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About azrink

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    Private First Class

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  1. azrink

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi Vdauphin Our group has been using H&M Missions since its 1st developed by giallustio and later by you. The missions has evolved and thank you very much for keep updating the missions. I have a questions, I am curious if it is possible to add 3 factions Blufor, Opfor, & Independent in the H&M missions and if possible, I appreciate if you could guide us on how to do it. I believe I saw someone asked the same questions years ago in this thread but can't trace the post. I appreciate the guide. AzrinK
  2. azrink

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    HI JD Wang I think I can help you because our group have played and edited the H&M mission for Lythium. To allow AI to spawn & have way point in a bigger radius: Edit This File - https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master_stable/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/city/activate.sqf Edit this Line line 22: "private _radius = (_radius_x + _radius_y)/2;" to "private _radius = (_radius_x + _radius_y)*2;" "*2" - you may also multiple it to *3 or *4. The bigger the number the bigger radius / way point the Ai will patrol/ spawn Wider Trigger Area: Edit This File: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master_stable/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/def/param.hpp Edit Line 262 & 264 class btc_p_city_radius { // Spawn city radius offset: title = __EVAL(format [" %1", localize "STR_BTC_HAM_PARAM_OTHER_SPAWNRAD"]); values[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,"add bigger value here"}; texts[]={"0 m","100 m","200 m",$STR_BTC_HAM_PARAM_OTHER_SPAWNRAD_DEF,"400 m","500 m (Takistan)","600 m","700 m","800 m"}; // texts[]={"0 m","100 m","200 m","300 m","400 m","500 m (Takistan)","600 m","700 m","800 m","Add Bigger Value Here"}; default = 3 (Change default value to custom value line 262) ; EXAMPLE class btc_p_city_radius { // Spawn city radius offset: title = __EVAL(format [" %1", localize "STR_BTC_HAM_PARAM_OTHER_SPAWNRAD"]); values[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,12}; texts[]={"0 m","100 m","200 m",$STR_BTC_HAM_PARAM_OTHER_SPAWNRAD_DEF,"400 m","500 m (Takistan)","600 m","700 m","800 m"}; // texts[]={"0 m","100 m","200 m","300 m","400 m","500 m (Takistan)","600 m","700 m","800 m","1200 m"}; default = 12; Regards Azrin
  3. azrink

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Dear Vdauphin I have add 4 custom objective in Terrain Prei Khmaoch Luong to populate more the Map. I can see the custom objective in debug (Green/Red) when ingame. However, when I enter the Custom Objective area to trigger the zone, neither Civi nor Enemy AI Triggered. Could you advice me on this matter. Thank You
  4. azrink

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi Vdauphin I wish to know if there is a way to make H&M without the needing ACE.
  5. azrink

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi everyone I have been using VCOM AI Script version with H&M Modded Version since earlier this year. The script work well with H&M. Only thing I did to make full use of VCOM AI Script in H&M is by turning of the H&M AI Skill in the Parameter. I hope this help others Best Regards Azrin
  6. azrink

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi Vdauphin I have manage to create the custom location above as per your advise successfully. However when I went into the custom location to activate the area, The AI didn't spawn. The ingame marker for the custom location shows example: "loc_25 Mountain 1 NameVillage - [true] - [empty]. Yes, some of the custom area did not have object nor building in it. If I want to force AI to spawn in that custom location, What should I do? Best Regards
  7. azrink

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Thank You Vdauphin. Will test this tonight when I get home from work Bye Bye
  8. azrink

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi Vdauphin I have created custom Hearts & Minds mission in Prei Khmaoch Luong Map in Cambodia. Everyhing is good. I have add in 3 custom location in "Define_Mod.sqm", However only 1 custom location is created when I load up the mission, while the 2 custom location that I have created did not appear. May I know what could be the cause and how to mitigate this issue? Below are the custom location that I have add in the "Define_Mod.sqm" and only Custom Location in "Blue Font" generated ingame. btc_custom_loc = [ //EXAMPLE: [[13132.8,3315.07,0.00128174],"NameVillage","Mountain 1",800,800,true] ]; btc_custom_loc = [ [[5278,933.486,95.536],"Kampung Bunian","Mountain 1",600,600,true] ]; btc_custom_loc = [ [[6107.78,6735.1,181.26],"FOB Ayam Emas","Mountain 3",500,500,true] ]; btc_custom_loc = [ [[545.14,3141.56,175.555],"Kampung Durian Tiga Batang","Mountain 2",500,500,true] ]; btc_city_blacklist pushBack "Tonle Teuktnaot",; btc_city_blacklist pushBack "OP Pyle",; btc_city_blacklist pushBack "Phoumi moattonle",; Your guide is highly appreciated. Regards
  9. azrink

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi Login as admin and Open Ace Self Interaction UI and you will see "Database" There is option to Save & Delete Azrin
  10. azrink

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi Vdauphin Please Ignore my above post Vdauphin. I Found my old post that is related to my above question. Aside Thanks @lordprimate for the suggestion. Best Regards Azrin
  11. azrink

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi Vdauphin I wish to increase the CQB element in the H&M mission. I mean increase AI probability in town and inside a building. Can you show me how to do it? Thank You Azrin
  12. azrink

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi Vdauphin We have tested the mission in our dedicated server with the changes made by you. The mission works great. It reduces the lag a lot. If I want to exclude "Helicopter" to the list, Isit ok if I edit the code like below? Be advise I am not good at all at code editing setTriggerActivation[str(btc_player_side),"PRESENT",true]; _trigger setTriggerStatements ["this && !btc_db_is_saving && (false in (thisList apply {_x isKindOf 'Plane,Helicopters'}))", format ["[%1] spawn btc_fnc_city_activate",_id], format ["[%1] spawn btc_fnc_city_de_activate",_id]]; Be informed currently I have change all unit to CUP Vehicle & CUP Weapon & CUP unit. The OPFOR is mixed of Vanilla with CUP Vehicle and Weapon. Best Regards
  13. azrink

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi Vdauphin Is there a way to disable Plane/Helicopter (Air Unit) from triggering/spawning AI when they fly over areas? (I.e: Village, Town, Hill,City etc.). Currently I have edit the H&M mission to have CAS A10. The problem is, when our pilot fly to a place or orbiting an area, flying from Air Base to the AO, as it fly over areas, it will trigger/Spawn AI on the ground. This cause stuttering and give heavy load to the server. If there is option to disable Plane from triggering AI on the ground please guide me how to do it. If the Option is not available, Can you consider implementing it in the next update? We have been playing H&M since its 1st release and been playing it almost every week. For me it is the best mission out there and highly recommended. Those who love MSO & AliVE will love H&M too. Keep up the great work.
  14. azrink

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi Vdauphin Is there a height parameter that I can set to limit AI to trigger/spawn on the ground? This will be very useful for mission maker who put in Plane/Helicopter. Your advice is much appreciated. Best Regards
  15. azrink

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi Login into server as Admin. Open ACE Self Interaction Menu, Look for "Save Database" and safe from there. Hope this helps