commy2 188 Posted April 30, 2016 would it be possible to use the function to save and load gear into and from an array in our mod without the need of ACE3 ? No need to. They will be deprecated soon anyway. Checkout these: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tebbbs 33 Posted April 30, 2016 oh thanks a lot for the hint commy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Valken 623 Posted May 1, 2016 I just wanted to say I love ACE3 and it really brought me back to ARMA3 from ARMA2/CO with ACE. Playing around with different mods I noticed something weird: Many gun addons do not have the same ballistics specifications and I am not sure is it mod specific or if it requires ACE compatibility. For example I load up ACE3, CUP weapons with ACE compatibility and another weapons mod with similar weapons like RHS or Robert Hammer Guns, and I check it in Virtual Arsenal, the specs are off - such as accuracy and stopping power. Is there way to force all similar class guns or similar ammo requirements to unify their ballistic specs? or is do we need to ask the authors to inherit ACE or create ACE patches to match up all guns? Kinda weird if 2 1911 have different values when the biggest difference is mainly model detail and texturing. If there is a tutorial to help inherit or align weapons specs that would be great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
commy2 188 Posted May 1, 2016 ... Those statistics have nothing to do with ACE. You'll have to ask the content creators about this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irving_mainway 105 Posted May 1, 2016 I just wanted to say I love ACE3 and it really brought me back to ARMA3 from ARMA2/CO with ACE. Playing around with different mods I noticed something weird: Many gun addons do not have the same ballistics specifications and I am not sure is it mod specific or if it requires ACE compatibility. For example I load up ACE3, CUP weapons with ACE compatibility and another weapons mod with similar weapons like RHS or Robert Hammer Guns, and I check it in Virtual Arsenal, the specs are off - such as accuracy and stopping power. Is there way to force all similar class guns or similar ammo requirements to unify their ballistic specs? or is do we need to ask the authors to inherit ACE or create ACE patches to match up all guns? Kinda weird if 2 1911 have different values when the biggest difference is mainly model detail and texturing. If there is a tutorial to help inherit or align weapons specs that would be great. Other than doing your own sort of over-reaching, unifying ammo compatibility config mod there's not a lot to be done. What it comes down to is the way ballistics / bullet performance is done in Arma 3, its is as much of an art as it is a science, and is largely something that is very subjective and left up to the mod maker to "decide what he feels" is the "right" value for accuracy and stopping power among other things, which is why you can see inconsistencies from mod to mod. In some cases both of these are very hard to measure and quantify. Accuracy of a bullet can very much be affected by the weapon shooting it (and get you into all kinds of arguments about why the FN FAL is more accurate than the H&K G3), as well as the shooter. Then you get into fun stuff like muzzle velocity, ballistic coefficients and air friction (a lot of this data isn't the easiest to source, and often times contrary from source to source). When it comes to "stopping power" it ultimately has to be about more than just the energy a given projectile has when it hits something. We're entering the chaotic world of terminal ballistics i.e. a FMJ bullet and a hollow-point bullet of the same caliber hit a target with similar energy and velocity, the FMJ more or less stays together / stays together longer and penetrates further through the target vs the hollow-point which ideally is going to expand / open up and break apart, causing massive damage at the price of reduced penetration. You also have some rounds like 5.56 and 5.45 which even in FMJ are more or less designed to do this (fragment shortly after impact) and in many cases cause more serious wounds vs a hit by a "more powerful" 7.62x39 round which can penetrate a wall. On a side note, depending on your point of view "Ace compatibility" can mean two things. One, Ace introduces some of its own rounds / magazines for the 5.56x45 NATO among others. Many optional "Ace compatibility" patches are just a config which allows these as usable magazines on a given weapon. The other thing it could mean is compliance with / accommodation of the ACE Advanced