be.

May the force be with you.


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Dear BAS, will you keep posting in these forums and include input for other addon makers to make good addons? All that top secret stuff, will you let the bag out on it now that you've quit? Can we have some last minute pictures of what the seals would have looked like on our hard drives? lol. Everyone is going nuts over the seals bas team. You gotta admit, releasing them as they are would make an excellent departure. Please, as you said talk with the team about the seals for us, the community. Be our representative. That is all. NAVY SEALS FOREVER!!

Edit: And another thing. If people were to want a navy grey chinook to go with those navy seals how would one go about getting permission to do that? Just contact you or what?

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All that top secret stuff, will you let the bag out on it now that you've quit?

Was anything ever "in the bag?"

All our scripts and methods are open source, those who have asked have usually gotten permission to do what they wanted with our stuff. There is no "secret" just clever coding and lots of hard graft getting things to work...

Quote[/b] ]Can we have some last minute pictures of what the seals would have looked like on our hard drives?

There is hype, there is teasing, and then there is plain cruelty.

No, we wont be showing any pictures of "what you might have had"

We may be cruel, but we're not THAT cruel...

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What a good run you guys made for OFP, we will never forget how it all started with your littlebird's and how you finished things off with the mostly complete pavehawks. Your other unreleased projects full of ambition and excitement will leave us all with an empty feeling, since we never got to experience them. We can only hope that the many other talented individuals in this community will pick up where you left off.

May you make a speedy return to us. Best wishes to all of you at BAS.

P.S (If it's ok with you guys, i will release the desert pavehawk).

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I've already handed out one PR for stupid comments made in here - I will hand out more. Next person that whines about being teased or otherwise makes unfair comments about BAS will get a PR. This especially goes for some of you who are already treading on thin ice. mad_o.gif

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I gotta say Hellfish your funny as hell biggrin_o.gif every time i read your post your about to PR someone i like this guy tounge_o.gif

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I really hope your PR threats are not directed at me, because i dont know what I did wrong at this point.

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BUZZARD @ July 05 2004,13:59)]
Psst!...u folks planning for ofp2?...err...you've got some inside info on the ofp2 works?  wow_o.gif    blues.gif  tounge_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

Heheh, my speculation exactly! Maybe it ain't that far off... *drools in anticipation* LOL!  tounge_o.gif

don't get your hopes up OFP wasn't at E3 so i doubt its commin anytime soon.

Not entirely true...

OFP (XBOX) was shown at this years E3 tounge_o.gif

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I've already handed out one PR for stupid comments made in here - I will hand out more. Next person that whines about being teased or otherwise makes unfair comments about BAS will get a PR. This especially goes for some of you who are already treading on thin ice.  mad_o.gif

i have to say it:

kick thier ass ese biggrin_o.gif

ok ill be good now unclesam.gif

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I really hope your PR threats are not directed at me, because i dont know what I did wrong at this point.

Not at all. It's directed at those who are bitching and moaning about what they feel they are owed by BAS.

If it's one thing I can't stand it's internet kiddies who think they can make smartass comments like that at the expense of others and not deal with consequences.

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