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Csla 2

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Really?? I was looking forward that CSLA is finally going to kick somebody´s ass and they´re defending AGAIN???

It is no rule, that the army on resistance side must always defend itself and not kicking somebody`s ass wink_o.gif

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Concerning SA-58 usage and eventual change.

Main assault rifle change is quite big step. Cons of this are following: expensive, satisfaction with contemporary weapon (weapons on stock + durability + performance). For some time there would be logistical problems with ammo and equipment suply plus training expenses (for new weapon). Moreover there are a lot of ammo for Vz.58, which cannot be used e.g. for AK-47. It uses different ammo.

Moreover it could be observed, that US forces in Iraq use M-14 rifle with optics. Why so "obsolete" rifle is used? Mainly because of several reasons, I think.

First: Althought 5.56 ammo (and M-16/M4 rifle) is good for hitting up to 500m, killing performance on this range is poor if vital organs are not directly hit. Most of killing performance of this round comes from round fragmentation, which takes place above fragmentation threshold of the round.


In case of 5.56 M855 round it is 110m (M-16)/ 65m (M4). Above this distance speed is too low for fragmentation. Therefore ammo which fragmens at much longer distances is being used now. Or 7.62 caliber rifles like below.


Second: light rounds have problems with killing guys in cars (suicide drivers) and tangos in cover. Purpose of above mentioned rounds is to wound the SOB. Now it is needed to kill.

BTW. Vz.58 uses different ammo (locking mechanism and internals - only look of the gun is the same) than AK as I mentioned above. It is 7.62x45, while AK uses 7.62x39. It is estimated that Czech 7.62x45 brings 10% more power to the taget than russian 7.62x39.

Example of russian 7.62x39, which is the closest to 7.62x45, but less powerful.


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*nods head in agreement*

And thats why standardization of NATO rounds into 5.56 was a bad thing .

7.62 was a better round for killing , which is after all the main purpose of firing a rifle at someone.

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This is not so simple.

For the same weight of 180 rounds of 7.62mm you can load 240 round of 5.56mm (example dont count grams, pls).

Main purpose of rifling in regular conflict is to wound, because enemy will lose hit soldier plus complete chain which takes care about wounded (comrade of soldier, who evacuate him, medics, docs, transport, hospital....). Dead enemy need only coffin.

In irregular conflict where a lot of suiciders and tangos are present you need to kill, to avoid suicide attack (even wounded tango can push the button) or avoid possibility that fighter can be healed.

Both cases have pluses and minuses. I think that 7.62 (especially 7.62x45) is quite universal.

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Indeed , but to take it a step further ..

Carrying more ammo promotes the "spray and pray" atitude.

It is impossible to "shoot to wound" , as a victim can easily die from several factors caused by the wound , even with so called non-lethal rounds .

The most likely weapon to wound on a battlefield is the Toe popper(mine) and its cousins*, as these are specifically designed to maim , not kill.

Does the SA-58 have the usuall string of variants , like a shortened SF and a heavy barreled support ?

* i remeber seeing the Russian variety , shaped like little sycamore seeds

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And what about CSLA multiplayer playing? I would love to play some CSLA missions on some server, but I haven't found any, yet. Why?

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Concerning SA-58 usage and eventual change.

...Moreover there are a lot of ammo for Vz.58, which cannot be used e.g. for AK-47. It uses different ammo.


BTW. Vz.58 uses different ammo (locking mechanism and internals - only look of the gun is the same) than AK as I mentioned above. It is 7.62x45, while AK uses 7.62x39. It is estimated that Czech 7.62x45 brings 10% more power to the taget than russian 7.62x39.


Bobby, you are wrong. Your Vz.58 uses not only the same Russian M43 7.62x39 ammo, but also same magazines as AK-47/AKM. It was one of WP standard ammos.



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Quote[/b] ]Carrying more ammo promotes the "spray and pray" atitude.

that's where training kicks in. The western armies are all trained to use single shots because that's the most accurate method of shooting. And they all know that they must only shoot at what they can hit. But sometimes ou also need to provide covering or suppresing fire. This measn firing rounds at an ememy you can not see just to prevend him from shooting back. It's here where more ammo can be quite usefull.

