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ARMA 2: OA beta build 93160 (1.60 MP compatible build, post 1.60 release)

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[93156] Changed: increased gear MP messages priority

+ some more crash fixes :)

(note this should address especially some inventory problems in mods like DayZ)

Edited by Dwarden

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lol only just downloaded 93121 about 2 hours ago and haven't even installed it, and 2 more betas have come out since then, unbelievable! will go test now thanks

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Hell yeah! Does that mean gear should transfer faster?

This would be great for when I play a medic in ACE.

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Any idea when more betas will be released? these are coming out too fast (dare I say?) for me to constantly update the server and annoy players :P.

If one isn't going to be released for another week or so then I will update now, otherwise I'll wait for the next one.


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+ some more crash fixes :)

(note this should address especially some inventory problems in mods like DayZ)

I play Dayz sometime I have nothing against it,

SORRY! but that sounds to me ridiculous

ArmA players have to do a lot of things to hope that a bug is fixed (over years), report, find a way to reproduce and add to tracker then hope that people vote and developer wake up happy, and some planet are aligned in right way to get the one of interest fixed.

and sounds ridiculous but we have to say thank you to a Zombi that give extra motivation to DEVS


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Any idea when more betas will be released? these are coming out too fast (dare I say?) for me to constantly update the server and annoy players :P.

If one isn't going to be released for another week or so then I will update now, otherwise I'll wait for the next one.


you crazy to wait week, considering all the for server related improvements and fixes ... :j:

---------- Post added at 16:23 ---------- Previous post was at 16:22 ----------

I play Dayz sometime I have nothing against it,

SORRY! but that sounds to me ridiculous

ArmA players have to do a lot of things to hope that a bug is fixed (over years), report, find a way to reproduce and add to tracker then hope that people vote and developer wake up happy, and some planet are aligned in right way to get the one of interest fixed.

and sounds ridiculous but we have to say thank you to a Zombi that give extra motivation to DEVS


you do realize that fixes also all same problems other mods have right?

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you do realize that fixes also all same problems other mods have right?

yes of course, this is the reason of my post

It's 1+1

Thanks to Dayz

btw I don't expect that all reader understand what I would to express ;)

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This is bullshit. I just downloaded the other beta and installed it then 5 minutes later I had to download this beta. :mad:

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you do realize that fixes also all same problems other mods have right?

Yeah, we should be thanking DayZ for getting bugs that probably never would have been fixed being pushed to the for front. These fixes help every game mode.

This is bullshit. I just downloaded the other beta and installed it then 5 minutes later I had to download this beta. :mad:

LMAO you don't have to download them you ungrateful git. Thanks for giving me a good laugh though.

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LMAO you don't have to download them you ungrateful git. Thanks for giving me a good laugh though.

I sarcastic, asshole.

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Perhaps we could cool it, please.


Sarcasm doesn't read well on the internet. There is no cause to call someone an asshole when they don't get it.

Let's do our best to communicate without the personal attacks. Thank you.

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This is bullshit. I just downloaded the other beta and installed it then 5 minutes later I had to download this beta. :mad:

No one forcing you to download every patch.

And if I were you, I would watch my words and maybe read the forum rules again.

Here 'bullshit' and next post calling others 'asshole'... you may think you're cool by throwing such words around in a forum. Unfortunately (for you) that doesn't work here and makes you only look like a kid and gets you infractions. Think about it.

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Does anyone else get a 100% load on one or more cores of their CPU when using an editor with this beta - or otherwise ridiculously increased CPU usage?

Chernarus in the main menu already eats more than a half of my CPU resources.

Edited by metalcraze

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Hmmm, if I run all the servers on the latest version but allow client to connect with any or non-beta versions are there any possible issues that can occur?

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lol from now on please call them Alpha's.

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1000's of new copies sold, no matter due to who's mod, or mission, would move any (smart) developer to fix mass experienced issues,

especially considering people will base their choice to buy the next game (A3) partially on the previous experience.

I don't understand this frustration / complaint / sadness etc.

