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Arma 2:OA 1.60 Release Candidate

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i see nuxil has listed his commandline?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\arma2oa.exe

is that ARMA 2: OA retail/sprocket installed into ARMA 2 STEAM release?

what about You Hamm ?

separate folders of A2 and OA or single folder install ?

since 1.60 the engine is capable via registry detected installed A2, OA, BAF, PMC content and thus don't need -mod=

(gunna make happy STEAM/Desura users and these with standalone folders)

---------- Post added at 21:28 ---------- Previous post was at 21:12 ----------

check please your .Arma2OAProfile file

there is class ModLauncherList part

most likely there some mods listed there

as now the in-game mod/extension manager was improved these are loaded on game start w/o -mod=

so just clean them from profile file and try start again

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The helicopter in SP speed very slow 18 before patch 1.60 RC helicopter speed very fast.

Ex: Apache Helicopter IA driver, and gunner player ok .... before flying very fast to the destinations, now always very slow speed flight 18.

Please could someone look at this in the game thanks.

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is that ARMA 2: OA retail/sprocket installed into ARMA 2 STEAM release?

what about You Hamm ?

separate folders of A2 and OA or single folder install ?

since 1.60 the engine is capable via registry detected installed A2, OA, BAF, PMC content and thus don't need -mod=

(gunna make happy STEAM/Desura users and these with standalone folders)

---------- Post added at 21:28 ---------- Previous post was at 21:12 ----------

check please your .Arma2OAProfile file

there is class ModLauncherList part

most likely there some mods listed there

as now the in-game mod/extension manager was improved these are loaded on game start w/o -mod=

so just clean them from profile file and try start again

My path: "E:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\arma2oa.exe" -nosplash -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7

Steam ArmA2, Sprocket OA+BAF+PMC, all in the same folder

In my .ArmA2OAProfile there's nothing in ModLauncherList

When I try to launch the game with that line, I get this RPT:


== E:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\arma2oa.exe

== "E:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\arma2oa.exe"


Exe timestamp: 2011/12/03 15:13:16

Current time: 2011/12/03 16:51:30

Version 1.60.86882

Allocator: E:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\dll\tbb3malloc_bi.dll

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgInGameUI/MPTable.shadow'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Recruit.recoilCoef'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Recruit.autoreload'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Recruit.animSpeedCoef'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Recruit/Flags.CameraShake'.

Warning Message: []: '/' not an array

Cannot evaluate '' - no file

Warning Message: []: '/' not an array

Cannot evaluate '' - no file

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Regular.recoilCoef'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Regular.autoreload'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Regular.animSpeedCoef'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Regular/Flags.CameraShake'.

Warning Message: []: '/' not an array

Cannot evaluate '' - no file

Warning Message: []: '/' not an array

Cannot evaluate '' - no file

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Veteran.recoilCoef'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Veteran.autoreload'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Veteran.animSpeedCoef'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Veteran/Flags.CameraShake'.

Warning Message: []: '/' not an array

Cannot evaluate '' - no file

Warning Message: []: '/' not an array

Cannot evaluate '' - no file

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Mercenary.recoilCoef'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Mercenary.autoreload'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Mercenary.animSpeedCoef'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Mercenary/Flags.CameraShake'.

Warning Message: []: '/' not an array

Cannot evaluate '' - no file

Warning Message: []: '/' not an array

Cannot evaluate '' - no file

Error: 80004005 in D3DXCompileShader while compiling the PSSpecularAlpha:0 pixel shader (w:\c_branch\poseidon\arrowhead\lib\d3d9\ShaderSources_3_0\PSBasic.hlsl)

error X3501: 'PSSpecularAlpha': entrypoint not found

ErrorMessage: Error compiling pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha:0

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Great job!

+ getting +15-20 fps

+ tons of major/minor bug fixes which were properly tweaked and fixed

+ internet play a lot smoother

+ haven't gotten any crashes

+ just feels much better, more stable, and smoother overall

+ good to know how many issues were fixed and optimizations were put in

For me this patch is perfect so far, but more servers need to update to it : P

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Before the patch, I had a bunch of objects using the attachto command to prevent their bouncing on the carrier(the command didn't work as I thought it would) but it did keep them still and allow me to setposasl them as I needed them. Now, after the patch, the command seems to be working as it should BUT instead of seeing the command "attachto" in the init line of each object, it displays "this inflame true".

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It doesn't work, ARMA 2 OA Beta is not listed under expansions, and the game only starts if you have -mod=whatever

Seriously, even if you put in any real or fake mod folder the game works. It needs -mod for some reason.

same for me!

Er I think they mean the beta folder that is created when you use one of BIS's test beta patches. You know, all the test beta patches that were released prior to 1.60RC?

Download the latest beta from here (86873):


Install it and you should find the dll folder at:


I think you then copy that dll folder into the main Arma2 directory or use the -mod line someone suggested previous page.

Just going to try this myself. Installing a beta does not do anything to the game and I have never had a problem. You only run it when using the beta patch shortcut in the Arma2 directory.

don't work.

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I can't get my game to patch properly for the life of me. What I have done:

-Installed the patch. No errors occurred.

"Verifying ARMA 2 OA, version 1.60...

ARMA 2 OA patch 1.60 has been applied successfully."

I launch my Combined Operations or stock OA and my version number shows 1.59.79384.

This kind of sucks. My server is patched to 1.6 and I can't join it now. :O

Any help is appreciated.

Edit: Problem fixed. The ArmA registry files were messed up.

Edited by zild1221

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That means you've most likely installed the beta which went into Expansion\beta directory and not RC from the first post in this thread

(either that or I can't give another logical explanation)

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No, I can't see your problem... CRV-7PG has guidance for me since BAF 1.0...[str+F] turns on your A.I. gunners laser designator and you simply tab and fire...off course...it does not work without a gunner. works the same in vetran or merc difficulty.

It works this way for the last year know amnd still does anmd I cant tell you why you did not yet figure it out how your game works.

If you can't see the problem than it's because you're playing with the "Auto Guide AT" difficulty setting in ON.

If you play with the "Auto Guide AT" difficulty setting in OFF than you won't be able to lock any laser targets (both "painted" by your gunner and/or other source such as an infantry with laser marker).

Check this ticket for more info:


The [ctrl+F] command really issues a "laser on" command to the AI gunner but it won't lock laser targets if you have "Auto Guide AT" set to OFF! The only thing that the [ctrl+F] command will do is to enable to player to lock moving (IR) targets with the TAB key just like happens with the Maverick missile in the A-10 for example.

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If you can't see the problem than it's because you're playing with the "Auto Guide AT" difficulty setting in ON.

If you play with the "Auto Guide AT" difficulty setting in OFF than you won't be able to lock any laser targets (both "painted" by your gunner and/or other source such as an infantry with laser marker).

Check this ticket for more info:


The [ctrl+F] command really issues a "laser on" command to the AI gunner but it won't lock laser targets if you have "Auto Guide AT" set to OFF! The only thing that the [ctrl+F] command will do is to enable to player to lock moving (IR) targets with the TAB key just like happens with the Maverick missile in the A-10 for example.

Dude...expert and mercenary have it off all the time you can not activate it in these difficulties.

Just try again till it works, its works for me even in mercenary and online. you can choose other targets with the target menu..look for "laser target". This way you can also lock vehicles with engine off, bunkers and single men.

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check please your .arma2oaprofile file

there is class modlauncherlist part

most likely there some mods listed there

as now the in-game mod/extension manager was improved these are loaded on game start w/o -mod=

so just clean them from profile file and try start again


This work!!!

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whole bugs in ArmA II finally got fixed :D , but can I am only downloading the patch for ArmA II not with other patch for ArmA II : Operation Arrowhead or ArmA II : Reinforcement too ?

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I am also having the problem where it crashes to desktop and says "Error creating Direct3D 9 Graphical Engine"

This is without running any mods and both with and without the dll folder

---------- Post added at 17:41 ---------- Previous post was at 17:36 ----------

I can run ArmA 2 but not OA

---------- Post added at 17:57 ---------- Previous post was at 17:41 ----------

It works if I launch the game from "arma2rft.exe" or "arma2.exe" but nothing else

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thanx Devs - great list of fixes and so excited to see how the AI not being able to see through grass and less visible through forest will behave in game.

and i also hope it means that players will no longer feel the need to play missions with no grass on which is such a shame for the amazing maps out there, i.e. players turning grass off on Lingor (devestating!!).

