Subscyed 10 Posted August 2, 2014 @RichardsDThe turning radius seems fairly big and the responsiveness is slow. If that could be tweaked, that'd be awesome since this particular MRAP was bought because of it's small turn radius in comparison to say the Cougar. Another thing: I've tested this on Stratis, just outside camp Maxwell and found the MRAP to just slide downhill and have no adherence to the terrain whatsoever. PhysX might be to blame here rather than the actual values on the model, I strongly suggest looking into it. ..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rex457 12 Posted August 2, 2014 First of all, Great mod as usual, Really loving It although just like some previous posters I too agree that the handling of these Is just too stiff, And of course braking It makes It slide around as If It was on Ice.. But knowing you I'm sure you will address all of the errors and fix them, You always do :) I have a question however, Do you plan to make the glass more visual? Right now It appears to be non-existant :( Thanks for the release again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siege-A 4056 Posted August 2, 2014 Amazing work as always, RichardsD, you are bringing so much great content to A3. Can't wait to test these out. Thanks for the release. :cool: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Richards.D 761 Posted August 2, 2014 Hey Rex: Interesting point on the glass. The glass used is the same this time as all the default A3 vehicles, so tell me what you think. I may increase the color a little bit to make it more visible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcae2798 132 Posted August 3, 2014 Love this man, your mods should have been vanilla! Hey BI, wink wink Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PolyG 69 Posted August 3, 2014 So the issue I'm having, is soley the fact a Armed Offroad took out my engine in around 10 rounds while my M2 took double to do that to his? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deltagamer 612 Posted August 3, 2014 @RichardsD Congrats on the mod release bud :) This mod is amazing! I tested this on a dedicated server and it worked fine, the turning was fine for me as I expected a vehicle of that size to turn like shit :D My gunner felt that there should be some more M2 ammo as he said there wasn't enough, and that the gunner should be lowered a little as his head was a little exposed, the gunner should also have the ability to turn in as well. The vehicles slid a bit which is already mentioned in the known issues so I will leave it at that. Some requests would be to make it Zeus and virtual vehicle spawner (Link) compatible and add a gyrocam system version of the MRAP, a mine detector like in the vanilla game would be great as well. Thanks for all your hard work! :notworthy: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NZXSHADOWS 0 Posted August 3, 2014 Thanks for the addon RichardsD. Looking forward to the updates an what ever else comes along. :p Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrewok 47 Posted August 3, 2014 Just noticed this little texture bug: (178 kB) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
devilslayersbane 28 Posted August 3, 2014 I'm still getting green tracers from all of your mods, friend, including this one. Any chance this will change? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
acta13 10 Posted August 3, 2014 Pls, Fix ur humvee with ur new update. M134 Minigun Humvee still cant rearm. also spawn with empty Mags. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Avarax 10 Posted August 3, 2014 Can you create woodland car ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rath 10 Posted August 3, 2014 Awesome work Richards! Your MaxxPros are so much fun :) One thing I noticed is the frag plating and the dually tires disappear as you move 50m away from them. Is that intentional or is it something on my end? As for the handling, they seem to slide around a lot and their turn radius should be much tighter. Thank you for making such an awesome addon! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chompster 29 Posted August 3, 2014 Aside from the, already noted handling and grip, i am absolutely loving this! just what the group i play with needed. can't wait for it to be officially added to the preset. looking forward to those variants(and especially all the little details inside, so immersive!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
El Tyranos 1264 Posted August 3, 2014 Awesome work there ! I'm just waiting for physics fix to install them on our server. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted August 3, 2014 Great new vehicle line-up! I noticed that the bikey is named and sized exactly the same as the DAR_HMMWV bikey and overwrites it. Do you just need one bikey for all of your vehicles or can you only use one vehicle pack of yours at a time on a dedicated server? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
f35flyer 10 Posted August 4, 2014 Amazing job on all the textures. I have not run into the frame drop error recorded by other users so not sure what that is all about. As for the handling, This thing turns worse than a pig. <Warning: Nerd Alert!>The Maxxpro is a front engine AWD tank of a truck weighing in at approx. 13.5 US tons between the two CAT variants. With all that weight it was given a MaxxForce D9.3I6 engine which produces 170-375 hp (330hp@2,100rpm in the two variants you made in the mod) which is about 19.5 hp/t. <Nerd Speak is Done> All of that is fancy talk for this thing has a lot of power and weight which should limit the top speed to 70mph (~113kph) at a full tank as well as it will have a huge amount of torque, exact number I could not find. Also, with the front engine design, this should have a feeling of oversteer/loose at low speeds and a heavy understeer/tight feeling when at high speeds (~45mph-top speed). Also the brakes should be very good when carrying a light to medium payload with nearly no chance of locking up with all that weight, unless sustained full pressure is applied for more than, let's say around 2 seconds for ArmA's sake. I tested the mod out and found that there was nearly no torque compared to the real thing. The turning radius was stupidly large; I managed to drive it in a full circle around our base but just barely, and our base is huge! Roughly half a square kilometer. I also noticed the brakes locked up instantly when I pressed the slow down button. Top speed I was able to achieve was 85kph after straight acceleration from 0kph for 30 seconds. I would like to see this completely overhauled in the next version or two as this is purely irritating to me. Damage Model: Tires - I have no idea what you did to these things, maybe fill them with kevlar, but they will not go flat or pop for anything. 