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Arma 3 Kart DLC

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One programmer for one hour (adding two new animation sources).

nice answer. :yay:

of course the other DLC's will get a lot more attention i presume? they are very exciting prospects and i hope you guys push things to the next level. the helicopters ousnds great and what you can do for the marksman dlc could be epic (and hopefully) very authentic to the shooting experience

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Maybe jumping the gun, but if im not mistaken, new animation, i think i saw a video where the legs moved when turning or adjusting speed. Maybe we will see pedal animations in helicopters now. :bounce3:

Back on topic, not bad for one programmer. Pristine models, and i always wanted a flare pistol. =D

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I like the marshal clothes. :D

WE (I) NEED MORE civilian and resistance (FIA-style) clothes, BIS!!!

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TUX and suit and TIES! Ok, ill stop.

But i think the Kart DLC is a cool little thing. I wonder if over time more little simple things like this would be added. Maybe every year or so some small few dollar DLC for charity?

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I was quick! :-*

Edited by Bouben

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One programmer for one hour (adding two new animation sources).

Oh noes ! Think of the wasted manpower. NOT ! Can we just shut these whiners up now ?

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One programmer for one hour (adding two new animation sources).

What are the new animation sources?

In the interests of addon makers you see :) (to be honest I don't think we have a comprehensive list of all the new animation sources in Arma 3 yet)

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i gotta chime in....ok, kartz are unique, and they are trying to keep the player base interested...

but MY issue, is with these:

* BI has repeatedly emphasised that Arma 3 is mainly an infantry shooter - That was the excuse given for poor Helicopter dynamics, and low detail vehicles (no interiors), among much missing content, and a peppery list of decisions they made surrounding that definition.

* Its the First (edit: ) *paid* DLC - for a shooter - it shows BI it not listening to its fanbase, while further alienating those who already felt arma 3 had a korny start.

* If it took so little time, and so little developer effort:

- why does it cost money?

- where are all the other little things people have been begging for, for well over a year?

* If its only a 'Trial Run DLC' - again, why does it cost money (or give all that money to charity) - this should be free. you all know it.

I'm happy -for- the people that are happy getting mariokart, but personally i'm disappointed. Of all the things they could have released... (i'll bet it wasn't on -any- of your wishlists prior to april 1st, and a tiny minority afterwards)

my humble opinion.

EDIT: didn't see the part about red-cross. atleast thats honorable (although they don't say what percent...)

Edited by dr_strangepete

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Because every fiber of their being was being directed toward making the kart DLC.

I mean really, they are raising money for charity AND giving us more content. You're just looking for a reason to complain.

Oh cut the bullsh*t about "charity". It´s a farce and the sooner you realize that the better the world will be.

"However, The Daily Telegraph can disclose that Sir Nick Young, the chief executive of the British Red Cross, saw his pay jump by 12 per cent to £184,000 since 2010, despite a one per cent fall in the charity’s donations and a three per cent fall in revenues."

The Prime Minister in 2013 earned £142,500.

And that´s just the CEO from one office.


Thank you BIS for putting money into Nick´s pocket, i´m sure he´ll LOVE THAT. It´s a nice PR trick though for ignorant people.

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Oh cut the bullsh*t about "charity". It´s a farce and the sooner you realize that the better the world will be.

"However, The Daily Telegraph can disclose that Sir Nick Young, the chief executive of the British Red Cross, saw his pay jump by 12 per cent to £184,000 since 2010, despite a one per cent fall in the charity’s donations and a three per cent fall in revenues."

The Prime Minister in 2013 earned £142,500.

And that´s just the CEO from one office.


Thank you BIS for putting money into Nick´s pocket, i´m sure he´ll LOVE THAT. It´s a nice PR trick though for ignorant people.

Ignorant maybe, still it's for the Czech Red Cross, not the British one.

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So what if it´s the Czech, American or British? Makes no difference at all. They all run around in Benz S-klass for money that people thought went to charity.

It´s not even just Red Cross, ALL major Charities have "well fed" people at the top taking money from charity to provide for themselves, by any means necessary.

The way companies use charities today is nothing but to increase sales because people think they also pay for a good cause.

They are handing out wolf tickets for everyone, my advice is to not buy.

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So I guess the April Fools joke wasn't a joke in any sense, then? Since not only are they releasing the Karts DLC (obviously) but they are also releasing it as paid DLC. So which part was the joke?

