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Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

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In ArmA 2, modders have the capability to switch textures based on conditions and add new animations. I think that it might be possible do make a watch that changes depending on what time it is, and an animation to show the player a the avatar's watch currently.

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If the new animation system is capable of it, then I'm sure a simple linear transform from whatever the arm is currently doing to "watch position" & back again would be fine. But, I reckon that'd make the compass observation an animated procedure too, probably a two-handed one and similar in effect to using binoculars i.e. It becomes your temporary function alone. To be honest I'm fine with the current system, it doesn't take me out of the game and it's often usefull to double-tap either the watch or compass & have it dispayed while you need it.

---------- Post added at 10:35 ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 ----------

In ArmA 2, modders have the capability to switch textures based on conditions and add new animations. I think that it might be possible do make a watch that changes depending on what time it is, and an animation to show the player a the avatar's watch currently.

I would have said the watch face is more than a texture, I should say that it's an animated object. Or, it may be one texture and 3 animated objects. But either way, I re kon it could be attached to a wrist during an "observe watch" animation then discarded again after use similar to the current method. However, I'd be concerned with its onscreen size, I like the fact that when you look at the watch currently, it displays at a size that's easy to read. I might wish to have the ability to display it around the screen where I wish though :)

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I would have said the watch face is more than a texture, I should say that it's an animated object.

I think we were talking about a digital watch. For that all you would need is like 10 small textures of digits, applied to various poly planes, and updated everytime you check the watch... although, I suppose that players might wish to be able to tell the seconds to synchronize their actions and such.

Edited by Max Power

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I'm just curious if BIS can get A3 AI's working together (incl. animations) eg for reloading AT/AA weapon, resupplying machinegunners/static weapon gunner with ammo, covering a medic/corpsman? Or will we see only group/squad based action again?

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good think Max, its posible now too, change textures on selections with time scripts, but very hard to realise...

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good think Max, its posible now too, change textures on selections with time scripts, but very hard to realise...

Very hard You say? :icon_twisted:

while {XY} do
_clock_hour10 = floor ((date select 3)/10);
_textureName = format ["XxX\num%1_ca.paa", _clock_hour10];
_textureName = format [_textureName];
_this setObjectTexture [1, _textureName];

_clock_hour = ((date select 3)-(_clock_hour10*10));
_textureName = format ["XxX\num%1_ca.paa", _clock_hour];
_this setObjectTexture [2, _textureName];

_clock_minute10 = floor ((date select 4)/10);
_textureName = format ["XxX\num%1_ca.paa", _clock_minute10];
_this setObjectTexture [3, _textureName];

_clock_minute = ((date select 4)-(_clock_minute10*10));
_textureName = format ["XxX\num%1_ca.paa", _clock_minute];
_this setObjectTexture [4, _textureName];

sleep X;

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Hmm, not eazy, for good work need to sync current real time on server and time on client each tick :)

but with simple 'while do' and 'case' tricks have chanse to see this in game, but its be hard script for MP ;)

Pettka, you asking me about this, hmm, interesting... :) BIS looking for a additional creative manpower, np guys :)?! Make it in A3 and show us how its posible, please :), (with seconds) and be good to mix it with compass (player can switch between on display - show azimut in digits):), Its be great to have a digital clock on hand, or if human template models have a proxy point for this (addon makers can costumize it and make poresonal advanced models)


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ur eyes already do depth of field. get a bigger screen.

It's not even remotely the same thing, it's about a new way of rendering grass, has nothing to do with how your eyes interpret depth IRL.

Edited by Minoza

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Wee see in Arma 3 the Merkava Tanks but nothing about Isreal ,we see Turkey but nothing about his Army & Co. !

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I almost forgot:

It'd be nice to finally have functional scopes before ACE comes out.

Did you know that all these dots and lines are actually there for a reason? Incredible. :rolleyes:

Agreed, it's almost always faster to range with scopes instead of getting out a rangefinder. Maybe not so much with mildots but it'd still be good for these to be accurate, especially if we start the campaign with little equipment and a rangefinder might not even be available.

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Well arma 3 sniper scopes has rangefinder in them , so you automatically see the range where you aiming with it

Edited by RobertHammer

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Combine Stratis and Limnos since they are only 10k's away.... and put a carrier in the place between them for carrier ops!.

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The idea of making both the maps on the same level just separated by the 30km of ocean sounds awesome!! :D

Putting a carrier a few miles out from the coast would be awesome too!

The addition of rotor static when using NVG's is awesome, Arma can definitely use more fancy particle details.

Edited by Flash Thunder

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Having Limnos and Stratis on the same map would be phenomenal.

Maybe they could be configed together with Stratis being X,Y meters away from Lemnos and there be the procedural terrain in between so they can use different height and sat maps while still in the same game world.

