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Firing from Vehicles feedback

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anyone who was interested in the idea of firing from the top hatches of an APC/AAV, i think you're gonna like my next video. will post here shortly...

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has anybody had any issues setting up passenger gunners on their own vehicles? i see burnes hassent however i get this weird thing when im a cargo gunner and try to use the scope on my weapon it goes into 3rd person for the vehicle. anybody have this problem?

everything else works fine

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has anybody had any issues setting up passenger gunners on their own vehicles? i see burnes hassent however i get this weird thing when im a cargo gunner and try to use the scope on my weapon it goes into 3rd person for the vehicle. anybody have this problem?

everything else works fine

Yeah I'm also having that problem. I'm not really sure how to fix it though :(

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damn well at least it's good to know im not the only one with the issue. if i find out how to fix it ill report back to you. hope we can solve this little annoyance

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too many posts to sifted through atma but has anyone picked up on this thought in anyway yet??

I'm not talking about whilst in helis, its more a case of when in side the back of an offroader. The seats in the back are ,1,2,3,4, if you are in moveInCargo [vehicle, 1 or2] you sit in the section right behind the tailgate of the pickups. this gives you a good arc of fire probably just under 180 degrees. If you are in moveInCargo [vehicle, 3 or 4] you sit with your back to the cab and can only really see about 100 degrees arc of fire. This I can understand helps with sitting so close to the next player.

My main issue is the stance in these last two positions. shouldn't we be able to have the ability to be able to use crouch and stnad and be able to fire over the roof of the cabs, so that if you were in an unarmed offroad, you could at least have some fire cover facing front. Then the two units by the tailgate can cover the rear, being locked into the sitting position I think is fine here, but can we not have the ability to crouch or stand up and have a 360 degree arc of fire if in positions 3 and 4?

Also to add some flavour to the new function, if were are sat in the cab passenger seat, we cannot fire at all, couldn't we have the ability to shoot out the windscreen and fire forward or even out the right side passenger window??

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Bad ass Burnes! Bino's for commanders is perfecto for old tanks!

We need FFV from all helicopters but mostly, from the inside of your humwee's and mrap's! Convoy operations with FFV and Gunners, mighty awesome!

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too many posts to sifted through atma but has anyone picked up on this thought in anyway yet??

I'm not talking about whilst in helis, its more a case of when in side the back of an offroader. The seats in the back are ,1,2,3,4, if you are in moveInCargo [vehicle, 1 or2] you sit in the section right behind the tailgate of the pickups. this gives you a good arc of fire probably just under 180 degrees. If you are in moveInCargo [vehicle, 3 or 4] you sit with your back to the cab and can only really see about 100 degrees arc of fire. This I can understand helps with sitting so close to the next player.

My main issue is the stance in these last two positions. shouldn't we be able to have the ability to be able to use crouch and stnad and be able to fire over the roof of the cabs, so that if you were in an unarmed offroad, you could at least have some fire cover facing front. Then the two units by the tailgate can cover the rear, being locked into the sitting position I think is fine here, but can we not have the ability to crouch or stand up and have a 360 degree arc of fire if in positions 3 and 4?

Also to add some flavour to the new function, if were are sat in the cab passenger seat, we cannot fire at all, couldn't we have the ability to shoot out the windscreen and fire forward or even out the right side passenger window??

Yep if you search the thread there's some discussion on it.

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Yep if you search the thread there's some discussion on it.

How far back do you have to go before a logical reason or solution/outcome to the issues is discussed. AFAIK there wasn't much in the way of it be looked at at all.

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BIS Will there be FFV on ATV? person who is ride in back could ovbiously shoot can that happen?

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shouldn't we be able to have the ability to be able to use crouch and stnad and be able to fire over the roof of the cabs, so that if you were in an unarmed offroad, you could at least have some fire cover facing front. Then the two units by the tailgate can cover the rear, being locked into the sitting position I think is fine here, but can we not have the ability to crouch or stand up and have a 360 degree arc of fire if in positions 3 and 4?

