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Real Damage for Arma 2

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What is Real Damage?

Real Damage is a tiny code that fix some infantry damage issues in Arma 2. Like I said Real Damage is a tiny code not a mod so you can add it to your missions and players will not need any extra files to play your missions.


DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18305

Real Damage does basically two things:

1. Fix the damage for infantry units.

2. Adds a dynamic and realistic bleed out system.

1. Fix the damage for infantry units:

Real Damage fix some issues in Arma 2 making it more realistic. This increase the game experience because with Real Damage you will be afraid of being injured, like in real life, because with Real Damage being injured has realistic consequences!

The Real Damage systems makes differences between minor, critical and fatal wounds and in addition it will modify your ability to shoot.

. MINOR WOUNDS: Will slightly increase the unit damage and the bleed out process and it will have a small impact in your ability to shoot.

. CRITICAL WOUNDS: Will considerable increase the unit damage and bleed out process and it will have a bigger impact in your ability to shoot.

. FATAL WOUNDS: Will kill you straightaway. Head shot or a chest shot with a medium weapon can produce a fatal wound.

In addition every time you receive a shot the screen will flash to simulate pain.

The system has been tweaked to:

. avoid the death of a soldier by being shot twice on the foot.

. avoid the death of a soldier by being shot on the foot with a sniper rifle.

. increase the power of handguns:

Silenced pistols: You will need 2/3 shots on the chest to kill a soldier (Default is 4 shots)

Pistols: You will need 2 shots on the chest to kill a soldier (Default is 4 hots)

Revolvers: You will need 2 shots on the chest to kill a soldier (Default is 3hots)

. reduce the effective range of shotguns to around 50m (Default value is around 100m)

. make a difference between different body parts: head (Wounds: Fatal), torso (Wounds: Minor, critical and fatal) and legs (Wounds: Minor, normal and critical)

2. Adds a dynamic and realistic bleed out system to handle:

. The time left for the wounded unit (The higher the damage the less time)

. The ability to shoot for the wounded unit. The higher the damage the higher the unit's recoil coefficient)

. The bleed out rate. If the wounded unit moves his bleed out rate will be three times bigger than normal. If the wounded unit uses a vehicle it will not increase its bleed out rate.

. Visual warning. Depending of the damage and/or remaining time the code will send visual messages to let the player knows how bad his situation is. Quick flashes will indicates that the player situation is not that bad. The very long flashes will tell to the player that the time is running out and/or that the players injury is very bad.

With one normal wound (Quick flash) you will have around 7-5min to fix it if not... you will die!

How to use Real Damage?

The code is very easy to use. The same code will work in single and multiplayer mode and with players and AI (From editor or created via script!)

To use it in your missions you will need:

1. The Real Damage code folder place it on your mission's folder.

2. To create a game logic (Side = Game Logic / Class = Objects) and add into its initialization box: Logic_Team = CreateGroup Civilian;

3. To add to every unit's initialization box: This addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {If (Alive(_This Select 0)) Then {Null = _This ExecVM "Real_Damage\Damage_Detector.sqf";};}];

(I also included inside the zip file the mission I created to made the Real Damage code)

I let you know that depending on your feedback/interest I can extend this Real Damage project a little bit further... may be real vehicle damage?

Thanks for your time.

Please send me your feed back to [email protected]

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Excellent work mate! I find this very useful for the community – it offers great simple enhancement to the handling of damage, it's player friendly (no learning curve), and it's MP compatible.

I would love to see this implemented to eg. Domination!

Some suggestions:

It would be very nice in my opinion if there was a simple interface to provide a menu where you can select the proper healing options for the player that is healing another unit. Not necessary, but very nice.

PS. In case of you've modified the damage factors that game uses, I'd suggest stronger effect on torso wounds, which are often very lethal due to the vital organs that are located in torso are very vulnerable to invasive damage.

Some examples:

- lungs -> pneumothorax & heavy bleeding from pulmonary circulation

- heart & major veins and arteries -> loss of circulation of blood

- bowels -> intoxication and lethal inflammation by the bacteria from the bowels

- spinal -> depending on the location of the wound, becoming paralyzed and/or loss or dysfunction of organs because of the lacking communication and feedback between spinal, brain and tissue

Also, if it hasn't done already, the amount of bleeding could be dependent on the body part (torso = heavy, leg = heavy, arm = light) or if you're interested to add some more realism, it could also be implemented so that the body parts have minimum and maximum bleeding limits and the amount of damage and likelihoods (different on different body parts) that would determine the relative amount of bleeding and damage within the limits given to the body part. Legs and arms should have a big difference between the minimum and maximum values, torso and head should have small difference between minimum and maximum bleeding values. This would simulate the chance if eg. a bullet damages a main artery and/or bones in leg or not. This kind of simulation of realism would have very minimal effect on players that are not friendly with medicine or first aid, but would offer a great improvement to immersion to those who are interested and/or friendly with medicine or first aid. Feel free to PM me if you're interested, I'm happy to offer you the details!

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Is it Ace compatible? sorry to ask this, but it will mess the ace wounds system?

Awsome addon, nice touch.


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Thanks guys! About compatibility... Just I need to say that is Arma 2 compatible! It does not need CBA, ACE... or anything more than Arma 2. Is hard to understand for some people but it works. It does what is says on the tin. Depending on feedback I will make even better. Happy to listen comments from anyone in order to make it better... that it is right now!

I do not have a bunch of guys and a server to make a big scale test. I test the worse case scenario, grenade + 3 units. The normal "HandleDamage" will be triggered more than 30 times but the Real Damage "HandleDamage" is only triggered when a unit is alive and wounded so in the same situation (grenade+3 units) the code is triggered about 6 times! In addition the Real Damage code is tiny (Around 6kb)

Remember that you can use other easy ways to include the Real Damage code into your mission than one by one method. Real Damage is solid and easy to use, that was the idea!

Thanks guys!

I will really appreciate if someone does a big scale test an let me know how the performance was.

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Very cool looking addon! This video also really highlights the tremendous need for hit reactions (animations) by soldiers.

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Really great little addon, thanks for sharing it.

I’m also looking at the ‘Combat medical system’ mod with great interest, its being worked on at the moment, could they be used together I wonder..

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Nope, sorry. We have our own setup. I just stopped in to tell Murcielago congrats. It's always good to see more people interested in the medical milsim area.

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Running with with ACE wounds on player units and seems to work fine... in case anyone was wondering. :) no notable problems as of yet...

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Very nice! This looks interesting, i wonder how to add this to missions that use DAC. It is not shown on the video but i assume shots right in the face are finally lethal with ur scripts?

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Really neat script. Thanks.

I downloaded it and intend to use it in my mission USMC Sweepers. Will perfectly fit the mission setting :)

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nice addon, but i have few questions:

- will it work on default arma ammo (class from cfg ammo recognition) or custom ammo to ? "class my_bullet_blablabla" ?

- have you considered to change stupid arma bug, that you can die near medic and medic won't help you cause he is from other team, and without order to heal from his commander , will not help ? many times lots of AI "dies" along with lack of reaction of AI-ordered medics (with your system it will happen more often because of bleeding system), i am afraid that such bleed system will make some complications in gaming, cause soldiers will bleed out and only human-ordered medic will help (AI teamleaders screw ordering to heal other-teams members most of cases i observed , this is one of arma bugs at least i observe it when i played (usually i have no time and i don't play at all) a little some months ago)

- what do you think about implementing it in whole mod (not default BIS soldiers), i mean creating special hitpoints in soldier model, normally in game we have default bis hitpoints as head, torso, leg, arm, nothing more, what do you think about work of such system if we could implement new hitpoints in hitopointLOD (like heart for example)

- bulletproof vests, can it be done ? some soldiers defined as for example class blabla_vest_bla bla and than other hitpoint system ? (in P85 i divided soldiers to 3 groups - no vest, helmet, vest and helmet, they differ by "armorhead, armorbody" for several percent and in P85 soldier in vest and helmet can be killed more difficult than no vest no helmet soldier )

but along with such bleed system, maybe bulletproof vests could work ?

i have some ideas about helmet or vests implementation, but my scripting knowledge is about zero ;)

Edited by vilas

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Is there any randomness? As in, could I shoot someone in the chest and do nearly no damage whatsoever, and then shoot someone else in the chest and insta kill them? Because that would be an excellent feature to have.

