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Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

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I wish someone could make a Mecha Mod. That would be nice.

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Google "Operation Snowstorm"...it's an Arma 2 Mod

I remember Operation Snowstorm... but this is the whole point! What I want, procedural, accumulative snow fall, is so unique to PC gaming that people have a hard time even wrapping their minds around it. Not talking about a "snow" map with crunchy footsteps. Not even talking about a mod that can make a map change from no snow to "snowy" during play... I want something that is not simply *cosmetic*: Snow that falls from the sky, obscuring vision. Snow that lands on surfaces and begins to build up, making roads slippery. Snow that can build up over time into drifts, actually getting deep enough to slow infantry movement (try hiking through snow above your knees) and can even get vehicles mired down (try and push a tank through 100m of 1m+ snow drifts!). Snow that compacts and deforms, leaving trails, footpaths and craters. Water that freezes would be nice, and even avalanche physics (slide off of sloped roofs, tree branches, down mountain sides, etc.) although for starters just having snow that fell from the sky, blew in the wind, accumulated on the ground and deformed according to some simulation of physics would be a great start.

BF doesn't have that. COD doesn't have that. No FPS has ever had it. ARMA could be the first.

This video demonstrates that it is technologically possible and what a detailed simulation might look like: http://youtu.be/seUJsmugI78

This video demonstrates what it might be like in a game like ARMA, and as a proof of concept, that it could be made to work outside of Hollywood:

Edited by Oktyabr

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Well, I just played DayZ SA on a buddy's account for a couple of hours and, as much as I enjoyed it, I must say that I'm a little underwhelmed.

There's a crazy amount of dispersion, ARs are set to full auto (which doesn't help at all) and I have no idea how to change that. Compass has to be equipped and it's quite a PITA to use (maybe good for a survival game, not so much for a military sandbox). Bipods have been requested by a few people here ("it's in DayZ, why can't it be here?"), and unless there's another way that I have no idea about, bipods are deployed from the inventory menu. I personally don't like that, I find it rather awkward. I've a few other gripes that aren't really ArmA-related, but all in all I don't see much in it that I would really like in ArmA3.

I would like a return to the fatigue, but that's a discussion for another place.

Edited by 13isLucky

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My personal wish list:

Functioning copilots. As of right now AI copilots wont take control of the aircraft if the pilot is killed, which kinda takes away the point of a copilot:j: Also, with the Orca, Pawnee and wildcat when the copilot takes over controls he should also take over weapons control since the weapons on said aircraft are controlled by the pilot.

Animated door gunners, since we have animations for static weapons and the M2 on the offroad armed, why not for the gunner positions on the ghost hawk?

Split NATO into multiple nation specific factions, like NATO-US, NATO-UK etc etc. Yes I know that at this moment that would just mean story characters in the UK faction, but who knows maybe it could be fleshed out later;)

Give the T-100 a larger cannon and barrel fired ATGM's. Just doesn't seem right that a Russian designed near future MBT would be "downgraded" to a 120.

End the turret sharing madness! Here would be a reasonable...time consuming but reasonable idea, leave the CSAT turrets and the AAF's Gorgon as is. Change the NATO RCWS turrets to something resembling the CROWS system, while changing the AAF' Strider's to something like whats on the real world Fennechttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Fennek-highres.jpghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:GMGFennek.jpg. Give the NATO Cheetah AA vehicle something more like the LAV-AD turrethttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:LAV-AD_1999_firing_DM-SD-00-02951.JPEG.

As for the M4 Scorcher maybehttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2a/XM1203_Non_Line_of_Sight-Cannon_%28NLOS-C%29.jpg

Add GPMG's for every faction. The FNMAG/M240 would be a pretty good choice for both NATO and AAF because its not going away anytime soon.

Add Aircraft mounted versions of said GPMG's as door guns for the Orca, Wildcat, and Mohawk. Maybe a M3M as well for the Mohawkhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/eb/Royal_Navy_Merlin_Helicopter_MOD_45155806.jpghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/73/British_Provincial_Reconstruction_Team_Visit_Al_Fao%2C_Iraq.jpg

Change the Black Ghost Hawk's designation to MH-80 as it is probably meant to represent a 160th SOAR aircraft thus multimission helicopter, and give the green UH-80 M240's for door guns and a few more cargo seats since its meant to be a standard army transport, and that the Special Operations Variant could be giving up cargo space for operation specific gear or additional communications/electronic warfare equipment?

Change the armament on the Wildcat gunship so its not mirroring the Pawnee. maybe replace the rocket pod/minigun combo on one side with a 20/25mm gunpod of some sort?

