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UnuldorCZ bring a Showel with you!

Well now we have the silhouette of a submarine, but what does this Peak from 3-4-5 mean? The Astute doesn´t have something like this.

Maybe a Missile Launch? The Astute has Tomahawk Missiles, but are they launched verticaly?

Anyone remember first Harvest Red Mission? Lasing Targets for the Tomahawks?

EDIT: Forget that, the Astute does have such a Thing


Edited by Tonci87

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I remember that! I think we're getting closer - let's see what the digging expedition brings!

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UnuldorCZ bring a Showel with you!

Shovel, toilet paper, spare underwear (in case i got scared), camcorder, DSLR and something to eat ... this is my standard equip :D

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hype is getting bigger and bigger on me...

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Shovel, toilet paper, spare underwear (in case i got scared), camcorder, DSLR and something to eat ... this is my standard equip :D

Good luck, I hope they have at least stashed a couple of crates of beer for the guys who do go out there to find the hole.

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Czech beer, Czech smokes, and Czech women. :D

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I wouldn´t touch czech women burried in a hole.....

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I wouldn´t touch czech women burried in a hole.....

Yeah, I really didn't think that one through...

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Those look like some sort of retractable stabilisers for high-speed propulsion. Clearly identifiable on the edited screenshot of Krasnostav. They've made it easy, someone said if you opened it in PS, you could see horizontal blue lines, with each line assigned a letter, reading ASTUTE diagonally top-down. ;) :cc:

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I bet we're all totally and deliberately mislead here, they try to divert our attention away so they can have some time to come up with something totally different :D

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I bet we're all totally and deliberately mislead here, they try to divert our attention away so they can have some time to come up with something totally different :D

At least we can be sure then. Better than not checking the location and having to think all the time: "Hm, what if there really was something?"

Whether there is something buried or not - BI's mind games simply are a blast!!

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Whether there is something buried or not - BI's mind games simply are a blast!!

Whoever thinks of these puzzles is a genius, we love them and i'm sure BIS love making them

BTW the thread has been open for like 2 days and it has had 411 posts and 44,283 views, holy crap that has to be a BIS Forums record

Edited by ArmAriffic

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Whoever thinks of these puzzles is a genius, we love them and i'm sure BIS love making them

BTW the thread has been open for like 2 days and it has had 411 posts and 44,283 views, holy crap that has to be a BIS Forums record

They better make it something realy worth while to get all that atention :p whatever it is i try not to have much expectations. But i love the way how they bring this to us never saw that ever in a gaming community ;)

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Carrier Command has been pretty quiet for the last year... But in the first mission didn't one of razor team say lasing targets for the fly boys is a blast? the suspense is killing me. i had really weird dreams the other night involving arma 2.

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Myke;1911030']Hmmm....the reference to "42" as the "answer to all question"...combined with the fact that there weren't any beta patches out for a good time (latest on April 1.)....major engine update?
There was a patch for A2 the other day ...

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Whoever thinks of these puzzles is a genius, we love them and i'm sure BIS love making them

BTW the thread has been open for like 2 days and it has had 411 posts and 44,283 views, holy crap that has to be a BIS Forums record

Its stuck at 44,283 for me!

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There was a patch for A2 the other day ...

Yup, where the build number has shot up by over 1000 since the last beta. Seems they have been quite busy over the past month. :)

Its stuck at 44,283 for me!

Yeah, the view count seems to update every 10 minutes or so.

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scince i went to sleep there where ~30 new pages in this thread :D

did anyone checked this house on chernarus with new arma 2 beta??

they might added something to the patch?!

@UnuldorCZ earns some comunity award or something for his initiative!

Edited by PeterBitt

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there is a weird shaped object between two trees, could just be a bird but im hoping its the tomahalk missle bis didnt manage to finish before the release of A2 but still added it half finished


look above the house between the two trees

Edited by Pauld

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But i love the way how they bring this to us never saw that ever in a gaming community ;)

I guess you havnt heard about the Portal 2 arg then

Summary of the arg - day by day

Wiki dedicated to that ARG

I think we should organize a little bit better in case this arg is going to last some more time, and recives more updates.

First of all we need that real life location in CZ dug up and checked for clues. Knowing how ARGs work - it shouldnt be too well hidden, and will probably be obvious to anybody on the spot. Just a matter of getting there. Its 340km from my location so if everyone else from CZ fails, ill try to go.

Second - good finds on the 2nd part photo (numbers, subs etc.) Again - knowing ARGs, when it comes to images as clues, there are usually multiple levels of clues. The numbers should be collected and checked against containing ciphers, converted back and forth to hex, binary systems, etc. anything that comes to mind to anyone. Also - feel free to manipulate color levels, adjust contrasts, and all that you can do in photoshop/photo editor, to look for potential addional clues. Check the code of the images, look for suspicious lines.

I know you can convert files between format - maybe its worth to put the images we got into some audio format, to check for embeeded audio messages?

Anything that comes to mind might help :)

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Yup, where the build number has shot up by over 1000 since the last beta. Seems they have been quite busy over the past month. :)

Yeah, the view count seems to update every 10 minutes or so.

Over 1000? Theres no way that can be right. Can it???!?!!111

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@UnuldorCZ earns some comunity award or something for his initiative!

Thank you :) ... but the best reward will be to find something in the hole at Spukayev's house :)

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Thank you :) ... but the best reward will be to find something in the hole at Spukayev's house :)

you deserve a cookie :p

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there is a weird shaped object between two trees, could just be a bird but im hoping its the tomahalk missle bis didnt manage to finish before the release of A2 but still added it half finished


look above the house between the two trees

Check top left of that sign, maybe JPG artifact or letter?

looks like the I or something..

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