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Well, that's the point. The prone soldier has an empty holster, while the standing soldier has a pistol in it - unless my eyes fail me.

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Really wish they'd introduce another intermediate terrain texture level so the middle distance isn't so 'satmap blotchy' (exemplified by the hill to the right in that shot).

Yeah, gotta agree, the mid level looks even worst then far away

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Night Ops huh? Don´t forget to show the new launcher lighting and, while you are at it, the reload animations for it...

EDIT: Cluster bombs!

I assume hes saying he wants to see pics of them?

I missunderstood.

Still, excellent pictures, even if no clusterbombs. I love the one with the soldier sitting down with the lighting and all.

Edited by bobtom

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Holsters? Nothing new. But hopefully they are not just there for show.
Well, that's the point. The prone soldier has an empty holster, while the standing soldier has a pistol in it - unless my eyes fail me.

Yeah. Even there are some reports from E3 saying that you can see EVERYTHING you are actually carrying in your body (which I don´t think its true), neve had seen this so far (have to check the confimerd features topic...)(

I assume hes saying he wants to see pics of them?

I missunderstood.

Still, excellent pictures, even if no clusterbombs. I love the one with the soldier sitting down with the lighting and all.

Jay tweeted that their are making those "showcases" videos from the E3 demo. In the sneak peak he mentioned cluster bombs, but I didnt see anything related in the E3 videos. The new backblast for launchers was mentioned in the lenghty PCGamer interview (worth reading).

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Backblast as in "oh shit I just roasted my teammate behind me, i'm such a noob" backblast?

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I hope so. It's a whole different world in ACE where firing an RPG raised a dust cloud that makes you a target for miles around. Or when you have to expose yourself as a target when hunting tanks in urban terrain, rather than just shooting from a little window.

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Yeah, gotta agree, the mid level looks even worst then far away

What do you mean worse? The far terrain looks great! But yeah in between seems a bit..strange.

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What do you mean worse? The far terrain looks great! But yeah in between seems a bit..strange.

Yeah far away looks great, thats what i meant, normally it would be a lesser LOD level, so should look worse then the mid level LOD.

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@3rd pic: Check the holsters. Finally?

Does not look like a pistol to me, seems too small.

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Does not look like a pistol to me, seems too small.

It's a pistol. In one of the E3 videos you can see a pistol in the holster(s) (don't ask me which), but I'm 100% sure of it.

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It's a pistol. In one of the E3 videos you can see a pistol in the holster(s) (don't ask me which), but I'm 100% sure of it.

Anyone know this vid? I'd like to see it.

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Backblast as in "oh shit I just roasted my teammate behind me, i'm such a noob" backblast?

Oops.... blast-back....?

Crowe: There’s also something I haven’t shown in videos or screenshots yet, because they’re not quite done. Rockets have got new blast-back, so they’re not just this sort of square bright thing. They light up the ground with this similar sort of real flash of light. I want to get some really nice nighttime rocket fire going on


Yeah, I would also like to see backblast, even if it was only visual (not damage), as AI already enough problems dealing with AT launchers. BC2 had nice effects for it, it kicked dust and even windows were blasted when you fired ATs inside or near to buildings. Of course, no damage...

Regarding midrange textures:

Gotta agree, looks too spotty, basically the same problem as in Chernarus.

Would love something like this:


to be done with the texture prior to release, this made Chernarus look so much better!

Wonder why we never had an official patch to add something like this. The terrain looks so much better....

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It's a pistol. In one of the E3 videos you can see a pistol in the holster(s) (don't ask me which), but I'm 100% sure of it.

It's not a pistol. What kind of pistol would that be anyway? A six-shooter with an ivory grip? It's the light catching part of the holster. You can see it at about 1:06 in

. It does kind of look like a pistol grip but when the player lies down at 1:13 you can see it is infact quite flat and that the holster is empty.

Furthermore, in the night time sections of the E3 videos when they open up the gear, there is usually a glock in the inventory, but you can't see one on the player model. I'm not saying this feature won't be in, just that the BLUFOR guy in that shot isn't carrying around a nickel-plated revolver with white furniture.

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It's not a pistol. What kind of pistol would that be anyway? A six-shooter with an ivory grip? It's the light catching part of the holster. You can see it at about 1:06 in
. It does kind of look like a pistol grip but when the player lies down at 1:13 you can see it is infact quite flat and that the holster is empty.

Furthermore, in the night time sections of the E3 videos when they open up the gear, there is usually a glock in the inventory, but you can't see one on the player model. I'm not saying this feature won't be in, just that the BLUFOR guy in that shot isn't carrying around a nickel-plated revolver with white furniture.

Yeah, you might be right...could have swore I saw the P-07 in the holster in one of the E3 videos... anyway there is till this:

Which is a VBS2 video, I did not take into consideration as well, but... it's using A3 assets... and that is a P-07 looking pistol on his right thigh.

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Yeah, you might be right...could have swore I saw the P-07 in the holster in one of the E3 videos... anyway there is till this:

Which is a VBS2 video, I did not take into consideration as well, but... it's using A3 assets... and that is a P-07 looking pistol on his right thigh.

That's not VBS. Last time I checked, VBS wasn't using the same engine as ArmA3. Nor is VBS running Limnos, which is the island seen there. Very clearly, it's Limnos. It's not VBS using A3 assets. It's just A3 with A3 assets. The diving scene at the beginning of the video shows A3 divers as well as that very familiar wrecked boat that we've seen in just about every underwater image. IDK why they stuck A3 footage in that VBS2 video. However, I didn't see a holstered weapon in that video. So I'm not sure that this is something we will see in ArmA3.

Edited by antoineflemming

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Yeah, you might be right...could have swore I saw the P-07 in the holster in one of the E3 videos... anyway there is till this:

Which is a VBS2 video, I did not take into consideration as well, but... it's using A3 assets... and that is a P-07 looking pistol on his right thigh.

During one of the vids a player scrolled open the action menu and highlighted "Draw P07 pistol" but selected cancel instead, so the character model should be carrying it.

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Where is the E3 showcase videos? they should be out :P

I WANT IT NAOWWWWWWWWWWW with all the things

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