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About Jigsor

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  1. I've heard this was merged into a mod but there is a fork Folk Arps uses and maintains https://github.com/folkarps/F3 and of course the original root of the fork https://github.com/ferstaberinde/F3
  2. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    I've been away from Arma for a few months. Hope to be more active now. There are fixes for the Halo in the DevBranch version of this mission. Link to DevBranch now on the first page. You must merge the files into your unpacked mission files less the files from All other builds' file differences link. Rolling out packed mission file updates has become increasingly more cumbersome as the mission pack grows. There are some new additional maps supported in the next official release. I cannot promise a date. The last update to DevBranch was on Apr 19 2021.
  3. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    Hello and welcome timbeard11. Classname "B_Heli_Transport_01_F" needs to be changed to "B_CTRG_Heli_Transport_01_sand_F" here. "RHS_CH_47F_light" can be used in RHS versions.
  4. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    Good to hear Araxas, Its set in script here.
  5. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    I'm not sure what the problem is exactly. Ace modules appear in zeus for me as a local multiplayer host and on dedicated even after mission reloading using #missions. Please provide client and server .rpt and steps to reproduce the problem and specifically what that problem is. "all addon options" wich addon options?
  6. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    Hello Trixity, I was unaware this was happening. Do you mind showing what you changed to revert. Base code updated on github DevBranch with some very minor changes.
  7. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    There is some old security measures in the mission which i believe are still valid concerns. Its been covered in this thread before (just need to dig through it) and has been discussed somewhat on a thread started by a BIS dev which has been deleted. It can be bypassed by completely removing this block of code from line 148 to line 170. EM on its own should not be causing a problem. Its probably some other mod or small chance that some other mission played previously to BMR Insurgency that has code running in memory which affects EM though, I can not be sure without an .rpt to look at. I would try to load Arma with just CBA and EM mods only and try to play BMR Insurgency from a fresh Arma load before you try any other mission to see if EM is working then try adding other mods or playing other mission first. Would be interested to know If you go through the trouble of what you found. I may be able to add an exception to the code if the culprit can be found. Also I believe EM has some default key bindings which i can never remember because i use custom bindings which I involves CBA. This may have an impact though don't quote me on this last line because I'm not certain.
  8. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    Still working here on local server and used regularly with no problem on our moded dedicated servers. Make sure you are using the latest steam version of EM Updated May 10, 2018 and the latest BMR Insurgency mission version 1.50
  9. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    "this edit will ban these items from any kind of arsenal option?" Yes.
  10. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    Hello Komanos, There is whitelisting which you can enable in lobby but currently only contains vanilla and WWII content. Its a huge pain to list all allowed contents and probably not what you want. In this script You can black list weapons which will still appear in arsenal but will be removed when player exits arsenal. This edit will detect the types of items you listed and remove these on arsenal closed as well. private _p = player; private _bannedWeapons = ["HLC_wp_M134Painless","NVGogglesB_blk_F","NVGogglesB_grn_F","NVGogglesB_gry_F","H_HelmetO_ViperSP_hex_F","H_HelmetO_ViperSP_ghex_F"]; private _found = false; if (currentWeapon _p in _bannedWeapons) then { _p removeWeapon currentWeapon _p; _found = true; }; if (secondaryWeapon _p in _bannedWeapons) then { _p removeweapon secondaryWeapon _p; _found = true; }; if (handgunWeapon _p in _bannedWeapons) then { _p removeWeapon (handgunWeapon _p); _found = true; }; if (!isNull backpackContainer _p && {(weaponCargo backpackContainer _p) findIf {_x in _bannedWeapons} != -1}) then { { _p removeItemFromBackpack _x; } forEach _bannedWeapons; _found = true; }; private _allHG = assignedItems _p; _allHG pushBack (headgear _p); private _detected = (_bannedWeapons arrayIntersect _allHG); if !(_detected isEqualTo []) then { {_p unlinkItem _x;} forEach _detected; _found = true; }; if (_found) then {hintSilent "Sorry, Weapon Banned :("};
