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Bas blackhawks

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Just tested with the crew (wood and desert) as pilot and gunner. No problems I could detect.


Thnxs for testing STT

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I'm playing the Helo Assault SP mission.

When I get into the pilot seat of the MH60K, the view of the cockpit console is up close. If I restart the mission, select the MH60L and get in the pilot seat, the view is more wide angle, as if I was seated further back.

Just switched over in the mission to the DAP, get the wider further back cockpit panel view.

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how do u pick up othre vehicles than hmmw's cos i want 2 pick up the jeep with mg and normal jeep crazy_o.gif

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Ok, my english is not good enough to say, what I want to say....


The Blackhawks, JAM and SOAR Pilots are amazing!

Thank you so much for this outstanding work.


MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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It might just be the fact that the K model has a different thingie pit layout than the others.


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It might just be the fact that the K model has a different thingie pit layout than the others.

Ah.......................... the thingie pit................. of course. tounge_o.gif

Another small bug in the Helo Assault mission. I once got knocked out of the sky, force landed and was told to wait for fuel and watch my six.

Well, I didn't watch my six well and got killed. The kill cutscene was just a black screen. Had to press ENTER to get back to OFP.

Nagual's seen this before.

Doesn't happen if I'm killed while in the chopper.

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A few missions made to use JAM:


To install put the missions in the 'Missions' folder into the 'Missions' folder in your ofp directory, and the missions in 'MPMissions' go into the 'MPMissions' folder in your ofp directory, rather self explanatory really...

A few of them are just converted BIS missions with the weapons/magazines in gear and using the JAM soldiers, Road to Nowhere and Farm to Nowhere are the real demo missions.

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really nice , I have only 1 problem

I just can play 3 minutes sad_o.gif cose of my stupid R9800pro

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WOW ----> JAM

i was happy to have the blackhawks but JAM is F**n awesome, the sounds, tracers, HD enemies.....

just had the biggest battle in 1 of Naguals missions. the AI seem to be engaging at longer ranges too.

Digital Grenade and BAS have worked well together on this

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found a few bugs.... or whatnot...

when i try and exex landing lights script for an AI chopper - it doesnt do nuthin - i was told a small strobe was meant to appear on the ground, but i see nuthin....

when i try and exec cabin lights script - nuthin happens... is there certain conditions im meant to be doing as well?

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JAM bug?

RPG7 rocket takes up only one magazine slot. I can carry 10 rockets? wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif

Not a bug.

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Looking forward to trying it eventho I don't think it is goging to be in the near future  sad_o.gif 20Mb crazy_o.gif

but out on my school there is a fast conection and I downloaded it and read the JAM read me and I found a tiny mistake The M4 SPR can also use 30 rounds mags like eny other M16 weapons(not including them whit another calibration) and M14 and FN FAL dosent use the same magazins.


m14-3.jpg And a quistion could it be posible to make a mag for fore bothe M4 and M4A1.


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Looking forward to trying it eventho I don't think it is goging to be in the near future  sad_o.gif 20Mb crazy_o.gif

but out on my school there is a fast conection and I downloaded it and read the JAM read me and I found a tiny mistake The M4 SPR can also use 30 rounds mags like eny other M16 weapons(not including them whit another calibration) and M14 and FN FAL dosent use the same magazins.

And a quistion could it be posible to make a mag for fore bothe M4 and M4A1.


Yes, the SPR can also use the normal single/full auto 30 round 5.56x45 magazines provided in JAM.

The M4 (Not M4A1) can just use the single/burst 30 round 5.56x45 magazines provided in JAM.

And yes we know the FN FAL, M14 and G3 use different mags, however they use the same ammo and if you wish to believe in absolute realism you can pretend they just switch the bullets into the new mag...The were made to use the same mag to heighten commonality.

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SpecOps SP mission, Covert Assault:

Getting missing addon msg for bas_repairh.

Regarding the RPG7, is that realistic? rock.gif

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Looking forward to trying it eventho I don't think it is goging to be in the near future  sad_o.gif 20Mb crazy_o.gif

but out on my school there is a fast conection and I downloaded it and read the JAM read me and I found a tiny mistake The M4 SPR can also use 30 rounds mags like eny other M16 weapons(not including them whit another calibration) and M14 and FN FAL dosent use the same magazins.

And a quistion could it be posible to make a mag for fore bothe M4 and M4A1.


Yes, the SPR can also use the normal single/full auto 30 round 5.56x45 magazines provided in JAM.

The M4 (Not M4A1) can just use the single/burst 30 round 5.56x45 magazines provided in JAM.

And yes we know the FN FAL, M14 and G3 use different mags, however they use the same ammo and if you wish to believe in absolute realism you can pretend they just switch the bullets into the new mag...The were made to use the same mag to heighten commonality.

I meant can a mag which you can put both in your M4 and your M4A1 and they will work so that the M4 will have Burst and not fullauto an vice versa for M4A1.


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Regarding the RPG7, is that realistic? rock.gif

Well, the M136 cant reload in real life, however it can in ofp, to balance this the RPG-7 which is reloadable was given rounds which take up smaller room, allowing the player to take 3-4, some grenades and a decent amount of magazines, i dont think anyone would really fill up their entire inventory with rpg's when seriously playing a mission, so yes in a way it is realistic, you often see people in conflicts wearing backpacks with 3-4 RPG's stuck in them and still carrying their gun and ammo.

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I meant can a mag which you can put both in your M4 and your M4A1 and they will work so that the M4 will have Burst and not fullauto an vice versa for M4A1.


Not possible.

The fire modes are defined in the mag, and not the weapon, so we can not fix this (game engine issue)

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Quote[/b] ]I meant can a mag which you can put both in your M4 and your M4A1 and they will work so that the M4 will have Burst and not fullauto an vice versa for M4A1.

Nope. The magazine itself is fixed in it's mode. You could possibly code a M4 with different muzzles using different magazines, but that is beyond the scope of JAM.

Quote[/b] ]Getting missing addon msg for bas_repairh.

That's the BAS_repair.pbo

Quote[/b] ]Regarding the RPG7, is that realistic?

10 might be excessive, but if you give the soldier 4-5 magazines for their primary weapon and some RPG's that would be a typical (if light on the magazines) loadout.

Bug reports.

Please read the documentation provided before posting one off snap bug reports. If you think you have a serious bug, then by all means post it up. Having said that we do appreciate all the comments so far. Keep at it! ;)


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Lets us say THANK YOU to BAS team for the damn good job!smile_o.gif

those choppers are really nice (and we may have much fun on it wink_o.gif )

only 1 thing have to say:those SOAR pilots and crews

clothing texture seems to be a little bit too simple in  rock.gif

the old texture is better though................ blues.gif

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im enjoying every little feature of these beuties

one thing.. on the JAM mission Road to Nowhere

how did u get the smoke to apear on damaged tanks and destroyed tanks.. wats the script for doing that?

also with the Soars wats the command to make them have either the visor or NVGs down

and last one how do u make the AI fast rope?

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OK i bored to read all 7 pages of topic so i will ask my question:

BAS WHY you put the AH-64 and AH-1 into your Blackhawks? i have Ah-64 (A) and AH-1 avaliable in West => BAS - Vehicles => AH-64 (A)

for what?rock.gif

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