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=ATM= Airdrop [A3] - Beta

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I found that the Bad Vehicle Type pop-up error occurred when a unit without backpack halos.
Adding line to check if the backpack exists in functions.sqf fixes the error.

    if (isNull unitBackpack _target) exitWith {};// line added

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Does anyone know how to get the ai under your command to HALO with you?

jump and AI's will follow you

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I tried that and it doesn't work

I always play cooperative missions (MP) with AI and they always jump with me

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Some times when I perform HALO, for the 2nd - 3rd time in a mission and also after using a new Virtual Arsenal loadout, I get an error when I hit the ground which has something to do with undefined variable defined _x and the hint would appear "loading loadout" and  nothing happens. My backpack goes away :(

This line is after deletevehicle _x which I believe is deleting the parachute bag.


Any hints man? Also I would appreciate a simpler version without any "vent" sounds or chemlights or IR strobes options. You got one? :)



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I found that the Bad Vehicle Type pop-up error occurred when a unit without backpack halos.

Adding line to check if the backpack exists in functions.sqf fixes the error.

    if (isNull unitBackpack _target) exitWith {};// line added

could you explain where to post this. I still get error with no backpack. thanks


never mind. found the spot. thanks. hopefully it works.

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I like this script a lot and use it in most of my missions. Since some Arma3 updates ago I notice that landing whilst not dieing in rough weather / wind rain become nearly impossible.

So i figured, thats where I could use the cut-the-rope option. However it seems cutting the rope just works once! I'm unable to cut the rope again on a next jump after I died.


So there is two issues I like to solve:

1) being able to land in rough weather (yes I do limit my landing speed)

2) able to use cuting away the rope more then once during gameplay.


Anyone else noticed these behaviour and maybe have a fix for this?




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Hello guys ! New update


Changelog v6.5 :


-Remove the automatically open Parachute at 150m



Hi pokertour ;)

Thanks for your great job ;)


But, how can we re-enable " automatically open Parachute at 150m"  ?  :huh: 

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Does anyone know if it is possible to put a cool down timer on this HALO script?  I use this in nearly all of my custom missions, however, I feel it is getting abused and would like to add a cool down timer.


Any ideas?



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Can somebody help me ?
I really apreciated if u guys can.
So, thats what i'm looking foward.

Start the mission on the plane, jump out with my friends, backpack safe, mask on, no chemical lights our strobles.
But, the script only give me a flag pole, and when i try jump out with the same code, the map apears, and it ruins whats i want ;(

can someone help ?

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Is anyone still using this Halo Jump Script? How are you fine folk meeting your Halo Jump needs? What are other basic halo alternatives?

I've tried these, but they are excessive. - L.E.A.P by Vonquest and AI Halo by Cobra4v320.


I have been trimming down the file size of my mission and would like to replace the sounds provided with the script with - in game ARMA 3 sounds. The sounds work as I'm free falling, but I can't get the sounds to work once I open my parachute.

ATM Sounds (description.ext)


// Original
	class Vent 
	{name="Vent";sound[]={ATM_airdrop\data\Vent.ogg,db-11,1.0};titles[] = {};};
	class Vent2
	{name="Vent2";sound[]={ATM_airdrop\data\Vent2.ogg,db-11,1.0};titles[] = {};};
	class Para
	{name="Para";sound[]={ATM_airdrop\data\parachute.ogg,db-11,1.0};titles[] = {};};

// Replace
	class Vent 
	{name="Vent";sound[]={"@A3\sounds_f_characters\data\parachute\freefall2.wss", 1, 1};titles[] = {};};
	class Vent2
	{name="Vent2";sound[]={"@A3\sounds_f_characters\data\parachute\parachute_glide_loop.wss", 1, 1};titles[] = {};};
	class Para
	{name="Para";sound[]={"@A3\sounds_f_characters\data\parachute\parachute_open.wss", 1, 1};titles[] = {};};

//UPDATE FIXED - Wrong Path Structure
	class Vent
	{name="Vent";sound[]={"@A3\sounds_f\characters\parachute\parachute_glide_loop.wss", 1, 1};titles[] = {};};
//Note: You only really need one sound - It gets cut off on the back end, but it works


atm_airdrop.sqf (Is there anything I need to change in here to accommodate the switch to the - in game  ARMA 3 sounds / .wss files)


//                =ATM= Airdrop       	 				    //
//         		 =ATM=Pokertour        		       		    //
//				version : 6.5						        //
//				date : 28/12/2015						   //
//                   visit us : atmarma.fr                 //

private ["_position","_cut","_dialog","_s_alt","_s_alt_text","_sound","_sound2","_soundPath"];
	waitUntil { !isNull player };
//[] execVM "ATM_airdrop\functions.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "ATM_airdrop\functions.sqf";

		_position = GetPos player;
		_z = _position select 2;
		Altitude = 500;

	hint Localize "STR_ATM_hinton";
	openMap true;

	_dialog = findDisplay 2900;
	_s_alt = _dialog displayCtrl 2901;
	_s_alt_text = _dialog displayCtrl 2902;
	_s_alt_text ctrlSetText format["%1", Altitude];
	_s_alt sliderSetRange [500,20000];
	_s_alt slidersetSpeed [100,100,100];
	_s_alt sliderSetPosition Altitude;

Keys = 0;

IsCutRope = false;

_ctrl = _dialog displayCtrl 2903;
	_index = _ctrl lbAdd _x;
} forEach ["Fr Keyboard","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z","US Keyboard","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"];
lbSetCurSel [2903, 0];

ATM_Jump_mapclick = false;
onMapSingleClick "ATM_Jump_clickpos = _pos; ATM_Jump_mapclick = true; onMapSingleClick ''; true;";
waitUntil {ATM_Jump_mapclick or !(visiblemap)};
if (!visibleMap) exitwith {
	systemChat "Halo jump canceled.";
	breakOut "main";
_pos = ATM_Jump_clickpos;
ATM_Jump_mapclick = if(true) then{
	call compile format ['
		mkr_halo = createmarker ["mkr_halo", ATM_Jump_Clickpos];
		"mkr_halo" setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_dot";
		"mkr_halo" setMarkerColorLocal "ColorGreen";
		"mkr_halo" setMarkerTextLocal "Jump";'];

_target = player;
RedOn = _target addAction["<t color='#B40404'>Chemlight Red On</t>", "ATM_airdrop\atm_chem_on.sqf",["Chemlight_red"],6,false,false,"","_target == ( player)"];
BlueOn = _target addAction["<t color='#68ccf6'>Chemlight Blue On</t>", "ATM_airdrop\atm_chem_on.sqf",["Chemlight_blue"],6,false,false,"","_target == ( player)"];
YellowOn = _target addAction["<t color='#fcf018'>Chemlight Yellow On</t>", "ATM_airdrop\atm_chem_on.sqf",["Chemlight_yellow"],6,false,false,"","_target == ( player)"];
GreenOn = _target addAction["<t color='#30fd07'>Chemlight Green On</t>", "ATM_airdrop\atm_chem_on.sqf",["Chemlight_green"],6,false,false,"","_target == ( player)"];
IrOn = _target addAction["<t color='#FF00CC'>Strobe IR On</t>", "ATM_airdrop\atm_chem_on.sqf",["NVG_TargetC"],6,false,false,"","_target == ( player)"];

_loadout=[_target] call Getloadout;

_posJump = getMarkerPos "mkr_halo";
_x = _posJump select 0;
_y = _posJump select 1;
_z = _posJump select 2;
_target setPos [_x,_y,_z+Altitude];

openMap false;
deleteMarker "mkr_halo";

0=[_target] call Frontpack;

removeBackpack _target;
sleep 0,5;
_target addBackpack "B_Parachute";
if ((getPos _target select 2) >= 8000) then{
	removeHeadgear _target;
	_target addHeadgear "H_CrewHelmetHeli_B";
	sleep 0.5;

hintsilent "";
hint Localize "STR_ATM_hintjump";
Cut_Rope = (FindDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["keydown","_this call dokeyDown"];

_height = getPos _target select 2;

while {(getPos _target select 2) > 2} do {
	playSound "Vent";
	playSound "Vent2";
	sleep 5;

hint Localize "STR_ATM_hintload";
_target removeAction RedOn;
_target removeAction BlueOn;
_target removeAction YellowOn;
_target removeAction GreenOn;
_target removeaction Iron;
deletevehicle (_target getvariable "frontpack"); _target setvariable ["frontpack",nil,true];
deletevehicle (_target getvariable "lgtarray"); _target setvariable ["lgtarray",nil,true];
if (!IsCutRope) Then {
	(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown", Cut_Rope];

sleep 3;
hintsilent "";
sleep 1;

0=[_target,_loadout] call Setloadout;

if (true) exitWith {};

Thank you.


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I've noticed a problem when using this script with the latest version of ArmA 3 v2.02.147359.  The script fails and you don't HALO.


Looking at the log file I notice an issue Error Reserved variable in expression that seems to be associated with the Keys variable.  So I dedited the scripts:


v6.5b 21 May 2021 Stopped conflict with 'keys' resurved keyword ArmA 3 v2.02,147359


- Renamed 'Keys' variable to 'ATM_Keys' to avoid confict with 'keys' resurved variable.


** atm_airdrop.sqf **

- Renamed 'Keys' variable to 'ATM_Keys'.


** dialogue.hpp **

- Renamed 'class Keys' to 'class ATM_Keys'. Really not sure if this is required.


** functions.sqf **

- Renamed 'Keys' variable to 'ATM_Keys'.


Not heavily tested it but it now appears to work.


I include a link to a set of patch files (the ones I have modified)


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@strider42 Your changes definitely make the airdrop function work again!!! However the backpack never switches back to unit's backpack, just remains a parachute. Any ideas?


@strider42 thanks for the quick reply message!

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Sorry to bring up a year old thread, however has anyone fixed the backpack not returning to units back after landing?

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