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Well in the new trailer it says Stratis is 30km Southwest of Limnos so 30km of ocean would be separating the two, BIS MAKE IT SO!

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Glad you guys liked the idea... Be cool if the carrier in-between had a catapult system for jets to take off :P... 30k's in arma 2 would take like 10 minutes in arma 2 so it would make it super realistic in regards to infill exfill via chopper

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Glad you guys liked the idea... Be cool if the carrier in-between had a catapult system for jets to take off :P... 30k's in arma 2 would take like 10 minutes in arma 2 so it would make it super realistic in regards to infill exfill via chopper

Make for some pretty fucking cool intros to missions *drools*

Also doing a HAHO out a C-130 and landing on either Limnos or Stratis would be siiiick!

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Of course and the enemy can crash the carrier with its own force or artillery/missiles.... guess some are playing too much CoD/BF and/or taking action flicks serious. :rolleyes:

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Be cool if we could take the battle to sea with battleships and stuff and you need say 15 people to use the ship to its full potential

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Rank Reward System In Multiplayer on Internet

Note: This system i aimed on "DominationA2! By Xeno"

And Bohemia Interctive sence its not possible to make in Arma2.



I thought a long time about how you can improve a game and make it more realistic and fun for everyone.

This is what i think would be good.

First There should be 13 diffrent Ranks.


1.Recruit (By Complete the Training Grounds You Will Reatch Next Rank)

2.Private (Here you start to get Experience points, When you reatch 200 Points you will reatch a new rank)

3.Private First Class (When you reatch 400 Points you will reatch a new rank)

4.Corporal (When you reatch 800 Points you will reatch a new rank)

5.Sergent (When you reatch 1,200 Points you will reatch a new rank)

6.Sergent first class (When you reatch 1,600 Points you will reatch a new rank)

7.Master Sergent (When you reatch 2,000 Points you will reatch a new rank)

8.Sergent Major (When you reatch 2,400 Points you will reatch a new rank)

9.Command Sergent (When you reatch 2,800 Points you will reatch a new rank)

10.Colonel (When you reatch 3,200 Points you will reatch a new rank)

11.Lieutanent Colonel (When you reatch 3,600 Points you will reatch a new rank)

12.Major Lieutanent Colonel (When you reatch 4,000 Points you will reatch a new rank)

13.Captain Major Lieutanent Colonel (When you reatch 4,400 Points you will reatch a new rank)


You will be given diffrent stuff wile you grow into new ranks,like new looks on your avatar, sunglasses to your ingame characters,diffrent skins nothing that will make you use new stuff ingame but still somthing, This way it will be fair for everyone. and you will be able to join game that have a specfic rank required to join it.

1.Recruits cannot join any multiplayer online games from he/she completes the tutorial this will provent a team from getting an unexperienced player to the game and also it shows the new player that he have to start from the botton.

You get points by:


1. Doing your job.


All: Can Get points for capturing Camps,Completing Missions/Completing Sidemissions/Destroying and killing Hostiles/

First Artillery SF Operator And Rescue and Secound Artillery SF Operator And Rescue : Also Gets points for killing Hostiles with artillery inside AO.

Team Leaders: Also Gets points for lasermarking enemy vehicles when they gets destroyed and when they spot hostiles with thier binocular.

Snipers: Get extra points for killing hostiles with diffrent types off Sniper Rifles.

Soldiers: Get Extra points when they kill enemys at close range

At Soliders: Get extra points for destroying enemy vehicles with Anti tank weapons.

MG Gunner: Get extra points for killing hostiles with diffrent types off Mashine Guns and using MG nests.

Medic: Get extra points for healing and rescueing team members.

Demolition: Get extra points for killing hostiles and vehicles with mines and charges

Enginers: Get extra points when they repair vehicles and collect wreaks outside base range.

Pilots: Get extra points for killing hostiles using helicopters and Planes.

This means when you pick a class and do your job you will be rewarded.

2. Get Diffrent Ashivements Like.


BLOW THEM UP! = Kill a enemy car with 5 or more crew members in it.

One shot One Kill! = Kill an enemy vehicle driver from 600m or more.

Warhero! = Kill 10 enemys in less then 1 minute from your first kill

Here i am! = Kill an enemy in less then 10 secounds when you retch the ground from a parasute.

Look his smoking! = Kill an enemy who is not inside a vehicle with an heatseaking missile.

Works in a hospital! = Save 5 team mates in minute after the first rescue.

No thanks, I prefere walking! = Walk 10,000 meters without stoping.

Here is your tank! = Transport a tank to the exact middle of the AO wile its still a hotzone.

I will survive! = Survive inside a hotzone for 10 minutes without leaving it.

