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TPW MODS: enhanced realism and immersion for Arma 3 SP.

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TPW MODS is a modular and highly configurable suite of nearly 30 addons designed to increase the civilian, environmental, sonic, climatic and military ambience and realism of the A3 single player experience without requiring any scripting or module placement. You can use the TPW MODS of your choice to enhance any existing missions and campaigns, or to simply turn any empty map into a living world a la Far Cry, with endless replayability and a host of subtle realism and immersion touches that you probably won't even notice until you play without them. All mods interoperate well, are light on resources and a lot of work has gone into optimising them so they should not cause undue slowdowns or framerate issues. TPW MODS has been under constant development since 2013, and continues to be refined and expanded largely due to user feedback and suggestions.


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Download (154 MB)

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2586787720 - I will not support TPW MODS from unofficial versions.

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h66z72l3ka3w8jf/TPW_MODS.zip - always the latest version

PW6: http://play.withsix.com/arma-3/mods/1JrAgSIp4xGeWAAVF72WTA/TPW-MODS-enhanced-realism-immersion - many thanks to Sonsalt et al.



Community Base Addons (CBA A3): https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/168277-cba-community-base-addons-arma-3/


Latest Version Changelog


  • [CORE 2.00, ANIMALS 1.71,  SOAP 1.76, FOG 2.01] Added support for Normandy, Lybor, Sa'hatra. Incapacitated units will use screams from SSD_DeathScreams if available.
    [ANIMALS 1.71] Fixed bug which spawned animals too far from player. Dogs now mainly spawn around buildings rather than out in the open.
  • Full changelog



TPW MODS consists of a number of independently configurable components:

  • AIR - Ambient aircraft flybys
  • ANIMALS - Ambient livestock, wildlife and animal noises
  • BLEEDOUT - Progressive injuries
  • BOATS - Ambient civilian boat traffic on waterways
  • CARS - Ambient civilian traffic
  • CIVS - Ambient ambulatory civilians
  • COMPRESS - Volume compression of loud nearby gunfire
  • CORE - Essential functions for TPW MODS
  • CROWD - Larger stationary low-CPU civilian crowds
  • DUCK - AI/player reaction to nearby projectiles
  • FALL - AI/player reaction to bullet hits and falls from height
  • FIRE - Fires in barrels and fireplaces at night
  • FIREFLIES - Fireflies, houseflies, mosquitoes 
  • FOG - Region specific weather, fog, mist and dust storms, foggy breath
  • FURNITURE - Automatic CPU friendly furnishing of default A3 buildings  
  • HOUSELIGHTS - Lights in houses at night
  • HUD - Advanced heads up display for infantry
  • PARK - Ambient parked cars and wrecked vehicles
  • PUDDLE - Puddles on flat ground after rain
  • RADIO - Ambient radio chatter in /near vehicles and on foot
  • RAINFX - Raindrop FX on surfaces and goggles
  • REPAIR - Automatic repair of player vehicle at service stations
  • SANITY - Improved behaviour of AI drivers near footbound AI
  • SKIRMISH - Ambient infantry combat
  • SOAP - Region specific civilian sounds and music
  • ZOMBIES - Ambient zombies

You can use any or all of the 27 TPW MODS components, and depending on the mods you choose you can expect to see your game changed in the following ways: 


Infantry realism

  • Units reacting realistically to suppressive fire by ducking/going prone, and running away from nearby unexploded grenades (TPW DUCK).
  • Player experiencing audiovisual suppression effects under enemy fire (TPW DUCK).
  • Units reacting to falls and bullet hits by falling/ragdolling to the ground (TPW FALL).
  • Units continuing to bleed from injuries, resulting in decreased mobility and eventually incapacitation and death if not treated (TPW BLEEDOUT).
  • Units able to self heal using First Aid Kits (TPW BLEEDOUT).
  • Sounds for jumping, falling, rolling and turning prone, looking down sights (TPW FALL).
  • Plausible 2035 mesh networked HUD with range and predictive targetting, bullet trajectory tracing, positional audio ping of nearest enemies, electrochromic tinting, and full colour night vision, when equipped with tactical goggles (TPW HUD).
  • Highly configurable ambient infantry combat, with AI able to call in support (TPW SKIRMISH).
  • Units only run around weapons raised when in combat (TPW SKIRMISH).
  •  Units adhere to less rigid formation, occasionally stop and exhibit relaxed animations (TPW SKIRMISH).
  • Units do not abandon (and will try to heal) incapacitated and dead squadmates (TPW SKIRMISH).
  • Automatic repair of player vehicle at fuel stations (TPW REPAIR).
  • More realistic (slower) movement and stance change speeds.
  • Automatic volume reduction of nearby gunfire, to simulate 2035 era active noise cancelling hearing protection (TPW COMPRESS). 