Give the Orca gunship a larger gun as well to make up for it only having one. This maybehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yak-B_12.7mm_machine_gunsince it also comes in a gunpod variant.

Also replace the Orca's rocket pot with one from the MI-48, which would give it a larger rocket load. Which also brings me to...

Stop sharing aircraft ordinance between CSAT and NATO. Namely the Miniguns And DAR/DAGR rockets and Scalpel ATGM's.

Make different static weapons for each faction, leave NATO with whats already in game and change the AAF's to oldschool M2 50's and MK 19's or H&K GMG's. As for CSAT there has to be some pretty sweet eastern HMG/GMG weapons available or in the works.

Different UAV's for each faction. Or at least between CSAT and NATO.

Different shoulder fired ATGM's and MANPADS for NATO and CSAT.

Add large transport Helicopters for NATO and CSAT. CH-47 series would be a good choice for NATO, or even a Quad Tilt Rotorhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quad_Tilt_Rotor. Maybe a MI-26 for CSAT.

Change the pawnee and hummingbird's color to black since the only US forces that use anything like the MH-9 are the 160th SOAR and an a few other "select" units, and add a Light Anti-tank variant...mostly for varieties sake, maybe with ATGM's on one pylon and an M230 30mm Autocannon on the other?

Add a "heavy" version of the AH-99 equipped with EFAMS and the additional armament to go with.

And for what almost certainly will not happen but I really wish would:

Replace the Merkava/Slammer, Namer/Panther, and all of it's derivatives with proper American styled equipment. I say "styled" because putting actual modern American equipment in game wouldn't go well with the setting thanks to such things as the Blackfoot, Ghost Hawk, MX Series rifles, Mk 30/32 HMG's and just the general feel of the faction. That Being said there are plenty of projects to draw inspiration fromhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GCV_Infantry_Fighting_Vehicle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusader_Howitzer for example. And in regards to the crusader, it certainly wouldn't be the only cancelled project in game.

And sense they already have their assault rifles and armored vehicles in game, why not add an Israeli faction in game as well.

Along with whatever CAS aircraft that are headed this way for CSAT and NATO I would like to see the AAF gain a better Fighter/Tactical Bomber/CAS aircraft as well. Maybe a F-16 or Mirage 2000. something that could carry more ordinance and have better air to air abilities.

As I said just my personal wish list, few if any of these additions or changes will probably ever happen but a man can always dream right:)

Edited by Odie0351

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anyone else miss Armex from Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead? It would be amazing to have that in Arma 3. It would keep me busy for hours.

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What we really need is a new type of MP mode. I'm sick to death of CTI or domination. What I'd like to see is US being the ones dominated ie.

- we spawn at bases

- enemy units (inf, mech inf, armour, etc) then constantly probe and attack our bases

- this would require us to move our troops around to combat this (and would allow for more attack a/c and artillery support)

- essentially Altis is FILLED with enemy troops with the enemy having a main base somewhere north say, and have to constantly transport vehicles/inf by road to the front lines

Standard dom gameplay gets real boring real fast. Attack here...attack there....rinse and repeat.

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Now, during ADAPT, returned to me a wish, I had from the beginning - option to disable autodeleting any of my saves.

I really want to play without that annoying deletion, when mission is complete. If I want return to certain point of my previous gameplay of already completed mission - I can't. Why? No idea. What reason is behind such irritating solution? If I screw something at the end of such mission, I must go through it from the beginning (there was such cases eariler) or manually backup my current mission saves somewhere.

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I wish to see more gore, it adds immersion. Like having a chance of legs or arms blowing off from explosives and anti-material rifles. I see it's in VBS2 and in Arma 2 there was a mod that could have AI completely blow up from high explosives. It was so wickidely sick to drop an airstrike on a group of guys and see half of them splatter to pieces through my lazer designator zoomed in, blood and body parts in a mist among the bomb/missile particles and smoke.

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I wish to see more gore, it adds immersion. Like having a chance of legs or arms blowing off from explosives and anti-material rifles. I see it's in VBS2 and in Arma 2 there was a mod that could have AI completely blow up from high explosives. It was so wickidely sick to drop an airstrike on a group of guys and see half of them splatter to pieces through my lazer designator zoomed in, blood and body parts in a mist among the bomb/missile particles and smoke.

You seem to have a bit of a problem that needs to be checked...by a specialist that is.

Oh, and having it in VBSx.x has nothing to do with Arma.

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What we really need is a new type of MP mode. I'm sick to death of CTI or domination. What I'd like to see is US being the ones dominated ie.

