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7 hours ago, graemeshute said:

Are you the next Karel Mořický?


Not really, but thanks for the compliment :P

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The basic layout is done with room for more functionalities in the future. Just need to sort the scripts and make them a bit faster here and there.


Any more suggestions?

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Hi R3vo

How would the music functionality of 3Den Enh. behave in a dedicated server environment?

Will each client play it separately, will it be synced?

Just thinking of network traffic etc.


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11 minutes ago, twakkie said:

Hi R3vo

How would the music functionality of 3Den Enh. behave in a dedicated server environment?

Will each client play it separately, will it be synced?

Just thinking of network traffic etc.



It's only for editing and listenin to music while editing. It has no influence on the mission you built.

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1 hour ago, R3vo said:


It's only for editing and listenin to music while editing. It has no influence on the mission you built.

 Thanks for the clarification!

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3 hours ago, R3vo said:


It's only for editing and listenin to music while editing. It has no influence on the mission you built.


This is a great idea. Trying to find the right BIS music to fit in a mission is a pain. This will help a lot.

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I'm using your mod too, it really makes things ALOT easier, thanks man!


Looking forward to the update.

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3den Enhanced Test Version 1.8.3


Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xpj1b78h6cyr1no/%403den Enhanced Test v1.8.3.zip?dl=0



- scripting examples by Foxhound International (Help section)
- readded the UAV intro (establishing shot), hopefully working more reliably than before
- the intro text attribute now supports a new type of intro text used in the Apex Protocol campaign
- readded the "hide terrain objects" context menu entry
- added tool to export GUI base classes (debug tool)
- added tool to view default GUI Grids (debug tool)
- added tool to delete vehicle crews quickly
- added link to Gunter Severloh's Ai Compilation List
- added Czech translation  thanks to XerXesCZ
- added French translation thanks to Artenis

- improved random patrol function
- sound volume and random music attribute will not longer run on headless clients
- various tooltip improvements
- the log faction names tool was moved from the menu strip to the context menu
- tools in the menu strip are now better sorted
- some tool icons were improved/changed
- improved measure-distance function
- fixed the reverse direction tool
- serveral small improvements to the briefing editor functions
- line pattern tool will no longer change the rotation
- value of the FPS gauge is now rounded
- FPS gauge is now updated every second instead of every 1/2 second
- default value of the 3DEN Radio volume was changed from 100% to 25%
- preference menu was overhauled
- default values for the tools were tweaked to make more sense
- fill area tools will now use screen center as origin
- garrison radius attribute is now using a edit control
- multiple improvements of tooltips and display names
- most placement tools can now be accessed via CTRL + numpad
- circular pattern tool uses now center of the screen as initial position
- improves session timer code
- custom status bar controls have now the same visual style as the vanialla controls
- mission stats tool now displays the number of simple objects
- context menu entries are now only shown when necessary
- improved tooltip for the "on event" attributes
- game info tool now also logs architecture (x64,x86)
- fixed missing localisation when using the garrison function
- removed obsolete variable from fn_getModuleDescription.sqf
- toggle Map IDs would only work when the map was opened manually beforehand
- 3den Radio was overhauled and can now be controlled via a custom GUI
- improved position of session timer (Should not overlap with other controls anymore)

- tutorials
- preload arsenal settings
- warning messages
- set z = 0 tool (It's available in the context menu -> transform)
- log class name tool (Functionality already exists)


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Thanks R3vo, I'm not sure how anyone manages without this mod, there's just so much good stuff.


There's one thing that really bugs me in the editor, I don't know if it annoys anyone else or even if you could fix it, but whenever I place a unit and then go back to the list to grab another, it always seems to default to having the NATO section expanded and centred. If I collapse the NATO list it'd be super awesome if it stayed collapsed. The amount of times I've gone to place an RHS rifleman, and ended up grabbing the vanilla NATO rifleman because the list automagically expanded again is crazy.


Hope the explanation makes sense and really hope it's something you can fix 


Thanks again for all your work 

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4 minutes ago, JD Wang said:

Hope the explanation makes sense and really hope it's something you can fix 


Nothing I can do about that, unfortunately.