Lol i had this ability in the AAV purely because I have no idea what cargo animation actually works with the FFV positions. Every time i assign a cargo pose/ animation to personTurrets they refuse to play any weapon animations apart from reload.. So i just left the strings blank and I get the full range of motions and weapon/gear selection I would if dismounted. I also (in the case of armoured vehicles) set the position to be unable to hidegunner (turn in) to allow hearing the outside rather than the interior sounds, so the position has the ability to rotate 360 degrees and crouch baack inside the vehicle.

I havn't observed this from another perspective though and i suspect that when using an alternate stance the lower limbs animation remains static leading to awful looking results... It's good from first person perspective though. I suppose we can only hop that Bohemia decide to flesh out this feature a bit more (like allowing FFV from turrets instead of just from the main hull) and provide better documentation on the nuances of its implementation.

---------- Post added at 18:59 ---------- Previous post was at 18:55 ----------

Bad ass Burnes! Bino's for commanders is perfecto for old tanks!

Haha yeah still trying to make it work.. Would really make my day if it became fully supported :D

Basically it's an extra 'seat' in the tank that is unmanned when the vehicle is placed and cannot be entered from outside the vehicle. I use the compartment parameter to ensure only the commander can enter/exit that position (sacrificing the ability to switch to other seats without getting out) and the position is set to be unable to turn in. This provides a way around the commander turret not followoing the same axis as the commanders cupola. Along with the major bugs already explained with jury-rigging FFV to turrets there are other minor issues like hatch animations but those can easily be fixed..

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May I ask to all of you more informed about the engine and scripting properties of this feature, is it currently possible (in engine terms) to do something along the lines of generation kill type sitting in a seat of something like a humvee, and aiming out the windows? (or at least some specific limited space, or is it not possible to limit aiming dimensions?)

Thank you.

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May I ask to all of you more informed about the engine and scripting properties of this feature, is it currently possible (in engine terms) to do something along the lines of generation kill type sitting in a seat of something like a humvee, and aiming out the windows? (or at least some specific limited space, or is it not possible to limit aiming dimensions?)

Thank you.

Yeah it should be possible to do what you are talking about, I've managed to limit my FFV positions to shoot out the back of a ramp.

Heres my code

class CargoTurret_01: CargoTurret 	/// position for Firing from Vehicles
gunnerAction = "passenger_inside_3"; /// generic animation for sitting inside with rifle ready
gunnerCompartments = "Compartment2";/// gunner is not able to switch seats
memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos cargo";/// specific memory points to allow choice of position
memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos cargo dir"; /// direction of get in action
gunnerName = "Passenger (left Side)"; /// name of the position in the Action menu
proxyIndex = 23; /// what cargo proxy is used according to index in the model
maxElev = 15; /// what is the highest possible elevation of the turret
minElev = -42; /// what is the lowest possible elevation of the turret
maxTurn = 20; /// what is the left-most possible turn of the turret
minTurn = -95; /// what is the right-most possible turn of the turret
isPersonTurret = 1; /// enables firing from vehicle functionality
ejectDeadGunner = 0; /// seatbelts included
enabledByAnimationSource = ""; /// doesn't work unless the said animation source is 1

However you will get some clipping with the players weapon and vehicle model. Perhaps BI could implement a geometry for the turrets.

Edited by deltagamer
added information

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I assume something like the helicopter bench anim could be used for a humvee/jeep type seat...

Actually, could somebody make a video or something just showing all the ffv animsets we have

(At least I assume they are new animation sets... right?)

By that I mean like... the types of FFV that can be done, the anims of sitting , standing , proning like the boatetc

I think this would help show what is possible... If I am even correct in my assumptions its an animation

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Yeah it should be possible to do what you are talking about, I've managed limited my FFV positions to shoot out the back of a ramp.

