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At what moment did you realize the magnitude of these games?

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For me it was in an ofp cwc campaign mission (

*Thanks Smurf), where I was all alone in the woods. I'd became separated from my squad and had to make it to the checkpoint all alone. After numerous attempts and getting killed, I scrapped by, crawling with severe wounds several hundered meters, only to find a tractor on the side of a barn to aid in my final escape! I'll never forget that moment of satisfaction and realizing the depth / freedom of the game. And I hadn't even realized the editor yet! Edited by Iceman77

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;2522596']OFP demo

Cool. Which part of the demo though? I mean immediately as soon as you rendered the first mission? Or what? Never got the chance to play the demo =/. Only got the game a few months after it's release. And ofcourse jumped straight into the campaign! Then got my roomates involved, we had some great times with ofp. Couple of my roomys lived in ofp even when Arma2 came out. But, I've convinced them both to shell out the 60$ for Arma3 so we're all on the same page. :cool: Luckily I payed for mine in beta. Wanting to do some serious LAN stuff soon.

Edited by Iceman77

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A2, the first mission in Harvest Red, where you land via heli into Cherno, realised how big Arma was after all the walking in that mission.

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That mission is "

" and for me too was that. Since then, I'm hooked. Or addicted. And changed my view of games forever.

Another breakthrought (if can call that) was a massive organized MP event.

Edited by Smurf

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That mission is "

Ahh yes! Swell mission it was. Got me hooked for sure.

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since playing first cold war campaign mission. Never had so much fun, being able to run wherever you want, without being blocked by invisible walls, or corridors. Also was really fun, to shoot your team mates, and try to escape from friendlies, them trying to hunt you down.

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First time I opened the OFP editor and was like "Woah, I can do whatever I want here?!"

The other crack-like dopamine button pushing moments was when CoC was first released and we had out first taste of High Command, controlling squads and squads of men at once.

Lastly, like above, After Montignac as well. The thing about that mission was the feeling of all your comrades abandoning you, you don't have Rambo skills or firepower, your not really instructed on how to proceed, you ARE most definitely being pursued with the clock ticking down -revolutionary for that time!

---------- Post added at 07:40 ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 ----------

Never had so much fun, being able to run wherever you want, without being blocked by invisible walls, or corridors. .

This can't be overstated enough for that time and I almost feel as if people who crave this are a distinct personality type.When OFP came out, I was desperately trying to get my college Madden 01 buddies to jump on the bandwagon -they gave it a shot but immediately were like "Where do we go?", "This sucks man, whats with all the walking?!"

While me on the other hand always hated the barriers in games as they cramped my urge to "Yeah but if I went up that hill over there.....or took that (unplayable) car..."

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While me on the other hand always hated the barriers in games as they cramped my urge to "Yeah but if I went up that hill over there.....or took that (unplayable) car..."

My feelings exactly. For me it did change the way i looked at games in general.

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When :

(1) I understood i could solve the missions (well, most of) the way i want ;

(2) I understood i could create any mod i would have thought...

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i remember, as a young kid, going to school, playing UT99, tiberium sun, transport tycoon, need for speed 4, some aircraft games etc back there. i was imaginging a dream game, where you could do all the things in the same game. When for first time ive discovered flashpoint editor, when you could place yourself as any unit avaible there, from civilian with sports car to a jet, this was a truely my dream come true! I was one of few back then, who had a pc, and making everyone crazy, by telling everyone about flashpoint and what you could do there. But sadly not many of my friends, could feel the same way about the game as me. It had abit dated graphics, and all of them were used to run from a way point to waypoint in corridors, and watch the cutscenes, fighting boses. They could not understand, how awesome it is, to have a freedom like that in a game.

Well, in short, most of them are cod and bf fans now, and i'm as a "black horse", a milsim/sandbox games fan.

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Back in whatever year it was. OFP. Bought based on some reviews and out of curiosity. Big FPS player at the time.