The 5.56 ammo is only weak on ranges above 300m. But the ammo was not designed for this. Most firefights take place at ranges under 300m.

People say the change from 7.62 to 5.56 is bad, but it must be noted that the 7.62 is way to powerfull for a true assault rifle (this is what hitler found out back in WW2 already, that the reaseon the MP44 was made).

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Yes, you are right, it was a mistake, I misslooked...It is 7.62x39 Vz.43....it look to me different way in my materials. Thanks for remark. smile_o.gif

7.62x45 was original Czech ammo, and in late 50ies army underwent WP ammo standardization.

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i got a question aout your campaign.

i found time to play it this week and it's really great i must say, but i can't believe that anyone is able to accomplish the mission Bridge. i have played it many times i know where which guy is and so i can pöush fast forward, but everytime i try to place the satchels on the bridge two ship arrive with about 20 enemys and after i have eliminated them the mission is over as mission failed

so could someone tell me how he managed to accomplish it or is there a trick you have to use?

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i got a question aout your campaign.

i found time to play it this week and it's really great i must say, but i can't believe that anyone is able to accomplish the mission Bridge. i have played it many times i know where which guy is and so i can pöush fast forward, but everytime i try to place the satchels on the bridge two ship arrive with about 20 enemys and after i have eliminated them the mission is over as mission failed

so could someone tell me how he managed to accomplish it or is there a trick you have to use?

It might be because you only blew one section of the bridge meaning you couldnt get across to the other side to finish the job?

I didnt have a problem with the guys that arrive in the boats, I stick to the side of the bridge and used a corpse for cover biggrin_o.gif and this was with a T72 behind me waiting to be blown to hell by my satchel. When I blew the T72 it took the middle section (not needed to be destroyed) of the bridge with it so those boats came in handy wink_o.gif

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but i only put the satchels on the bridge, before that i took out the t-80, and when i reutrn from the bridge and blow those arriving boats up, i get to the mission briefing and it's said mission failed

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What version are you playing with? Maybe because your using an old version rock.gif

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I meant what version of the mod. PM me about it, I'll see if I can help find the cause.

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Our team is working hard on environment and island for Operation: Lacerta and we want to show our progress. One of our last finished jobs is Hotel Europa, one of the most important buildings of the island. Author of this beauty is Jirkus.

Hotel Europa will be placed in the biggest city of the island and during certain time it has been real center of the live on the island. There can be recognised Arabian and Italian influence on architecture of the hotel. The island has been under Italian rule for some time in history. This building will play important role even for CSLA expeditionary forces.




More pics are on our web page.

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Our team is working hard on environment and island for Operation: Lacerta and we want to show our progress. One of our last finished jobs is Hotel Europa, one of the most important buildings of the island. Author of this beauty is Jirkus.

Hotel Europa will be placed in the biggest city of the island and during certain time it has been real center of the live on the island. There can be recognised Arabian and Italian influence on architecture of the hotel. The island has been under Italian rule for some time in history. This building will play important role even for CSLA expeditionary forces.




More pics are on our web page.

wow wow_o.gif that looks realy good I must say Im impressed now someone have to make som better Anims for CQB use.

Again wow!!!!!!!


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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! *jaw fall to the floor* ...dhlwkma[ *faints*

AWESOME!!! wow_o.gifwow_o.gifwow_o.gifwow_o.gifwow_o.gif

This looks almost too good to be true! That building looks like it's pulled from a 3d shooter like one of the rainbowsix games or something like that. It's so 'not-ofp'. This is truely awesome work.

Applause to the person who made this

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More buildings like this are under work smile_o.gif

I few days we will release few pics...

Another small pic of Europa.

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More building like this is under work ;)

I few days we will release few pics...

Another small pic of Europa.

That looks REAL! wow_o.gif

This is really awesome work. Hug your texture-artist for me. He's doing awesome work here.

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This is really awesome work. Hug your texture-artist for me. He's doing awesome work here.

We have talented addonmakers in team biggrin_o.gif

Island and all objects, buildings ...etc are fully optimised for low HW usage... !

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