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What is going to happen when Arma 2's content is released? [Problems and solutions]

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Here is a list if the problems that will occur.

Addon making is hard not easy even with source files , be warned its no mean feat to get them in game ;).

How this problem could be solved

TAG_youraddon and make sure it doesnt conflict with vanilla in the Arma.rpt and it will be accepted by all good resource sites and Clans alike .

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Hello there

Well, with the "thing" Dwarden alluded to in his post, indeed if it is what i'm imagining, then that will ease the problem considerably if it's well implemented.

It might not solve the OP's issue 100 percent but for users generally it's a super bonus.

One would imagine that one conversion mod will become the defacto "standard" no matter how many variants there are out there and the majority will lean towards that.

I do like Kju's approach to the problem. Im becoming a bit of a fanboi of his, probably much to his disgust :)



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there's a bit too much consumer perspective in the OP for my taste. who cares really? at least someone who makes a "shitty" port does something constructive instead of wasting their time trying to organize a melting pot of creative people according their personal entitled needs. and low quality ports will keep no one from making the uber port, which will happen at some point anyways.

the uber port is already there. it's called AiA and i think it would be best to just keep on adding proper physX ports and clothes made from the character models to that and let kju do his thing there and request what he needs. i'll be happy to contribute.

no one needs people who won't contribute anyways discussing this. i'm pretty sure the relevant people already have a plan. what is it with all the idea guys these days? if you "want" or "need" something then do it yourself. anyone having a problem with varying quality should direct their requests to BI and throw some money at them to either make auto mod download or a proper port of hte arma 2 content. anything else is none of your business if you ask me. no modder how "unskilled" he might be should give a single fuck about threads like this.

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Did i miss something? Where is the ArmA2 Conetet released? Whats in this package? Whats with the Operation Arrowhead Stuff? (Iam intressted at the Scars from Operation Arrowhead, will they be included too?)

Edited by Clawhammer

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@ Clawhammer: An Arma 2 content release is supposed to be this week; no other details are confirmed but the consensus expectation/speculation is that it would be along the lines of the Arma 1 samples released in 2008 (no terrains, but mainly .p3d files for all of the game content).

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we need steam integration for mods enabled, so the mods would auto-download upon joining a server !

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we need steam integration for mods enabled, so the mods would auto-download upon joining a server !

where would those mods be downloaded from in your opinion? steam?

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I don't see that as the case; the writing was on the wall when Maruk flat-out said that "upgrading the Arma 2 massive content library to Arma 3 standards is beyond what we can do in reasonable time."

P.S. There's already been quite a bit of utilizing the ArmA 1 samples as a base for 'overlapping' Arma 3 mods already, I've already play-tested some! Seriously, I don't have nearly the negativity towards so many derivative mods that leads the OP to treat it as something to be 'remedied' by a 'community project'.

this could turn into 1 huge community project! sounds good to me

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Hahaha... my point in that reply to you was that the whole point that such a community project could exist specifically because the-powers-that-be at BI specifically ruled out putting any effort, time, and other resources into doing it, no matter how many people would have paid for it as a paid DLC.

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we need steam integration for mods enabled, so the mods would auto-download upon joining a server !

Your auto-download upon joining server theory hasn't been solved yet, even with the dreaded steamworkshop.

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where would those mods be downloaded from in your opinion? steam?

from the server or cdn?

Server sends XML file to client.

client reads mod list and download files (http)

Client restart (or not)



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Yep once I have all files downloaded (later today).

However I hope that the files BI provide will reflect as much as possible also the new structure.

In other words I will try to avoid double download for the initial files.

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;2571107']Yep once I have all files downloaded (later today).

However I hope that the files BI provide will reflect as much as possible also the new structure.

In other words I will try to avoid double download for the initial files.

Awesome ok, we've begun with basic objects. We'll wait for some kind of announcement from you. :)

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Are we allowed to post these on the forums as a "release?"

If a team is getting put together, We have a forum and teamspeak im willing to allow use off. (PM Me OP)

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dwarden: i was having a conversation about that yesterday, about if it would be obsolete/redundant work to modernize A2 buildungs, because Chernarus+ might become available for arma 3 before the work is even finished.

for the sake of work that is not in vain, should people wait for chernarus+ and focus on OA/DLC buildings instead? :eek:

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wish granted on Chernaus+ ;)

Will it be legal to port Chernarus+ from DayZ(SA) to arma 3?

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i got the entire pack downloaded and i found the scars... but the scar_acc_co.tga and other tga textures are missing. Where can i find them?

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I really would appreciate a Port of Chernaruss+ to A3, even as DLC.

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The textures will be in the PBO packages I'm fairly sure, and they will be .paa's not .tga's.... I just checked all the one's I have already DL'd and it wasn't in them, I think it's in the "ALDP_A2_PBOs_APL_part1" If you have the weapons_e pbo in your client install you can just de-pbo that and use the texture from in there.

Editing the MLOD models can be a PITA because you often have to repath all the textures in the materials editor when they have legacy naming I think... but it might auto-override TGA with paa on binerization? I'm not sure...

I'm fairly sure you can use Mikero's "moveobject" tool to make decently quick work of it if it's a batch job

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I don't want to butt into a discussion I'm not really a part of, but here's my two cents:

The idea of a community effort is great -- I'm sure it would increase the quality of the port and unify it, making it easy for people to get all of their favorite ARMA2 content for the next installment of the series.

However, I think people are exaggerating things too much. I see no reason why a few dozen ports of the same content would be such a disaster. Sure, you might end up having issues with public servers running different mods that have the same content, and therefore forcing people to jump through hoops to get in a multiplayer game. But like others have said before, players will decide which mods they like and which ones they don't, and eventually there will be a particular M16/Osprey/HMMWV/whatever mod that everyone will love and be familiar with.

Coming from a closed community perspective, I see nothing wrong with smaller ports of individual content; in fact, my squad would prefer to be able to pick and choose what we want from ARMA2, rather than need to download a massive file containing every single vehicle, weapon, backpack, butterfly model, etc. from ARMA2. I don't know about you guys, but our team is moving to ARMA3 because it is different and new, and I don't see why we need every single model and texture from ARMA2 in this game. Is it because there isn't very much content in vanilla ARMA3 currently?

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I don't want to butt into a discussion I'm not really a part of, but here's my two cents:

The idea of a community effort is great -- I'm sure it would increase the quality of the port and unify it, making it easy for people to get all of their favorite ARMA2 content for the next installment of the series.

However, I think people are exaggerating things too much. I see no reason why a few dozen ports of the same content would be such a disaster. Sure, you might end up having issues with public servers running different mods that have the same content, and therefore forcing people to jump through hoops to get in a multiplayer game. But like others have said before, players will decide which mods they like and which ones they don't, and eventually there will be a particular M16/Osprey/HMMWV/whatever mod that everyone will love and be familiar with.

Coming from a closed community perspective, I see nothing wrong with smaller ports of individual content; in fact, my squad would prefer to be able to pick and choose what we want from ARMA2, rather than need to download a massive file containing every single vehicle, weapon, backpack, butterfly model, etc. from ARMA2. I don't know about you guys, but our team is moving to ARMA3 because it is different and new, and I don't see why we need every single model and texture from ARMA2 in this game. Is it because there isn't very much content in vanilla ARMA3 currently?

It gets to be a problem when you are downloading gigabytes of the exact same vehicles and weapons from multiple addons.

If someone took the model and completely redid it or added more detail that would be fine. But how many people are going to take the time to do that rather than a straight port that's the exact same as the unit in another addons except for some slight config differences.

When done as a community, people can make each other's work better and also work together to bring Arma 2 content up to Arma 3's quality.

We need all of that because to use all of it it should have a universal expansion pack and not having to download hundreds of addons for the same effect. Its much simpler to download one thing for the average player then to have to download and either enable or disable to use on any server. It makes it easier for server owners and easier for mission makers when everything is together.

Edited by ProGamer

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