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Is there any randomness? As in, could I shoot someone in the chest and do nearly no damage whatsoever, and then shoot someone else in the chest and insta kill them? Because that would be an excellent feature to have.

That would be exactly the same as just pure randomness though, wouldn't it? :)

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this is a nice mod!

but wouldn't using an anti-material rifle even at that range blow the limb of? I was watching a video about snipers on YouTube yesterday and the US marine sniper took the shot from 1300 yards away and the guy he shot was literally torn in half from the .50cal round hitting him in the abdomen. I think the phrase "pink mist" gets used alot by snipers doesn't it??

Anyway, if you can blow the limbs that would look pretty cool. The demo of the round hitting the second guy in the leg I don't thik is a true representation of the effect from a .50cal round at that range. Please don't take that as a slite, because I like what you have done but I reckon if the body parts are impacted better by the heavier rounds then you are definitely on to a winner.

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That would be exactly the same as just pure randomness though, wouldn't it? :)

Not really, if you weight it based on location. So the chance of it doing no damage on the chest would be exceptionally low, but it could be much higher chance with say a leg shot or an arm shot.

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Ooooh going to have to try this with DAP First Aid and see what happens !

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i agree with SpookyGnu, 12.7mm hit is real gore

+ i wanna note that small caliber is as or even more dangerous than AK, so please do not treat AK as something more dangerous than AK small caliber or M4/16

but of course you did great job with this addon

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Personally I agree that NO damage seems a little unrealistic. However LESS damage sounds better.

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Very nice! This looks interesting, i wonder how to add this to missions that use DAC. It is not shown on the video but i assume shots right in the face are finally lethal with ur scripts?

Yes, a head shot is lethal. I created a short video to explain the main things but for example the Real Damage code works when units are hit by a vehicle or with grenades...

---------- Post added at 00:00 ---------- Previous post was at 23:59 ----------

Thanks! That was the idea!

---------- Post added at 00:01 ---------- Previous post was at 00:00 ----------

Yes, a head shot is lethal. I created a short video to explain the main things but for example the Real Damage code works when units are hit by a vehicle or with grenades...

---------- Post added at 00:19 ---------- Previous post was at 00:01 ----------

Yes and no. A shot on the chest means trouble (With Real Damage) specially when located near the heart. But like I said on the video with Real Damage you can kill someone with 2 shot on the chest using a pistol. Most of the time you will need 3 bullets but sometimes you need only 2. I need to say that I noticed and I love to see that Real Damage is more random than the original Arma 2 damage system. With Arma 2 you know that using a sniper rifle it is normally one shot one kill with Real Damage is different because to kill someone straightaway you need to hit vital parts (Head and chest area) or the unit will bleed out.

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Yes and no. A shot on the chest means trouble (With Real Damage) specially when located near the heart. But like I said on the video with Real Damage you can kill someone with 2 shot on the chest using a pistol. Most of the time you will need 3 bullets but sometimes you need only 2. I need to say that I noticed and I love to see that Real Damage is more random than the original Arma 2 damage system. With Arma 2 you know that using a sniper rifle it is normally one shot one kill with Real Damage is different because to kill someone straightaway you need to hit vital parts (Head and chest area) or the unit will bleed out.

I'm amazed! I thought that it determines the wounded body part but not the location inside the body part. Forget my previous post, your system is actually more exact than what I suggested, didn't expect this... Awesome job mate! :)

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I even take care in how my scripts looks like. I try to made them easy to check by giving them a visual value so when there is a problem the problem is highlighted automatically. If you want a quality product you need quality ingredients. I think that is a key point of why I manage to release this project because the way I use to do scripts does not add issues to the problem I try to resolve. That was a free tip.

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Hm i was wondering if u can fix another problem within the ArmA damage system. Would it be possible to change the way how damage is calculated at already-hit non-vital parts of the body like legs,feet, hands, lower arms.

I mean it should not be possible to kill a unit by shooting 3 times in the foot. Mabye the bleeding out rate should increase a bit but there shouldnt be additional damage to the body. If ur scripts could change that, that would really be amazing :)

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