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The Iraq Thread 2

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I figured you'd say that. wink_o.gif

I find it hard to believe aswell, but it's not just the arabs that accuse Israel.

That's right. Other antisemites are more than happy to swallow this trash up as well.

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You are probably right.But my reply was in connection with an article I picked up from this thread with american soldiers complayning that they had yet to kill iraqis wink_o.gif

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Walker did you see the video of the US soldiers cheering when they killed the Iraq's? mad_o.gif

Did you see the 100's of videos of iraqis cheering when they kill us soldiers

I think they have right to when they are the ones being assaulted.

They have the right to cheer about killing us soldiers? You tell these guys that.l

I just have this ridiclous idea that if my country is attacked I have the right to kill every armed invading soldier I see. Should have we just sat down when the "unstoppable" red army was coming here in 1939 and we had no real allies?

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Well yes of course, maybe bend over a bit and lubricate our private parts biggrin_o.gif

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@ Dec. 14 2003,16:35)]Well yes of course, maybe bend over a bit and lubricate our private parts biggrin_o.gif

I dont think this would be a good resolution for the war in Iraq. rock.gifwink_o.gif

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i love the way people offer opinions on situations that they have never been put into or would never understand

quit watching the news shows; they only show what makes they rating go high

no the facts not propaganda children unclesam.gif

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4,000 Caught Trying to Sneak in From Iraq

M. Ghazanfar Ali Khan, Arab News Staff  


RIYADH, 14 December 2003 — Over 4,000 people were caught trying to enter Saudi territory from Iraq in the past nine months, according Lt. Gen. Talal Mohsen Al-Anqawi, chief of the Border Guards.

The Kingdom shares an 830-km border with Iraq. The main border crossing between the two countries near Arar is currently closed.

“We have foiled many attempts by people who tried to infiltrate into the Kingdom from Iraq and vice versa,†Al-Anqawi told a news agency here yesterday.

A number of laser cameras have been installed along the Saudi-Iraqi border to monitor the movement of people and to detain would-be infiltrators.

He said other Gulf states also stepped up security along their borders.

Al-Anqawi did not specify the nationalities of the infiltrators. He added that border guards also arrested 1,000 smugglers and confiscated three tons of hashish between March and October this year. They also seized a huge cache of arms, ammunitions and explosives at the Iraqi and Yemeni borders.

A report published recently said that a number of terrorists are believed to have infiltrated from across the border areas or are hiding in hostile border territories.

Source: ArabNews

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Iraqi civilian death count halted

Quote[/b] ]BAGHDAD - Iraqi Health Ministry officials ordered a halt to a count of civilian casualties from the war and told workers not to release figures already compiled, the head of the ministry's statistics department told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

The health minister, Dr. Khodeir Abbas, denied that he or the U.S.-led occupation authority had anything to do with the order and said he didn't even know about the survey of deaths, which number in the thousands.

Dr. Nagham Mohsen, the head of the ministry's statistics department, said the order came from the ministry's director of planning, Dr. Nazar Shabandar, who told her it was on behalf of Abbas. She said the U.S.-led Coalition Provisional Authority, which oversees the ministry, didn't like the idea of the count either.

...big surprize, the US. lead Coalition Provisional Authority "didn't like the idea of the count" ghostface.gif

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...big surprize, the US. lead Coalition Provisional Authority "didn't like the idea of the count"  ghostface.gif

sad_o.gif  And the media will ofcourse see it as holding away information from the public, not  crazy_o.gif  Its not at all that this flashes in neon about "civilian deaths are too high"  sad_o.gif

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Saddam Captured :0 :0 :0

Quote[/b] ]


Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has been captured alive in his home town of Tikrit, according to reports.

Sources say the ousted leader was caught in a raid by US forces, backed by Kurdish troops.

There has been no independent verification of the news but Sky New's Foreign Editor Tim Marshall says the source of the news is usually reliable.

British diplomatic sources say a suspect, believed to be Saddam Hussein, is in custody.

The US Defence Department is refusing to confirm the reports, which come from Iraqi Kurd leader Jalal Talabani, says the Iranian news agency IRNA.

IRNA has quoted Talabani as saying: "Americans have said that the arrest will be officially announced in the next few hours."

A press conference has been announced for 12pm GMT.

In Baghdad, a spokeswoman for the US-led operation notified reporters that a "very important" announcement will be made at the press conference. It is not known who the speaker will be.

Downing Street has said Tony Blair, who is spending the weekend at his country retreat Chequers, is aware of the reports.

Hundreds of exultant people have taken to the streets of Kirkuk, firing weapons into the air in celebration.

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wow_o.gifwow_o.gifwow_o.gifwow_o.gifwow_o.gif OMG!

Link to <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/12/14/sprj.irq.main/index.html

" target="_blank">CNN story...</a>

Quote[/b] ]

CNN) -- Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has possibly been captured in a raid near his hometown of Tikrit, U.S. officials say.

However, the officials told CNN on Sunday that the identity of the individual, who was one of a number of suspected insurgents caught, was still being confirmed.

A coalition news conference in Baghdad, scheduled for 1200 GMT (7 a.m. ET), is expected to shed more light on whether the Iraqi leader was captured.

The raid was based on intelligence that Saddam was at a particular location in the area, the officials said.

The former Iraqi leader is number one on the coalition's 55 most wanted list, and his evasion has been a political sore spot for the U.S. administration.

At least a dozen audiotapes believed to have been recorded by Saddam, 66, have been released since he was forced out of power by the coalition forces during the Iraq war. The most recent was broadcast in November.

His sons Uday and Qusay -- also on the coalition's most wanted list -- were killed in July, after U.S. forces stormed their hideout in Mosul.

Initial hopes that their father would soon be found faded in the months following that raid.

Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the commander of U.S. ground forces in Iraq, has been dogged by reporters questioning the status of the search for Saddam.

"It is difficult to find him," Sanchez said, at a press briefing earlier this month. "Given that I haven't found him killed him or captured him, and I need the Iraqi people's help, and together we will find him, we will capture him, we will kill him."

The announcement comes on the same day that 20 people were killed and 32 wounded by a car bomb outside an Iraqi police station west of Baghdad, an Iraqi police officer told CNN.

I hope it's true.

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Allahu Akbar. Now lets just see what the Americans do to him.  unclesam.gif

[Edit] Strange...I woke up at 3am this morning, same time as the arrest.

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It is confirmed that it is the real Saddam Hussein.

I could just see them pulling at his mustache! tounge_o.gif

or his beard  tounge_o.gif

Al Sahaf:

The infidels have not captured Saddam!

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According this this latest wire, they've already confirmed his DNA.

Also says he hid in a basement and dug a holde in the floor and covered himself. The US soldiers had to dig him out.

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It is confirmed now on BBC at a press conference. Saddam is captured. 'We've got him'.

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