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Absolutely beautiful, I remember playing with YP's MH60 in Arma 2. Can't wait to have a realistic Blackhawk in arma 3!

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I just wonder how your fastroping will work.


Will there be any dependency for your mod BTW?

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I just wonder how your fastroping will work.


Will there be any dependency for your mod BTW?

As of now there are not any dependency on other mods, and I don't have anything planed that would add a dependency. I am working on a new custom fast roping. can't say at this time if that will stay or we will use another.

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This looks absolutely fantastic.gif

Donation inbound!

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Will there be a marines texture for this, or will that just be for the seahawk?

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Looks amazing so far been waiting for a high standard black hawk mod cant wait to do an air assault with them :P

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Uhmm..is this a rifle in my pants or am I just super f**king excited now since I can interact with the cockpit AND fly Yuras Blackhawk once again

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OMG YES! I was waiting for this for so long! Are you also going to have this bad boy in your pack?

Yes, I think that is on the list.


FYI, And this is for everyone, please don't post any more photos of Yura's Hawks ported to Arma 3 online, it will confuse people because we are updating the models and textures. For personal use it's ok to put them in Arma 3, but you can not give the ported version out to others. Yura has not given anyone permission to port any of his mods. I only point this out because we have see other do this and say he give permission. (Alex150201 I'm not talking about you) Think you all for you understanding.

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Yes, I think that is on the list.


FYI, And this is for everyone, please don't post any more photos of Yura's Hawks ported to Arma 3 online, it will confuse people because we are updating the models and textures. For personal use it's ok to put them in Arma 3, but you can not give the ported version out to others. Yura has not given anyone permission to port any of his mods. I only point this out because we have see other do this and say he give permission. (Alex150201 I'm not talking about you) Think you all for you understanding.

Of course dont worry about it! Atleast for me, I can only speak for my self, I am never going to steal someone's model, port it and then release it without permission! I did it just for me because nobody had similar helicopters to this in arma 3 and I needed something like this. I love this model and I love the MH-60s they are really good looking helicopters! Glad to hear they are on the list!

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Wow, that looks amazing. Great detail down to every bolt and latch, I like it. Any idea on release date?

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Will this heli have those animations of the rotor blades like in arma 2? Where you can move them while helicopter is on ground? And how complicated will starting procedure be?

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Looks amazing.

How will the advanced flight model compare to other mods uh-60s?

Again nice work.

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Will this heli have those animations of the rotor blades like in arma 2? Where you can move them while helicopter is on ground? And how complicated will starting procedure be?


Yes, they will have all the animations from Arma 2 and more.


Looks amazing.

How will the advanced flight model compare to other mods uh-60s?

Again nice work.


Most of the other UH-60 mods are not using  helicopter RTD simulation at this time, And each hawk with fly differently, some will move easier based on wight. Each hawk's RTD will be different. I hope that answer your question.

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hope to see the hh60-g pave hawk aswell :) anyways keep up the good work.. like the looks of it

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Best of the Best.. I love it. Please release it..

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Please release it..

No, they're never going to release it. 




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This came of of nowhere!


Just small question- does "custom flight model" mean RotorLib? Hope it does :)

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