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What is going to happen when Arma 2's content is released? [Problems and solutions]

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Will it be legal to port Chernarus+ from DayZ(SA) to arma 3?

not untill you have chernarus+ samples.

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It gets to be a problem when you are downloading gigabytes of the exact same vehicles and weapons from multiple addons.

If someone took the model and completely redid it or added more detail that would be fine. But how many people are going to take the time to do that rather than a straight port that's the exact same as the unit in another addons except for some slight config differences.

When done as a community, people can make each other's work better and also work together to bring Arma 2 content up to Arma 3's quality.

We need all of that because to use all of it it should have a universal expansion pack and not having to download hundreds of addons for the same effect. Its much simpler to download one thing for the average player then to have to download and either enable or disable to use on any server. It makes it easier for server owners and easier for mission makers when everything is together.

You'd be surprised how if 1 or 2 people port a vehicle etc. no one else will bother. It will encourage them to make a difference to the model to stand out. Besides no one in their right mind is going to download gigabytes of the same vehicle or weapons model. It didn't happen in Arma 1 and it won't happen here either.

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The textures will be in the PBO packages I'm fairly sure, and they will be .paa's not .tga's.... I just checked all the one's I have already DL'd and it wasn't in them, I think it's in the "ALDP_A2_PBOs_APL_part1" If you have the weapons_e pbo in your client install you can just de-pbo that and use the texture from in there.
I am admittedly uncertain as to what rights or not there will be to use stuff that's in the PBO packages but not the sample models/animations packages.

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You'd be surprised how if 1 or 2 people port a vehicle etc. no one else will bother. It will encourage them to make a difference to the model to stand out. Besides no one in their right mind is going to download gigabytes of the same vehicle or weapons model. It didn't happen in Arma 1 and it won't happen here either.

You can't say it won't happen now because the Arma 2 content is a lot more than Arma 1 ever had. If people want to get the campaigns working, we need a central expansion pack, if servers and players want to have an easy time using Arma 2 content then an expansion pack is needed, why have hundreds of addons with strengths and weakness when everyone could put their strengths into one. Mission makers will benifit from not having the player download many different addons to use content and instead downloading just one expansion pack.

How will it encourage people? I don't understand why a community expansion pack is such a bad idea to guys?

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Its not a bad idea, its just modders shouldn't be forced to do it. I know you are not saying they should be, but some people might not realize that. Nobody wants to be forced to create certain types of content and not allowed to create others.

I think we need to give it some time first. Let people sift through all the stuff and see what's what. I am sure some form of informal expansion will show up. I personally am interested to see what All in Arma does with all the new data. Give it time.

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Why if there is a team, working on CWC2 for Arma 2, could not be a team, working on Arma 2 expainsion pack for arma 3? I'm sure such group will exist soon, maybe progamer wishes to speed that process up abit, thats all.

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Why if there is a team, working on CWC2 for Arma 2, could not be a team, working on Arma 2 expainsion pack for arma 3? I'm sure such group will exist soon, maybe progamer wishes to speed that process up abit, thats all.

maybe get to work then? if you can't wait then do it yourself.

the idea isn't new and i'm sure kju already had a plan before this thread. it's good to dicuss ideas but this whole trying to make others do things you want faster is kind of annoying. same as the discrimination against people making small ports. no one will force you to download them.

i like the idea of bigger chunks actually. like what sakura tried with the arma 2 island ports. would be great to have a modular approach. i can see for example something like an arma 2 weapons pack being used a lot instead of the whole thing. same goes for characters that would be clothes now. i wouldn't want all the units from arma 2 all the time. i think for military uniforms reskins of arma 3 stuff would look way better. on the other hand porting all the arma 2 civs as clothes items is something that is on my personal list already. same goes for the takiban.

nothing wrong about having some modular pieces along side the uber port. and who knows. maybe kju will consider a modular set up too. i personally would really like that. it will help server owners and communities to figure out what is REALLY needed from arma 2 and what can be left behind.

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pff, weird some of addon makers people are, sometimes... Sounds like: don't fuckinging tell me what to do and how to do! When someone says: hey guys, would be cool if you could group up, and make on something bigger together. No need so overreact on that.

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Sounds like:...

i was addressing certain points and attitudes. not the grouping up part. you might wanna reread. there is no "sounds like". there is just what i wrote. read!

weird how some forum people are sometimes...can't even read posts properly. sounds like: hurr durr. don't tell me how to post. pff

don't fuckinging tell me what to do and how to do!

you got that one right at least (contentwise...). to avoid further misunderstanding. ofc i support a community effort. why wouldn't i? what i don't support is people whining about having to download lots of things (here's an idea: don't download!...mind...blown) and evaluating potential ports and their quality while contributing fuck all themselves.

quoting orlok here since he hits the nail on the head:

One would imagine that one conversion mod will become the defacto "standard" no matter how many variants there are out there and the majority will lean towards that.

so by using common sense/one's imagination everyone having concerns about quality of free content should realize that.

i know that people will do as they please anyways no matter what some random people say on the forums. it's just that this kind of attitude makes me sick. sorry if i overreact in your opinion but it's simply how i genuinely feel. i'm just having a hard time filtering it for your pleasure. will try to work on that. :p

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pff, weird some of addon makers people are, sometimes... Sounds like: don't fuckinging tell me what to do and how to do! When someone says: hey guys, would be cool if you could group up, and make on something bigger together. No need so overreact on that.

You got that one precisely right. Instead of telling ME what I should do with MY free time, maybe it is time to get YOURSELF to do some work..

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Why are actual modders even talking in this thread?

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Can we please not turn this into a fight. If it bugs you that much, don't post in the thread and let it die.

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Sits back waits for ACE 3 with AIA content :)

Stuff the rest of the bollox ill wait for them .

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Sits back waits for ACE 3 with AIA content :)

Stuff the rest of the bollox ill wait for them .

as i told to my friend. this will be the ultimate arma :dancehead:. great move by BI to also release the textures and allow their usage (although i'm not sure about that yet).

speaking of which. almost done porting the male cherno civs as clothes and units with proper arma 3 functionality.


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When there are multiple versions of A2 content how will it work for missions?

So you will need to download several versions of the same vehicle/weapon/unit for different missions to work?!?!

...Please tell me that's not correct.... :butbut:

Edited by EDcase

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perhaps one could make a bundle or something, like, asking the people that ported content directly without altering it too much to get together and release some sort of bundle to unify the usage?

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is't something what op was suggesting?

perhaps, it is 6 AM and i lost track...

but in generally this isn't a bad idea, i think.

i just don't think we need to have a new "modding group" and more some open source, everybody can submit and a small team is in charge for collecting thing.

idk, perhaps i am just too tired.

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Shame nobody is doing anything like what the ops asking already they could then call it All In Arma or something ? or AiA something catchy like that

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Yeah but AllinArma gets rid of reload animations :(

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Shame nobody is doing anything like what the ops asking already they could then call it All In Arma or something ? or AiA something catchy like that

Haha, yeah I know eh? Its a wonder nobodies thought of that yet besides the OP...

Patience. Give the modders some time. You'll see they know what they are doing.

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