2 grenades tossed under the center of the truck did not manage to dent them. Everything else - I have yet to do extensive testing on the damage but those two grenades did not manage to damage it at all. I was given the option to repair it though, not sure why. Thank you for the mod, it is a solid starting block with amazingly detailed textures and more armor than a tank. The driving physics really need to be redone though and that is the only thing stopping me from making this my vehicle of choice for any terrain map. I can't wait for version 1.0 if the driving physics get pretty close to the real thing, which is pretty much like the off-road but just more planted into the ground for a reference. Keep up the good work, RichardsD! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rbb 10 Posted August 4, 2014 For those who duno about MRAP please go check the specs out ( ), the Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected is not meant for speed or maneuverability~ its V-shaped hull to deflect IED blasts away from the vehicle and its a very heavy duty vehicle. I must say this is an awesome mod i really love it~! a few things to point out are the braking and pip, as for the sound if its possible to be able to be compatible with JSRS HEMTT sound that will be great, why? because the raw engine and turbo sound really suits the MRAP and sounded alike just like real life based on my experience. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DMaco 24 Posted August 4, 2014 Hey Richard Maco here :p Nice mod by the way just for the hell of it you should do the MaxxPro®Recovery Vehicle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
i3r4ndon 16 Posted August 6, 2014 Amazing job on all the textures. I have not run into the frame drop error recorded by other users so not sure what that is all about. As for the handling, This thing turns worse than a pig. <Warning: Nerd Alert!>The Maxxpro is a front engine AWD tank of a truck weighing in at approx. 13.5 US tons between the two CAT variants. With all that weight it was given a MaxxForce D9.3I6 engine which produces 170-375 hp (330hp@2,100rpm in the two variants you made in the mod) which is about 19.5 hp/t. <Nerd Speak is Done> All of that is fancy talk for this thing has a lot of power and weight which should limit the top speed to 70mph (~113kph) at a full tank as well as it will have a huge amount of torque, exact number I could not find. Also, with the front engine design, this should have a feeling of oversteer/loose at low speeds and a heavy understeer/tight feeling when at high speeds (~45mph-top speed). Also the brakes should be very good when carrying a light to medium payload with nearly no chance of locking up with all that weight, unless sustained full pressure is applied for more than, let's say around 2 seconds for ArmA's sake. I tested the mod out and found that there was nearly no torque compared to the real thing. The turning radius was stupidly large; I managed to drive it in a full circle around our base but just barely, and our base is huge! Roughly half a square kilometer. I also noticed the brakes locked up instantly when I pressed the slow down button. Top speed I was able to achieve was 85kph after straight acceleration from 0kph for 30 seconds. I would like to see this completely overhauled in the next version or two as this is purely irritating to me. Damage Model: Tires - I have no idea what you did to these things, maybe fill them with kevlar, but they will not go flat or pop for anything. 2 grenades tossed under the center of the truck did not manage to dent them. Everything else - I have yet to do extensive testing on the damage but those two grenades did not manage to damage it at all. I was given the option to repair it though, not sure why. Thank you for the mod, it is a solid starting block with amazingly detailed textures and more armor than a tank. The driving physics really need to be redone though and that is the only thing stopping me from making this my vehicle of choice for any terrain map. I can't wait for version 1.0 if the driving physics get pretty close to the real thing, which is pretty much like the off-road but just more planted into the ground for a reference. Keep up the good work, RichardsD! I agree, great model and texture. But the driving mechanics are off, and the tires are a bit to strong. Thanks for your mods and hard work though, it isn't unappreciated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Richards.D 761 Posted August 9, 2014 Hello everyone, thank you for the kind words and feedback! I was gone all week on work, and now I'll be looking into all the issues. The first is the handling, and I'll be messing w/ this to ensure it is much more responsive, as in it's current state it is a bit silly. It still needs red trace, along with my HMMWV pack. Also, I will unarmour the wheels a bit , as they seem to be indestructible. For the engine, I'll perhaps move it's hit box to make it less vulnerable. Richards Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Richards.D 761 Posted August 10, 2014 Alright everyone, new update here. In v0.6 I have fixed the two major issues people have presented: The Physx are crap, and now they work properly. The vehicle still feels rather heavy, but the turning radius is not the size of Altis anymore. NATO Red Tracers are now used. As for the Config error, if someone knows how to properly implement weapon zero on a non RCWS weapon, just shoot me a PM. I need the class, as the one for RCWS optics is "classRCWSoptics" and I need the one for non RCWS. I also need someone to shoot me a PM on enabling Zeus usage. Mega Link:!5BhCFDhI!eGVypaNHoDdQek-908TNP9ik3dhZWiNsOIB6pjzQv30 Sent to other mod sites for distro, cheers! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deltagamer 612 Posted August 10, 2014 Thanks for the update mate :) Very appreciated. I have two small requests that I would be very grateful if you added. Could you add a version that is completely unarmed like the hunter with the cover on top of the gunner location and add the ability for the gunner to turn in, for example tank commanders can turn in and out, it saves the gunner from switching to passenger when being suppressed heavily. Thanks for all you work @RichardsD your doing a great job :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Winters12 10 Posted August 10, 2014 The only MRAP walk in the back of is the Navstar MaxxPro Plus (M2). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites