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Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

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Do You think the formula is this easy in a game, which simulates movement of stars in background? There is a lot more taken into account than You would think

I would hope not, and I am sure there are tons of real physics calculations done to find the kinetic energy of the round, the sectional density of the armour and all that stuff that's way beyond me, but honestly it doesn't really to reflect as expected in game. All the arma's simulate movement of stars yet all the arma's seem to have very predictable hit results when hit by weapons at particular ranges... unless of course arma 3 is going to be different...

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- please can you tell me if Arma 3 plan to natively include a real laser guidance system (for Hellfire-K (or equivalent laser guided missiles), DAGR guided rockets...) ?

- and correct SACLOS guidance (manual guidance)

- Will Helicopters (Rah66/MI48), tanks (Merkava/T-100) and any other CROWS style turrets be equiped with laser range finders for automatic range adjustement ?


if only all the community could play with the same realistic conditions brought by ACE, it would avoid to split the community in half (vanila/ACE user).

I also think most of vanila players would definitely prefer the ACE features instead of original ones, problem is they are not even aware of ACE existence, or unable to instal it.

I'm favourable for a Arma 3/ACE fusion. let's keep the best of both.

Edited by cychou

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- please can you tell me if Arma 3 plan to natively include a real laser guidance system (for Hellfire-K (or equivalent laser guided missiles), DAGR guided rockets...) ?

- and correct SACLOS guidance (manual guidance)

- Will Helicopters (Rah66/MI48), tanks (Merkava/T-100) and any other CROWS style turrets be equiped with laser range finders for automatic range adjustement ?


if only all the community could play with the same realistic conditions brought by ACE, it would avoid to split the community in half (vanila/ACE user).

I also think most of vanila players would definitely prefer the ACE features instead of original ones, problem is they are not even aware of ACE existence, or unable to instal it.

I'm favourable for a Arma 3/ACE fusion. let's keep the best of both.

Not to go too off-topic, but the primary reason there is a so-called split in the community between vanilla and ACE is because there are users who choose not to use ACE. And, so, completely integrating ACE features into vanilla ArmA3 would continue to split the community. That said, we don't really know a whole lot about the finer details of improvements in ArmA3. It'd be nice if the Veteran difficulty setting could be more like ACE. THAT would be awesome. Then the level of realism is determined by the difficulty setting, and it doesn't just equate to less hud, more accurate AI.

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Not to go too off-topic, but the primary reason there is a so-called split in the community between vanilla and ACE is because there are users who choose not to use ACE. And, so, completely integrating ACE features into vanilla ArmA3 would continue to split the community. That said, we don't really know a whole lot about the finer details of improvements in ArmA3. It'd be nice if the Veteran difficulty setting could be more like ACE. THAT would be awesome. Then the level of realism is determined by the difficulty setting, and it doesn't just equate to less hud, more accurate AI.
There'd also be users who would (if ACE was the default for ARMA 3) outright stop playing ARMA 3 if they had to have it as the baseline for the game... myself included. :p

cychou, it's fair and fine for BI to take design inspiration from some ideas that the ACE team were able to successfully implement (i.e. switching between red dot sight and magnified sight), but ACE should be the (popular) deviation and never the baseline.

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According to Dan Musil, there will definetly be NO 3D Editor:

GameStar: How did you improve the editor?

Dan Musil: We've recently had to cut some of our more ambitious changes to the editor. Because we don't have that many resources, we're going to concentrate on usability in contrast to the version we had in Operation Arrowhead.


So we're basicly going TKOH editor here. Even with the massive amounts of cash DayZ brought in, there are not enough resources to finish the 3D Editor, which is in A2 since 2009 and in VBS2? FPDR

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Indeed, was pretty let down by that interview, there was no good news (At least one fancy new feature should be announced every interview :P), everything like physx, hdr lighting etc. we already knew from e3 and bis trailers, it seems like that's literally all that's being updated from ARMA2 (and soldiers, weapons, vehicles and beautiful islands ofc). Does anyone know when the interview was actually done?


actually I feel kinda harsh for saying that, the RTT, new animations, underwater gameplay and weapon & easier character customizations are also pretty fly, and will probably take the gameplay to a new level along with ragdoll (if they properly manage to integrate physx in time, y'know, with their limited resources and all...), I haven't played the game yet so it's probably too early to scrutinize it so much.


Even after that I feel harsh ha, reading through:


again, I'm being reminded of 'forgotten' really awesome underrated new features!

Edited by SASrecon

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Do You think the formula is this easy in a game, which simulates movement of stars in background? There is a lot more taken into account than You would think :icon_twisted:

Is this the same game that have stars in front of the moon? :D

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On another feature:

"•New system of hearing weapon reports at different ranges, with distance attenuation and filtering."

How is this coming along? Will we hear it in the alpha?

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Even with the massive amounts of cash DayZ brought in, there are not enough resources to finish the 3D Editor, which is in A2 since 2009 and in VBS2? FPDR
I'm guessing too much of that money went to rocket's salary :p

For what it's worth, "we're going to concentrate on usability" sounds consistent with what I've heard about ARMA 3's design and what Jay Crowe said at E3 2012 (i.e. the end of his GameSpot presentation), so I'm not bothered, and the Dan Musil did NOT explicitly state that there won't be a 3D editor, only admitting that .

What does bother me more are stuff where Dan Musil (besides admitting that many components of ARMA 3 ended up removed during development because they simply did not "work") explicitly says that some aspects are NOT improved, i.e. "there is no progress, it remains as it is" about the ARMA 3 AI still being able to see through grass or melee weapons "have no priority" (in implementation), and that "enemy uniforms" stealing may be exclusive to the single-player because in MP this resulted in "some very complex problems with the AI and multiplayer rules".

On the other hand, I do like lines like "Our designers have looked at many tactics and first-person shooter, and generally trying to improve the interface" (read: not caught up in "milSIM" like some of the player base is) AND that, if I'm reading his interview correctly, that ARMA 3 will give you way more leeway re: AI allies' survival-or-death so that you're less likely to get a "mission failed: squadmate died".

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No 3D editor

The game has been delayed till 2013 and DayZ has been raking in cash for BIS what is this?

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I would advise everyone to stay on topic. This is about confirmed features, not about BIS's finances or employee salaries.

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No 3D editor

The game has been delayed till 2013 and DayZ has been raking in cash for BIS what is this?

The 3D editor was confirmed long ago, it just wont be in the alpha.

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The 3D editor was confirmed long ago, it just wont be in the alpha.

Where was it confirmed ?

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i think that the delayed publishing of the game is better, in this manner BIS has more time to polish all, i prefer less things but well made and animated.

arma 2 is a basket with full of stuff really bad realized

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Not sure why everybody is complaining about the 3D Editor. I never saw a staff member confirming it and it's REALLY not needed for release. I could see them maybe targetting it for post-release, but there's a perfectly good 2D Editor that should be the focus for improvement (Script editor with syntax highlighting, file browser and script wiki integration so we don't have to alt-tab when making missions).

Also just because they have more money, doesn't mean their employees suddenly work faster...

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And it was one of the main features of the announcement.

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2D editor is fine for mission creation, but if you are making base compositions etc. then a 3D editor is the way to go.

It makes a big difference from days of work down to just hours to make the same thing. The right tool for the job.

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i still prefer good animations for each handheld weapon than a 3d editor, a good vanilla game than a mod tools,

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Well, I don't care much about new reloading animations, correct hand grips or new sounds, as they are mere cosmetic changes, and I'm fine with what they are in A2, but 3D editor was a gamechanger for mission makers, just like physX is for actual gameplay.

Being able to visually explore the world in 3D to spot the best locations, place your objects with precision with the right angles and distances or even altitude (rooftops, inside buildings...). This would have made hell of a difference in terms of time spent fiddling with everything. Making mission making fun again.

Off course it's not the only change needed in the editor : integrated briefing editor, easy dropdown gear menu, to name a few... anything is welcome, and this may be what they are concentrating on, but since none of this has been officially announced, we can only judge on what was announced and possibly removed.

Arma is a sandbox, and a sandbox without the tools to play with it, is just sand...

Edited by EricM

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the tools are remaining in your sandbox, just not in 3d

but in arma 2 you have a awful animations and strange vehicles, BF2 (2 not 3) still has a better animations and quite good veichles and since 2005!

your "mere cosmetic changes" are the difference between AAA game/simulator and "free to play" game

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the tools are remaining in your sandbox, just not in 3d

Have you ever tried to craft a scenario with more than "kill them dudes"? :) The 2D editor is simply not adequate for making believable FOBs or other custom physical layouts and its pathetic for trying to place enemies or objects within buildings.

The 3D editor would do far more for making ArmA3 a "AAA title" then having all the fingers in the right places. Than again, even old ArmA itself is a better sim than any FTP game I've ever seen, though I sense that I play ArmA far differently than you do if you're even concerned with comparing it to a FPS Shooter.


So Mr Charles just pointed out to me that BIS dropped the 3D editor. Crap. Forget zombies and hire a UI programmer to make the 3D editor work, it's not like money should be a concern for you anymore. It's in A2 - it's in VBS2, make it work in A3 guys. A functional 3D editor is far more important for high quality long term game play than hands on a wheel or boxes that roll down hills.

Edited by kylania

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