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About someguywho

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    Staff Sergeant

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  1. someguywho

    Ukraine Armed Forces

    Ukraine Armed Forces V 2.0 Version 2.0 MediaFire changelog: Improved multicam texture Added 5 new camouflages Added RHS weapons, equipment and vehicles Added groups (Should be ALIVE compatable) Addon now requires RHS as well as HLC AK's
  2. someguywho

    Ukraine Armed Forces

    They are on Blufor. Ill have to look into alive compatibility when I get back to my PC next year.
  3. Inspired by current events, some Ukrainian forces with some vehicles While looking at a lot of reference material I found that there were a number of different camouflages used so I tried to represent that. When a unit is spawned they are randomly assigned one of seven uniforms and six headgear options: changelog: Improved multicam texture Added 5 new camouflages Added RHS weapons, equipment and vehicles Added groups (Should be ALIVE compatable) Addon now requires RHS as well as HLC AK's Download Here: Version 2.0 MediaFire Armaholic
  4. someguywho


    This looks like it could be some good competition: http://titan.im/www/index.php/page It uses the Outerra engine, hopefully they'll release a version to the general public.
  5. someguywho

    Afghan National Army

    Thanks for the hosting guys!
  6. The ANA are back. Contains ANA regulars, Commandos and special forces as well as a selection of vehicles. *Requires Massi's NATO SF and Russian Spetsnaz Weapons pack* More pics: Download: Armaholic Mediafire
  7. someguywho

    Arma3 Videos

    Arma 3, back to the Cold War. Inspired by a World in Conflict trailer.
  8. someguywho

    USAF CSAR/ Pararescue

    EDIT: All fixed now. Fixed mediafire link Thanks for letting me know guys.
  9. someguywho

    USAF CSAR/ Pararescue

    Fixed the uniform issues. They no longer all wear multicam. Mediafire First page also updated with new mediafire download.
  10. someguywho


    First page updated with fixed uniforms. US4CES is back. Mediafire
  11. someguywho

    Rainbow Six Siege

    A couple of gameplay vids from off a screen.
  12. someguywho

    Rainbow Six Siege

    This looks like it could be interesting. The "gameplay" looks pretty scripted but I reckon that if it was played with the right people then it could be enjoyable. Wonder what happened to patriots though.