tortuosit 486 Posted August 18, 2016 OK guys, here's what I was wondering. I see, at the current day, there is super much love for Chernarus, as there was for Sahrani. I think, Altis does not have as much love yet. Too early to say anything about Tanoa I think. But will Altis have the love Chernarus now has... If, maybe in 10 years, or when we are old, we think back? I'm thinking: Yes it will. Because, the main point for "love" is independent of the maps features: We played the s**t out of those maps, experienced so many situations there... When we are old we will positively think about it. When I play different maps, after a while of absence, I start missing Altis and neeeeeed to go back there. Thoughts? Sorry for the emotional trip, I just feel after the 90s (Lands of Lore - Throne of Chaos, later Myst/Riven) I had and have my best gaming time with ArmA and for whatever reason I love the BIS maps. Cheers 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
veles-zv 176 Posted August 18, 2016 i dont know maybe... i think the map is okay, people like sahrani because for one it felt bigger then what it really was, 2 it had diverse biomes from desert, flat lands with greenery, urban, mountain and lastly the sea . altas is much bigger, very dry looking which is true in real life during the summer and i think this is why people somewhat dislike the map because its pretty much one giant biome and everyone with a few land marks also they has been playing the same map since the game final release. to me all maps are good. I hate when I am playing a game like Ro2 and everyone selects grain elevator... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
infrareddimming 195 Posted August 18, 2016 I love Altis and Tanoa, moreso than any previous map released in the franchise. The reason is quite simple really. Every new Arma game brings higher fidelity islands to the table. With Arma III BIS reached an unprecedented level of detail on both micro and macro levels. Ironically, the game looks at its worst at the 'medium distance' level. Looking at you midrange textures. Hopefully they'll work on increasing the view/draw distance now. War Thunder has left me kinda spoiled in that regard. If I'm completely honest I dislike all the islands pre Arma II due to lack of proper satmap textures, which makes the islands look horrible when viewed from above. Furthermore, the older islands tend to suffer from a GTA syndrome. I.e. trying to hard to make every inch of the map interesting, which ends up significantly lowering the overal realism factor. It simply doesn't work in Arma (unlike GTA itself). Unfortunately many user made islands also suffer from this flaw. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
angel24marin 34 Posted August 18, 2016 I like Altis, more than Cherno. (Didn't played ArmA 2). Especially since I play Antistatic campaign. Many people played a lot in Cherno and as it is little, they played in the same places so all the map is familiar and for that reason nostalgic hit hard. In Altis this is harder as is more big. (Recently discovered in the editor 2 new Outpost that I have never visited before XD) PD: I live in Spain that have the same Mediterranean bioma and is nicely represented. Sometimes I don't know if some ambient sounds like cicadas are the game or the ravine next to my window. BIS, please, next time do a cold bioma like artic, tundra, mountain or fjords. Because while playing in summer inside of my house it transmit the same 40 degrees of heat that is outside! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silentghoust 132 Posted August 18, 2016 I think Altis was simply to big for people to take in all at once. The map can look very stale if your just flying to one location to another. Unique areas like NW woods, Hotel complex, and other places are pretty well tucked away. I like Tanoa because it's the most diverse map I seen BI make so far. Everything in it looks so alive even when people are not present. I mean you can hear the air conditioning units running on the apartments.I loved Chern, but I would rather pay DLC if it met Bi updates it graphic wise. I don't know if people can edit it in the map editor but that would be one project I would gladly work on. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rich_R 1087 Posted August 18, 2016 I personally have Altis and Tanoa at the top of my map favorites. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy both Chernarus and Takistan, but as mentioned in a post above, the detail and quality of Altis and Tanoa bring so much to gameplay they are simply amazing. The reason Chernarus enjoys the love it does IMO, its one of the best woodland maps out there to play out European military scenarios. As its an older map, everyone is pretty much guaranteed to enjoy great performance on it making the terrain perfect for groups. As for the maps that predate Arma 2, as BI continues to improves the vanilla terrains, I tend to spend less time on the really old one, especially when including community terrains. But the beauty of the Arma world BI created, we can have it all, only limited by enthusiasm and space on our hard drives! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted August 19, 2016 I have noticed that it do takes some time for me to really like new terrains. It's probably due to all good memories from older maps. One thing though that do make a difference for me is when the maps are from the same/similar biotope that myself, then I like them more. The two examples are Everon and North Sahrani. In the pine forests of Sahrani my brain even add the scents because it's so familiar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zukov 490 Posted August 20, 2016 a Saharani porting with the new arma 3 features will be fantastic! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roberthammer 582 Posted August 20, 2016 Cherno is loved so much because it was the Dayz mod , for me Altis is rather dull and uninteresting it is a ok map but not my fav at all , Tanoa is much better and really nice similar case with Lingor I still like the Sahrani the most , because it combines types of terrain and those placements were excellent Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the1krisrob 67 Posted August 24, 2016 I'm honestly sick of Chernarus and never really saw the appeal. To me it's ARMA's version of the famous de_dust map in CS. Everyone liked it and played the hell out of, but now I never want to see it again. My 2 favourite ARMA maps would have to be Altis and Takistan. Altis is so varied, when I hear people saying they're sick of it and it's all the same I know they probably play the same dreary missions over and over. I enjoy mission making and playing around in the editor, and no other map gives you the flexibility to create so many different atmospheres. From the marsh lands, to the dry lake bed, the hilly tree covered areas in the NW and the dense city of Kavala. Even a couple of tiny islands that are great for small missions. I honestly find it hard to believe that people who think it's dull have really explored all the "nooks and crannies" Altis has to offer. Takistan is my other favourite map. I just enjoy that Middle Eastern setting, it runs really well, you have a choice of 2 airbases at opposite ends on the map for good balance. It's probably no coincidence that those 2 maps also feature like 90% enterable buildings either. Tanoa I just can't get into yet. Don't get me wrong the jungles are amazing, the towns look good, but just because of the style of mission I like to play, having buildings I can't enter hurts. Plus I tend to prefer the more arid settings of Altis and Takistan. All that green is just too much for me haha. However one thing I think that really lets it down is the game AI. Having a whole bunch of islands is cool and has potential for some amazing missions, except the AI have no idea how to get from one to another without trying to swim like idiots.Don't get me wrong I think Tanoa is a good map, and I get why some people would say it's the best map BI have created, but just for me it just doesn't suit my play style or the atmosphere I like in missions. That's really what it all comes down to. The type of missions people enjoy playing and whether the map suits those missions. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lexx 1412 Posted August 24, 2016 Agreeing with Altis. It has so many cool and unique looking places, I can't take it serious if someone says the map looks all the same and copy&paste. Even today I occasionally find new places where I'd love to make a new mission for, just to show off the location + backdrop. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joostsidy 685 Posted August 24, 2016 I'm also a fan of Altis. It has some really nice emergent features. For instance, some terrain can look a bit dull on the ground, but very interesting from the sky and the other way around: you're flying over seemingly flat and empty terrain, but when you land and walk aroud, all kinds of nice terrain details appears. Not only is this realistic, it can also has gameplay value, where you have to learn to read the terrain. Even though Stratis is small, I like this Island very much as well and spent many hours on it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major_barnes1987 33 Posted August 24, 2016 The fact that the terrains are somewhat detailed copies of real places is even more interesting.And the small things on it give you strategic ways and tactics to use.Most of you know that Altis is based on an island in Greece(my country) called Limnos,so it has a certain special value for me.Even though i live far inland i recognise the architecture,the trees,the roadsigns are all common in this country.I recall my time in the army(hitch),the weather conditions,the smells. That doesn't mean i don't love the other terrains made by BI.I still feel the cold and the dark of Cherno.The heat and dust of Takistan.Tanoa on the other hand is B.I.s masterpiece.Even though i hate the jungles so much,i like the water element and i hope to see proper naval warfare scenarios on the island. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 20 Posted August 25, 2016 Hello there Im a huge fan of Chernarus and Saharhanianiani (however it's spelt! I always get it wrong), Takistan etc.. Mainly, because of my first real gaming experiences on such a grand scale, especially in MP. (same with the OFP terrains) I think Alits isn't as "loved" as it was perhaps too similar to Stratis? or was a bit "brown" and therefore a little too similar to Takistan? Alits is a superb bit of work but I personally don't have the same affinity with it as the other "islands". I can't put my finger on it as to why. Tanoa, I think, is superb and is a current favourite, again I cant say why, but I was was also a Lingor fan. Perhaps that's it. *If* some superb mission or "gamemode" comes to the fore and is an Altis exclusive, then I think, we will see the love grow, as experiences will be had. Rgds LoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
angel24marin 34 Posted August 25, 2016 I'm having nice experiences in the North West of Altis in Antistatic campaign. The terrain help to develop guerrilla strategies and performance raids to the adjacent terrains. (Very similar to the said by the Vanilla campaing) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted August 26, 2016 As much as this topic is about Arma1 plus islands. I prefer the Cold War Crisis islands - Nogova, Everon and Malden :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tortuosit 486 Posted August 27, 2016 Tanoa will take some time for me. In a way I love it. But even though a lot happened in the rendering and FPS department, it's of course more difficult than Altis/Taki etc... I had some problems with the buildings, which looked unnatural to me. A bit comic like. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mirek 166 Posted August 30, 2016 Tried all the maps, arma ones and comunity created ones. Chernarus is the best, then Clafgan, then Taviana, then Altis. (except Tanoa but thats tropical map and iam not interested in tropical maps. They are too different from European terrains) I would definitely like to see map size of altis, with the ammount of enterable buildings altis has, and big cities, but with dense forrests, and with Mid/east european architecture, and enviroment. Ok basicaly i want bigger chernarus with enterable buildings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites