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Arma 3 STABLE Server 2.18 "profiling / performance binary" feedback

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Hello Dwarden,

We tested yesterday PERF3 Binaries on our Server. We had much more PhysX related crashes then with PERF1 or PERF2. Binaries (they where working real stable).

Regards Michael

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We ran the PERF3 yesterday and I had a lot of reports of odd things happening. Specifically peoples UAVs were disappearing out of no where, there was also strange rubber banding going on when clients flew jets, which we have not seen before. Performance was good overall for clients but I didn't see any changes on server FPS (average of 15-20fps). We had 40 people for 4 hours on BECTI Zerti

No crashes on our end.

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the fps was high getting 60fps oncz03 but the stuttering was worse than ever only dropped 10 fps in towns and when getting in the flat bed truck but could hardly move on the ground heres a vid of it

I was trying to report this the other day but could not find the thread most of the video i took did not go through movie maker as it was stuttering to much the software could not handle it so the worst could not be shown.

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PERF4 is up (mainly just fixes of PERF1-3 issues)

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Any chance of you releasing PERF4 server.exe?

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it's out on that dropbox link ... for some days

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Hey there, any chance that you update the exe to the newest server version (114700)?

Would love to test ALiVE mod with some friends on a not so powerful server (we get about 20-30 frames max).

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server #2 and #3 from my signature are running perf5. #1 still on perf4

A bit better performance and no crashes so far...

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any chance to get a PERF with 114700. the PERF5 ist still the old one.

Thank you!

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Ran PERF5 all weekend, Warfare BECTI, 40 people no crashes or weird gitches (other than the normal ones :) )

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I can confirm the PERF5 is running fine with becti.

I just had some Access violation crash after 2 days of uptime, but that migth be related to the virtual appliance or a bad use of the custom allocator rather than to the binaries.

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(some allocation tweaks and some lil fixes)


(if you have interesting mission or issues, do 5 times #captureFrame in BE RCON on this this build with 1s delay between each, server must be w/o -nologs as the result saves to .RPT file then send to dwarden@bistudio.com )


usual pw test

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Was i just banned from perf test server #1) for being idle? I got the gamehack #76 ban. That doesn't sound like an idle ban... Don't you guys usually kick for idling? I alt tabbed to look up how to use a DMS reticle. Tested it a bit, went and read some more to come back and find myself banned. Good times. At least it's not global. :( Can i get info on what #76 means?

The only programs i'm running that aren't the usual is screen swap to have more control over my multi monitor setup and rainmeter to get my system usage on a second screen. Any of those 2 problematic?

I tried to google it of course.

Edit: Not banned anymore. Not sure what happened but cool beans. :)

Edited by Kemeros

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I was playing on the #CZ MP StressTest server last night and was getting 9-13fps a lot of the time with it running DYN/CO-72, even though there was only about 10 players on at the end but there were friendly and enemy AI as well so that obviously affects the framerate. I still played for several hours as it was quite fun running round with a small group but I doubt I killed anything and that's partly due to the poor framerate making it harder than it should be.

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ye but it's more of issue with the mission itself, SaOk is still working on resolving his scripts ...

ofcourse i use it also because it's more AI than PvP oriented mission and does things differently and because his script code is quite error free

but i'm open to suggestions to use other missions (w/o mods or callExtension libraries) ...


i tried Invade & Annex but the builds i had were too buggy on script level to get good debug results

KOTH is afaik still being worked on and not ready

TACBF needs addon

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ye but it's more of issue with the mission itself, SaOk is still working on resolving his scripts ...

Yeah, we had problems with the tasks. For example, two of the tasks were to deliver water to a town and it said we should find a construction vehicle near the town name on the map and be able to construct a well or something there but in each town we searched everywhere and there was no sign of any vehicle. Another task was to build a guardpost and we built various structures, until it said we'd reached the limit but the task never completed. I don't know if there's a specific set of buildings required to qualify as a guardpost but I couldn't see any hint regarding that.

Enemies were respawning very quickly as well, so we'd shoot the last enemy and suddenly another would appear before we run the 50m to the building. In fact, with the smaller outposts (i.e. not the main flags) it seemed impossible to capture them and enemies kept respawning outside and attacking us whilst we were in/on top of the building.

Some of the time we found enemies totally unaware of us even when we were standing right next to them. There was one base we attacked and there was a guy just sitting there with a HMG right next to us who didn't fire a shot for several minutes before we realised he was enemy and shot him and in other places, there were enemies (normally only a single one in each place) facing away from us and not moving who were totally unaware that we had just run up behind them and again we could have waited minutes before shooting them.

Support was a bit confusing as well as often I'd request something and get no response and a while later we'd notice the vehicle we'd requested had suddenly appeared somewhere near us. It would be good if the map showed where it was being dropped or something. I saw parachutes appearing on the map at times unrelated to our support requests, so I'm not sure what they were. With smaller drops (i.e. weapons) we did see a parachute coming down (in the 3D view, not the map) every time I think but again, it all seemed a bit random where it was dropped, so we could easily have missed it and I'm sure for several things I requested we never saw them coming in so didn't get them.

Despite all that, it seems like it would be a fun game mode and we all enjoyed the variety in tasks rather than the usual "go here and capture this place, repeat ad finitum" type.

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Is there a changelog between perf5 and 6, because I feel like the perf5 is working better than perf6. I have no quantified proof of that.

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