direone 3697 Posted November 24, 2017 SEAL operatora during an hostages rescue mission seizing an enemy Mods: Jsoc, crye gear, sps weapons, 75th ranger, tfa retex, nikoaton poses, anim mod, rismark poses, project zenith, private stuff 16 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aliabualrub 1142 Posted November 24, 2017 moduse: @ Military Gear Pack @ vsm @ sma @ direone's static animations @ VSM - Uniforms @ VSM - Vests and Helmets 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheCr8rMaker 183 Posted November 24, 2017 Addons: RHS, Namalsk 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrad96 1940 Posted November 24, 2017 Syndikate Cartel forces, 2020. (replacement mod for Syndikate in mission to more contemporary weaponry, using NIA, I've already done a RHS version) Syndikate bandits with a Technical, which only appear in the Apex campaign but have now been added to the faction as usable /spawnable crewed vehicles. I love the dynamic magazines in NIA, so the bandit MG has the smaller 30 and 45 round magazines for the RPK, while the Paramilitary gunner has a larger 75 round drum. Saiga 12G shotgun, limited use in the Paramilitaries- AI are really effective with this up close, such as in jungle fighting. Paramilitary RPK gunner. Paramilitary unit in the jungles of Central Tanoa. I decided to add in bits of gear such as the helmet and NVG's to the Paramilitaries to make them more interesting to fight at night. Cartel RHIB patrol, Southern Tanoa. They still have the Cessna plane, but I kind of wish it did something in vanilla- with AI mods (V-COM) I've noticed it can work as a spotter unit for artillery or to radio for additional squads, but in vanilla it just seems like set dressing? Cartel convoy transporting a group of new fighters to Solomon Maru to be armed. Mods- NIA AK's, Syndikate Overhauled (NIA version) 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zhivets 2392 Posted November 24, 2017 Chechnya MODS USED: ArmSTALKER (for the buildings), Nikoaton's Animations, Rismarck's Animations, Special Divisions of Russia, RHS, Grassland 18 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
John Gordon 31 Posted November 24, 2017 My first screenshot: Malden Civil War - A peaceful protest against government imposed Wheat Quotas turned violent as Maldenian Secret Police opened fire on protesters, killing several and wounding many other's. This will be a screenshot story of the Civil War unfolding. Watch for more mods used: Direones Animations, TRYKs Uniforms, CUP Weapons 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
John Gordon 31 Posted November 25, 2017 Malden Civil War - Following protests against Wheat Quotas that turned violent, the President of Malden flanked by security officials announced in front of the worlds press; a crackdown on government opposition and the deployment of troops onto the streets of La Trinite and posted around government buildings to deter further protests. mods used: Direones Animations, TRYKs Uniforms, CUP Weapons 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greenfist 1863 Posted November 25, 2017 The Second to Last Stand No mods that I recall 28 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
John Gordon 31 Posted November 25, 2017 Malden Civil War - Following the Presidents promise of troops deployed on Malden''s streets, the first checkpoint set up by the Malden Armed Forces is complete and serves as a ID point in and out of La Trinite. Now that Malden is slipping into martial law the situation can only get worse. Rumour on the street has it that a leading General in the Malden Armed Forces has defected to the protesters and are preparing them for open conflict as popular support for the President dwindles. Mods used: Direones Animations, TRYKs Uniforms, CUP Weapons, CSAT Overhauled 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rismarck 1082 Posted November 25, 2017 Mods: IFA3 Lite, Faces of War, CUP, BloodLust, Rismarck´s Pose Pack, ReColor "Evil Organ´s EO-Real-3 Preset" 20 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShiftyzZ-98 803 Posted November 26, 2017 Mods: Faces of War, custom retextures, custom anim poses, IFA 3 Lite (map Sark) 19 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BAMSLAM 1857 Posted November 26, 2017 "Morning Light" Devgru Blue Squadron Member on deployment in Tanoa to combat the activities of an ISIS affiliate group - 2017. Addons: RHS, Road Runner's 6094 & mich2001, Direone's Jsoc Retex and anims, TRYK, ASCZ Head, and Project Zenith. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Capt. Rigby 144 Posted November 26, 2017 Russian SSO deployed on the outskirts of Ukrainian Border, circa Late-September, 2016 Addons used: Chernarus Redux, Project Zenith, VSM Equipment , BAF Equipment, TRYK Multiplay Uniforms, Military Gear Pack, SPR, 23 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