Ballistics system (For example the HLC / NI Arms weapons by Toadie 2k), which is mainly centered around long-distance / high-precision sniping with all sorts of variables. Luckily, based on the way they've designed it this is an "inert" system so the weapons will act like any other Arma 3 weapons until you use them in a mission with advanced ballistics enabled and then you have to deal with all kinds of good stuff like temperature effects, the Coriolis and Magnus effect, quickly shifting winds (if you decide to enable them), ect. For more info on ballistics in Arma 3, try to look at some of the work done by Quick Dagger (Dagger scopes + Dagger weapons / ballistics, he's created a whole laundry list of calibers / loadings) for posts by Ruthberg and Spartan0536 the guys responsible for bringing us ACE 3 advanced ballistics as well as contributing some of the data for HLC / NI Arms and SMA weapons. Those statistics have nothing to do with ACE. You'll have to ask the content creators about this. And this is probably the most important thing, even if someone manage to create some type of realistic system which scales across all available calibers & bullets in the game, good luck on trying to get everyone to agree to use it ("No way man, a .40 is always better than a 9 mil!" "5.56 sux, its a var'met round!!!") or accommodate it in their mod. It would be amazing to see something like this in the game (for anyone who goes back that far, remember the old JAM "Joint Ammo and mags" for Operation Flashpoint which was one of the first mods that allowed ammo commonality based on caliber / platform (so M-16s could use the same mag as a CAR-15 and vice versa, same with AKs and RPKs). JAM was very widely used in OFP modding and was huge when it came out (among other things it had a HD "High Dispersion" ammo to help simulate inaccurate fire that you'd expect to receive from poorly trained militias / conscripts vs the pinpoint aimbotting that was far too often enemy fire in OFP. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Valken 623 Posted May 1, 2016 @ Irwin - your post sums up what I could not deliver in so many eloquent words. Thank you. I was wondering about unified ballistics and it would be wonderful if other mod authors inherited the ACE 3 Advanced Ballistics characteristics, even not the point of accuracy, but to the point of relativity at least. Perhaps it would be easier if there was a list of ACE approved or ACE 3 Advance Ballistics "Qualified" weapons / armor mod for users looking for that commonality. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the1krisrob 67 Posted May 1, 2016 And this is probably the most important thing, even if someone manage to create some type of realistic system which scales across all available calibers & bullets in the game, good luck on trying to get everyone to agree to use it ("No way man, a .40 is always better than a 9 mil!" "5.56 sux, its a var'met round!!!") or accommodate it in their mod. It would be amazing to see something like this in the game (for anyone who goes back that far, remember the old JAM "Joint Ammo and mags" for Operation Flashpoint which was one of the first mods that allowed ammo commonality based on caliber / platform (so M-16s could use the same mag as a CAR-15 and vice versa, same with AKs and RPKs). JAM was very widely used in OFP modding and was huge when it came out (among other things it had a HD "High Dispersion" ammo to help simulate inaccurate fire that you'd expect to receive from poorly trained militias / conscripts vs the pinpoint aimbotting that was far too often enemy fire in OFP. JAM was amazing, and I always thought that would be something that would be great if it was baked into CBA or something. Standardised rounds and armour values all balanced properly. That's why I actually keep going back to vanilla, at least you know everything has been made/balanced under the same set of "rules" 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