  • Region specific civilians in towns, walking from house to house and reacting to weather, cars and battle (TPW CIVS).
  • Denser CPU friendly civilian crowds along the side of the road and near houses,  reacting to weather, cars and battle(TPW CROWD).
  • Civilian traffic, which you may commandeer (TPW CARS), playing music from their car radio (if using TPW SOAP).
  • Drivable civilian cars parked by the side of the road near habitable houses (TPW PARK).
  • Civilian boats (TPW BOATS).
  • Civilian zombies, if using maxjoiner's zombies addon (TPW ZOMBIES).
  • Civilian and military road vehicle AI will slow down/stop near footbound friendlies (TPW SANITY).
  • You may specify which native Arma3 and mod civilians to use on different geographic regions. Maxjoiner's women will be used as female civilians on Greek and European maps, if the mod is present.



  • Ambient furniture in enterable Tanoan, Altian, Maldenian and Livonian buildings and houses (TPW FURNITURE).
  • Lights in civilian houses at night (TPW HOUSELIGHTS).
  • Fires in barrels and fireplaces at night (TPW FIRE)
  • Region specific ambient civilian environmental noises (voices, coughs and sneezes, traffic, music radio, telephones, domestic and construction noises, trains on appropriate maps), with support for user added sounds/music (TPW SOAP). 
  • Mosques playing the Azan call to prayer at appropriate times, with prayer response from nearby houses (TPW SOAP).
  • Nearby gunfire eliciting screaming, babies crying and dogs barking, from houses near the player, and distant police sirens in built up areas (TPW SOAP).
  • Creaking doors/timbers in houses, with whistling wind and rattling windows in windy conditions (TPW SOAP).
  • Additional forest ambience such as creaking trees, falling branches, snapping twigs, small animals rustling undergrowth and leaves, occasional distant chainsaws (TPW SOAP).
  • Ambient radio chatter on foot and in/near vehicles, with support for Russian radio chatter in RHS Russian vehicles (TPW RADIO).
  • Appropriate sized flocks of baaing/bleating/clucking sheep/goats/chickens, and randomly barking dogs / yowling cats (TPW ANIMALS).
  • Ambient Camels on Sefrou-Ramal (Western Sahara cDLC)
  • Owls and foxes at night, dawn chorus of birds in the hour or so before sunrise (TPW ANIMALS).
  • Distant howling wolves at night on remote areas of European/Nordic/Arctic maps - may be configured off, or forced on for other maps (TPW ANIMALS).
  • Frogs croaking around reedy ponds and waterways (TPW ANIMALS).
  • Sharks around the player in deeper water, if using Feint's Sharks addon and or THA_Sharks (TPW ANIMALS).
  • Ambient wild and rideable horses if using the dbo_horses addon (TPW ANIMALS).
  • Crows gradually flocking around dead bodies if there is no nearby combat (TPW ANIMALS).
  • Wild boars with customised grunting sounds will spawn in forested areas, if using EO's ambient boar mod (TPW ANIMALS).
  • Occasional brown bears on remote areas of European/Nordic/Arctic maps, if using walk3r's brown bear mod - may be configured off, or forced on for other maps (TPW ANIMALS).
  • Water buffalo on various Asian maps, if using EO's ambient animals for Cam Lao Nam mod (TPW ANIMALS).
  • Occasional helicopter and jet flybys, with automatic support for 3rd party aircraft mods (TPW AIR).
  • Glowing blinking animated fireflies on warm summer evenings (TPW FIREFLIES).
  • Buzzing flies gradually building up around dead bodies, rubbish piles and bins (TPW FIREFLIES).
  • Whining mosquitos around the player at night (TPW FIREFLIES). 
  • Reduced engine and collision volume, increased wind/tyre volume of default Arma3 wheeld vehicles if using JSRS Soundmod (TPW_MUFFLER).