  11. Situation: Team Death match Air to Air Combat. Fight Fixed wing battles or helicopter battles. Fly into the hoop to repair, ream, refuel and heal you and any crew members if they exist. The hoop repositions approximately every minute somewhere around the battle center. Side with the most points within set match time wins. Features: Play in multiplayer alone or with others in dedicated or player hosted server. Great for demoing aircraft from vanilla or any mod pack. Battle center is predefined usually around hilly, mountainous or skyscraper city areas or can be changed to a randomly generated sea battle position for better visibility and performance gain. Your aircraft is crewed with AI so you can switch to say belly or side gunner position if any or pilot at any time. Three lobby parameters which Affect AI scaling. The AI can also just be totally disabled. Scalable AI which is a settable count per player up until a settable number of players join and a hard cap which takes precedence of how many max aircraft can exist in total that includes players and AI aircraft. Auto detection of aircraft from mods which are added to Aircraft vehicle pool. Respawn in flight in random aircraft or predefined aircraft from template near battle area. Aircraft pools can be limited to corresponding native player slotting side or have no regard to side. Generates flak around battle center and periodically in service hoop. Incremental overcast options from 0 to 100. Higher settings will generate more random lightning strikes. Auto Counter Measure lobby option lessen the chance of being hit by lockon missiles and can make battle more challenging. This does not deplete manual fire supply. Black listing and whitelisting supported. Aircraft without weapons are automatically filtered from pool. Several aircraft have predefined loadouts. Loadouts can easily be edited or added into script. View Distance setting is saved into player profile each time its adjusted and recalled each time you play this mission. Simple porting instructions included. Three missions offered in the mission pack. Each is the same mission on a different terrain and a couple of default lobby parameters a changed. Includes: TDM_BMR_Air_Combat.Altis because vanilla / no mods required. TDM_BMR_Air_Combat.clafghan because great performance and best suited for Fixed wing combat of all available Arma terrains due to most massive and realistic mountains. (Can be a struggle to traverse with helis). TDM_BMR_Air_Combat.United_States_H The Seattle map has great performance and best suited for heli battles due to massive sky scrapers. Also provides a nice scenic battle ground for fixed wing battles. Best version overall really. Cons - terrain not compatible with CUP terrains core/maps. Links: Github Mission Pack Lobby Parameter options: ScreenShots: Caveats: Scripts which may be of interest to edit: Enjoy!
  12. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    @Nozzle Hello Nozzle and welcome to the forums. "cannot load texture" error with "bmrflag.paa" This can be ignored. There may be a fix for this but i am unaware of it. To me this is an Arma engine design problem. Why this happens? This happens when a new player who is not the server joins a server running a mission or choosing a mission in mission selection screen wich uses loadScreen command (this mission does). The image is contained in the mission and the mission must first be downloaded successfully in to MPmissions cache in order for the picture to be accessible/viewable. So once the player has the mission this should no longer occur if they play the same mission again. "script vehrespawn.sqf not found" There is nothing actually wrong with this script or script path but probably rather a side affect of missing terrain wich can cause all sort of anomalies. Enoch/Livonia version requires Contact DLC Tanoa versions require APEX DLC The other versions do not require dlcs. At least they never have on our dedicated servers. Also have a look at you latest .rpt when this occurs and have your players look at their .rpt log as well. This will show wich mods and dlcs are actually loaded which may differ from not the ones you thought were loaded.
  13. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    @dunadrian This is the first I've heard about this particular issue. Have you tried to verify integrity of game files through steam? I recommend this first then try to connect to this server with no mods. If it happens again there might be something useful in your .rpt log file. You can send me a link to it and I'll have a look. https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/arma3/2753090
  14. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    12/7/2019 Update for v1_50 Fixed: All RHS Titled versions affected/mission.sqm change. MHQ_3 (CH53E variants) model sunken into ground due to RHS updated 0.5.0. Change: Internal version number to 1.504 Git hub repositories updated.
  15. Jigsor

    BMR Insurgency

    And another. 10/22/2019 Hot fix for v1_50 Fixed: Recruited AI would get stuck in Base Respawn fortification on Livonia and Rosche Germany. Fixed: Broke Capture and hold Objective in last hotfix (undefined variable). Change: Internal version number to 1.503