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Hello, it would be possible to pass the email of you, I want to talk with you about a project I have in mind, and I need your authorization. Thanks for listening!

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The 240 sounds pretty good, a little sharp though. Here's what an M240(H) sounds like from a couple hundred feet away. With 100% less helicopter noise. B)


GAU-21 =/= M240.  Don't worry though, I'm sure one day you're helos (er, choppers) will get out of puberty and grow a full-sized .50 cal.


On a more serious note, your vid shows a similar attribute...slightly more low-end punch.  If it messes everything else up, like l'axe sad, I get it, but just putting it out there.

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Hello, it would be possible to pass the email of you, I want to talk with you about a project I have in mind, and I need your authorization. Thanks for listening!

Thats what private messages are for ;)

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Sorry if this has been asked before. Do you plan to add civilian factions too and also is there any info about what greenfor factions will be added in the future ?


cheers :)

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Sorry if this has been asked before. Do you plan to add civilian factions too and also is there any info about what greenfor factions will be added in the future ?


cheers :)

I'm afraid civilian factions are out of our scope for now. On the greenfor factions (GREF) I can only say that we have some ideas in mind. 

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Anybody have any suggestions or ideas about the post I made earlier?



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I am having an error saying erro.jpg


This happens when you go to EXPANSION menu on the main/start menu and clicking the RHS AFRF and USAF mods. Other mods do not have this kind of error.



P.S. I did not change anything on the folder and simply copied-pasted the folder to arma 3 directory.



Please help me fix this error.


Thank you.



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Anybody have any suggestions or ideas about the post I made earlier?




I know just enough to be dangerous about mission making, so don't say I didn't warn you, but honestly the first thing you should do is to try and completely rule out that the issue isn't with RHPistolpack and make sure that it still happening if only the RHS mods are used. The mod devs here won't help you with any problems that may be caused/related to a 3rd party mod, nor should they. Obviously if it IS an RHS issue, that should be a different story, and figuring this out should get you on track for someone who's better at this than I am to help you.


Most performance issues I've seen with missions relate back to something being scripted incorrectly, but that doesn't mean that you should just dismiss your problem as this out of hand. One thing your described problem reminds me of is that I seem to remember there was something with *maybe?*  with one of the RH mods related to LOD which sounds a little like your problem. I forget the exact cause / effect / solution but it was something along the lines of this certain weapon model (I think it was a weapon anyway) had no low-quality LOD model, so whenever it was present in a mission, the game required it to be simulated a high quality all the time, no matter if you were close to it or not. This is usually not a problem if only one guy is carrying said weapon, but give them to a whole squad or faction, then bad things start to happen and your frame rate goes in the toilet. Anyways hope this was of help to you.

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Why do the Russians get vests that are far superior to what the Americans get in terms of protection?

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Hey guys, just a broad question - any plans to include military-themed objects (hedhehogs, tents, etc.) and similar stuff for mission making use? Since A3 has no military tents by default, I'd love to see them in stock RHS.


Because making your mission dependent on CUP just because of 5 types of tents isn't the best practice, IMO. 

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Anybody have any suggestions or ideas about the post I made earlier?



As another post has said, I would check that it is not Rh pistols causing then issue, as a few people have mentioned the LOD used in his M4 pack causing fps issues.

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Hey guys, just a broad question - any plans to include military-themed objects (hedhehogs, tents, etc.) and similar stuff for mission making use? Since A3 has no military tents by default, I'd love to see them in stock RHS.

We can't admit or deny anything on that matter :P

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Off topic posts removed, sexist comments have been removed. Please stay on topic and within the rules of the forum. - Thanks

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I know just enough to be dangerous about mission making, so don't say I didn't warn you, but honestly the first thing you should do is to try and completely rule out that the issue isn't with RHPistolpack and make sure that it still happening if only the RHS mods are used. The mod devs here won't help you with any problems that may be caused/related to a 3rd party mod, nor should they. Obviously if it IS an RHS issue, that should be a different story, and figuring this out should get you on track for someone who's better at this than I am to help you.


Most performance issues I've seen with missions relate back to something being scripted incorrectly, but that doesn't mean that you should just dismiss your problem as this out of hand. One thing your described problem reminds me of is that I seem to remember there was something with *maybe?*  with one of the RH mods related to LOD which sounds a little like your problem. I forget the exact cause / effect / solution but it was something along the lines of this certain weapon model (I think it was a weapon anyway) had no low-quality LOD model, so whenever it was present in a mission, the game required it to be simulated a high quality all the time, no matter if you were close to it or not. This is usually not a problem if only one guy is carrying said weapon, but give them to a whole squad or faction, then bad things start to happen and your frame rate goes in the toilet. Anyways hope this was of help to you.