road runner 4344 Posted May 2, 2016 Can someone post a quick step by step to get the ai/player fast roping to work please.I have tried and my guy falls off the rope about 3/4 way down, and dies, as do all the AI, I have tried to fast rope into the sea.. everyone dies I have tried to fast rope onto a flat surface like the airfield, everyone dies after I deploy the rope, and "start fast rope" I'm using the RHS choopers, and added the bit about equipping the fast rope gear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hunter1000 5 Posted May 7, 2016 Hi! How can i turn off ACE3 for AI units? I mean, i want them to use medkits to heal eachothers. And ACE3 dont use default damage system? Cause if i shoot any unit, then hint by "getdammage" on him, hint say "unit damage is 0". can anyone help me with this? BTW modules dont turn off medical system for bots, they dont heal each others with any settings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GamerOnkel 100 Posted May 8, 2016 is also planned for the future when the rotor of a helicopter to get hurt gets? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted May 10, 2016 Guys, I'm struggling with the explosives stuff. I'm trying to place, in script, some land mines for blufor players to defuse. They carry defusers, detectors and are set in the module that its not restricted to specialists. when i spawn the vanilla apers mines, they can be seen and the detector tracks them, but the ace menu doesn't have a defuse option. Have I missed something? PS. I'm using CUP as well Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Belbo 462 Posted May 10, 2016 when i spawn the vanilla apers mines, they can be seen and the detector tracks them, but the ace menu doesn't have a defuse option. Have I missed something? You'll have to add the ace_defuseobject to them manually. I have this at the start of my init, but you coul'd just loop it as well or add the object directly to your mines in the script that spawns them. if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_explosives")) then { { _defuseHelper = "ACE_DefuseObject" createVehicleLocal (getPos _x); _defuseHelper attachTo [_x, [0,0,0]]; _defuseHelper setVariable ["ACE_explosives_Explosive",_x]; } forEach allMines; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stu81 45 Posted May 10, 2016 Recently for some unknown reason my missions medical settings have weirded out on me. I have my med setting how i always use them but now we are getting instantly killed. Settings are as follows.... Medical settings module: Med Level - Basic Med Settings - Basic Boost - Enabled Litter - 600 Screams - Enabled Pl Dam - 1 AI Dam - 1 AI unc - 50/50 Pl con AI - Enabled Prevent instant death - Enabled Bleeding - 1 Pain - 1 Sync - Enabled Revive Module: Enable revive - Players only Max revive time - 800 Max lives - -1 Medical menu setting - Enabled I also have a medvac chopper with "this setVariable ["ACE_medical_isMedicalFacility", true, true];" that allows me to boost non medics to give epi if medic is down. Was all working before and now we are dieing instantly and I cant track down whats wrong lol. Help!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Persian MO 82 Posted May 10, 2016 any way to force ai units in cargo to fast rope via script? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted May 10, 2016 You'll have to add the ace_defuseobject to them manually. I have this at the start of my init, but you coul'd just loop it as well or add the object directly to your mines in the script that spawns them. if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_explosives")) then { { _defuseHelper = "ACE_DefuseObject" createVehicleLocal (getPos _x); _defuseHelper attachTo [_x, [0,0,0]]; _defuseHelper setVariable ["ACE_explosives_Explosive",_x]; } forEach allMines; }; Thanks for that, but I'm not having any joy. Note below runs on server. aplandmines = ["APERSBoundingMine","APERSMine"]; _numberofmines = ((selectrandom [2,3,4,5]) + (2 * playersnumber west)) min 12; diag_log format ["***do_lnmcle going to make %1 mines at %2", _numberofmines, _mfpos]; for "_minecounter" from 1 to _numberofmines do { _chosenmine = selectRandom aplandmines; _realminepos = [_mfpos, (random 15), (random 360)] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _minecone = createVehicle ["RoadCone_L_F", _realminepos, [],0, "NONE"]; _minecone addEventHandler ["explosion", "missionactive = false; missionsuccess = false; failtext = 'One of the mines has gone off. You failed the task.'"]; diag_log format ["*** cone made at %1", getpos _minecone]; _mine = createMine [_chosenmine, _realminepos, [], 0]; _defuseHelper = "ACE_DefuseObject" createVehicle (getPos _mine); _defuseHelper attachTo [_mine, [0,0,0]]; _defuseHelper setVariable ["ACE_explosives_Explosive",_mine, true]; minearray pushback _mine; diag_log format ["***made %3 at %2, number %1, planned position was %4", _minecounter, (getpos _mine), _chosenmine, _realminepos]; _minemarkername = format ["mine%1", _minecounter]; _m1 = createmarker [_minemarkername ,getpos _mine]; _m1 setMarkerShape "ICON"; _m1 setMarkerType "hd_dot"; _smcleanup pushback _defuseHelper; _smcleanup pushback _mine; _smcleanup pushback _minecone; }; RPT says 2016/05/10, 17:28:47 "***do_lnmcle going to make 