- 1000's of new copies sold - more money for BI, more resources for BI, better games for us

- 1000's of new players

- More bug fixes



And it's not as if BI hasn't given you enough already for years. New Beta patches have been coming out long before DayZ was even on the horizon

Personally I find this jealous and frustrated behavior ridiculous and unbecoming, perhaps even childish - in the real world things cost resources like money and time, and business needs to survive.

Also as pointed out by the devs before, some issues are simply too hard to solve (and thus also too expensive), or have deeper implications which are not always directly apparent to those not developing the game.

Lastly there are equal chances; next time you make something as successful as DayZ and find that your Mod is a motivation (or (indirect) cause) for fixes, DayZ is certainly not the first, and probably also not the last.

And as Dwarden pointed out it's not as if these fixes are not useful to others.

It's also a great opportunity for stress tests, MP tests/improvements etc.

Edited by Sickboy

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1000's of new copies sold, no matter due to who's mod, or mission, would move any (smart) developer to fix mass experienced issues,

especially considering people will base their choice to buy the next game (A3) partially on the previous experience.

I don't understand this frustration / complaint / sadness etc.

- 1000's of new copies sold - more money for BI, more resources for BI, better games for us

- 1000's of new players

- More bug fixes



And it's not as if BI hasn't given you enough already for years. New Beta patches have been coming out long before DayZ was even on the horizon

Personally I find this jealous and frustrated behavior ridiculous and unbecoming, perhaps even Childish - in the real world things cost resources like money and time, and business needs to survive.

Exactly. I don´t play DayZ but I would be pretty stupid to not see the obvious benefits that it brings to everyone. Currently it is a pure WIN-WIN situation.

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Does anyone else get a 100% load on one or more cores of their CPU when using an editor with this beta - or otherwise ridiculously increased CPU usage?

Chernarus in the main menu already eats more than a half of my CPU resources.

What happens when you run benchmark 2?

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And, how does it run? smoothly? poorly?

I haven't tested this version yet, but i don't mind a game eating half my cpu power as long as it runs fine and it uses all cores well. Hell, that's what the CPU is for. The thing i don't like is seeing a game where your cpu or gpu use is low and you get crappy performance... I've come back playing A2 after a six months hiatus and i feel a great performance improvement with the beta patches.

I like that :yay:

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Does anyone else get a 100% load on one or more cores of their CPU when using an editor with this beta - or otherwise ridiculously increased CPU usage?

Haven't noticed any changes in CPU load for me.

Regarding the current WIN-WIN situation.... I'm not a Zombie fan but I'm pleaseant surprised about all the new players and everything that brings along in terms of fixes/tweaks to make A2 even better!


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Haven't noticed any changes in CPU load for me.

Regarding the current WIN-WIN situation.... I'm not a Zombie fan but I'm pleaseant surprised about all the new players and everything that brings along in terms of fixes/tweaks to make A2 even better!


Good to read feedback related to whether we should or should not patch or influence of zombies to our patching strategies. DayZ is not only very popular but also stress test some aspects of Arma netcode very much so it certainly pushed some net code fixes beyond of what could be possible without it. Hopefully 1.61 can be another milestone for Arma 2, esp. in terms of multiplayer as it is really our focus right now.

We are very interested in feedback related to multiplayer in general, with join in progress and voice over net being the areas we believe could benefit the most (or maybe suffering from some unwanted side effects?).

The mp related fixes in recent betas are really deep, sometimes we fixed one bug just to find another one was hiding behing it. What initially started as simple effort to make selectPlayer mp compatible (it was not really designed to be mp compatible originally) has led into really significant netcode changes and it is really important to see it has not break anything before we can release final 1.61.

There are no other plans for 1.61 and we consider it feature complete, we want to roll it up as final patch soon.

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There are no other plans for 1.61 and we consider it feature complete, we want to roll it up as final patch soon.

Yahoo!!!! :bounce3:

What will be interesting is whether we see increased posting in the Official Missions forum as zombie people start wondering what is all this ArmA II Combined Ops stuff that they just bought, and start digging into the campaigns and scenarios..... :rolleyes:

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Not sure if this has been fixed yet but,

In the bootcamp tutorial tank training. When it comes to you being told to select the tanks machine gun nothing else happens. I sat there for 10 minutes waiting for instructions.

NO targets about, only sand and rocks

Edited by Dajunka

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