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Future Price options for ARMA games...

Price Options for Arma 3/beyond  

202 members have voted

  1. 1. Price Options for Arma 3/beyond

    • Same price (50 USD)
    • $10 increase (60 USD)
    • $20 increase (70 USD)
    • $30 increase (80 USD)
    • $40 increase (90 USD)
    • $50 increase (100 USD)

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I'd prefer to pay less.

1k fanbois willing to pay $100 makes only 20% of the income comparing to 10k people willing to pay $50, or 100k people willing to pay $5 for example.

Hard to say where the actual sweet spot is for Arma3 pricing, but I bet my ass it's less than $50 rather than over.

With a cheaper price, the player base would of course get much larger, but I don't see a problem since public MP was always shit in Arma anyway.

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It also means EVEN MORE MONEY OUT OF MY POCKET! I'm not a masochist...quit putting ideas in their heads!


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I'd prefer to pay less.

1k fanbois willing to pay $100 makes only 20% of the income comparing to 10k people willing to pay $50, or 100k people willing to pay $5 for example.

Hard to say where the actual sweet spot is for Arma3 pricing, but I bet my ass it's less than $50 rather than over.

With a cheaper price, the player base would of course get much larger, but I don't see a problem since public MP was always shit in Arma anyway.

^^ all of this.

As I pointed out in my post, there is a big difference between what the fanboys are willing to pay and what the general public is willing to pay. This poll is pretty useless until it clarifies which of those it is about.

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But Bohemia should seriously consider selling items like paper maps, posters, mousepads, soundtracks in FLAC.. Stuff that we've been asking for a long time now.

There are plenty of online companies that sell this stuff for you, all you do is provide the artwork.

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I have a suggestion to the OP. I know you are a 'merican (as you put it yourself) but a lot of other countries don't use the dollar (:eek:it's terrible i know) so maybe you could change the poll into percentages instead of dollars. So the second option would be like 10% above standard price then 20% etc. Let's make this an international poll! :bounce3:

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^^ all of this.

As I pointed out in my post, there is a big difference between what the fanboys are willing to pay and what the general public is willing to pay. This poll is pretty useless until it clarifies which of those it is about.

Already said what you think would be reasonable/realistic to EVERYONE seriously though most games on the market (console games) are ten dollars more than Arma at launch. I doubt ten extra dollars would hurt that much to the individual consumer and decrease sales. And that extra $10 per sale multiplyed by the sales of A3 would be a huge benefit to BI and I firmly believe we would see the results of our greater "investment" in the next title to follow (a pole about what ONLY YOU WOULD WANT TO PAY AND NO ONE ELSE would be pointless.)

Hope that clears things up:)

---------- Post added at 08:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 PM ----------

I have a suggestion to the OP. I know you are a 'merican (as you put it yourself) but a lot of other countries don't use the dollar (:eek:it's terrible i know) so maybe you could change the poll into percentages instead of dollars. So the second option would be like 10% above standard price then 20% etc. Let's make this an international poll! :bounce3:

Well 10 USD is 20% of the original price of 50 USD, so each pole option adds an additional 20% to the base price! (I'll see if I can edit the pole now:))

Edited by BobcatBob

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I wish it were less!

But I promise that if it's more than this, I will be stealing it. I may rethink this if there are interactive cockpits and AI wingmen, tho... (no promises)

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There's no reason to base anything on console games, especially not price.

Other than the fact that Arma3 seeks to "lure" the "console gamers" and get a small fraction of their huge collective money? and is everyone who says that the won't buy the game because it's 10 dollars more at retail being serious b/c you can just wait a year till the games $50 or less. I mean this is Arma, you get the most bang for your buck. The E3 vids so far prove that, so bitching about 10 extra dollars if you can't wait for one of the best games ever (assuming you actually LIKE the franchise anyway to begin with) is ridiculious, so much so, that that word doesn't deserve to be spelled correctly in this context.

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The average gamepad lover doesn't own a PC decent enough to play A1, so A3 is out of the question anyways.

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Other than the fact that Arma3 seeks to "lure" the "console gamers" ...

Woah, where the hell did you get that from? :confused:

BIS have stated that they are trying to make the game more accessable and appealing to a wider audience, but saying they're trying to "lure in the console gamers" is going a little too far, I think. As PuFu pointed out, most consolers probably won't have the kind of hardware to play Arma3 in the first place, so the only way to lure them in would be to release the game on consoles... not going to happen.

In any case, increasing the price of a game definitely isn't going to draw more people to it. Most Arma fans may see the replay value of the game and realize it would be worth more than 50€/$, but trying to convey that to the general public would be almost impossible. The sad truth is that the Arma series has a reputation for being buggy and difficult for the average gamer to wrap their head around, and such preconceptions are hard enough to kill as it is. Increasing the price will do nothing but raise the bar of entry even higher, and BIS do not want that.

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Well 10 USD is 20% of the original price of 50 USD, so each pole option adds an additional 20% to the base price! (I'll see if I can edit the pole now:))

Thanx. Appreciate it.

Woah, where the hell did you get that from? :confused:

BIS have stated that they are trying to make the game more accessable and appealing to a wider audience, but saying they're trying to "lure in the console gamers" is going a little too far, I think. As PuFu pointed out, most consolers probably won't have the kind of hardware to play Arma3 in the first place, so the only way to lure them in would be to release the game on consoles... not going to happen.

In any case, increasing the price of a game definitely isn't going to draw more people to it. Most Arma fans may see the replay value of the game and realize it would be worth more than 50€/$, but trying to convey that to the general public would be almost impossible. The sad truth is that the Arma series has a reputation for being buggy and difficult for the average gamer to wrap their head around, and such preconceptions are hard enough to kill as it is. Increasing the price will do nothing but raise the bar of entry even higher, and BIS do not want that.

+1. BIS has indeed stated that A3 will be a PC exclusive so why would they be interested in console gamers? The idea behind the "accessability" is that in the campaign you won't have too many missions where you need to lead a lot of AI. Everything else will still be the same.

As for price, if you want BIS to get the most out of your money than you should order through their online service. Any other means will see part of that money go to publishers. So more money from us does not neccesarily means more money for BIS unless you circumvent the publishers.

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There is no need to raise the price just because of console gamers or wishful thinking. :rolleyes:

If you want pay + get more ask for something like a Super/Booster/Special/Ultimate/Elite/Platinum - A3 version and A3 box.

Most companies cut the price slightly for pre-order, for special sale after X months, for all-in-one box, etc.

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..or get more copies of the game, and give it to friends as gifts (works even better than word of mouth) :P

Anyhow i think this is the only forum where someone could think about higher prices for a product in the video game industry, and some others to actually consider it as a viable option...

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Hiking up prices only works for mainstream shooters like CoD where they are so popular that kids are going to buy them by the ton no matter what the price (lol cause they hav new guns and stuff).

ArmA doesn't really have such popularity (yet) so raising the price a lot would only hurt sales IMO. That's not to say I wouldn't be willing to pay $100 for A3, because I would. I just don't think that other people (non-harcore fans) would.

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In the end, I see no evidence that BIS are asking for charity (ie: unnatural price hikes).And like people have already said, it will damage sales, I'm sure.

You want to support BIS? Just buy ToH (which is feeding technology directly into ArmA 3+) and Carrier Command (which looks like it is going to be great remake of my childhood favourite British Telecom game :) ).

I will be buying both and I would think that's the kind of support they deserve and want.

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I'd be happy to pay $70 for ArmA3, although anything over that and I'll probably stick with ArmA2 to see if prices drop. BIS is the only video game company I will buy products from and not think something like "Ugh, I wonder whose yacht this money is going towards?"

Someone above me had the idea about computers with ArmA3 pre-installed and tested for problems. I think this is a great idea (I'd do it). I recently bought a new computer and had to wait for three weeks before I could get ArmA2 to properly work on it. So many problems....

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I could justify it at that price if I got multiple online accounts.

Buying one copy per machine at $100?

Not going to happen.

I earn under half of what I did when ArmA2 launched. I don't really think this is the correct financial climate for raising your prices.

So if you do... then you had better be adding to the value somewhere, in my opinion.

Offer me more of a bargain please, not less.

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If Xaitment, dismemberment, PhysX, Scuba and After Action Report are included -I will pay $400.00 and not a penny moar!:mad:

What? thats $200 savings from VBS2 PE.

Please allow us the necessary poll option.

Edited by froggyluv

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