First mission I played for whatever reason (maybe it was first in the list, can't remember): Steal the car.

The game I always dreamed of was before my eyes.

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Definately "After Montignac"

I hope BIS manages to recreate that feeling in the Survive Episode of Arma 3

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I've only really been around since Arma 2 and my first experience was with ACE/ACRE. It was daunting as hell but I was sooo blown away by the myriad of options and the scale of the game that I have not touch another game since.

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;2522596']OFP demo

The demo mission later known as "Infantry" in the campaign. Firstly to get through the first part where I learned to lay down while under fire and the second part where the tanks come rolling in where I learned something that every soldier learns some day. That sometimes the only right thing to do is make a 180 and run for it. I later replayed that mission in ArmA2 with ACE2 and found it completely different to the mission in the OFP demo. It lacked the intensity of the original, there was less feeling of danger and the pace of the initial attack and counterattack where slower, like actual soldiers were carrying it out rather than Ai that aren't afraid to die which showed the difference in gameplay between OFP and ArmA2. Even though I still love OFP more, the gameplay in ArmA2 is imo closer to real combat.

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the press of the game was the moment i first knew OFP was going to something special , like others i did get the Demo and that was the real deal however for the first time since i was at Junior school , i was excited about the snippits of information leading upto the whole thing built up like a wave of euphoria and it was one of the rare moments in life where it was at no point a disapointment .

i still have a quote cant remember where it was from but it kind of sums up for me not just the massive thrill but also how sometimes things did not always turn out as planned but it always managed to surpass via a workaround or community addon .

The multiplay side of this game (which isn't available in this preview build) is reason alone to spark interest in this title. Operation Flashpoint could rival some of the more popular team-based mods (*cough*cough*Counterstrike*cough*cough) if Bohemia is going to release the code for mod makers.

Side Note:

Operation Vietnam is the 1st planned mod for OFP. With new models and even a new jungle map. I will bring you more on this secret new project in the coming weeks.

It will be impossible in my lifetime to ever repeat that momentous occasion in gaming , it shouldnt have worked yet it did , like finding an old car in a barn in the middle of no where you turn the key and it starts , it looks like its dead a bit untidy around the edges , how can this actually be giving the thrill and excitement , however it did and i can click on the exe now and it still does and will.

The thing is its been done now and to make a breakthrough like that now , especially when you think of the campaign quality , then the online adventures later and the massive modding community that started with small groups hexing the mission files i think i recall palcebos name amongst others who have long gone , then ofp.info and the crazy addons lego roflcopter etc etc (peter pan haha) , to repeat that uniqueness now is impossible , i certainly cannot think of anything that is required more than the same but with a bit of quality and that wont ever give such a fntastic feeling , so i dont envy BIS at all only admire them for keeping going and trying to emulate it.

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I don't remember the mission's name in Ofp campaign,but it was the one where I had to rig some tanks with C4 on night time.After getting killed a few times,I blew up the tanks and managed to run to a landed Mi-17(this is the point where I got killed a few times) and steal it.The incredible tension when getting the chopper in air with even more tension when a Shilka made my little Mi-17 kebab and had to eject.At this point I think half of island was alerted,I landed in a forest(to my horror not far from the base where I blew the tanks) then made my way on foot to the extraction location.

Another awesome moment was the mission on Kolgujev when you played as the downed pilot and had to escape execution.After quite a few of failed escape attempts I actually got lucky and snatched a parked BMP1 at a base causing quite the mayhem there(I got killed though because they had a few soldiers with rpgs).

Worthy mention is After Montignac too.Sadly after Ofp they never managed to get the atmosphere right again,even in A2.Heh this brought me some memories,if they would make a dlc with only OFP campaign in A3 clothes or even A2 with the more developed russian faction in there I would buy it instantly.

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Read about OFP in PcGamer, had to try the demo (or vice versa, long time ago). That mission where I was left in some forest, in the dark with only the stars to navigate by....that brought a very special feeling.

After trying the demo there was no doubt...had to get the full game. The expansion was also great, the 2nd one. Not (Wiki to the rescue) Red Hammer, the other, Resistance. Version 1.90 patch. More or less required to buy the expansion to play multiplayer in the end. Lovely times.

A friend was always making missions and we would play them. So much fun. 2 choppers flying low, 15 m from the ground, following the roads, following each other, on the way to the AO. Land and start a fight =)

First huge openworld sandbox I can remember playing, that was FUN! Havent seen better since.


I feel something has happened to the aiming. In OFP I felt like I had pixelperfect aim. In Arma1 and later it takes forever for me to aim within 10m of anything. With sniperrifle it is easier but with normal rifles I can't hit much. Theres some kind of floatiness...

Edited by mamasan8

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My old memory a bit foggy but the sniper mission from ofp, I think I played that a thousand times... I kept running down the hill to the same spot and try and take out the truck and all units, not easy and that damn bmp.

And then the editor, what a blessing that was, I didn't really know what I was doing apart from placing units and waypoints, not to disimilar to today :)

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Mission from A1 for me. Don't ask me the name of it but you had to ambush a convoy and take it out. So many possibilities...

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To tell you the truth, it was reading about OFP in a magazine preview, it detailed the different roles of the soldiers and some of the available vehicles, it made me start dreaming about possibilities. Then when I bought it on its release day, I had a blast; it was better than what I expected.

A year or so later the mod community bloom, totally unexpected but amazing. I still remember OFPEC and the avon lady... ( I'm starting to feel old... )

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;2522596']OFP demo

same, played that demo a lot.

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It was the first time I messed around in the Editor properly, which was 2005 with OFPElite (original xbox port), restricted how many units you could have, but the ability to make missions was great. Never bothered with ofp (pc), although I had/have it. At that time I was well into other war gaming as a hobby, so not really interested in anything else.

But it was elite that got me into this series proper. Bought arma when it came out the following year, only for the 'Editor', not played the campaigns, the series then became my hobby.

Still have elite cd in the xbox here in my 'den' (every man should have a den, wife has the rest of the house), its in here along with all the other ex pc's, consoles, board games, etc, that I kept from over the years, all war gaming stuff.

My BIS library:


OFP Elite (original xbox)



Arma 2

Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead

Arma 2 Reinforcements (baf/pmc),


Arma 3

Expansions bought for the new units. vehicles, terrains etc

Other bis:

VBS2 (UK lite version)

Carrier Command (hoped they might give it a proper Editor, only dabbled with the scenario thing)



Bis related:

Iron Front (shame it didn’t move forward)


Not BIS ‘but’:

Dragon Rising (360), just to see, we all make mistakes..:p

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I'm not into consoles that much, but Elite was the best port to a console I've seen in any case. I dabbled with that sometime in 2004-2005 around release (can't remember exactly), and I was very impressed by how well it compared to the vanilla pc version.


LOL, you got me reminiscing about elite. I'm cracking up over here. I remember taking advantage of ~4 years prior knowledge of the game & absolutely murdering people with vehicles using "tab" (clear white button) lock and ai gunners. LMAO. Getting accused of hacking, all of that stuff. Getting in debates whether or not I started playing the game ~4 years prior... haha. "The game just came out idiot".. HAHAHA Good times.

Edited by Iceman77

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When I first started to make missions in OFP, I realised I could randomise so much. How many units, where they were, where they were going etc. Then I realised - I could actually put myself into any unit, any at all, leader, soldier, Blufor, Opfor. Then I realised that I could have as many friends as I liked in any of the roles at all.

Then, one time I remember I was tracking an enemy BMP through binoculars and it was going in & out of visibility. I saw it's progress by glimpses of it, and of trees as they fell. I hadn't realised the trees were destructible until then, it was a joy to me :)

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