  • Region specific climate (TPW FOG).
  • Ground fog, units with foggy breath, and a chance of snow, during colder weather (TPW FOG).
  • Ground heat haze / mirage effects during hot weather (TPW FOG).
  • Dust devils on treeless regions of desert / middle eastern / central asian terrains during hot weather (TPW FOG).
  • Dust storm functionality which may be called via script or trigger (TPW FOG).
  • Dynamic ground mist reacting to humidity, tree cover, and rainfall (TPW FOG).
  • Dynamic snow which will not fall through buildings/ cover, snow goggle fx, snow fx in vehicles (TPW FOG).
  • Rain droplet effects on most exposed ground and object surfaces near the player (TPW RAINFX).
  • Refractive rain droplet effects on car windscreens and player goggles (TPW RAINFX).
  • Raindrop noises on player's helmet and raised weapon (TPW RAINFX).
  • Puddles on the ground around the player during and after rain (TPW PUDDLE).




Disclaimer / Licence

I totally refuse to accept responsibility for anything that might happen to your game/computer/life as a result of using my mods. I'm not a BI developer, I don't force you to use the mods, I don't ask you to pay for them. If you don't like TPW MODS, don't use them - don't demand that I change them to suit you.

If you accept this, then feel free to use and modify this code, on the proviso that you post back changes and improvements so that everyone can benefit from them, and properly acknowledge the original author (tpw) in any derivative works. Wrapping my unacknowledged work up inside your pbo addon and monetising it does not count as returning it to the community. Redistributing my work under your own name via Steam Workshop or elsewhere is expressly forbidden. I can't make you do the right thing, but I hope that you do.

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This is fantastic! Thank you for the great work.

I'd be interested to see if you can somehow script unit behavior when dismounting vehicles under fire. Currently, they stack up in a small pile behind the APC and get mowed down within a few seconds.

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Brilliant work tpw - I hope someone is able to make this collective MOD Dedicated Server (DS) & MP compatible as that would bring some nice immersion results to 'groups' gameplay :)

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i was just about to ask when are you collating your mods :rolleyes:

well done TPW.... great job

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Brilliant work on these mate. It would be great if someone could package up which ones work in a MP/Dedi environment.


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TPW CIVS : is there an option you can implent a blacklist area for spawning like the Ambient Combat Module had in arma 2 (BIS_ACM_1 etc. named markers where no enemy would spawn) this can be usefull if you want a area clear of civilians, i am building a small mission where the player owns a house on Altis but no other civs / cars are needed in my garden :P

(posted this in the old thread so therefore posting it in the new one now ;)

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Thanks for the feedback guys. It was a metric $%&^load (much more than an imperial $%&^load) of work to rework the scripts, redo the configs, reword the readmes and recompile and test it all. But now that it's all in one I think I can relax a bit because I have a much simpler framework that will be easier to update. And a single channel to communicate on.

Short term to do list:

  • Rain fx using particles
  • Ambient furniture
  • Civ helicopter retexturing via hiddenselections
  • Multiple civs per vehicle
  • Civilian exclusion zones

Longer term to do list:

  • Ambient water (ponds, puddles etc)
  • Start collaborating and porting to MP and dedi

As always your input, suggestions, bug reports and support are greatly appreciated.

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Awesom work. If they ever do put a "Donate" button, be sure you and Taosenai will be the first ones to be clicked.


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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.

** all old pages will be directed to this new one later today so nobody recieves an error trying to visit any of the old pages and always get the most up to date version


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

** Note: since this is a project on which more people are working we will contact you in the future to discuss how you want this to be setup on Armaholic.

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Hmmm a project with tpw, Windwalking and Taosenai - the holy trinity! I wonder what they could come up with ;)

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Great work again. Merging the modules while still allowing to enable / disable each function separately was a very good idea.

It greatly facilitates mod management and updating.

A small question regarding EBS:

Is it possible that the current implementation / work around for handling damage dealt by explosions does not take into account PhysX?

I remember having seen soldiers being pushed around by 40mm explosions nearby, and this does not seem to function anymore.