- we spawn at bases

- enemy units (inf, mech inf, armour, etc) then constantly probe and attack our bases

- this would require us to move our troops around to combat this (and would allow for more attack a/c and artillery support)

- essentially Altis is FILLED with enemy troops with the enemy having a main base somewhere north say, and have to constantly transport vehicles/inf by road to the front lines

Standard dom gameplay gets real boring real fast. Attack here...attack there....rinse and repeat.

OMG, this. THIS! This makes me wish i were a scripting prodigy to create a mode like this.

Also, civi stuff, like the ones they showed in E3 showcases. The patrol trucks had working strobe lights just like the boats do now. Civilian heli's (different kinds) like a gyrocopter. Civi aircraft (Not cessna's, their too common) like an RV-7.

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If you are talking about a cinematic camera, there already is one in the game. In the mission editor I believe. However, if you are talking about a RTS mod/RTS camera mod, it would be "possible", but I seriously doubt anyone would make anything like that. Arma is supposed to be a FPS mil-sim, not a 3rd person RTS, aside from that, the PC that would be used to zoom that far out would probably crash and burn. You are talking about 270 square kilometers of Altis.

Edited by RedRyder

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You are talking about 270 square kilometers of Altis.

I can render Altis with 30k viewdistance on a gt620 just fine. Only object distance is a fps killer.

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Wish that I could post a thread.... So that I can find out what's wrong with my game. But I don't have the option to start a thread.

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You seem to have a bit of a problem that needs to be checked...by a specialist that is.

Oh, and having it in VBSx.x has nothing to do with Arma.

How does he have a problem? There are mods that do this and many games do this. He seems to describe unrealistically intense blood effects though.

The problem is not that people don't want this as an option. This would cause issues with the current games rating though and regional restrictions.

Edited by ProGamer

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How does he have a problem? There are mods that do this and many games do this. He seems to describe unrealistically intense blood effects though.

The problem is not that people don't want this as an option. This would cause issues with the current games rating though and regional restrictions.

Oh, it is you again...FPDR

But he has a problem if he thinks that more gore brings immersion and that is "wickedly sick" (which here replaces "awesome", and has a positive connotation) to see limbs and gore and blood splatter on your screen.

I don't care other games have it. And i personally don't care about regional restrictions either. BI already stated, several times now: 1. they won't add gore. 2. they won't add children.

What is there to talk about?

Stop talking in the name of "people" please.

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Happy to be alone on this but i'd like to see screen water effects when in moving assault boats, I know it's probably cheesy but I think it will help the immersion greatly... I was imagining small droplets close to the sides and moving to the edges as it would on a car windscreen on rainy day, or anything else the would reinforce the feeling of moving over water fast.

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Am I the only one who would like to see the CSAT recon units using the same color pattern as the pilots? Just cant help thinking that coloring would look better on them:o

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Not sure, if any chances for that, but I anyway would wish to get:

- command similar to entities giving as fast return of all (pre-placed on map or not) objects of given class, working not only with entities.

- AllMapMarkers script command should return also markers pre-placed (built-in) on map. With option to filter certain types of markers (similar to nearObjects or entities). As switchable option/alternate mode or by adding new command for that.

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How about casings that stay on the ground. This has already happened with the .50s and the AH-9s, and I wouldn't mind having that with small arms.

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Can we see +1 bullet in a barrel after tactical reload ? Why this feature is not still released?

Thnx for reply.

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I'd like to see consideration of an official add-on dealing with African operations, desert and jungle like environments, and probable emphasis of French/Foreign Legion military. Since there's an awful lot of low level conflict in the Sub-Sahara (Central African Republic, Mali, Somalia, Niger).

Perfect enviro; competition over resources; endless wastes; lousy terrain.

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The game currently lacks general purpose machine guns needed for a weapons squad. Each faction's light machine gun gets carried over to the weapons squad and it just doesn't look right. CSAT's Zafir needs to be carried over to their Weapons squad and a new 6.5mm SAW needs to be adapted for their fire teams (the best solution is to make a longer barreled and bipoded version of the Katiba). NATO, AAF, and FIA need 7.62mm medium machine guns ASAP. The Zafir is modeled after the IMI Negev so I see no problem using GPMGs such as the HK121, Deawoo's K12, and the PKP Pecheneg as potential contenders as included medium machine guns.

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Zeus petition:

I don't know where I post this.

Impersonate actión: Add to the GM the impersonate every single unit or some created by him to speak with the player, to create more complex missions in Zeus

Roll dice: Add an option to make roll dice (1D10, 1D4, ... etc) to create a full D&D enviroment.

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@ Jagdtiger74 [stryder Camera moving up and down]

Yeah this could be an easy option via the action menu, sounds great

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I would love two things for this super-awesome game:

1 - a way to select grenades I throw and

2 - the tooltips in the editor working.

I love the editor but man, it is difficult for a noob like me.

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