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PvP Animation replacement/enhancement pack

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Should I submit these as tickets?

Yes, thanks. I am pretty sure Smookie fixed some if not all of the reports. I also think this will be fixed with the AnimsManager itself because at the moment the Combat Roll and "Drop to the ground" are hard-coded, this makes the AI use them accordingly. Since I moved them to the 2nd custom key these two special stances should be no longer hard-coded to the AI as well.

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Yes, thanks. I am pretty sure Smookie fixed some if not all of the reports. I also think this will be fixed with the AnimsManager itself because at the moment the Combat Roll and "Drop to the ground" are hard-coded, this makes the AI use them accordingly. Since I moved them to the 2nd custom key these two special stances should be no longer hard-coded to the AI as well.

Thanks for the clarification. I've been having problems with the AI combat roll clashing with a mod I'm working on. It seems that if a doMove is given to a unit, they would preform a combat roll when they were near the destination and 'overshoot'.

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Yes, thanks. I am pretty sure Smookie fixed some if not all of the reports. I also think this will be fixed with the AnimsManager itself because at the moment the Combat Roll and "Drop to the ground" are hard-coded, this makes the AI use them accordingly. Since I moved them to the 2nd custom key these two special stances should be no longer hard-coded to the AI as well.

Sounds good, I won't submit them until after the .25 update to see if they still persist.

And delayed till June? :( I want it now!!! :P

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lol - I'd imagine the BIS devs are keeping tabs on this mod as well ;)

really hope BIS are... even a simplified version of these would REALLY make arma2 feel much more modern and immersive.

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Heya, while in the meantime before .25 releases, how do u guys resolve the crouch issue with the AI? So far I can only choose between all-stand or all-prone, no crouch (coz they might stick to sniper sit). I heard .25 fixes this, but in the meantime, how do you guys solve the issue? :P

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Man I love this mod, I just tried it out on Fallujah map and I had one of the most intense battles I ever had in arma. I just put my team, 3 enemy teams and used Urban Patrol Script, with Mood Jukebox as a cherry on the top. Everything is fine and next moment BAM! all hell break loose, together with ACE and SLX it works awesome, it WILL teach you respect to soldiers fighting real battles.

Before this mod I HATED urban combat, but now its very fun, poking around the corners covering behind some little wall. However there are few issues:

1. Most important, you need to make animations allowing to cling to the wall the other way, it really glaring that mod is missing this, but I understand that animation and coding this is a hard work.

2. Change key biding for climbing over the wall, sprinting into it just dosent seem right and more often then not I can pass the wall (I know you are aware of this problem). I think that "Sit + getOver" combo will work best

3. Clinging to the wall with pistol, really could use that one.

4. Faster movement animation when clinging to the wall.

Oh, and one last thing, write to BIS developers as they HAVE to implement this mod into game ;).

Edited by Taro8

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Man I love this mod, I just tried it out on Fallujah map and I had one of the most intense battles I ever had in arma. I just put my team, 3 enemy teams and used Urban Patrol Script, with Mood Jukebox as a cherry on the top. Everything is fine and next moment BAM! all hell break loose, together with ACE and SLX it works awesome, it WILL teach you respect to soldiers fighting real battles.

Before this mod I HATED urban combat, but now its very fun, poking around the corners covering behind some little wall. However there are few issues:

1. Most important, you need to make animations allowing to cling to the wall the other way, it really glaring that mod is missing this, but I understand that animation and coding this is a hard work.

2. Change key biding for climbing over the wall, sprinting into it just dosent seem right and more often then not I can pass the wall (I know you are aware of this problem). I think that "Sit + getOver" combo will work best

3. Clinging to the wall with pistol, really could use that one.

4. Faster movement animation when clinging to the wall.

Oh, and one last thing, write to BIS developers as they HAVE to implement this mod into game.

I think the cling to wall action should only be able to be done when near a wall. I hate it when it randomly happens in combat by accident and I end up getting killed. And clinging to the wall with a sidearm is a good idea too. Faster movement would be nice, but not necessary. BIS doesn't have to implement this exact mod into the game, but a similar one in a DLC pack, patch or EP2 would be nice. :cool:

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@Laqueesha : Reezo and Smookie worked on an animManager so if you sprint on a wall now and you press the key (exemple : turbo) he climb the wall if you don't have the good speed (sprint) you don't climb and now the animManager check if you have a wall in front of you so your problem is fixed ;) But if you walk near the wall and press the key , you make the back to wall animation. all those feature will released on the 0.25 anim pack ;)

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Shift isn't used while standing with your back to the wall, why not make the movement shift between careful steps and regular walk using shift?