My feet hurts! = Crowl around inside the ao for 5 minute without standing up.

Bad aim man! = get shot by an hostile and kill him within 10 secounds from he hits you.

I dont need my rifle! = kill 5 hostiles using a pistol.

And stuff like that will also reward you experience points. This is a fun way to find yourself and your class and something to do if you want to get experience points by a diffrent way.

3. Be an active player.


After a wile If you stay inside a hotzone,move,shots and sutch you will genate a small amount off experience points.

This is a really good way to make a player move around and actuslly do what they are supose to do on map.

4. Play the singleplayer campain.


By completing the singleplayer campain/mission you will be given experience points

This was 4 diffrent ways how you can could gain experience points, But you can also lose them.

By doing following you will lose experience points.


There are 3 steps.

(High Thret)

This type of thret will be loged in your "High Thret list". and anyone at anytime can see the date and what you got reported for.

(Medium Thret)

This type of thret will be loged into your "Medium thret list". and anyone can see the date and what you got reported for.

(Low Thret)

This type of thret is not loged. it will only make you lose experience points,Get kicked or in worst chase banned from selected servers.

They all resault in a lost of experience points in diffrent ways.



§1. Team killing (High Thret) :, If you kill a firendly player you will lose alot of experience points. After 5 friendly kills you will be kicked. if it contine you will also be banned from the selected server.

§2. AFK abuse (Medium Thret): Standing still someware on the map starting at 5 minute will start to drain some of your experience/per s , at 15 minute you will be kicked.

§3. Destroy Vehicles (Low Thret): Crash a vehicle will result that you lose some experience points. (Less experience depending on how far from the base)

§4.1 unnecessary Fire units (Low thret): Fire at or inside base as player Eatch shot will resault in a small amount of experience points goes away (Bigger gun more experience waste). 15 shots in base will resualt in a kick (3 with big shots).

§4.2 unnecessary Fire vehicles (Low thret): Fire at or inside base with diffrent types off vehicles will make you lose a small amount of experience points. 3 Shots will resault in a kick.

§5.1 Chat Abuse Text (High thret) curse,thret,religion,sex,race resault in chat will be cencured and you will also lose experience points for using them. Spamm resualts in a lost of experience points and you will not be able to speak agian for 5 minutes.

This can also make you kicked and or banned.

§5.2 Chat abuse Voice (High thret) Same as "§5.1" You can be kicked and or banned for not following rules also a lose of experience points will come here.

.. and so on

What is this good for?


Its good for people that wants to take a game seriusly by letting everyone get a log you can also provent a game from getting a frod into it that most likly will ruin the game for everyone in it.

This system will also allow players to have something to win on playing the game often.

This also shows players whats right and whats wrong.

I hope you like my ideas

and so sorry for bad grammar/spelling.

Thank you.

How'd you skip 2nd and 1st Lieutenant, Captain, Major, and Lt Colonel? And who's rank system is that? Never heard of a Captain Major Lieutenant Colonel. They should just do anglophone ranks:


2nd Lieutenant, Lieutenant/1st Lieutenant, Captain, Major/Commandant, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, Brigadier General, Major General, Lieutenant General, General.

But, honestly, your suggestion sounds too arcadey, and focused on points. And, achievements? Not trying to say your suggestion is like COD, but it very much seems too arcadey. I'm sure if a mp mission maker wants to pickit up they can, but BIS probably won't make it.

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I can imagine Warfare mode in one map with Stratis and Limnos together... Both factions raiding each other's island, trying to capture the carrier in the middle for aircraft refueling/rearming...

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Stratis and Limnos its separate maps as Takistan and Zargabad, but if it be merged, its wold be great! :)

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I can imagine Warfare mode in one map with Stratis and Limnos together... Both factions raiding each other's island, trying to capture the carrier in the middle for aircraft refueling/rearming...

That sounds truly amazing

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Will it be possible to create a ambush script for co-op missions in ARMA3?

Basic proposal - a Blufor foot patrol enters a trigger zone, this triggers ambushing Opfor units to suddenly lean around corners or pop up from behind walls and fire at the foot patrol, then quickly lean back/duck down behind cover for a few seconds, and repeat the cycle until the Blufor units have all been killed or have escaped from the trigger zone.

I know it would require painstaking work choosing exact positions for ambushing units because they need to be completely hidden behind cover until they lean out or pop up, I am more than willing to spend the time because I enjoy playing in the editor. My main concern is finding out if it's even possible to create such a ambush script where the AI leans out or pops up from behind cover, or am I dreaming?

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Panzerbuchse 38 (PzB 38)

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why would BIS implement WW2 -> Vietam equipment in a WW3 (2035) scenario?

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