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I didn't understood community alpha completely? it'd be only for those who pre-paid or free for all?

We don´t know yet.

The comments on Youtube are mostly stupid. Please stop comparing it to BF!

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The video is out a few hours and It has most views as lots of ARMA III videos!!

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I guess that this video got released only because its just now that animations look properly. Other videos/pics used either old animations or static poses.

You're wrong.


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSNlCMb_0D99CCKyASn5hmfL9yIbtRQRdW1EapohCtWbY0fHwp6<--- released at the beginning of February, shows 2 Iranian soldiers walking like in the new video, and one above walking with what looks like a new stance for holding the weapon with 2 hands.





The oldest of these was released at the beginning of February, and clearly show the same animations seen in the recently released video

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I'm a little worried about this "careless"/"safe" walking animation. The earlier ones were compact enough so this "cloning" effect could hardly be noticed, except for the legs of course. But this lazy left arm looks strange. I hope there are going to be some different cycles for reduced cloning. :)

At 0:10 there's soldier that walks from 'middle'' of the screen to left and it looks to me like his walking peace is faster, although not by much. Conclusion? I bet the walking animations are adjustable (mousewheel?). Unless Im seeing things :rolleyes:

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At 0:10 there's soldier that walks from 'middle'' of the screen to left and it looks to me like his walking peace is faster, although not by much. Conclusion? I bet the walking animations are adjustable (mousewheel?). Unless Im seeing things :rolleyes:

Look at this screen, and at the OPFOR soldier at the top left of the pic (on the ledge):


His animation is different than the soldiers on the ground below him. The soldiers on the ground are walking like the BLUFOR soldiers we see in the trailer. So I think that somehow the walking stance will be changeable.

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Vespa: You can expect tailored reload animations for each weapon, and animated gun parts, for example the recoiling barrel of the GM6 Lynx. A lot of attention has been given to setting up the weapon model more aesthetically from the 1st person perspective, too.

We also aim to improve weapon behaviour, which means tweaking recoil mechanics, precision and weapon sway to more properly reflect the different states of the shooter, factoring in fatigue and injury, for example. Our goal is to not only improve the feel of firing guns, but also make firefights flow as close to reality as possible. The latter will actually be a tough one to crack, and again we hope that the players of the Community Alpha can feed into this process.

THis is so awesome. i was looking forward to Arma3 but now i really am looking forward to it. if BIS get it right, well damn hell they will clean up totally.

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Look at this screen, and at the OPFOR soldier at the top left of the pic (on the ledge):


His animation is different than the soldiers on the ground below him. The soldiers on the ground are walking like the BLUFOR soldiers we see in the trailer. So I think that somehow the walking stance will be changeable.

Good pickup. ;)

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Vespa: Another feature worth mentioning is 'alternate poses', which is an experimental feature we're keen to validate with the Community Alpha and see if it earns its place. These are extensions of the three basic stances (stand, kneel and prone). With them, you can adjust to have a high/low or left/right variant to each stance. In terms of gameplay, we'd expect to see improvements in finding effective cover and being able to fire from it.

Someone already mentioned the alternate stances, as also seen in the screen I posted up. But, also, there seems to be some cover system hinted in some form or fashion.

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I'm a little worried about this "careless"/"safe" walking animation. The earlier ones were compact enough so this "cloning" effect could hardly be noticed, except for the legs of course. But this lazy left arm looks strange. I hope there are going to be some different cycles for reduced cloning. :)

Yeah, I have to agree with you here.

Well expressed.

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...in addition to the existing movement modes (walk, run, sprint), there'll be additional one - what we're calling the 'tactical pace' - which is essentially a jog with weapon raised.

So I assume this is what we call "normally going around" in almost any other FPS? That is a welcome addition. :) Also, I hope that your hands are going to be fixed to the barrel of your gun when you move sideways/backwards.

Edit: also in the bonus vid, I think it looks a little weird how the dude does not have his arm right by his torso, but his lower arm has a little distance from it. I know the arm would clip in the ammo bags otherwise, but you should animate the deformation of those. :P (but maybe its just me, after all these guys pump more muscle :D)

Edited by ziiip

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So I assume this is what we call "normally going around" in almost any other FPS? That is a welcome addition. :)

I sorta already do that with the STmovement addon. Made my fast walk with weapon raised so fast it keeps pace with some slow joggers at times lol.

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Someone already mentioned the alternate stances, as also seen in the screen I posted up. But, also, there seems to be some cover system hinted in some form or fashion.

I guess what he means is that if you have a high, low, left and right variant of every stance, its way easier to use objects as cover. For example on Chernarus there are some houses where if you kneel yo're just a bit too low to shoot trough the window, shots go into the frame. So you have to stand up to fire trough the window (wich exposes way more of your body). If you just could use a "high kneel" stance, you would be able to use those windows much better as cover.

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Looks bloody awesome!!!...

Although the clenching of the left fist on every 8th foot step of all the characters really accentuates the animation cycle.

Other than that another victory for BIS :-)

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Looks bloody awesome!!!...

Although the clenching of the left fist on every 8th foot step of all the characters really accentuates the animation cycle.

Other than that another victory for BIS :-)

I swear I saw a Youtube comment with those exact words.

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lol you might find a facebook one too... I got a bit carried away :-)

I swear I saw a Youtube comment with those exact words.

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New vid looks very nice. I hope tailored anims mean proper tac reloads with extra bullet as well. Fire mode anims and separate key for it would be great too. Looking forward to 19th.

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I guess my 2 day trip was perfectly timed :D

Absolutely great! So much information can be extracted from all this new gaming goodness :) Needless to say, it looks absolutely stunning!

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I'm a little worried about this "careless"/"safe" walking animation. The earlier ones were compact enough so this "cloning" effect could hardly be noticed, except for the legs of course. But this lazy left arm looks strange. I hope there are going to be some different cycles for reduced cloning. :)

Very much so, in this regard I thought A2 was already excellent, I hope they don't inadvertently create a problem where there wasn't one.

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True. I never felt like ArmA2 soldier movement anims were cloned. But this lazy left arm is too "characteristic" - it's something easily noticed.

BIS needs to make a few more movement anims for variety and assign them permanently to soldiers in a mission just like it's with faces and voices now - so each soldier will give you an impression like he has his own unique movement style (much like in real life duh)

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Somebody else brought this up, but I'd just like to point out that there does appear to be more than one animation for walking.

Check out this picture. They might be running, but the one at the foreground appears to be walking or at least standing still.

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