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I, too, find that highly irritating (where NATO and CSAT are automatically open in the units). 


I, too, find it hard to believe people could make missions without 3DEN Enhanced. :)  Thanks for the recent update.

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@R3vo: thank you for your continuued work on this very useful addon; very much appreciated :)




20 hours ago, JD Wang said:

Thanks R3vo, I'm not sure how anyone manages without this mod, there's just so much good stuff.


There's one thing that really bugs me in the editor, I don't know if it annoys anyone else or even if you could fix it, but whenever I place a unit and then go back to the list to grab another, it always seems to default to having the NATO section expanded and centred. If I collapse the NATO list it'd be super awesome if it stayed collapsed. The amount of times I've gone to place an RHS rifleman, and ended up grabbing the vanilla NATO rifleman because the list automagically expanded again is crazy.


Hope the explanation makes sense and really hope it's something you can fix 


Thanks again for all your work 

IIRC there's a ticket about that on the bugtracker; something might happen if enough people upvote it.



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Sorry if this is been asked already but..is the  Soldier Tracking been removed? Can't find it in the attribute tab....

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Anyway to add a flashlight or laser on, like the headlight on setting?




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It seems that the "sit" animation has been removed? I am no longer able to make ai snap to a chair so they sit down on it correctly. 


Am i missing something? 




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Hey R3vo, just came across something last night and wondered if it's something that could possibly make it into this essential mod.


We've just had a number of new players join our group, and a lot of them don't have APEX because they're only just getting into ARMA.

Problem is so many of our older missions apparently contain fences or objects from APEX which for some reason lock you out of the mission if you don't have them (I thought that was only supposed to happen with the island itself) 

Is there any way 3den Enhanced could highlight objects placed in the editor that are expansion objects?


It's really hard to go back to a mission I made months ago and pick out all the APEX dependant objects so if there was a way to highlight them (even just with map dots) it would be really helpful.

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Here's a workaround for the fences. I've done this for other items dropped from a mod pack and going back to old missions.


Assuming you didn't binarize the mission file, open up the sqf, find the classname and replace it another fence found in the vanilla game :)


Its a little work and attention needs to be paid to the sqm formatting, but with a little effort the stuff can be replaced with copy and paste!

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Yah, I absolutely hate that if I misplace a green H-barrier, suddenly people can't join.  Good job, BI.

That said, in the editor, I think the asset list on the left now has the "source" logo for all the objects.  Look through that for the Apex logo and they are easier to pinpoint, too.

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Yeah but when you have a library of missions you built months ago, opening it up and being able to tell what is and isn't APEX restricted, and then finding it on the map is a real pain in the hole. 

And yeah you can copy/paste in the mission.sqm but then there's the chance you run the mission and things don't fit etc. Just be really nice to be able to highlight them in the editor somehow .


If anyone can R3vo can ;)

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@R3vo Any chanche of bringing in a full ambient animations and combat ambient animation list ?  it would speed up mission building a lot  

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2 hours ago, supergruntsb78 said:

@R3vo Any chanche of bringing in a full ambient animations and combat ambient animation list ?  it would speed up mission building a lot  


Many of those animations don't work properly in Eden, e.g., snapping to chairs.


That's why they were removed.


As long as BIS doesn't invest some time in the functions and adds more animations, from APEX for example, and makes some of the parameters (Snapping) optional, there is no way I am going to invest more time in that feature.

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There is some option in the editor to get clasname or position of the objects separately. how about have a new option to get objects classname, direction, position and some kind info like this at one time?

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5 hours ago, Persian MO said:

There is some option in the editor to get clasname or position of the objects separately. how about have a new option to get objects classname, direction, position and some kind info like this at one time?


One can already get the position and classname of an object. So I am not sure if it's worth to add another tool just to retrieve the direction.

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6 hours ago, R3vo said:


One can already get the position and classname of an object. So I am not sure if it's worth to add another tool just to retrieve the direction.


there are separate options for classname and position, I didn't saw any option to get both of them at the same time.I 'll look for options again if I miss it.but that would be usefull if we have a signle option to get all info of the object.reduce times of ALT + TAB .

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