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Bas blackhawks

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OK i bored to read all 7 pages of topic so i will ask my question:

BAS WHY you put the AH-64 and AH-1 into your Blackhawks? i have Ah-64 (A) and AH-1 avaliable in West => BAS - Vehicles => AH-64 (A)

for what?rock.gif

i think this is due to the JAM porject rock.gif

but may be not..........

(still thinking that the SOAR pilots should have their old texture back.............. sad_o.gif )

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Quote[/b] ]Getting missing addon msg for bas_repairh.

That's the BAS_repair.pbo

But I have bas_repair.pbo in my addon folder! I suggest Nagual checks the Addons Declarations or that there's something odd about the declarations in the repair PBO file.

Quote[/b] ]

Bug reports.

Please read the documentation provided before posting one off snap bug reports.

OK, just finishing this point here. smile_o.gif

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The extra helicopters (A) versions are targetable by AI machinegunners (at least they are meant to be...)


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Bug reports.

Please read the documentation provided before posting one off snap bug reports.

It says report bugs on this page. Note that the page isn't updated to select Blackhawks, SOARs or JAM.

That's why I reported this here, too! smile_o.gif

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Great news! This is what I get for sleeping in now ain't it? Very good news. Downloading now, I can't wait to try all this stuff out!!

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Excellent addon! Even works on my lowend machine biggrin_o.gif you definately deserve some vacation now unclesam.gif

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BAS server, has all the new missions on and the MH-60/SOAR/JAM, will be various BAS members on from time to time, feel free to come play.

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Amazing this thread got more attention than the invasion 1944 one.

I think we are all suckers for BAS's work! tounge_o.gif

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Mahooney you have Ge Force FX 5900 Pro or something for that quality of pics?

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*Cardiac Arrest + Death*

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There is always one  rock.gif

This coming from someone who is the starship troopers mod...mmm....lot of credibility. rock.gif

i must have known we forgot to add laserbeams for them crazy_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Just ignore the guy for gods sakes. No need to start flaming/flamebaiting. I for one can't wait to get this baby fired up and take it for a spin around Nogova biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]SpecOps SP mission, Covert Assault:

Getting missing addon msg for bas_repairh.

Yep. Same with the MP version. Reason: the mission has Apaches in it and the bas_repairh addon has a bug. Furthermore, all missions using an AH64 will give you this error message if you have the bas_repairh in a folder other than the base OFP/Addons folder.

The reason? That old classic of insufficient/missing requiredAddons...

The bas_repairh contains a unit "bas_ah64_a" that has the BIS AH64 as a base class. Since the AH64 is an addon itself, the bas_repairh should have that declared in a requiredAddons[] in the CfgPatches part. If so, the problem will be fixed.

How it looks now:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class BAS_repairH


                         units[] = {bas_repairH};

                         weapons[] = {};

                         requiredVersion = 1.90;


How it should be:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class BAS_repairH


            units[] = {bas_repairH};

            weapons[] = {};

            requiredVersion = 1.90;



Or perhaps even

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class BAS_repairH


            units[] = {bas_repairHW,bas_repairHE,bas_repairHR,bas_cobra_a,bas_ah64_a,bas_mi24_a,bas_mi17_a};

            weapons[] = {};

            requiredVersion = 1.90;



(The latter seeing how there's actually no "bas_repairH" unit defined, but a lot of other units)

Oh, also, for mission makers: the way the repair pad scripts are done, there will be only one working repair pad per side, even if you place more than one in the mission. Reason: the position of the repair pad is broadcasted in two public variables, and whatever pad gets "init:ed" last will get the last word on where repairs are done.

Absolutely love the helos! :-) Wee! biggrin_o.gif

Back to playtesting...

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Excellent job as always BAS. I love both the helicopter and the JAM project. Especially the sounds to alot of the Russian weapons. You guys did a great job as always.

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Quote[/b] ]SpecOps SP mission, Covert Assault:

Getting missing addon msg for bas_repairh.

Yep. Same with the MP version. Reason: the mission has Apaches in it and the bas_repairh addon has a bug. Furthermore, all missions using an AH64 will give you this error message if you have the bas_repairh in a folder other than the base OFP/Addons folder.

You have redeemed my honor, oh chivalrous knight!

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Wow, this addon is seriously amazing! JAM is an excellent initiative, but I have a question about it; if we want to use it with our addon, should we ask for permission or just pack it in with the addon and thats it?

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Wow, this addon is seriously amazing! JAM is an excellent initiative, but I have a question about it; if we want to use it with our addon, should we ask for permission or just pack it in with the addon and thats it?

No need to ask permission. Just dont modify the JAM_Magazines.pbo and give credit.

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Great work BAS! Absolutley lovely. The cabin lights add a whole new atmosphere to night insertion missions. The missions are great as always, everything about this pack is great!

In the words of BlackDog:


Excellent work, now mission makers start making missions for these! I want to see talking in the cabin!!  smile_o.gif

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