Howdy Irving, thanks for the response. I can disable RHPistolsPack and give it a whirl but the reason why I didn't initially was two-fold: 1) RHS Escalation and RH pistols pack being made by the same guy (I am assuming this since they're both Red Hammer) and 2) because the RH stuff I have seen up to this point, having dabbled with it over the past couple years or so, is of excellent quality with a lot of obvious care taken into detail and doing a good job. I'd just assumed that it couldn't be it due to lack of animation or anything like that. But now that you've gone into it a bit further, I'm going to give it a try and see what happens. I really hate to abandon the project as the RHS Escalation mod is a top-notch and very well-made mod.





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Howdy Irving, thanks for the response. I can disable RHPistolsPack and give it a whirl but the reason why I didn't initially was two-fold: 1) RHS Escalation and RH pistols pack being made by the same guy (I am assuming this since they're both Red Hammer) and 2) because the RH stuff I have seen up to this point, having dabbled with it over the past couple years or so, is of excellent quality with a lot of obvious care taken into detail and doing a good job. I'd just assumed that it couldn't be it due to lack of animation or anything like that. But now that you've gone into it a bit further, I'm going to give it a try and see what happens. I really hate to abandon the project as the RHS Escalation mod is a top-notch and very well-made mod.





That's incorrect, the Pistol pack is done by Robert Hammer, the models are ports from Counter Strike, which I'm not knocking at all, but RHS doesn't use assets built for another engine. The RH Pistol pack is currently a year out of date because Robert got tired of having to update after every Bohemia change to the game. The current version is seriously broken and an update won't be released until post Tanoa. I wouldn't recommend using any RH mods in their current state.

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1) RHS Escalation and RH pistols pack being made by the same guy (I am assuming this since they're both Red Hammer

I'm afraid you are confused:

RHS = Red Hammer Studios (a big team)

RH = Robert Hammer (one guy, well besides the old OFP character)

The good Robert Hammer is not part of RHS, tho we have collaborated a few times. But we have nothing to do with his pistol pack.  :)

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Howdy Irving, thanks for the response. I can disable RHPistolsPack and give it a whirl but the reason why I didn't initially was two-fold: 1) RHS Escalation and RH pistols pack being made by the same guy (I am assuming this since they're both Red Hammer) and 2) because the RH stuff I have seen up to this point, having dabbled with it over the past couple years or so, is of excellent quality with a lot of obvious care taken into detail and doing a good job. I'd just assumed that it couldn't be it due to lack of animation or anything like that. But now that you've gone into it a bit further, I'm going to give it a try and see what happens. I really hate to abandon the project as the RHS Escalation mod is a top-notch and very well-made mod.






Yeah I know what you mean about long-term projects. Also, unless he collaborated at some point with RHS, the RHpistol pack is made by Robert Hammer and AFAIK unrelated to Red Hammer Studios, which is why its not supported here. I agree with you though, both of Robert Hammer's mods (AR15s and pistols) are top notch and among my favorites.


Edit: Warlord indeed is correct though, both of the RH mods haven't been updated in quite some time and while as far as I've seen they still work fine, that doesn't mean that there might not be some unintended things going on with them, especially considering how many times the game has been patched since their release. 

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I'm afraid you are confused:

RHS = Red Hammer Studios (a big team)

RH = Robert Hammer (one guy, well besides the old OFP character)

The good Robert Hammer is not part of RHS, tho we have collaborated a few times. But we have nothing to do with his pistol pack.  :)


Gotcha. Thanks for the correction. Much of the reason why I wanted to use the RH Pistols Pack was because I thought (for the longest time) that it was the same guy/team. Well, guess that shows what I know!



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Welp I wish I could report something positive but after leaving my character to stand in one spot and stare at the sky for a couple of hours, my client's FPS went from the low 40's to 18. The server is only running RHS AFRF and RHS USAF as mods and is running on three headless clients. Their respective FPS's are 48 (server), 45, 47, and 47 on the three. If I were to Alt-F4 out of Arma and re-load, log back in, standing at the same spot, nothing else changed, my client FPS revs right back up to where it's supposed to be. So, does anybody have any ideas at all? I am stumped.



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What mission are you running? It seems much more likely that something there is degrading performance over time. Failing that, a problem with the server/HC. Easiest way to check would be to repeat your experiment in the SP editor.

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What mission are you running? It seems much more likely that something there is degrading performance over time. Failing that, a problem with the server/HC. Easiest way to check would be to repeat your experiment in the SP editor.


I run one I've been working on for a couple of years now. The mission using the RHS Escalation mods is a version of that mission that I've put together in the past month or so. Fundamentally, there is no code difference at between the two; just the classnames of different vehicles, units, weaponry, etc. The vanilla A3 version does not produce this degradation of client FPS over time but this one does. 


If you want to check it out, I'd be happy to show you. I'm on Steam as ^bdc. 



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I run one I've been working on for a couple of years now. The mission using the RHS Escalation mods is a version of that mission that I've put together in the past month or so. Fundamentally, there is no code difference at between the two; just the classnames of different vehicles, units, weaponry, etc. The vanilla A3 version does not produce this degradation of client FPS over time but this one does. 


If you want to check it out, I'd be happy to show you. I'm on Steam as ^bdc. 



Post it here, including the mission file:


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