On a related note, I think it's pretty hilarious that one of Bohemia's stated selling points for their premium content system is that it allows players to "TRY-BEFORE-YOU-BUY" and a bunch of people immediately bought the unreleased DLC that they have not had a chance to try.

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Agree on principle that in a perfect world you shouldn't becoming rich while running charities

However because there are a few leeches, your suggestion is to penalize millions people who really needs that money. That is like using a shotgun to kill a bug isn't it ?

edit : read somewhere that big charities have more or less 10% overhead

Edited by jibemorel

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well guess.. is was not an April fools.

But really Karts?!?!? damn I was expecting something more related with guns / snipers rifles / Helicopters, maps..

Well I guess people likes more this kind of things and BI is moving more into DayZ-

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well guess.. is was not an April fools.

But really Karts?!?!? damn I was expecting something more related with guns / snipers rifles / Helicopters, maps..

Well I guess people likes more this kind of things and BI is moving more into DayZ-

There will be DLC with guns, snipers rifles, helicopters and maps. The karts was an April fools joke that people liked so they released it. It's got nothing to do with DayZ and everything to do with BIS listening to their customers.

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There will be DLC with guns, snipers rifles, helicopters and maps. The karts was an April fools joke that people liked so they released it. It's got nothing to do with DayZ and everything to do with BIS listening to their customers.

And that is my concern... because I'm a customer but I think I'm the minority... who want a mil sim game... not a Dayz or altis life server but I guess that where the money is.

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I like milsim and fun, on the one hand its great to have all of those simulating systems for weapons and so on but it doesn't hurt to have some silly fun...something I think much of the community has forgotten since the Flashpoint days.

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I like milsim but I also like not having my head up my own ass and not being able to see the amusement in doing something with a sense of humor.

BI never intended to release it as it was an april fools joke it's just people wanted it so here it is. If you don't want it don't get it jeez is it that difficult to manage

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And that is my concern... because I'm a customer but I think I'm the minority... who want a mil sim game... not a Dayz or altis life server but I guess that where the money is.

So because majority wants milsim, no one should have this kind of silly fun? I like milsim and I'm still having a blast with the karts, don't play with them if you don't want to, NOTHING has been taken from you.

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Can I ask what the hell is going on? I haven't been playing Arma in awhile, waiting for it to come out of the oven because it wasn't quite done and check the forums every once in a while but then I see this... Karts on Armaholic. Zeus was a little off base, but a Pay DLC for karts?

Now, I've defended BI in the past when A3 was a mess at launch. And I defended them when everyone was complaining about the "copy and paste" going on with the game objects... And I sit around waiting for a solid group of civilians, including WOMEN are put in the game, but no...

We get karts.

Maybe I missed the point of the game I purchased? Let me check... no it says "Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox." Okay, so what you are telling me is that we have finished the military combat stuff and we can move on to goofy stuff. Got it. See ya later Arma when you remember your roots.

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This was a tiny thing that a single developer made. Probably in his spare time. Unless you think that developers should spend every waking moment working, it's pretty hard to argue that this took any time away from development of Arma 3. It was also pretty obvious it was going to be released eventually.

The only thing that is surprising is that they decided to charge for it.

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I like milsim but I also like not having my head up my own ass and not being able to see the amusement in doing something with a sense of humor.

BI never intended to release it as it was an april fools joke it's just people wanted it so here it is. If you don't want it don't get it jeez is it that difficult to manage

Lol you still don't understand.. is not about get it or not..

I would love BI working on improving a game that to me is a mil sim and adding value to it but is obvious that I¿m wrong thinking like that.

If I want to play a car sim I play Assetto corsa or something that is simu on that..

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Releasing a little add on for fun because on the first of april a lot of people wanted it, I get.

Charging for it, especially for the current amount, I get.

Making it so that the playerbase isn't split, I get too.

But invading your faithful players with micro-transaction level ads, I don't.

I mean, really ?

http://i.imgur.com/dZ5hsNQ.jpg (601 kB)

you can see the pop ups there

When did you thought it was going to be right this way. You're usually more careful about your community. I'm afraid it is going to be the same for the passengers of the DLC vehicles, ruining the helicopter DLC in advance D: .

But I'm sure you'll correct it, find an other way, a more subtle way, less intrusive. I and a lot of other players trust you BI, don't break that. Please.

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