Edited by Lightspeed_aust

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The RC broke Norrin's Aerial Taxi script. It does work in principle, but the helo only moves at very slow speed, like 20 or 30 km/h. Seems like a regression from the last beta. I'll report this issue over at norrin's thread in the scripting forum as well. Might have to do with the doMove command not working as expected.

Seems, it's not only Helicopters. After 1.60 RC all vehicles with a "doMove" command only move at a very slow pace. Helos fly at an infantry jogging speed, wheeled are a little faster. Vehicles with normal waypoint act normally.

Starting beta build 86873 over the installed 1.60 RC sets everything to normal.

Can anyone confirm this issue?

EDIT: reported at CIT #26814

Edited by Guess Who

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Yes, at least for norrins taxi and other helos (HC controlled) move very slowly, some helos move normal, can't be more descriptive no time to test.

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Now no one knows why the helicopters are slower? is there any command to fly faster? example: this flyinheight 150, speed 90? ? ?

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Was there any changes done on Arma2 TI mapping? I don't see any changes as per the change log when playing this RC version.

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:j:Okay....I've re installed ARMA 2(and deleted the beta 1.11 build)....then, after extracting the installer archive with winrar, I then extracted the INSTALLER with 7z, to reveal 4 separate installers(OA, BAF,PMC,A2). They all work except for the A2 installer which gives me an error: "Wrong CD Key". Any ideas? Again, both on Steam... :j:


ps: yes, everything was run as admin, Win7 64 Home Premium...

Edited by bazza_1964

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Was there any changes done on Arma2 TI mapping? I don't see any changes as per the change log when playing this RC version.

A2 does not support TI maps...

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so if I give an order to the pilot to move ia such a position? as I do to go faster?

I have to create waipoints to go faster? I'm sorry but I do not understand.



I would like to know what command to use for the driver to go to the helicopter ia certain speed when I ordered him to move to another position as a gunner.

Edited by Metralla

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Dude...expert and mercenary have it off all the time you can not activate it in these difficulties.

Just try again till it works, its works for me even in mercenary and online. you can choose other targets with the target menu..look for "laser target". This way you can also lock vehicles with engine off, bunkers and single men.

1- Yes, I do know that in "veteran" and "expert" difficulty you can't change the Auto Guide AT setting to ON.

2- What you're talking about (locking vehicles with engine off and bunkers) it's the same thing has while playing as an Apache gunner you aim at a target and press the right mouse button - this way you can lock targets such as vehicles have engine off or static weapons for example but this doesn't have anything to do with laser targets! You can order the Wildcat AI gunner to lock an infantry soldier BUT I'm 100% sure that you CANNOT lock and guide a CRV-7PG rocket into that same infantry soldier!

3- What I'm talking about is for example having two humans flying/crewing in a Wilcat helicopter and having a human gunner marking a laser spot/target and the human pilot locking and firing at the laser spot/target with the CRV-7PG rockets or for example locking a laser target marked by an infantry soldier (thru laser designator) - I tested this several times with the "veteran" and "expert" and "regular" with Auto Guide AT set to OFF difficulties in a DEDICATED SERVER and it doesn't work, PERIOD!

But if you use the Hellfire missile (in the Apache) with these difficulty settings ("veteran", "expert" or regular with Auto Guide AT set to OFF) you don't have ANY PROBLEMS at all locking at laser targets! OR if you play with Auto Guide AT set to ON than you don't have ANY PROBLEMS locking at laser targets just like happens with the Hellfire missile with ANY DIFFICULTY setting.

4- If you look at the ticket related to this problem (which BTW it wasn't even started by me!) you see that several people concur with this same problem and I really find VERY ODD that you don't see this very obvious issue - perhaps you don't fly with the Wilcat helicopter that much....

Because of this problem I and my friends play with Auto Guide AT set to ON and with an edited "regular" dificulty level set in our dedicated server.

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