Running wouldn't make any sense unless it's a very long wall.

Also, I realize that would require even more animations, and since I too would like a side-arm back-to-wall anim. it would be even more. ^^

It's always easy to ask for more :rolleyes:

Smoother transitions between the animations along with the anim-manager is going to make this already great mod, perfect!

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Ok, trying to answer all of your questions, with a cup of coffee and what is left of my lunch break..

1. Most important, you need to make animations allowing to cling to the wall the other way, it really glaring that mod is missing this, but I understand that animation and coding this is a hard work.
This was done already. It is not present in the current release but it will be in v0.25. I took care (and I am still improving) of the possibility of getting the right direction for Stand-To-Wall stances based on your angle with the wall/house, using one single key.

2. Change key biding for climbing over the wall, sprinting into it just dosent seem right and more often then not I can pass the wall (I know you are aware of this problem). I think that "Sit + getOver" combo will work best

With the Animations Manager most of the key mappings that did not involve Turbo+<key> have been reworked for simplicity and ease of use. I will take care of demonstrating this in a video with commentary, sometime soon.
3. Clinging to the wall with pistol, really could use that one.
I cannot say for sure this will or won't make it in a future release.
4. Faster movement animation when clinging to the wall.
I'm working on this. Some more speed won't hurt in taking cover during enemy fire or after throwing a grenade.

Oh, and one last thing, write to BIS developers as they HAVE to implement this mod into game.

The people at Bohemia Interactive are working hard for some incredible quantum leap forward in the ArmA-verse, I think. I won't disturb them with our work..but stay assured we'll do our best to make the mod as great as we think it should be.
Shift isn't used while standing with your back to the wall, why not make the movement shift between careful steps and regular walk using shift?
As I wrote before, the Animations Manager takes care of some heavy key bindings simplification. Shift, Control and Alt were taken into consideration, but it is not 100% sure it they will be easily-accessible to all users. These shortcuts work well on equipment-related functions, where in reality you would need to halt and concentrate on a specific tool (Vector, Map Tools, Kestrel, Laser Designation devices etc. etc.) but in our situation we are talking about fast-paced situations where a lot of possibilities have to be decided in a split second. This is one of the reasons why I asked Smookie if I was allowed to develop the Animations Manager for the mod. Having one single key to manage 1) quick-lower weapon in stance 2) cling to wall 3) wall climb and more is a great way to shorten the "virtual circuitry" between you and your character in-game.
Running (in wall clinging) wouldn't make any sense unless it's a very long wall.
Agreed, a faster strafe animation while standing to a wall will be enough.
Also, I realize that would require even more animations, and since I too would like a side-arm back-to-wall anim. it would be even more.
Yes, all nice ideas. For the moment we are focusing on the core of Smookie's idea. Having this mod loaded does not mean that you must use all the additional stances. While this is common and acceptable for the first fun sessions you will have testing all the functionalities out, you will naturally adapt your movement to a balance of Vanilla and SMK stances. Bear in mind that in most situations, even in reality, staying on your boots instead that on your ass will greatly increase your chance of survival. Mobility is one of the most important factors in close quarters combat. This mod wants to broaden the scope of possibilities offered by the ArmA engine..which is, really, as great in its results as it is in its possibilities (there is so much that COULD be done, only by having average programming skills, believe me).

Broadening the range of possibilities will open up the battlefield to all sorts of actions, increasing the pace for those situations where, in reality, there would be little space for thinking and it would be just your team, your training and your guts.

It's always easy to ask for more
Absolutely yes, but there is a fine a line between constructive suggestions and random chit chat. I appreciate the fact that the majority of BIS users have a strong understanding of how time consuming developing a mod can be. Thanks for that, it makes a lot of difference!
Smoother transitions between the animations along with the anim-manager is going to make this already great mod, perfect!
Cosmetic-visual improvements are something Smookie has done and is doing, so rest assured there will be improvements on this aspect, as well.

I think the cling to wall action should only be able to be done when near a wall. I hate it when it randomly happens in combat by accident and I end up getting killed. And clinging to the wall with a sidearm is a good idea too. Faster movement would be nice, but not necessary.

