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Till last update, i could pick up magazines from crates simply by rightclick (its better than drag&drop). Only on the first magazine in slot, a reload animation was played. Now on every magazine.

I don't like it.


Same here, reload animation for every clip taken from ammo box, bug with latest Dev build ?

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Those 24 DAGR missiles are guided, but laser guided. That's why you couldn't lock them.

Ok Minoza, I'll try this system out and see if it works. I'll see if I can get a player to laser lock a target and i'll let the missiles fly.

What launcher did you use, the PCML/RPG or the Titan?

I've tried all three, they instantly blow up BLUFOR vehicles.

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since last two beta patch, the target menu (2) is filled with Fire Geom targets. What are fire geom? Are they supposed to be there or is it a bug?

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Ok Minoza, I'll try this system out and see if it works. I'll see if I can get a player to laser lock a target and i'll let the missiles fly.

I've tried all three, they instantly blow up BLUFOR vehicles.

The gunner on the Comanche has a laser, as the gunner try firing a DAGR and moving the gun around.

The missle destroying the panther is a issue regarding the HP Heath system when what we need is a realistic damage system.

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It's getting there, ground vehicles aren't as prone to blowing eachother up and I conducted a test with 3 marshals lined in a row, shots penetrated the first one and destroyed the engine and hull, the second had a damaged engine and the third despite having impact marks was all green. So it may just take time for this to extend to AT weaponry...then again rockets are NOT AT weaponry, they might scratch the paint of a heavy vehicle at best.

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I've tried all three, they instantly blow up BLUFOR vehicles.

With the RPG, I needed two hits to the Marshal to destroy it. It was fully functional after the first hit.

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The gunner on the Comanche has a laser, as the gunner try firing a DAGR and moving the gun around.

The missle destroying the panther is a issue regarding the HP Heath system when what we need is a realistic damage system.

Another issue is the Hollywood explosions wreck any realistic damage.

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After Monday update (12.08.2013) I've noticed, that yaw movement in MH-9/AH-9 is very slow, no matter what speed I'm traveling at. I've tried both keyboard and joystick, but both feel the same. Right now it's the slowest of all helicopters, except Ghosthawk.

Here's rough values of how much time it takes to do a 360 spin:

AH-9/MH-9: 10s

Blackfoot: 7s

Ghosthawk: 10s

Orca: 8s

Kajman: 9s

Mohawk: 6s

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After Monday update (12.08.2013) I've noticed, that yaw movement in MH-9/AH-9 is very slow, no matter what speed I'm traveling at. I've tried both keyboard and joystick, but both feel the same. Right now it's the slowest of all helicopters, except Ghosthawk.

Here's rough values of how much time it takes to do a 360 spin:

AH-9/MH-9: 10s

Blackfoot: 7s

Ghosthawk: 10s

Orca: 8s

Kajman: 9s

Mohawk: 6s

I take it those times are at a complete stand still? like in auto-hover mode?

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yaw works fine in the helicopters as far as I can tell. Remember, like in real life, as the helicopter gains speed, the ability to yaw is greatly reduced by air resistance on the rear stabilizing surfaces. Basically, the helicopter "wants" to go straight forward, as speed increases. At high speed, yaw basically does next to nothing, which is correct.

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The AH-99 is very realistic in the amount of time it takes to spin around.

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The AH-99 is very realistic in the amount of time it takes to spin around.

You're right, but Raven_JJ is talking about the xH-9 helicopters

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apologies, Raven_JJ, I just tried it and you are clearly talking about helicopters without any forward velocity...which means I've probably just spewed a bunch of stuff you already knew. Apologies agin.

So, the times appear to be right on my end, so whether these yaw times are accurate to the real world vehicles is way beyond me....so I'll shut-up now! :)

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Speaking of the AH-99, when I'm using pilot manual fire with the gun fixed forward (i.e. AI gunner) is my point of impact supposed to be slightly to the right and above of the right line on my boresight?

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Your point of sight is wherever the gunner is looking. It makes manual fire truly great. You get the benefit of having a gunner with the feel of you being the shooter. He can see what you can't. If you get in without a copilot then you have to almost guess depending on how far away you are aiming. There are no sights for pilots using the gun.

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Your point of sight is wherever the gunner is looking. It makes manual fire truly great. You get the benefit of having a gunner with the feel of you being the shooter. He can see what you can't. If you get in without a copilot then you have to almost guess depending on how far away you are aiming. There are no sights for pilots using the gun.

There is.

It's a simple crosshair but it is there.

Here, freebie image. http://prntscr.com/1ld85h - pay attention to the PiP on the left and where the gun has shot.

Edited by Comp_uter15776

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the backpack ueses only the default camo

	class FR_medic_F : B_medic_F
       displayName = "Comabt Life Saver (Flecktarn)";
	nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody";
	uniformClass = "FR_CombatUniform_Tshirt";
	author = "Wolf13898";
	faction = "Bundeswehr_F";
	hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Bundeswehr_infantry\Flecktarn\Items\clothing1_co.paa"};
	linkedItems[] = {"FR_Vest_02", "FR_HelmetB", "FR_Assaultpack", "NVGoggles", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio"};
	respawnLinkedItems[] = {"FR_Vest_02", "FR_HelmetB", "FR_Assaultpack", "NVGoggles", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio"};

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There is.

It's a simple crosshair but it is there.

Here, freebie image. http://prntscr.com/1ld85h - pay attention to the PiP on the left and where the gun has shot.

I see the crosshair you mean, but isn't that just a center view so you know where you are pointing? A reference point. It's more like what we use in tanks. Where the sight is on where the gun is pointing but the machine gun is off to the side. If it was a for the purpose of shooting the gatling gun then the crosshair would be centered.

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I see the crosshair you mean, but isn't that just a center view so you know where you are pointing? A reference point. It's more like what we use in tanks. Where the sight is on where the gun is pointing but the machine gun is off to the side. If it was a for the purpose of shooting the gatling gun then the crosshair would be centered.

It shot pretty much so straight through the crosshair I didn't notice any offset, let alone having to counter for it.

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Holy crap what they've done to Little Bird, everything worked fine! AAgrrrrr Y_Y Now it turns very slowly.

Anyway, here's ticket, vote: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=12788

For some reason Pettka changed it - before it was much better /maybe its due of that bouncing/

also the AH 99 feels weird - i like how in the game manual says "its extremely fast helicopter" which isnt :D

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These days it's like fix what ain't broken, dump features because of lack of time(spent on fixing working stuff, i dunno :confused:).

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