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Wouldn't be new...

Been predicted during Phase 5, according to SDREAM / Estimate #081206, though the reliability is still disputed, keep your eye on 5 NAV.

zimms was joking. It was CZ vs Portugal today... zimms obviously supports the Czech team. That map is apart of the old story, where Iran invaded Europe. BIS changed the story. Now, Iran only got through Turkey and part of Greece.

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Speaking about that - it would've been great if DLCs worked with (or at least were allowed to get ported into) AA3 too so they won't become useless the moment AA3 comes out.

With Czech DLC being so close to ArmA3 release this is rather important.

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PC Gamer.com

Day Z + Arma 3 interview — on Left 4 Dead, Skyrim, player emotion, and in-game disease

Read this guys, it reveals some thing about A3, DayZ, the engine itself (or what they want to do or what they can do with it) and the ACR DLC. Really nice interview.

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Definitely worth reading that one. I can't wait to read the second part :)

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Definitely worth reading that one. I can't wait to read the second part :)

Indeed. It seems that DayZ may become viral, in ArmA3 too...

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not sure if anyone noticed :) but ok it's not A3 ... yet


Wow the team is really going all out with the sound effects this time aren't they, this i the kind of thing I thought I'd only see the really huge guys like activision and EA doing..guess BI is raking in some serious dosh these days hehhe.

Curious to see the weapons manufacturers hand over blueprints of all things, talk about knowing how to publicize your product, I bet it will make its way into VBS2 as well.

Also nice to see that despite A3 they are still releasing content for A2 and that the Czech forces of all are getting a boost finally rather than being a small third party group, also great to see that BI are still using DLC as actual expansions rather than some uniform recolors...faction units, scenarios and terrains, that is how DLC SHOULD be.

*reading A3/DayZ interview* Oh god..so many "likes"............*eye twitch*...*head desk*..ugh...that word.. A nice interview, glad to see the devs are exploring the mechanics and effects of the mod in more depth, and I wouldn't mind seeing some of those "player vs environment" mechanics make it into A3. Not sure it should have been called an A3/DayZ interview though since A3 was mentioned very little.

Edited by NodUnit

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guys, correct me if i'm wrong, but there must have been dayz presentation at E3? Where is it?

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guys, correct me if i'm wrong, but there must have been dayz presentation at E3? Where is it?

Why would there be an E3 2012 presentation for a game that came out in 2009, and a mod for a 3 yr old game at that? Maybe there was, but what's the point? You wanna see video of DayZ, go on Youtube. Plenty of DayZ footage there. Oh, and by the way, this is the ArmA3 forum, not the DayZ forum.

Here, I'll help you: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dayz&oq=dayz&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_l=youtube.3..0l10.657.1239.0.1832.

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Wasn´t any DayZ presentation at E3, only A3 and CC.

Wow the team is really going all out with the sound effects this time aren't they, this i the kind of thing I thought I'd only see the really huge guys like activision and EA doing..

The "big boys" are going a step further. That is laughtable :biggrin:

Also nice to see that despite A3 they are still releasing content for A2 and that the Czech forces of all are getting a boost finally rather than being a small third party group, also great to see that BI are still using DLC as actual expansions rather than some uniform recolors...faction units, scenarios and terrains, that is how DLC SHOULD be.

Not only that, but they seem to also have doing some "experiences" there too (hunting a fugitive with dogs and stuff?), we'll see what this can bring to A2 and, for extension, A3.

Edited by Smurf

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are going a step further[/url]. That is laughtable :biggrin:

Well that was....interesting.

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Why would there be an E3 2012 presentation for a game that came out in 2009, and a mod for a 3 yr old game at that? Maybe there was, but what's the point? You wanna see video of DayZ, go on Youtube. Plenty of DayZ footage there.

Here, I'll help you: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dayz&oq=dayz&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_l=youtube.3..0l10.657.1239.0.1832.

wowow, calm down abit, first i said im not sure, i might misunderstood something, but i heard dayz team will be present at E3, second

Oh, and by the way, this is the ArmA3 forum, not the DayZ forum.

No sh!t, Sherlock.

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wowow, calm down abit, first i said im not sure, i might misunderstood something, but i heard dayz team will be present at E3, second

No sh!t, Sherlock.

One, if you knew that, why would you post about it here? There is an Operation E3 thread, as I'm sure you know as well. Regardless, it wasn't that the DayZ team would be there to present questions. It was that Dean Hall would be there to answer questions about it. So, yeah, you misunderstood that part. I think there was at least one interview with him, talking about DayZ. Don't remember who did the interview, but it was a pretty good interview. And, the Gamespot live cam asked about Jay Crowe about it.

---------- Post added at 17:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:35 ----------

Wasn´t any DayZ presentation at E3, only A3 and CC.

The "big boys" are going a step further. That is laughtable :biggrin:

Not only that, but they seem to also have doing some "experiences" there too (hunting a fugitive with dogs and stuff?), we'll see what this can bring to A2 and, for extension, A3.

Why is it "laughtable" (*laughable*)? This is clearly off-topic, but what Danger Close is doing has just about nothing to do with substantive gameplay, but is really about their design choices, and highlighting that they are designing most of what you will see in their game on real gear and weapons. Not really laughable. And, when you look at what they also do for real soldiers and military personnel, it's not laughable but respect-worthy...

---------- Post added at 17:40 ---------- Previous post was at 17:38 ----------

Sunglasses... Add them BIS! Add all the things!!!1one

Pretty sure sunglasses and other eyewear has been in ArmA since ArmA1... That fact kinda makes your joke not funny :|

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Pretty sure sunglasses and other eyewear has been in ArmA since ArmA1... That fact kinda makes your joke not funny :|

Stop being such a buzzkill, man :p

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yeah whats this, ive been playing in OFP with reading glasses like the boss. Arma 2 got lots more, so what OnlyRazor wants, huh?

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Pretty sure sunglasses and other eyewear has been in ArmA since ArmA1... That fact kinda makes your joke not funny :|

Yeah, but they don't actually DO anything. If they made them dim the light and remove glare/HDR, then I would be impressed.

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Yeah, but they don't actually DO anything. If they made them dim the light and remove glare/HDR, then I would be impressed.

Well, yeah, I know. I wish they would be functional, too...

EDIT: New picture of Stratis from PCGamer ArmA3/DayZ interview:


It's similar to this one, except at a different time of day:


EDIT: Image gallery has been updated.

Edited by antoineflemming

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Jay Crowe's twitter (link to tweet)

Oh, hello #Arma3 FB page. You look so lonely. Time for updates, methinks! Hm, why not update the web while we're at it http://www.arma3.com/surveilance/imagery/

Facebook (link to post)

We've just updated our E3 Expo 2012 Album with some new in-game screens, demonstrating the Showcase Presentations at work.

And, later on this week, we plan to upload the first of our E3 'Director's Cut' Showcase videos over at the Arma3official YouTube channel, kicking things off with Night Ops & Diving.

Enjoy :)

Direct links to the pictures, in case you don't see what's new and what's not:

Edited by colossus

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Night Ops huh? Don´t forget to show the new launcher lighting and, while you are at it, the reload animations for it...

EDIT: Cluster bombs!

@3rd pic: Check the holsters. Finally?

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