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ArmA 2 site hacked

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I would disregard caps, not much we can do without 'em anyway. I reckon that if the first pass or an additional pass with inverted columns turns nothing up we can disregard this method, as I doubt BIS has hired some Indian genius to encrypt a simple teaser.

Iroquois - quiet time.

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I'm sorry, having message encoded in a matrix and said matrix ending up as 3 YT URL, that's just impossible

Only if you plan to come up with a clear text message, but this isn't necessarily the case. All you have to get is some code to enter on some web page, so taking three youtube video ID's, piping them through a matrix and then use the resulting nonsense as a code is perfectly possible.

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People, I say again, if you don't believe in the matrix encryption idea, just focus on the YouTube aspect and see what you come up with. Debating the pros and cons of either theory all day won't solve the puzzle for us.

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If you search for "Scarecrow" and "Arma 2" you get a voice actor who did the voice of scarecrow in ArmA 2 (don't remember that character myself)

Hold on, this might be a long shot... But what makes you think it's ARMA2? Isn't there a character in OFP Resistance called scarecrow? The crazy, unknown guy who helps out only on the radio?

I think he used the callsign "scarecrow"....

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right, so, converting letters to numbers.

[0 25 21]

[9 13 18]

[3 7 21]

[3 22 5]

[5 20 11]

[4 25 10]

[1 22 9]

[13 1 3]

[6 17 22]

[25 14 2]

[4 9 15]

please correct for errors.

And yes, turn the above into a vertical column (it's hard to write vertical columns on a forum board).



Maybe this helps

Kind regards

Edited by KBourne

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Hold on, this might be a long shot... But what makes you think it's ARMA2? Isn't there a character in OFP Resistance called scarecrow? The crazy, unknown guy who helps out only on the radio?

I think he used the callsign "scarecrow"....

Nope, his callsign was "Tasmanian devil" IIRC.

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What if they started with YT links, and from those we supposed to decript the "message"

okay its very unlikely u can decode 3 valid YT links into a text like "release date: 06.06"

but lets not forget we are looking for a code, not a message. so it can happend after decyphering it will be like Hesi4JyA91, and thats what we need to insert somewhere.

for example to see whats the picture under the white box with the hacker message.

theres something under it, there is even a few pixel of black something peaking out on the right bottom.

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KBourne, since the message is written as x x x

y y y

z z z

The matrix will look like:

[ x y z ...]

[ x y z ...]

[ x y z ...]


[ 0 / 9...

[ 25/ 13...

[ 21/ 18...

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Hold on, this might be a long shot... But what makes you think it's ARMA2? Isn't there a character in OFP Resistance called scarecrow? The crazy, unknown guy who helps out only on the radio?

I think he used the callsign "scarecrow"....

That's exactly what I thought. But yeah "Tasmanian Devil" was his callsign.

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So... The words in the videos are: stone, man and weeds

-> Stoned man and weeds

-> BIS guys are just stoned and joking a little with us :D

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My guess is that the third hack will be a riddle to reveal the page to which direct us the image 'Thecode' ... but only my guess

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I getting tired of these codes - exactly when you get matrix drug or something lol

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So... The words in the videos are: stone, man and weeds

-> Stoned man and weeds

-> BIS guys are just stoned and joking a little with us :D

YES.. they just got back from a trip to Amsterdam

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YES.. they just got back from a trip to Amsterdam

thats would make sense :)

and bored/tired hacker in Pakistan, feeling lack of players-created missions about his country, hacking BIS website, instead asking for it, nicely )

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KBourne, since the message is written as x x x

y y y

z z z

The matrix will look like:

[ x y z ...]

[ x y z ...]

[ x y z ...]


[ 0 / 9...

[ 25/ 13...

[ 21/ 18...

Updated Matrix: hope its right now


Edit it seems not: ppfft i give up :p

Kind regards

Edited by KBourne

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It can't possibly mean this? It's posted my so called "hackers" on the arma 2 page, saying that we can do the same.

I know very little about webpages, maintanence and stuff. Do they really use interfaces in the browser to update their pages?

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YES.. they just got back from a trip to Amsterdam

Aren't drugs legal in Czech Republic? At least weed? So they don't need to go to Amsterdam...

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It can't possibly mean this? It's posted my so called "hackers" on the arma 2 page, saying that we can do the same.

I know very little about webpages, maintanence and stuff. Do they really use interfaces in the browser to update their pages?

Yep.. it is a page with content management system

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It can't possibly mean this? It's posted my so called "hackers" on the arma 2 page, saying that we can do the same.

I know very little about webpages, maintanence and stuff. Do they really use interfaces in the browser to update their pages?

That is the Joomla admin interface, I am quite sure BIS won't let us in on THAT one :)

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Ok, for all you math gurus let's talk about the hill cipher...

We have to make a bunch of assumptions to get this to work.

First is, the top has 33 characters 3 columns, 11 rows. This would create a 33 character solution... this seems large for a solution, but let's go with it for now.

We are assuming the key is at the bottom 3x3. Matrix math is row times column and add solutions at for that position to get that position's numeric value.

Current problems:

What is the alphabet and size?

Someone assumed it was 26, that is only A ~ Z, there are lower cased letters a ~ z and 0 ~ 9 in the matrix.

The alphabet size determines the modulo in this case, and here is where it gets fun. Are we using 26 - just caps , 52 - caps and lower, 62 - caps, lower, and numbers? And then which order. Or does it get crazier...

Remember, these are computer hackers... So, they could be using ASCII (128), Extended ASCII (256), or Unicode (depends on version, but probably UTF-8 [general web standard]).

This would need to be determined as it would be how you converted the letters to numbers to perform the math.

PS I think the youtubers are way off base. There has been no indication anywhere to go to youtube and enter in a hash. Hell, if you are going to do that, why not go to http://tinyurl.com/ and start shoving things into that.

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Ah, now I see the fundamental flaw in my plans. There are no large numbers present in the message to be decoded, which would be apparent if the message were matrix encoded.

I'm glad I had a tilt at it, however - good to resurrect some of that old maths knowledge. I will bow out of this thread for now and continue to raise my eyebrows suspiciously at Unuldor. ;) :dj:

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I've hit a dead end on the matrix calculation front. The inverse of our "key matrix" contains fractions, which is less than ideal for decryption.

^^ heh, I see I'm not the only one. :)

Does that mean I have to listen to Rihanna now? :(

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I've hit a dead end on the matrix calculation front. The inverse of our "key matrix" contains fractions, which is less than ideal for decryption.

^^ heh, I see I'm not the only one. :)

Does that mean I have to listen to Rihanna now? :(

Nope... go back to playing.. and wait.

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I've hit a dead end on the matrix calculation front. The inverse of our "key matrix" contains fractions, which is less than ideal for decryption.

^^ heh, I see I'm not the only one. :)

Does that mean I have to listen to Rihanna now? :(

Could always try to use ASCII values and just simply multiply the matrices to see what comes out of it. You can always listen to Rihanna later ;)

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