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Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

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The two readme errors I spotted were: Wrong "weapon name" for the chair, and wrong name for the FDF_REM870 ammunition.

Thanks to FDFMOD for answering my questions about those quickly in the #finmod channel.

Correct ammunition names for the weapon "FDF_REM870" (these also apply to the Winchester Shotgun ammunition)

FDF_REM870Shell = FDF_REM870Buck

FDF_REM870Ball = FDF_REM870Slug

Correct name for the folded chair:


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We have updated multiplayer mission pack. Now it contains 23 MP missions, mostly coops but few Attack&Defend missions too.


Note that some missions may have briefings in Finnish only.

This mission pack contains following missions:

a&d@ 32 fdf overlord

a&d@ 36 fdf armoured base

a&d@ 40 fdf artillery base

a&d@ 40 fdf supply lines

a&d@ 40 fdf surrounded

co@ 10 fdf strike force

co@ 12 fdf cleaning the enemy airspace

co@ 12 fdf huoltokatkos

co@ 12 fdf paradrop of death

co@ 12 fdf reservists

co@ 14 fdf kahina

co@ 16 fdf hunting the bear

co@ 18 fdf red snow

co@ 20 fdf coast raiders

co@ 20 fdf drop of hope

co@ 20 fdf maskirovka

co@ 24 fdf forest of bludow

co@ 47 fdf lddk retki part1

co@ 6 fdf afternoon surprise

co@ 7 fdf ambush

co@ 8 fdf as an eagle flies

co@ 8 fdf pro patria

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I never got a chance to kill the general, a tank exploding at the beginning did him in.

No molotov cocktails or burn scripts?

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This mod is truly awesome , don't know if this issue has already been mentioned but I request for a small fix with the AI aiming. When they shoot from a distance about 100m and above, they miss their target up to 1 meter above the point where they should normally hit. This is extremely distressful when my teammates spend all their ammunition on one single target and every time they fire the bullet hits above the enemy target almost to the same point. Is this consequence of the increased recoil of the weapons? Otherwise this mod is excellent.

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I was thinking about the mortors. Could you possibly maybe create a symbol as to where the shell landed on the map? Some sort of script that follows the shell and then marks on your map where it landed?

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I will like to see a reference to the scripting code needed to order the fixed MGs and mortars colocation, so Joemissionmaker can create a waypoint for a enemy group in which this enemy group places a Heavy MG or a mortar.

It will be also great for something like this:

-You had a big trigger wich activates when the group detects a enemy vehicle, activated repetedly.

-This trigger activates a code wich makes the group to mount the heavy Mg/mortar/tow.

-whenever the group don´t detect the vehicle, they dismantle the weapon an keep their way.

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This thing had better be good to warrant the amount of time my poor 56k is taking.

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This thing had better be good to warrant the amount of time my poor 56k is taking.

You won't regret it. smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I will like to see a reference to the scripting code needed to order the fixed MGs and mortars colocation, so Joemissionmaker can create a waypoint for a enemy group in which this enemy group places a Heavy MG or a mortar.

Yes that´s what i was looking for also. some examples of 2 soldiers carrying a weapon system, assembling it and using it would be great. Unless we have complete control of the weapon systems via scripting commands they make little use for ai. I´d really liked to have control over that for mission making.

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Finnish and Soviet MiG-21bis flying a 'friendship' flight over the frontier sometime during the Cold War. MiG-21bis fighters were purchased for Finnish Air Force between 1978 and 1986 and they replaced aging MiG-21F-13 fighters dating back to 1963. In March 1998 last MiG-21bis fighters were pulled from FAF service as they were retired along with Saab 35J Drakens, both types being replaced by the versatile F-18C Hornet. MiG-21bis is capable of reaching Mach 2. Typical armament includes GSh-23 cannon, rockets and AA missiles.



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warning, warning, file over 100kb ;)

Oh... and other than that part... it looks great!!

How is this going to be released, another 196MB download or as an addon? smile_o.gif

PS: sorry avon for stealing your robot. i won't steal it again smile_o.gif

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The cockpit... it's beautiful! wow_o.gifwow_o.gifwow_o.gifwow_o.gifwow_o.gif

Great job guys.. love the photo textures smile_o.gif

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That brakechute is also a very nice feature smile_o.gif I don't think it has been done before ...

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Wow, the cockpit is the best I´ve ever seen wow_o.gif

I don´t like the afterburner-style exhaust though, it looks really artificial and symmetric...oh well, it probably looks better ingame.

Keep up the good work! smile_o.gif

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Very nice job on the cockpit(and the whole thing in general!)

That's probably the best cockpit that I've seen for OFP yet.


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perfect work!!

cant wait to see some more wink_o.gif

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Whats the progress status on it ? 99,9999999% ?

The Afterburner effect is great!

The cockpit is Sweet!

And the Textures are fabules!

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