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Far cry's unscripted ai behaviour

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Uh... ummm... wow. wow_o.gif

Still, it didn't manage to get your hair standing on end. tounge_o.gif

Nice to see you back! smile_o.gif

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Amazing! I want to play this game now crazy_o.gif

AI´s behaviour in OFP 2 should really be something like this.

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And the beach, now that looked nice! BIS make OFP2 min 2GHz and DX9 and give us something like that with a big environement! biggrin_o.gif

Guess Far Cry will be just another boring shooter, but a good looking one for sure!

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IIRC Far Cry will be just another generic shooter, but it's AI is something to look forward to.

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The AI might be unscripted, but I think the conditions and environments have been made perfect for the AI in the video.

That Osprey helo will probably lower its troopers into a lake if you try it in a jungle. tounge_o.gif

Pretty nice anyway...the "kill reactions" were good. They can make it look sooo nice and dramatic in a rolling demo, they´ll probably be a lot more stupid in a real demo (pointing at a wall when calling for reinforcements etc. using large formations indoors etc...) wink_o.gif

I´m looking forward to it...too bad that my 1,1 ghz won´t be able to handle it that well. sad_o.gif

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If the AI is unscripted how come every time someone was shot the person next to them reached to their back and pulled out their gun, before seeking cover? Anyways the water looks pretty but there's a very arcadey look to it that doesn't appeal to me.

That one set in South America where you go to investigate a kidnapping or something (yes I know, very vague) looked like it would appeal to me more smile_o.gif

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I'm with Placebo. Looks very arcade-ish.

And you have to be blind to not see all that scripted events  smile_o.gif  like scratching his erm back, the conversations during idle, calling in the re-enforcements, where the Osprey hovers to unload soldiers etc

I'm disappointed. I had hopes.

Nothing more than what we currently have in OFP IMO, only wrapped up with lots of eyecandy.

I'm more envious to see Söldner in action, and 10 times more interested to see how OFP2 will be. smile_o.gif

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Yes, Söldner. I saw some new screenies and it looked much much better than the early ones I saw before. It might be an interesting experience.

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It's not bad - but I don't think I'll buy it. As has been said earlier, it's too Arcadish. I am not a fan of games where you can take five hits, find a medipack and go back into the battle. This game looks like that will be a feature.

After watching it a second time, I can't say that I'm too impressed with it. I mean, idle animations? They had those in Jagged Alliance 2, IIRC. That's not impressive. In fact, I think it would be pretty easy to do. If unit X is idle for Y amount of time, an animation sequence is selected from list Z.

The squad tactics aren't particularly good - I think OFP's is better (I didn't see any teammates flanking anything in this video). And their bounding overwatch wasn't exactly text book either - one guy would move forward, stop in a sandy place with no cover for himself, despite the fact that there was a palm tree and a couple of big rocks nearby.

The vocal commands and taking cover were pretty good though. I like how the orders were shouted, unlike OFP's radio orders, which I am not too fond of anymore.

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Grumpy old moderator.

Mods think: Everything not made by bis = CRAP tounge_o.gif

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I'll have to agree with you Hellfish. I just watched the trailer. Everything is pretty and shiny, but it doesn't seem all that great. Too arcade-ish for me.

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I'm more envious to see Söldner in action, and 10 times more interested to see how OFP2 will be. smile_o.gif

My interest in Söldner is extremely limited. It seems very arcade, with a nice health bar and all. Plus the effects they are advertising are very questionable like when hand grenades making meter deep craters. rock.gif

No thanks. Not for me.

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nothing that tops OFP ai. rock.gif

when enemy shoots you, they take their guns out. OFP AIs do that.

taking covers and reinforcements might be slightly better, but not by much.

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Agree with Denoir, Söldner is always mentioned in these forums but I don´t get what the high expectations are about. Standard walled-in maps, a health bar (now that says something), superhero-style action...plus the game looks really console-ey. (?)

Not for me at all, but to each his own... blues.gif

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Well probably because they are using this gorgeous game engine to do another boring shooter, im guessing you would all feel diferent if it were a military simulation no? good a.i., great graphics, big islands, large view distance, jungles and swamps, vehicals and swimable water, this engine would do a great military simulation smile_o.gif .

And OPFs a.i. isnt all that great anymore, they are just very acurate and can see throu each others eyes, vegetation, buildings, etc wink_o.gif .

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