( I don't know, whether that's realistic or hollywood. Anyway, I really liked it :-) )

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I am getting the following error message when I launch the game after installing your latest mod (bundle);

include file userconfig\TPW_MODS\TPW_MODS.hpp not found

I have been using TPW_LOS with good results but this latest mod/bundle is error'ing out for me.

Any ideas?

Sorry I figured it out - helps when you read the install instructions more carefully.

Edited by Dr@gon

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like everyone else I'm absolutely loving your work. Altis without your mods now just feels sterile. Also like everybody else I've got a suggestion for the mod; could you maybe add empty, parked, civilian vehicles near to some of the buildings? Basically like the civilian vehicle module in A2, although I always thought that it tended to over do the amount of parked vehicles compared to the amount driving around. At the moment your mod has the opposite feeling, with every vehicle on Altis been driven 24/7.

Could I also suggest that at some point you stop coding to give eating and sleeping a try :)? We need people with skills like yours for the long term and at this rate you'll be a gibbering wreck within a week.

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Thanks TPW

---------- Post added at 21:41 ---------- Previous post was at 21:34 ----------

  tpw said:
Thanks for the feedback guys. It was a metric $%&^load (much more than an imperial $%&^load) of work to rework the scripts, redo the configs, reword the readmes and recompile and test it all. But now that it's all in one I think I can relax a bit because I have a much simpler framework that will be easier to update. And a single channel to communicate on.

Short term to do list:

  • Rain fx using particles
  • Ambient furniture
  • Civ helicopter retexturing via hiddenselections
  • Multiple civs per vehicle
  • Civilian exclusion zones

Longer term to do list:

  • Ambient water (ponds, puddles etc)
  • Start collaborating and porting to MP and dedi

As always your input, suggestions, bug reports and support are greatly appreciated.

I am glad you did this! It will help the exposure to put the information on your short term and long term list on your front page. You are making a name for yourself in this community sir. Keep up the great work.

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  oldy41 said:
Great work again. Merging the modules while still allowing to enable / disable each function separately was a very good idea.

It greatly facilitates mod management and updating.

A small question regarding EBS:

Is it possible that the current implementation / work around for handling damage dealt by explosions does not take into account PhysX?

I remember having seen soldiers being pushed around by 40mm explosions nearby, and this does not seem to function anymore.

( I don't know, whether that's realistic or hollywood. Anyway, I really liked it :-) )

You are indeed correct oldy41. What currently happens is that the suppression shell completely blocks explosion damage from passing through to the unit. There is a detection loop running that tries to disable the shell when near various explosive classes, but it doesn't always switch the shell off in time. However the shell does register the explosion and the ammo that caused the explosion. Based on this I fudge a damage value based on the indirect damage attribute of the ammo, and the distance from the unit. This is then applied to the unit to wound/kill it. There is also an impulse attribute associated with the ammo that is presumably used to calculate whether a unit should be thrown around by the explosion. I have had little success trying to push ragdolls around (TPW FALL), but I can revisit it if you think it is worth the effort.

---------- Post added at 11:58 ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 ----------

  Evil Weasel said:

like everyone else I'm absolutely loving your work. Altis without your mods now just feels sterile. Also like everybody else I've got a suggestion for the mod; could you maybe add empty, parked, civilian vehicles near to some of the buildings? Basically like the civilian vehicle module in A2, although I always thought that it tended to over do the amount of parked vehicles compared to the amount driving around. At the moment your mod has the opposite feeling, with every vehicle on Altis been driven 24/7.

Could I also suggest that at some point you stop coding to give eating and sleeping a try :)? We need people with skills like yours for the long term and at this rate you'll be a gibbering wreck within a week.

Thanks mate, I'm touched by your concern! I promise not to die at the keyboard. I've put parked cars on my to do list, hopefully they'll make an appearance in a way that doesn't $%&^ up the pathfinding for other AI drivers.

---------- Post added at 11:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 ----------

  sttosin said:
Thanks TPW

---------- Post added at 21:41 ---------- Previous post was at 21:34 ----------

I am glad you did this! It will help the exposure to put the information on your short term and long term list on your front page. You are making a name for yourself in this community sir. Keep up the great work.

Thank you! I have added the to do list, and will try to keep it current.

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