John Gordon 31 Posted November 26, 2017 Malden Civil War - A carbomb explodes at a Malden Army checkpoint in a village just outside La Trinite. A group called the Malden Freedom Alliance has claimed responsibility. They have called on the removal of the President and return to Democracy. This is the first instance of open conflict between the regime and Protesters whom now have appeared to have formed a insurgency group against the regime. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aliabualrub 1142 Posted November 26, 2017 Iraqi forces end isis on Syrian bordermoduse:@ direone's static animations @Caucasus Insurgency @rhs 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thedon 1574 Posted November 26, 2017 ION's elite PMCs on an airfield in Syria Mods: RHS, VTN, ASCZ Heads, VSM, Project Zenith, Zee Identity Pack, SMA, RH Accessories & Pistol Pack, TRYK, Aspis Gear, NIArsenal, RHS Uniform Re-textures, Project Infinite, SPS Equipment, FHQ Accessories, MGSR, Complementary Special Weapons, CUP Terrains, direone's Static Animations SSO in Crimea Mods: Special Divisions of Russia, Project Infinite, CUP Terrains, ACE 3 Extension 17 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
John Gordon 31 Posted November 26, 2017 British Soldiers in France, pushing deeper into Nazi Occupied Europe. Mods used: Rismarcks Pose Pack, IFA3, GIEST 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rismarck 1082 Posted November 26, 2017 Mods: IFA3 Lite, Faces of War, CUP, Rismarck´s Pose Pack, ReColor "Evil Organ´s EO-Real-3 Preset" 19 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jonathan Barbosa 1614 Posted November 26, 2017 UKRAINE - 2014 Group of special operations of the Ukrainian army operating in Odessa. MOD's: RHS, VTN Mod, MGP, Project Zenith, Anim Poses, Nikoaton Poses, Rismarck's Pose, ReColor, Special Russia, South Zagoria. 21 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted November 26, 2017 Project Delta Cambodian Ops Addons: Unsung Mod. Prei Khmaoch Luong 17 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luke_z_Brna 958 Posted November 27, 2017 Khmeimim/Latakia Air Base in Syria - main base for russian armed forces Addons: RHS, POOKs bomber pack 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted November 27, 2017 Mods: Ambient Birds, Sullen Skies, ReColor. 18 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rismarck 1082 Posted November 27, 2017 Mods: Faces of War, IFA3 Lite, CUP, BloodLust, Sullen Skies for Iron Front, Rismarck´s Pose Pack, ReColor "tortuosit ARMA 2 Preset" 19 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kydoimos 916 Posted November 28, 2017 Recruitment Drive Mods: Custom animations to spec. 29 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
direone 3697 Posted November 28, 2017 Somewhere in Cambodia, 2017 A ST6 team is tasked to rescue 2 journalist held as hostages by a rebel group in a small camp near the river After the insertion the team reach the camp shore and get ready to engage an enemy. After that the first hostile is down the team move on to the target. Few other enemies in a barrack inside the camp. The team manage to kill on the guy and keep one alive to gather infos on where the hostages are. 2 member of the team provide cover while the other 2 interrogate the enemy. The team get the infos and move to the barrack where the hostages are. During the approach a firefight breakout and the team start engaging the rebels. After the zone is clear the team break into the barracks where the hostages stay and free them. The team communicate to the HQ the green light and call in for extraction. Mods: JSOC, RR JPC, MilGP, TAC, WarfareThai mod, nikoaton poses, Prei khmaoch luong, Rismarck poses, icp anim, RHS, SOCMOD, private stuff and texture 17 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites