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What addon is everyone waiting for?

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Any updates on FDF 1.1 ? I saw pics of the recoiless rifle and HMG. looking forward to it.

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I'm waiting for everything from BAS, the tanks from RHS, Invasion 1944 FULL and the marines from Earl and Suchey.

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I didn't see anything about it, but if anyone is planning on a Ka-52 Hokum (the 2 seater version), it would be a blast!

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and theres a ka52 being worked on screens at ofpinfo

cant be bothered to give a link tounge_o.gif

oo how could i forget us marines marpat and the russian guys

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- CSLA II (lovely stuff, Tatras mmmm...)

- RHS "Tank Pack"

- SFP 4.0 (3.0 is good, 4.0 can't be worse)

- INV44 & other WWII mods/packs

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A good modification like FDF Mod and the "in process" Bell 412. I really want the Bell 412 because that's one of the choppers the norwegian airforce have and I'm making a campaign witch setting has got norwegian army in it.... wink_o.gif

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Those with no sense of humour or irony read no further..

the zulu warrior's I ordered....lol. Been two days since I suggested the idea, and STILL no addon... sad_o.gif . Aside from that... Jimbo's new Inv44 island (nothing like a whiff of lavender, except maybe a good woman), the long awaited beers-for-online-kills-delievered-to-your-door addon (been working on the proto-type for ages, but had to retire due to impending liver failure/wife's beat'en me senseless), and the much vaunted-but hiether-to-never-mentioned Operation Flashpoints Londonderry Mob mod; - which puts you in charge of a troop of highly trained professional BATTLEFIELD soldiers in the middle of a civilian riot, under fire from local resistance units, and requires from the outset that you issue the 'all don't fire' order whilst the bullets fly. Optional extras include a specialist team of highly paid barristers who waste government monies fighting over whose fee is the highest, a priest with a white flag, etc etc....

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I think DaSquade's Nimitz is an addon really to wait for

(I hope you make it compatible with ACES wink_o.gif )

Let's hope he releases it and doesn't give up like many other addon makers who worked on carriers

And of course I'm waiting for everything that's innovative and flying smile_o.gif

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I'm thinking Guttersnipe, maybe have Zulus in Londonderry with lawyers which prevent the troops from firing.

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FDF1.1, how could I forget that in my lill list? crazy_o.gif

hope they add an extra .exe that utilizes the flashpointbeta.exe instead of the normal .exe cuz well.... I can't run 1.91 wink_o.gif (*slaps video card*)

Other solution ofcourse is to rename the flashpointbeta.exe to the original .exe but I can't be arsed (I'm a lazy fella in case you haven't noticed biggrin_o.gif)

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FDF1.1, how could I forget that in my lill list? crazy_o.gif

hope they add an extra .exe that utilizes the flashpointbeta.exe instead of the normal .exe cuz well.... I can't run 1.91 wink_o.gif (*slaps video card*)

Other solution ofcourse is to rename the flashpointbeta.exe to the original .exe but I can't be arsed (I'm a lazy fella in case you haven't noticed biggrin_o.gif)

You can run FDFMOD with 1.94b easily by

1. creating a shortcut to FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE

2. add the following flags after the exe on the target line: -mod=fdfmod

There you go smile_o.gif

@ Blink Dog:

Rest easy, not everything makes it to the frontpage. There will be plenty of new things to play around with in 1.1 smile_o.gif

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I love Tears of the sun.

I'm waiting for SEALs with USSOCOMs smile_o.gif

If BAS or anyone else read this: If you need first-hand knowledge about the MK23 I can help.

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Well I may be a bit biased but I really looking forward to the Falkland Mod Ships to get finished.

Partly as it will mean I can take a rest before moving onto something else.

This includes the 3 carriers, 3 cruiser types, 1 destroyer type, 2(mayeb 3) frigate types and numourous Auxilleries and Merchants, many still seen today 20 years later!!

I also watch closely with eagerness much of the WW2 stuffs its the period I wargame, of particular interest is the terrains as these so far show the most significant challenge to BIS about how good OFP2 is going to haev to be to not look dated compared to the publicly worked modificatinos for its predecessor.

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Like every else topic like this, it becomes an advertising place for your own addons as you can see.

But really looking forward for CSLA, RHS and SFP.

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I cant wait for the new Nogova Policie Pack from Deadmeat, also cant wait for the BAS Navy Seals, Falkland Mod, And The Nimitz(that created by Dasquade) biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]You can run FDFMOD with 1.94b easily by

1. creating a shortcut to FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE

2. add the following flags after the exe on the target line: -mod=fdfmod

hmmm, I think I tried that once but it farked up, dunno really, haven't tried lately tounge_o.gif

I'll try it, thanks smile_o.gif

[edit] something went wrong with the quoting :P

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Guest DKM-jaguar
Like every else topic like this, it becomes an advertising place for your own addons as you can see.

But really looking forward for CSLA, RHS and SFP.

Of course, I mean looking forward to your own mod's released work is wrong. We mod members are not allowed an opinion (unless it is on someone else's work) right?

No one was pimping, just expressing an opinion.

Oh yeah, I was being sarcastic.

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about the pimping your own mod.... I don't have all the latest SFP stuff , so I'm looking forward to the complete package, is that wrong? rock.gif

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I'll bet all you MP scripting buffs (who are also the silent types) were waiting for the CoC Network Services addon. wink_o.gif

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"I'm thinking Guttersnipe, maybe have Zulus in Londonderry with lawyers which prevent the troops from firing."

Even if the cyborg lawyers had been charging Å20 mill a piece it'd still have been cheaper than an inquiry into why Paratroopers felt the need to defend themselves from gunfire. Oops, I forgot, 'Zulu' McGuiness is an 'honourable republician' and can't name names. Besides, the RUC (prescribed organisation responsible for the deaths of "millions" of nationalists in Bellsen (oops Castlereagh Holding center) using nazi tactics) said Chief Zulu Martin was elsewhere that afternoon....presumably the ex-butcher was employed taking bomb making classes (he blew himself up at on stage (froma 2nd storey building), or parlay'ing with Margret T?

Hey, I prefered the Zulu'z - we had fire supremacy, a bundle of stolen gold & an empire of solictors to get us off the hook lmao

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Personally, I'm waiting for the ONS Griffon, the Earl&Suchey MARPAT Marines and Russian NavInf, and then, finally, CSLA, for someone new to shoot at. They look good enough to lay waste to. tounge_o.gif


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Hmm difficult to narrow it down to one addon, so here's my list of mods and addons that haven't already been mentioned yet:

- Falklands Mod (Not just the ships ;) )

- UKF (especially the marines, SAS and Para's)

- Normod (Norwegian jaegers and regulars)

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Bas Desert Pack (Woodland txtures)

Inv 44


FDF 1.1

DKM stuff

MARPAT Marines

USMC Helo's.

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Trucks, to transport cars, or tanks with.

RHS tank pack, I lost the hope for it...

USMC marpat, almost...

BAS surprises are always welcome. wink_o.gif

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