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About csk222

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  1. I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but have a look at this.
  2. Try these (I can confirm correct file path/structure) \A3\ui_f\data\Map\MapControl\taskIconDone_ca.paa \A3\ui_f\data\Map\MapControl\taskIconFailed_ca.paa \A3\ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\GameTypes\seize_ca.paa \A3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\bandage_ca.paa the "\addons" might not be needed. Good Luck.
  3. Hello. I want to restrict multiple things BUT not by role (Just straight up restrict). If this is how I remove clothing (headgear, backpack, vest, uniform etc.) _bomsf_headgear = ["H_HelmetO_ViperSP_ghex_F","H_HelmetO_ViperSP_hex_F"]; while {true} do { // Headgear if (headgear player in _bomsf_headgear) then { removeHeadgear player; }; }; How could I remove weapon items and goggles using something like this? _bomsf_item = ["optic_Nightstalker","optic_tws","optic_tws_mg"]; _bomsf_nvg = ["NVGogglesB_blk_F","NVGogglesB_grn_F","NVGogglesB_gry_F"]; This is how I currently do it. while {true} do { // Thermal Scopes player unassignItem "optic_Nightstalker"; player removeItem "optic_Nightstalker"; player removePrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Nightstalker"; player unassignItem "optic_tws"; player removeItem "optic_tws"; player removePrimaryWeaponItem "optic_tws"; player unassignItem "optic_tws_mg"; player removeItem "optic_tws_mg"; player removePrimaryWeaponItem "optic_tws_mg"; // Thermal Goggles player unassignItem "NVGogglesB_blk_F"; player removeItem "NVGogglesB_blk_F"; player unassignItem "NVGogglesB_grn_F"; player removeItem "NVGogglesB_grn_F"; player unassignItem "NVGogglesB_gry_F"; player removeItem "NVGogglesB_gry_F"; }; Update:
  4. Yeah... That's what it is supposed to do. It doesn't delete the vehicle on the dedicated server. Not sure what is happening. Examples: Supply Drop Test - Dedicated Server Supply Drop Test - Editor
  5. Hello. When I'm in the editor and I call any of the virtual support providers, they come do their thing and return to the editor placed modules location and delete/despawn automatically. How can I get the Supply Drop Helicopter to delete/despawn on a dedicated server? Currently, they deliver the ammo box and everything works properly but when I get back to base - there are a bunch of helicopters that have landed everywhere depending on how many supply boxes I called for.
  6. I 'm just getting started looking around/ checking out the script. Everything looks real good so far with multiple options. Is there a way to simplify/strip this down to its minimal requirements to function properly? I just want to customize the load-outs, rearm, refuel, repair without the need of the trucks or all of the messages and multiple ways of achieving/calling the script and extra features. For example, currently in the trigger area example it adds it to the 0-8 support menu. I would want to just access the load-out menu/dialog like you can from the laptop BUT from within a trigger area.
  7. csk222

    Combat Patrol

    Does anyone have a method to be able to attach an explosive charge/satchel to the laptop? If you try to put a charge now, it will be placed on the floor and it doesn't destroy/damage the laptop.
  8. csk222

    Combat Patrol

    This didn't work for me, it wasn't accepted at all in the init field of a unit. The following DID work in the init field of a unit in the editor and on a dedicated server. NOTE: There was a little delay where you actually see the player spawn near the AO but then teleported to the desired "base" location. Maybe if there was like a fade in from black to hide that would be ideal. I didn't want to lower the "sleep 5;" line as to not mess with what was working. 0 = (getPosATL P1) spawn { waitUntil {!isNil {BIS_finalInsertionPosArr}}; BIS_finalInsertionPosArr = _this; sleep 5; P1 setPosATL _this; }; In Other News / Inquiry: Has anyone figured out how to play more than one AO in a single session(i.e. exfiltrate and have it regenerate a new AO)? It would be cool if we could choose the initial location at mission start, lets say a destroy comms objective (or whatever was chosen in the parameters) and then it would auto generate one of the other 2 remaining objectives in a random nearby location or even the next town over. Rinse and repeat for the last objective. So it would be something like: Destroy Comms > Kill HVT > Destroy Vehicles or Destroy Comms > Destroy Vehicles > Kill HVT. Just asking! I definitely like Combat Patrol, now I want it to be more configurable (in a convenient way).
  9. Where can I find the mission file(s) to Combat Patrol to open it in the editor? Thank you. Found it! All I really needed was the Combat Patrol Module - Working great.
  10. What do you have so far? I'm currently messing around with it as well.
  11. I ripped this out of a mission I played, This works in the editor - How can I get this to work on a dedicated server? In the init of bravo_vtol: bravo_vtol_ASL = 500; bravo_vtol addAction ["<t color='#808080' t size='1.5' shadow='2'>Altitude (+ 250m)</t>", {bravo_vtol_ASL=bravo_vtol_ASL+250;bravo_vtol flyinheight 0; bravo_vtol flyinheightASL[bravo_vtol_ASL, bravo_vtol_ASL, bravo_vtol_ASL];hint format["Altitude set to %1 m ASL",bravo_vtol_ASL]}]; bravo_vtol addAction ["<t color='#808080' t size='1.5' shadow='2'>Altitude (- 250m)</t>", {bravo_vtol_ASL=bravo_vtol_ASL-250;bravo_vtol flyinheight 0; bravo_vtol flyinheightASL[bravo_vtol_ASL, bravo_vtol_ASL, bravo_vtol_ASL];hint format["Altitude set to %1 m ASL",bravo_vtol_ASL]}]; How can I add an addAction to Increase/Decrease altitude?
  12. Hello. New situation. I'm satisfied with what I have so far. NOTE: I'm still interested in knowing if I can add extra weapons to the Secondary Turret and even to the Co-Pilot's Camera - But that's for another time I am using the following code to send the V-44 X Blackfish to its loiter way point. But when I want to go to a new destination (Directly after my first location), it doesn't work. It sets a #2 "MOVE" command instead of moving my #1 "LOITER" way point to my map click location. The only way I have gotten it to loiter at another destination, is if I send it back to base (RTB) and letting it complete that order. I am using the following code to send the V-44 X Blackfish back to base. The key line in the code up above is the first line that I got from here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/deleteWaypoint --- Posted on January 04, 2011 kju When you want to remove all waypoints, do NOT iterate over waypoints _group while trying to delete them (an array is by reference!). Instead use an approach like this: while {(count (waypoints _group)) > 0} do { deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _group) select 0); }; --- What can I do to be able to move from loiter location to loiter location without having to return to base? Thank you for your time.
  13. Hello. I have been messing around with the V-44 X Blackfish and have gotten past my first couple of hurdles. I got it to loiter at its way point and can fire from the gunners position. Great! Now for the extra stuff --- 1. How can I switch between the two firing positions? Similar Topic - Switch Gunner I can "teleport" to the two firing positions using the following code, but once I teleport to one of the turrets - I can't switch back and forth using the same "teleport" method. UPDATE: In Multiplayer, The switch gunner action automatically becomes available. 2. How can I add extra Vehicle Weapons to the Secondary Gunner position? I have added additional weapons to the vehicle but they are all assigned to the Primary Gunner. Similar Topic - Add Weapons and Ammo to Turret 3. How can I send the V-44 X Blackfish to its destination and just have it hover? I have nothing for this yet.. everything I've tried, just makes the vehicle fly right by and either head back to its point of origin or circle irregularly around its destination. Can it hover up high in the sky or is hovering only for low altitude situations? I just want it to fly to a spot and hover. Basic.
  14. Might be relevant. Have a read. Good Luck!