4 mines at [10212.2,14072.4]" 2016/05/10, 17:28:47 "*** cone made at [10210.7,14077,0.00678253]" 2016/05/10, 17:28:47 "***made APERSBoundingMine at [10210.7,14077,0.100052], number 1, planned position was [10210.7,14077]" 2016/05/10, 17:28:47 "*** cone made at [10205.1,14073.3,0.00965881]" 2016/05/10, 17:28:47 "***made APERSBoundingMine at [10204.8,14073,0.100052], number 2, planned position was [10204.8,14073]" 2016/05/10, 17:28:47 "*** cone made at [10207,14078,0.009758]" 2016/05/10, 17:28:47 "***made APERSMine at [10207.1,14077.8,0.0228844], number 3, planned position was [10207.1,14077.8]" 2016/05/10, 17:28:47 "*** cone made at [10209.8,14081.7,0.00692368]" 2016/05/10, 17:28:47 "***made APERSMine at [10209.5,14081.8,0.0228844], number 4, planned position was [10209.5,14081.8]" 2016/05/10, 17:28:47 "*** do_m cleanup array is [73809600# 1815849: dummyweapon.p3d,1815848: mine_ap_bouncing.p3d,6ef44100# 1815847: roadcone_l_f.p3d,66345600# 1815852: dummyweapon.p3d,1815851: mine_ap_bouncing.p3d,5d05d600# 1815850: roadcone_l_f.p3d,38f66400# 1815855: dummyweapon.p3d,1815854: mine_ap.p3d,5d05eb00# 1815853: roadcone_l_f.p3d,6702cf00# 1815858: dummyweapon.p3d,1815857: mine_ap.p3d,6401c100# 1815856: roadcone_l_f.p3d]" I can see the mines in the game, but the there's no defuse option in the ACE menu Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Singh Aram 137 Posted May 10, 2016 Is there any way the medic can use his own bandages and other medical stuff & don't use the medical supplies from the patient.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stu81 45 Posted May 10, 2016 Is there any way the medic can use his own bandages and other medical stuff & don't use the medical supplies from the patient.. Basic or Advanced? In basic no as all the bandages are the same. In advanced get normal riflemen etc to carry quikclots (all rounder bandage) as their standard bandage and the medic can carry all the specialist bandages for different wounds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
classic 38 Posted May 11, 2016 Hey guys. How do I translate this point of the picture? I was complete translated all the "stringtable.xml" file, but I can't change this text (like a Normal, Very Large and Close...).What would be the best thing to do? Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jonpas 294 Posted May 11, 2016 Those are vanilla stringtables, maintained by BI. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted May 13, 2016 I can see the mines in the game, but the there's no defuse option in the ACE menu I found what's going on here. The bounding mines are REALLY tough to disarm if you're not an engineer. As you crawl up to them, the sweet spot between getting the disarm option and them going off in very small indeed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zafjr 50 Posted May 14, 2016 anyone here familiar with ACE medical? My problem is im trying to get something to happen upon pressing a key while you are unconscious (put a beacon or marker for medics to see). But the keypress doesnt work while you are aceunconscious. it works fine while conscious. if (!isDedicated) then { keyPressed = { _key = _this select 1; _handled = false; if (_key == 55) then { hint "test placeholder"; }; }; waituntil {!(IsNull (findDisplay 46))}; (findDisplay 46) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown", "_this call keyPressed"]; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chairborne 2594 Posted May 14, 2016 cut Might be something missing on CUP's end, it happened to me as well. I'm guessing ACE explosives need additional stuff in configs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted May 14, 2016 Might be something missing on CUP's end, it happened to me as well. I'm guessing ACE explosives need additional stuff in configs. I used the vanilla (albiet config modded by ACE) apers and apers bounding. It was the bounding mine that proved really hard to defuse. When we were engineer class (using your UK engineer chap) he could actually roll around over the nonbounding one without setting it off. Was quite amusing :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
taro8 806 Posted May 15, 2016 Im having a bit of problem with ACE wounds (I think). When wounded player and AI are stuck laying flat on the ground animation. You can bandage yourself and use morphine, and gestures, but you cant move. You can snap units out of that state if you interact and drag them and let them go. VERY annoying when playing on single player. Using CUP and other mods, but none touch the medical stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites