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Moschnyi Island (GSEP)

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Are there any coop missions for Moschnyi apart from Sander's Moschnyi coop pack?

Edited by Variable

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Are there any coop missions for Moschnyi apart from Sander's Moschnyi coop pack?

I did a quick search on google and no coop ones other than Sander's came up. There might be more but I do not know of them if they are.

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I did a quick search on google and no coop ones other than Sander's came up. There might be more but I do not know of them if they are.

Yeah same here. Anyway, Sander's coop pack is hosted on the Comrades in Arms coop server. Thanks for the island Jakerod!

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thanks for bumping this thread. forgot that i had downloaded Moschhnyi and was meaning to add the map to my Apocalypse supported ones.

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