I think I replied to this, already ;)

BIS doesn't have to implement this exact mod into the game, but a similar one in a DLC pack, patch or EP2 would be nice.

..and also replied to this, somewhere above in this post ;)

Thanks everyone for the added motivation and support, stay tuned for more ;)

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Another couple of problems I encountered:

1. When moving to the side you dont fire from gun, flash appears to the side, bullet start away from gun as well so it wont hit where you were aiming at.

2. In sniper crouch it is possible to hurt yourself if you fire fast (at least in semi auto)

3. Its very easy to hurt yourself in urban prone if you fire

4. When clinging to the wall the gun should be pointed away from player as accidental discharges can hurt you. Maybe more to the side, but away.

Im honest about need of making this mod official. This beauty makes urban combat really awesome, it should be in from the start.

Also small idea; I dont think it would be hard, but could you guys make alternative version with removed gun collision so its compatible with ST movement mod? That mod makes navigating tight spaces bearable. I tried doing this myself but I have problem with making working config. Its easy to do as all you need is change collision shape to "collisionShape = "ca\Anims\Characters\data\Geom\Sdr\Perc_Mrun_Slow_Wrfl.p3d";".

Edited by Taro8

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1. When moving to the side you dont fire from gun, flash appears to the side, bullet start away from gun as well so it wont hit where you were aiming at.

2. In sniper crouch it is possible to hurt yourself if you fire fast (at least in semi auto)

3. Its very easy to hurt yourself in urban prone if you fire

4. When clinging to the wall the gun should be pointed away from player as accidential discharges can hurt you. Maybe more to the side, but away.

We are aware of some of the issues and are working on those stances to fix/improve them.

When clinging to the wall it would be nice to be able to raise/lower the weapon, so that the frontmost player to an entrance can keep the passage aimed to avoid an enemy storming the room where the players are stacking up.

Just an example..

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I didnt understand clearly what you tried to tell about climb over, I just want you to know that playing that animation when player stands avoids some nasty problems with collisions and incorrect movement when player is sprinting into the wall.

Check out my edit about ST movement and collisions in my previous post.

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Personally I don't find the weapon collision a bad thing, and everyone who wants to remove it could just run the ST mod, as well..so I do not think we will incorporate that in the mod.

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You could make alternative version, as this mod isnt compatible with ST movement. I really hate weapon collisions and you need to change config file to get rid them. Its literally 5 min job to replace those lines so alternative version is no big deal.

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You could make alternative version, as this mod isnt compatible with ST movement. I really hate weapon collisions and you need to change config file to get rid them. Its literally 5 min job to replace those lines so alternative version is no big deal.

It is best to make a ticket for it, in our DH space, this way you will get through the "official" channels. I can give you no guarantees on the success of your request, but it is at least worth trying.

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Well, I can always just learn how to properly binirize my config.hpp :D.

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I must say I played the missions wich came with this mod...very nice work there!

really amazing on how arma2(OA) evolved just with the mods of the community.

You are one of those mod makers who make a big difference in gameplay.

Much appreciated!

Edited by sarge4267

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I wanna ask you something about animations you make..can you make animation with knife..? i meen for quick kill or sneek behind enemy with knife movement....if you guys can make that.that whould be nice for better gameplay...

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I wanna ask you something about animations you make..can you make animation with knife..? i meen for quick kill or sneek behind enemy with knife movement....if you guys can make that.that whould be nice for better gameplay...

There has to be a knife in the game to begin with. Otherwise, you're just playing as a combat pantomime.

Edited by Laqueesha

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I am sorry guys but there most likely will be no new animations in future releases. There might be some fixes but other than that - I wouldnt expect anything new in this modification.

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I am sorry guys but there most likely will be no new animations in future releases. There might be some fixes but other than that - I wouldnt expect anything new in this modification.

what about the stacking up mod? can you fix it so you can stack up on either direction?

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He already added the back to wall for the other side, as said multiple times. It's just not released yet. But it's there.

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You could make alternative version, as this mod isnt compatible with ST movement. I really hate weapon collisions and you need to change config file to get rid them. Its literally 5 min job to replace those lines so alternative version is no big deal.

How is this mod not compatible with ST movement? Ive been running them alongside each other this whole time without problem.

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