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Weapon Resting & Deployment Feedback

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I'd go with an indicator too. Since I still use TMR I get that cute little icon showing me if I'm resting my weapon or not, which helps in finding good places to go to shoot and I look especially for that icon when either standing,crouched, or prone. If can use that to gauge then I "know" my weapon is rested and I can place my weapon better.

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Icons break immersion though. There needs to be a more natural way to know.

Maybe make it optional (like the stance indicator etc). Other than an audible click a la CSE's weapon deployment, or a small pop-up saying "Weapon rested" I'm not sure there are any "non-immersion-breaking" methods.

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Yeah the only non-gamey way to do it is with a sound, since animations aren't viable.

Or maybe we should all get rumble packs on our mouses that vibrate when the weapon is rested.

Edited by 2nd Ranger

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Animation doesn't need to be a full blown whole skeleton thing or require interaction with the geometry. As I understand it a gesture can be overlaid on any stance and could be as simple as briefly relaxing and then restoring the grip of the off-hand. Example of gestures (though larger than would be required here) by way of illustration;

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One possible way to make weapon resting be more tactile would be to no longer making it a passive but instead have it be manually deployed just like bipods then attaching a sound with it so that there is no mistaking being rested or not.

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One possible way to make weapon resting be more tactile would be to no longer making it a passive but instead have it be manually deployed just like bipods then attaching a sound with it so that there is no mistaking being rested or not.

I don't like that idea. I'd rather a gesture where it looks like the soldier is putting his hand on the surface to rest the weapon.

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From what little I've played with it, it's pretty obvious when you're resting the weapon or not. Though an option to display an icon would be good, if only for teaching people that its a thing that you can do. A sound might work but might get annoying and would require sounds for metal (thin sheet and thick armor), plastic, rock, wood, and anything else I've forgotten.

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Weapon resting is fantastic! It works flawlessly on pretty much every object I tested it on.

Unfortunately, the screwed-up triangle-shaped collision box of Altis' farmers' stone walls makes it impossible to rest a rifle on them. This essentially borks the gameplay for thousands of acres of gameworld which contains no solid objects other than these walls.

Here are three images where I should be resting my weapon, but am not. This is because I am being stymied by the pyramid-shaped collision box of these low walls, which are radically different from the 3D model itself. They were made this way so that we can run over them. Personally, I could not regard the weapon resting feature as complete until these incredibly prolific objects are compatible with it.


I was also dissapointed that I couldn't rest my rifle on the hood of an MRAP. ACE allowed this, even with their clunky and unreliable weapon resting. However, maybe I was just not maneuvered correctly.

Edited by maturin

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Keep in mind that (as previously-described) BI chose to use a real-time algorithm instead of "restable or not" being a per-object/surface setting, so perhaps a "re-weighing" of the algorithm might help so long as it doesn't cause other surfaces to no longer qualify...?

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I really like the weapon resting. It gives me a natural feeling that it isn't require key press. I think that is adding icon for resting is not necessary, because in actions you would not check it. But i don't care if they do one.

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Icon for weapon resting is necessarily. It is very useful for PvP gamemodes. When your team defence territory and you want to find best defence position.

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I was also dissapointed that I couldn't rest my rifle on the hood of an MRAP. ACE allowed this, even with their clunky and unreliable weapon resting. However, maybe I was just not maneuvered correctly.

I don't have any problems to rest my weapon on MRAPs.

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seeing the discussion about an icon i thought one could have the camera zoom in very slightly but almost instantly. another option could be the in resting mods widely used camera shake (short pronounced shake at the start of resting). or maybe a vignette on the edge of the screen. although that could be interfering with existing vignette effects and also would probably need to be very pronounced to be noticable.

anyways. just some ideas.

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Icons break immersion though. There needs to be a more natural way to know.

Depends on the icon size, color, and screen location. The VTS icon at lower left doesn't break immersion at all. You barely notice it after a while, and I'm very glad it's there.

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Depends on the icon size, color, and screen location. The VTS icon at lower left doesn't break immersion at all. You barely notice it after a while, and I'm very glad it's there.

Also, being an official integration, we can hope (read: pray) that it will be part of the customisable GUI editor, so you can move and scale it to your own personal liking.

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Also, being an official integration, we can hope (read: pray) that it will be part of the customisable GUI editor, so you can move and scale it to your own personal liking.

Bingo! :)

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I've noticed a logic error with the stabilization conditions. As long as you have a wall/surface on your right side, you are stabilized. This same problem occurs with the left side, if you stance adjust to the left where you're now using your left shoulder.

This could be fixed with a change where stabilization provided from the sides, would only kick in if the front part of the weapon is close to a surface, but the back side of the weapon must not be. This would result in only corners/edges being legitimate sources of stabilization, but not the middle of a wall. Examples below.

Stabilization making no sense and should not be provided in these conditions (you'd have to press the weapon against the wall, where either you're shooting at the wall, or you have to lay your weapon down parallel to the surface):

XwFPIuSm.jpg n6gmJ0jm.jpg

Stabilization making sense and should be provided in these conditions (You're only pressing the front part of the weapon against the surface, and the corner is acting like a fulcrum, allowing you to aim away from the wall and your trigger hand isn't obstructed):

39lk9fWm.jpg yWUlqSvm.jpg

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Very good post Sniperwolf572. I agree 100%. Should not able able to rest on wall, except on the corners.

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I've noticed a logic error with the stabilization conditions. As long as you have a wall/surface on your right side, you are stabilized. This same problem occurs with the left side, if you stance adjust to the left where you're now using your left shoulder.

This could be fixed with a change where stabilization provided from the sides, would only kick in if the front part of the weapon is close to a surface, but the back side of the weapon must not be. This would result in only corners/edges being legitimate sources of stabilization, but not the middle of a wall. Examples below.

To me, it makes sense. Have you never leaned up against a wall to fire a weapon? You'd lean against the wall using your shoulder giving yourself much more stability.

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Icons break immersion though. There needs to be a more natural way to know.

No it doesn't since you can't "Feel" the weapon resting on a virtual object. TMR's right at the bottom middle is perfect and hasn't broken any immersion. There's a need for immersion and there's a need for "knowing" since you're not holding a real weapon. If we could "feel" like... the movie Avalon then this would break immersion yes. But this is also a game, and such something to signify if it's being rested is a good thing. But again like some suggested using the stance area (That breaks immersion but sometimes hell I get confused when playing) a small indicator there would do it good as it's already there. I don't use the weapon crosshairs as that breaks immersion, and even on public servers I sometimes ignore it as well.

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To me, it makes sense. Have you never leaned up against a wall to fire a weapon? You'd lean against the wall using your shoulder giving yourself much more stability.

It would offer more stability, but not near as much as using a corner or resting on a horizontal surface.

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What if we have sound that is indicating the weapon resting? Some knock(weapon hit the wall or the hand)? Or hand gesture on the weapon? Regrip?

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