Heres my code

class CargoTurret_01: CargoTurret 	/// position for Firing from Vehicles
gunnerAction = "passenger_inside_3"; /// generic animation for sitting inside with rifle ready
gunnerCompartments = "Compartment2";/// gunner is not able to switch seats
memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos cargo";/// specific memory points to allow choice of position
memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos cargo dir"; /// direction of get in action
gunnerName = "Passenger (left Side)"; /// name of the position in the Action menu
proxyIndex = 23; /// what cargo proxy is used according to index in the model
maxElev = 15; /// what is the highest possible elevation of the turret
minElev = -42; /// what is the lowest possible elevation of the turret
maxTurn = 20; /// what is the left-most possible turn of the turret
minTurn = -95; /// what is the right-most possible turn of the turret
isPersonTurret = 1; /// enables firing from vehicle functionality
ejectDeadGunner = 0; /// seatbelts included
enabledByAnimationSource = ""; /// doesn't work unless the said animation source is 1

However you will get some clipping with the players weapon and vehicle model. Perhaps BI could implement a geometry for the turrets.

Thank you so much for informing me of the correct cargo action/animation :) this will help a lot

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If Bohemia are looking to expand on FFV then here are 2 more vehicles off the top of my head that could be readily available and easy to implement:

Ghosthawk and Kaiman; similar to the current 3 heavy choppers where those in the FFV positions can open the doors which already have animations available.

In the case of the UH-80 you'd have the last seat on each bench with their respective fields of fire (4 total) and for the Kaijman there are at least 2 if not 4 seats that could be used however they'd have far more limited fields of fire.

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Would it be possible to allow FFV positions to use the animationSourceHatch =""; so that hatches open when they turn out?

Silly me, seems to be working all fine.

Edited by deltagamer

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be nice to have the angle restrictions on where you can shoot eased a bit - especially in those helicopters where you can only face backwards but actually it looks like you should have a clear shot to the front as well. let us pay the price for htittng our own team or vehiciles a bit more here

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let us pay the price for hitting our own team or vehicles a bit more here

This would be nice. Allow us to shoot each other and damage the vehicle. It's more fun if we need to rely on our own skills and discipline in order to prevent committing accidental fratricide.

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I guess the limitations are so the AI doesn't shoot other units or the vehicle? I agree though that a player should have no limitations except what's physically/ergonomically possible.

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Seems like it's no longer possible for me to free look while in a FFV seat. Anyone else experiencing this?

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This would be nice. Allow us to shoot each other and damage the vehicle. It's more fun if we need to rely on our own skills and discipline in order to prevent committing accidental fratricide.

This. The limitation is the worst thing about FFV. I suggest having the AI one sort of like their own FFV set, meaning, they are restricted as usual, but players can aim where physically possible in those positions.

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I've since noticed that in some cases such as the civilia/FIA Truck, the arc dynamically adjusts depending on whether or not someone is next to you...

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If BI does not allow fire on the own vehicle in FFV, then they should also make blue on blue imposible when playing as regular infantery. There is no reason to have an easy mode in a helicopter but not as soldier on the ground.

But I am afraid that the bullets would just fly through the vehicle without damaging it, similar to the tank's commander gun that can shoot through the tank, or the minigun on the speedboats that allows you to fire through the boat, driver and commander without damaging them.

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If BI does not allow fire on the own vehicle in FFV, then they should also make blue on blue imposible when playing as regular infantery. There is no reason to have an easy mode in a helicopter but not as soldier on the ground.

But I am afraid that the bullets would just fly through the vehicle without damaging it, similar to the tank's commander gun that can shoot through the tank, or the minigun on the speedboats that allows you to fire through the boat, driver and commander without damaging them.

If there was suddenly an easy mode, i would probably uninstall the entire game. Bullets should kill, friendly, or enemy. Whether someone is an idiot, and decides to shoot a friendly, is another thing. Lets not make the Arma series just another FPS game.

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I believe it is an engine limitation. Try making some custom weapon holding animations that point your rifle towards your head and pull the trigger. The round goes straight through you without damaging you. As such, I assume the same is true for vehicles/FFV - You can't damage the vehicle or other passengers/crew.

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