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Bohemia, have you bothered at all with the AI in the last 3 months?

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For the first time in about 3 months I booted up Arma3 (in it's new Beta form) to play a mission yesterday only to find that the AI STILL cannot keep up pace by simply following me in a simple 400m trot. Why, because their pathfinding has STILL not been fixed.

My entire group of AI (except for 1 unit) all got stuck inside a building (which I never told them to enter in the first place). Had to run all the way back and tried for 10-15 minutes to somehow get them out with no success. Time to end the mission and start over from scratch? nope...time to quit playing Arma.

...common GUYS, 12 years and you still refuse to put ample resources back into fixing glaring issues that are all about the CORE mechanics of a game that puts food on your tables?

Lost track of how long it's been already, but as far as Arma3 is concerned I haven't seen any improvement in AI nor have I seen any official word spoken about it in an easy to find post by any Bohemia Rep.

You also have still not provided a difficulty slider for "precision" in your UI and I'm getting 1-shotted everywhere I go.

With this sort of experience going on for SUCH a long time now with no word from you, it becomes apparent that you have no intentions toward fixing your bots. In that case you really need to REMOVE them from the game entirely and just turning this into the PvP experience you seem to be heading towards. If not, you seem to be leaving yourselves open to looking like you simply do not care about the AI any longer and that tends to rub coop oriented players the wrong way.

Please Bohemia, make a statement about why these core gameplay issues are still not being attended to and for how much longer this might continue to be?

Thank you.

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Also, despite this in the recent update

Fixed: AI turn limitation while aiming

The AI is still hilariously unable to hit you if you run around them in a circle.

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Fixed: AI turn limitation while aiming

Yeah I'm not sure what this one even does. AI is literally unchanged.

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Let's get this straight...

most of the newcomers to A3 mainly play Wasteland and other PvP community gamemodes. In these, the AI is non-existent. So why bother improving AI and rewriting ancient parts of the engine (this requires throughout analysis of the problem, implementation of code, overview of a programming lead, etc.) when most of the players won't notice the improvement?

And that's it, the basic logic of games industry. :P

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Let's get this straight...

most of the newcomers to A3 mainly play Wasteland and other PvP community gamemodes. In these, the AI is non-existent. So why bother improving AI and rewriting ancient parts of the engine (this requires throughout analysis of the problem, implementation of code, overview of a programming lead, etc.) when most of the players won't notice the improvement?

And that's it, the basic logic of games industry. :P

Actually, most PVP modes include AI of some sort. Especially Wasteland. Almost all wasteland missions involve AI guarding it! And I think almost everyone plays showcases and COOP missions!

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Let's get this straight...

most of the newcomers to A3 mainly play Wasteland and other PvP community gamemodes. In these, the AI is non-existent. So why bother improving AI and rewriting ancient parts of the engine (this requires throughout analysis of the problem, implementation of code, overview of a programming lead, etc.) when most of the players won't notice the improvement?

And that's it, the basic logic of games industry. :P

You obviously have no clue.

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You obviously have no clue.

Please...lets not get off on any self slandering, hijacking tangents. Lets focus on leaving this thread as clean as possible so that Bohemia can cleanly respond. If you agree then simply sign with a +1 if you feel the need to. But Im really addressing this to Bohemia for an answer.

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And the slandering seems to become the norm. Why discuss or present arguments if you can just insult ?

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Also, despite this in the recent update

The AI is still hilariously unable to hit you if you run around them in a circle.

Yet bizarrely, when approaching them or attacking from a distance they have the ability to super snipe you with a squirt from a gnat's adrenal gland, that's how accurate they are.

Edited by Bigpickle

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Waiting an hopin they sort this by release. Switched back to ArmA2.

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I think the thread title itself would be pretty much good enough to guarantee that no one from Bohemia will be reading this. At least, I wouldn't bother if I was them. Also, instead of +1ing a thread with a provocative title, perhaps a better way to go would be to search for tickets on the feedback tracker. If appropriate ones don't already exist, then you can make new ones.


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Yeah there are tickets. The problem is that nothing is being done about them in 4.5 months and release date is closing in. Or a lot more if we will remember that a lot of issues are there for up to 12 years.

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I hope those tickets not named like "Bohemia, enough to sunbathe on the beaches sipping Porter with beautiful brunettes, when I sit at home and type very important words. I hate you. I hate you. Whoaaaa!"

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You obviously have no clue.

Let me quantify that shall I!!

It was not meant as an insult, it was meant as an observation. Maybe I should have worded it better but I am sure most people knew what I meant by that statement. I play with a very active COOP community. I hardly ever play pvp unless it is in that community "hub". And I guess the majority of people play COOP rather than pvp tbh.

Also, the AI does need some work but it is a WIP and always will be.

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And the driving AI is actually a lot worse than the normal AI...

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I kinda expected more from the dev's, at least for basic gameplay features, i don't want to sound rude but i feel kind of "cheated" (sorry but i cant find a proper term, im not native english)

when i signed up to the alpha stage on day one, i expected a great relation from customers to devs and vice versa, now i see the usual angry community and the usual devs that tend to reply less.

i hope that major requests/bugs will really be looked into it, but im afraid that we will see only a big map, some new weapons, and some vehichles...

hell i won't even care if this game would ship with 2 wepons and a jeep, im interested in a solid gameplay (like everybody else i suppose)

the fact that the alpha was (infantry centered) and nothing has been touched apart for some fixes, but the major gameplay bugs like

- aiming deadzone still broken

- recoil still tooo strong

- fatigue system/weight system still feels kinda wip

- Grenade System still Wip

- Still issues when using the good old mousewheel-list-of-actions-triggerable-within-5-meters to do things

- medical system totally avoided

- ai is still damn broken (and not a little, a lot)

- the inventory menu still causes bugs

and these are only bugs concerning infantry gameplay, and as i see it, we have passed on beta but the only fixes i have seen were minor things, some 4 fps gained here and there, 3d optics...aaaand... what else?

i hope to be proven otherwise, but im really losing interest in this game, i stayed here for 4 months looking into bug fixing, looking to help with crashes, trying to send suggestions to the devs but evey day i pass on this title makes me feel like im wasting my time and effort.

again i dont want to sound rude, maybe my expectations were too high.

however i wish the best for BI and i hope they will find a way to fix these issues, because the arma franchise is NEEDED in the game market right now, im tired of games for kids.

thank you.

