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Moschnyi Island (GSEP)

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The Green Sea Expansion Project (GSEP) presents our first release: Moschnyi Island.

Download Links:

GSEP Moschnyi v1.1 (Armed Assault.info)

GSEP Moschnyi v1.1(Megaupload)

Will update with mirrors as they become available.

Requirements: ArmA II and Operation Arrowhead

Please post any bugs or recommendations on these forums for the time being.

v1.1 Includes:

Minor adjustments to Sat and Mask

Added Emergency Airfield and Small Militia Garrison

Added more fences and walls around fields

Removed some problematic objects from problematic places

New Menu Image by CameronMcDonald

Airfield Information:

Runs East to West

Aircraft capable of landing: All ArmA II and OA aircraft

Aircraft capable of taking off: All except A-10

C-130 hits the beach after the runway but manages to make it into the air.

Su-25 barely makes it

L-39Z makes it just a bit better than the Su-25


Moschnyi is the southern most Chernarussian territory. It is an island located east of Novigrad and south of Primorsk. The southern coast has been pummeled by wind and rough seas for centuries leaving a slowly receeding cliff face lining the coast. The grounds above the cliffs contain only bushes and grass due to the brutal winds from the south. There are no trees until one reaches the northern side of the island where the slow descent to the northern coast shields trees from the wind. There are few crops that grow on the grounds of Moschnyi but the open fields are commonly grazed by domesticated animals including, sheep, cows, and goat.

Two bays, the old harbor in the town of Moschnyi and the new harbor in Novakvice can be found along the northern coast. Additionally, a ferry on the north-west coast near the town of Moschnyi links the island to the mainland across the Strait of Moschnyi.

The two main towns on the island are Moschnyi and Novakvice. Smaller towns include Lipnice, Murnice, and Kyslin. Moschnyi has both the only fuel station and only large market on the island. Novakvice is the newer port and has better facilities for bigger ships due to the proximity of the mine on the eastern edge of town. Kyslin, Murnice, and Lipnice contain mostly open fields on their non-coastal perimeters and the majority of this land is used for the grazing domesticated animals. Water and power on Moschnyi are provided by the mainland and are connected to Moschnyi via underwater cables and pipes that lead to the utilities station to the west of the ferry terminal. Governor Banik of the Novigrad District maintains a residence on the northern coast between Moschnyi and Kyslin. The islands only other notable figure is Mstislav Skala, owner of a large transportation company both on the island and throughout the rest of Chernarus with a few warehouses in Takistan, Russia, and Ardistan. He is a suspected member, and possibly key figure, of the Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star.

There are no military bases located on the island but there is a small military base across the strait. Additionally, alert 5 fighters from Novigrad are estimated to be able to reach the island in about 10 minutes.

Edited by Jakerod

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Looks good downloading now. Didn't know that you were also into map making. Thanks for your hard work and sharing.

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Looks good downloading now. Didn't know that you were also into map making. Thanks for your hard work and sharing.

I used to do it back during OFP. I released three large islands known as Saint David, Lorient, and Avignon plus some other unfinished and smaller ones. I didn't have time during Armed Assault to continue that hobby but it was something that I really enjoyed. I recently graduated so I have more time on my hands now. Thought I would give it another shot. I hope you enjoy it.

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I used to do it back during OFP. I released three large islands known as Saint David, Lorient, and Avignon plus some other unfinished and smaller ones.

I remember all of them!

How about converting them to A2 now as you have time... :whistle:

Gonna check this one out asap.

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Excellent news, loved your work in OFP so I would second a motion to consider any conversions.


Good to see you have not lost your touch, the island offers some good inspiration for missions.



Edited by sander

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gotta check that right now, man I still remember your OFP Islands. In fact I just reinstalled OFP an hour ago, now I know what I forgot. Gotta Dl your old work too :D

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I've started looking into how to port the old maps into ArmA 2. I'm only going to do these as a side project though. The GSEP stuff is going to have higher priority.

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I've started looking into how to port the old maps into ArmA 2. I'm only going to do these as a side project though. The GSEP stuff is going to have higher priority.

That would be really great. These gems deserve a 2nd life. :)

There's a couple of rocks very close to the roads and one even on the road, causing a lot of broken tires.




I report more when I run into them but you may check the road sides again.

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I've started looking into how to port the old maps into ArmA 2. I'm only going to do these as a side project though. The GSEP stuff is going to have higher priority.

Congratulations with the release, going to download it now.

It’s not hard to port an OFP island in to ArmA 2, I did it with my Taviana Island with a tool called Roller. The only problem will be the building models, but you can always port the OFP buildings to ArmA 2 (and preserve the exact look of the island). I ported some of them but maybe there is some OFP building pack out there. :wink_o:

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That would be really great. These gems deserve a 2nd life. :)

There's a couple of rocks very close to the roads and one even on the road, causing a lot of broken tires.




I report more when I run into them but you may check the road sides again.

*smacks self in head* That's what I get for making the rocks and their borders the same color as that road type. Thanks I will fix that right now. And you also just helped me find two lamps that are sitting out in a field for some reason. I will do a better job of checking on these things in the future. Thank you for reporting them.

Also let me know how you feel about the ground textures (sat + mask) since that area is new to me because OFP lacked them.


I just started looking into that roller thing. I'm not really getting it so far. I've managed to make it so that the window stays open long enough for me to read what it says. After I did that I discovered I also managed to cause errors that I haven't been able to fix yet.

Edited by Jakerod

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Awesome - big fan of Armaverse stuff. Will give this a tilt later.

Doing some of the border regions between Chernarus and Takistan or another neighbour would also be highly useful.

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Awesome - big fan of Armaverse stuff. Will give this a tilt later.

Doing some of the border regions between Chernarus and Takistan or another neighbour would also be highly useful.

There is an area called lake beloe or something similar where the Takistan Russian and chernarussian border meet and I'm hoping to do that region after the next one.

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Loved Avignon.

D/L now, thanks for the hard work, and continuing the Armaverse!

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I released three large islands known as Saint David, Lorient, and Avignon.

Thank you love those islands, they hade somthing so many other islands was missing.

And now you do it again, i must say that this island togheter wite Padgorska is the benchmark in natural terrain every mapmaker should aim fore. The only stuff that i whould like to change on this island is to throw in a bit more fences, and stonewalls to make the large open pastures a bit more "owned". (And maybe add a heliapad at the hospital incase emergency transport to Novigrad is needed.)



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I was completely in love with Avignon as well, and I am pretty sure I read somewhere that Avignon is actually situated in the Green Sea region! :D

Anyways I tried out the island and I like it, solid framerate and good dispersion of stuff. One thing I particularly like is that you havent gone overboard with the points of interest; there has to be some real estate between the POIs or they lose their value somewhat.

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There is an area called lake beloe or something similar where the Takistan Russian and chernarussian border meet and I'm hoping to do that region after the next one.

Farking keeewl.

---------- Post added at 01:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 PM ----------

OMFG double post.


- If you are aiming for consistency, keep your island menu picture similar to the BIS ones (and Podagorsk). That means getting rid of the text and using that black border and alpha channel. E.g:


I reckon that something that shows the island's port or beaches would be good. I had a quick 10 minute tilt:


- Similar to an earlier poster, some fencing demarcating the edges of fields would be good. Also, perhaps some of those ruined, mossy stone walls seen all over Utes and Chernarus?

- Hay bales? More agricultural equipment in general around the area, such as troughs, deer stands, fuel tanks, maybe a silo-thingy or two?

- Sat map is good.

- I reckon you can probably add more objects and get away with it. At the moment, the object population in some areas gives the island an OFP-esque (read: sparse) feel. I understand that you want to keep objects to a minimum (wind), however.

- I also reckon you can be quite proud of this island. :)

Edited by CameronMcDonald

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Wow, I love expansions of Chernarus, resp. the Armaverse! :) Thanks a lot, Jakerod.

How many Chernarus-projects do exist now (beside this and Podagorsk)?

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Great map! I love the feeling of it!

Thanks for mentioning me in the credits. Really not needed. Anyway, here thoughts regarding the sat map (as you requested)

The beach needs a greyer sat texture. I'll travel around some more and see if I find something more to add.

Long Distance

Short Distance

Edit: I also find the bump map for the grass texture a bit to distinct. Too frequent bumps, and maybe to deep.


There seems to be some strange plateau near the North Point (Shouldn't it be renamed Easter Point?). It is precisely at the water surface and looks quite unnatural.


Edited by Pfhaota

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Thank you love those islands, they hade somthing so many other islands was missing.

And now you do it again, i must say that this island togheter wite Padgorska is the benchmark in natural terrain every mapmaker should aim fore. The only stuff that i whould like to change on this island is to throw in a bit more fences, and stonewalls to make the large open pastures a bit more "owned". (And maybe add a heliapad at the hospital incase emergency transport to Novigrad is needed.)



I will add in some more fences.

Sat data?

The Sat Mask is used when you are at a distance from the island. For example, if I made it all grass, you roads would seem to appear out of nowhere but because I have roads in the sat mask the transition looks a bit more natural.

Farking keeewl.

---------- Post added at 01:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 PM ----------

OMFG double post.


- If you are aiming for consistency, keep your island menu picture similar to the BIS ones (and Podagorsk). That means getting rid of the text and using that black border and alpha channel. E.g:


I reckon that something that shows the island's port or beaches would be good. I had a quick 10 minute tilt:


- Similar to an earlier poster, some fencing demarcating the edges of fields would be good. Also, perhaps some of those ruined, mossy stone walls seen all over Utes and Chernarus?

- Hay bales? More agricultural equipment in general around the area, such as troughs, deer stands, fuel tanks, maybe a silo-thingy or two?

- Sat map is good.

- I reckon you can probably add more objects and get away with it. At the moment, the object population in some areas gives the island an OFP-esque (read: sparse) feel. I understand that you want to keep objects to a minimum (wind), however.

- I also reckon you can be quite proud of this island. :)

I'll try to add some more objects in. The reason I also don't have tons of bushes is because the terrain was supposed to be a kind of eurassian steppe-like terrain where its essentially grasses with trees and bushes only growing near creeks for the most part. I deviated from that a bit obviously but I wanted to kind of keep it similar. I'll add some more fences in too and some more agricultural equipment.

Would you mind if I use that picture for it? I really like that and I don't believe that my computer is capable of graphics like that.

Great map! I love the feeling of it!

Thanks for mentioning me in the credits. Really not needed. Anyway, here thoughts regarding the sat map (as you requested)

The beach needs a greyer sat texture. I'll travel around some more and see if I find something more to add.

Long Distance

Short Distance

Edit: I also find the bump map for the grass texture a bit to distinct. Too frequent bumps, and maybe to deep.


There seems to be some strange plateau near the North Point (Shouldn't it be renamed Easter Point?). It is precisely at the water surface and looks quite unnatural.


The bump map and all the ground textures (minus sat data) so far are from Chernarus. I'll think about trying to edit it because I do kind of feel like that when grass is off it looks a bit too bumpy. Good call on the East Point thing. Looking at the map now, I have no idea why I called it North Point. I'll try to make the beach textures grayer and take a look into that plateau. Thanks for your help.

Thanks for all the comments guys and also for the mirrors.

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Congratulations on the release, it's a really nice island, wonderfully bleak and falklands esque, should make for some good mission atmosphere and expanding Chernarus is a great idea.

Perhaps a few sheep trails along the plains and a few cliff paths could make some good additions.

Also found a rock in the road at grid 079 031.

Looking forward to see what you've got planned for this project in future.

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WHOO been off a long time

lookin good, have high expectations for GSEP that i think will be met

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