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Problem with CBA initialization:

I'd try re-installing latest CBA.

Ok tried that and no change. I put a post up on the CBA forums for help there as well. Will let you know if I make any progress.

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Turns out that Epoch is breaking CBA by forcing itself to load first in the mod list despite being set to load last in the server startup command line. Until this can be fixed or worked around then CBA won't work, which means ASR won't work. If I find a resolution or the Epoch devs fix the issue I will update here.

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Both the scope and weapon you mentioned are properly configured. Might be a detection issue. I can't tell you how AGM changes things, because I haven't used it yet.

Try forcing detection of the target with the reveal command in debug console and see if they engage after.

Something like: sniper reveal target;

Thanks for looking into it.

I haven' t had the time to try it yet with the new years eve coming up and all, but i' ll let you know soon.

I did notice a few days back when i tried without agm that my nvg and nvscope equipped sniper, on a runway with a destroy waypoint on an enemy didn' t engage until he was less than a 100 meters away from the enemy, so it might very well be an issue with detecting the enemy.

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Thanks for looking into it.

I haven' t had the time to try it yet with the new years eve coming up and all, but i' ll let you know soon.

I did notice a few days back when i tried without agm that my nvg and nvscope equipped sniper, on a runway with a destroy waypoint on an enemy didn' t engage until he was less than a 100 meters away from the enemy, so it might very well be an issue with detecting the enemy.

I am pretty sure the AGM mod allows people to remove a PBO (if so desired)....I removed the PBO for NVG's and have no issues. Just a thought if you wanted a fix :)

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Hi, so Robalo i' ve made a simple test mission on Altis airport' s runway at night, i placed a sniper equipped with the BWmod G82 with the zeiss scope plus nv addon that i named sniper, i placed an enemy officer that i named target and i put in the sniper' s init "sniper reveal target", with a destroy waypoint on the target, i believe that it' s the right way of going about it?

I' ve tried putting the enemy officer at different distances from my sniper, and with the reveal command in the init' s line he wouldn' t fire at the target above 300 meters, just standing still doing nothing. If i removed the reveal line from his init he would start moving towards the target but wouldn' t fire until ridiculously close. If i spawned my sniper closer than 300 meters from the target with the "sniper reveal target" line he would shoot the enemy immediately, and without "sniper reveal target" he would move towards the enemy and fire when about 100 meters away from him.

I ran the tests both with and without AGM, so unless i used the reveal command wrongly it would appear that the ai isn' t using the big Zeiss scope + nv addon as night scope since he wasn' t shooting above 300 meters.

I am pretty sure the AGM mod allows people to remove a PBO (if so desired)....I removed the PBO for NVG's and have no issues. Just a thought if you wanted a fix

I believe so, but since i tried without AGM and my sniper still didn' t engage it would appear that the AGM tweaks of the NVG aren' t the cause of the problem. Thanks anyway mate.

Edit: Happy new year everyone by the way!

Edited by Tsark

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Ah yes, forgot that if you do a simple reveal it does not provide enough info about the target. They will still need to gather more info before the target is PID.

Try this command instead: sniper reveal [target, 4];

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Thanks, i just tried it and it works with and without AGM!

So, for my mission where the sniper is on overwatch with his spotter and i want him to engage a group at the activation of a trigger i believe that i can just put in the triggers activate field sniper reveal [enemygroupsname, 4]; ?

(Nevermind, i got the answer.)

Thanks anyway for your help man, much appreciated.

EDIT: I don' t even know why i almost wasted your time with that last question, i just tried it and it works beautifully.

I know that i' m repeating myself, but thank you for your work Robalo, it feels so nice to finally have both fearsome enemy snipers and useful sniper support.

Edited by Tsark

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Maybe it's just me but one shouldn't have to reveal targets by script. The sniper should be able to gather all the info by itself, otherwise what's the use of all the tweaking you're doing?

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It depends on the context/scenario. I was only suggesting reveal in order to determine if there was a weapon/accessory config issue that was limiting the engagement range or if it was a detection issue.

Tweaking was actually done to reduce the superhuman night spotting abilities and I'm not interested into reverting that.

Here's a quick test which shows sniper having no issue detecting and killing target at 1000m after I switched it's behavior to COMBAT.

Edited by Robalo

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- new setskill execution option: 2 - new default, execute setskill everywhere (with server settings), 1 - server only, 0 - disabled

with a headless client, we would need to set this option to 2 yeah? would all clients need to run the ASR mod if setskill was executed everywhere, or only server?


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with a headless client, we would need to set this option to 2 yeah? would all clients need to run the ASR mod if setskill was executed everywhere, or only server?


Definitely set it to 2 with HC. Doesn't matter if the clients are running the mod or not. Setskill will be executed on them (for Ai units local to them) even if they're not running the mod.

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Definitely set it to 2 with HC. Doesn't matter if the clients are running the mod or not. Setskill will be executed on them (for Ai units local to them) even if they're not running the mod.

What about changes to ROF for example? Would AI local to a client which is not running the mod still receive that improvement?

Edited by seba1976

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No, because that is config-based. That's why I recommend running the mod everywhere, for maximum effect.

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Exactly. Thanks for the clarification.

One question. I've been doing mission using BLUFOR guerrilla fighters, the ones under BLUFOR->FIA in the editor. Can you tell me what profile are you applying to that faction? I've tried to understand the config file but I couldn't figure it out. Where and how you classify one unit as a regular soldier, civilian with some military training, 3rd. world regular soldier, etc. is beyond my understanding at the moment.

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I've just started using mods (well, playing with them more than just letting play withSix handle a few here or there) and I've even began mission making and other editing to the point where I probably make 100's of Google searches a day.

I just did about twenty to forty searches but couldn't find an answer ANYWHERE so I'm finally logging in to the forums to ask what'll probably be the most noob and easiest to find answer. Here's my question:

How do I install the RHS and Aggressors configs?

A) Do I place the PBO's and keys in the @asr_ai3 folder?

B) Do I rename the configs (one or the other) to replace a file already in the @asr_ai3 folder?

C) Do I de-PBO the PBO's and merge them with a PBO existing in @asr_ai3 folder (I find this one unlikely because it came with keys and it seems like people would've came up with an easier solution to adding configs and replacement configs)?

D) Or do I create new folders such as @ASR_RHS and place the pbo and key in that folder?

One last thing: Can anyone help me in general with replacement configs, config additions, and patches where the content is a PBO? For example, consider that I download a weapon pack that comes with an optional @JSRS config. Where does this go?

I've found no documentation on how to do any of these things. Maybe I'm just new to mods or ARMA (started in ARMA 3 Alpha). I've done tons of Google searches (I'll feel like an idiot if I just didn't put in the right thing) but the information has been very vague such as users posting that they added the files (I'm not sure where they added them, how they added them, or if they meant replaced).

Please help! Over the past few weeks, I've dug deeper and deeper - trying to learn as much as possible about scripting, mods, and modding... it usually drives me insane if I can't find an answer but most of the time I'll find a solution or a work-around. This issue, for example, has given me a headache! I know it's a dumb question but I just want to get it right and know what to do in the future with this mod and others.

Thank you for any and all assistance!!!

[EDIT] Another example where I have no clue what I'm doing, trying to use "RDS CAF Aggressors Compatibility patch" (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27234). Now, this one is a little bit more clear with instructions but I wasn't sure if it was just auto-text that's in EVERY Armaholic mod page on how to install the mod. It seems like there'd be a difference between adding a compatibility patch, sound config pbo, replacement config PBO, etc.

Please help! :( I also apologize if I've overlooked any documentation, tutorials, or information that's out there.

Edited by dblack850

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Exactly. Thanks for the clarification.

One question. I've been doing mission using BLUFOR guerrilla fighters, the ones under BLUFOR->FIA in the editor. Can you tell me what profile are you applying to that faction? I've tried to understand the config file but I couldn't figure it out. Where and how you classify one unit as a regular soldier, civilian with some military training, 3rd. world regular soldier, etc. is beyond my understanding at the moment.

Levels 5-6.




For RHS and Aggressors configs and in general, when your download contains pbo files, you make a mod directory, say for example @MYMOD. Inside that create a directory called addons and then drop the pbo files into it.

Activate mod @MYMOD in addition to @ASR_AI3 and the others in your favorite game launcher and you're good to go.

Edited by Robalo

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Levels 5-6.




For RHS and Aggressors configs and in general, when your download contains pbo files, you make a mod directory, say for example @MYMOD. Inside that create a directory called addons and then drop the pbo files into it.

Activate mod @MYMOD in addition to @ASR_AI3 and the others in your favorite game launcher and you're good to go.

Thank you so much! I guess I was right about it being a simple thing to do, I was over-complicating it by considering that it had to be closer (in directory location) to ASR.

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Will ASR AI also take effect for AI that doesn't have a special compatibility config, like Leight's OPFOR pack (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27353)?

Yes it does, although how well the units are configured it may vary depending on which unit classes they are based on (properties are inherited from parent classes unless specifically configured).

You can check them with config explorer in game, look for the asr_ai_level property.

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Hey Rob, awesome work here!

Would you be so kind as to update your RHS config to include the new insurgents?

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Hey Rob, awesome work here!

Would you be so kind as to update your RHS config to include the new insurgents?

I have an update for ASR AI that I need to release first, then update the RHS config.

There is nothing that needs to be done about the new RHS insurgents because they inherit correct properties from vanilla FIA units.

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Just noticed you put ASR_AI3 as a public repo on github. What's your stance on forks and/or contributions?

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Fisrt page says license APL-SA and:

I do not demand any express permission request but it would be nice to know when someone is enhancing it so I can maybe use that as well per licensing terms.

APL-SA basically means you can do anything with it as long as you credit the author and it stays within Arma games.

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