Edited by GottyPlays

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Well yeah... can't help but feel BIS should have worked harder on the very basics from the beginning before even thinking about submarines and all that and that their comparatively stiff engine may have painted themselves into a corner when it comes to smoothing out the gameplay.

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I kinda expected more from the dev's, at least for basic gameplay features, i don't want to sound rude but i feel kind of "cheated" (sorry but i cant find a proper term, im not native english)

when i signed up to the alpha stage on day one, i expected a great relation from customers to devs and vice versa, now i see the usual angry community and the usual devs that tend to reply less.

i hope that major requests/bugs will really be looked into it, but im afraid that we will see only a big map, some new weapons, and some vehichles...

hell i won't even care if this game would ship with 2 wepons and a jeep, im interested in a solid gameplay (like everybody else i suppose)

the fact that the alpha was (infantry centered) and nothing has been touched apart for some fixes, but the major gameplay bugs like

- aiming deadzone still broken

- recoil still tooo strong

- fatigue system/weight system still feels kinda wip

- Grenade System still Wip

- Still issues when using the good old mousewheel-list-of-actions-triggerable-within-5-meters to do things

- medical system totally avoided

- ai is still damn broken (and not a little, a lot)

- the inventory menu still causes bugs

and these are only bugs concerning infantry gameplay, and as i see it, we have passed on beta but the only fixes i have seen were minor things, some 4 fps gained here and there, 3d optics...aaaand... what else?

i hope to be proven otherwise, but im really losing interest in this game, i stayed here for 4 months looking into bug fixing, looking to help with crashes, trying to send suggestions to the devs but evey day i pass on this title makes me feel like im wasting my time and effort.

again i dont want to sound rude, maybe my expectations were too high.

however i wish the best for BI and i hope they will find a way to fix these issues, because the arma franchise is NEEDED in the game market right now, im tired of games for kids.

thank you.

I could not have said it any better myself .. The fact that ARMA 2 is a complete game yet still, this many years later has a BETA program to fix/patch existing problems... That Still Remain IN ARMA 3... You cannot polish a Turd.. but you can dress it up and cover up the smell.. And the reason why my BUTT HURTS SO MUCH right now is that.. I am an ARMAHOLIC.. I dont play COD, BF or any other shooters.. AT ALL..Never have Never will.. Arma is it.. So that is why when the gameplay is KRAP I get Butt Hurt...

Edited by Lordprimate

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AI needs lots of work, i'm not sure if they're improving it slowly but it doesn't look like. I think they should take some time improving and revisiting the AI system before they release an expansion pack. i think i have heard somewhere players saying the original flashpoint creators are not here and it was them that wrote the AI, and this makes it difficult for the guys at Bohemia to make thorough changes to it. well if this is the case, then why doesn't Bohemia create an AI of their own?

whatever the reason, by now, the AI should have progressed, entering and clearing houses, facing and paying attention to where threat is coming from, turning emediately to where gunfire is coming from instead of slow scan, regarding grenades as a threat and taking cover when thrown at them and many more, no Bipods, sniper units dont behave like they're snipers, they attack just like any other unit trying to advance to your position before they even take you out, the list goes on, modders have made this game playable for long time. it is time Bohemia should take the concerns into consideration and ArmA3 will decide whether we look forward to more of Bohemia products or not.

Edited by killerwhale

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It would be a shame to have an Arma 3 with all those new features only to have AI that does everything it can to undermine gameplay and immersion. "Task Force Balance" is running out of time soon, especially considering that all the official missions will have to be compatible with the AI configuration that ships with the release version.

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The current state of the AI is indeed much worse than it was in A2/OA.

They're way to slow to turn as mentioned but even when they do open fire sometimes you can just stand still and they unload round after round with out a hit.

They can't seem to navigate building interiors, some seem to go up the stairs others just spin around at the base and some just sink into raised floors.

AI walk through locked doors where players can't.

They know where ammo boxes are even when they can't see them and can even take ammo from invisible boxes.

I've never be happy with the way the AI know when there is a crew in a vehicle or not and only fire or react to crew in a vehicle.

Civilians/ setcaptive units keep throwing themselves to the floor even when no shooting is taking place, it takes an age to get them to move anywhere.

If you use a never fire waypoint they still throw grenades.

And of coarse the old favourite Driving, heaven forbid they meet another vehicle at a junction.

Apart from driving issues I can't see the rest being a problem.

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The AI does indeed feel a lot worse than A2. Not only that, but they still have the same bugs that have existed for so many years. Might as well just call this ArmA2.5 if all these issues are going to ship with the game. As expressed earlier in the thread, I too feel cheated. This is just a shiny ArmA2 with a different map and units IMO. If it weren't for the new scripting commands and project I am working on, I'd still be on OA. Sorry BIS, there's nothing new in the game. Some may counter my argument by saying "There's PhysX and better graphics, blah blah" - that's engine related, not the game. It feels like BIS is being very lazy in development.

No disrespect to BIS, still my favorite devs. Just harsh criticism.

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