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USS Nimitz

How should aircraft maintenance be arranged?  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. How should aircraft maintenance be arranged?

    • Refuel/Rearm/Repair all in one spot on flight deck
    • Refuel/Rearm between elevators 1&2, Repair in hangar bay
    • Rearm between elevators 1&2, Refuel towards rear of deck, Repair in Hangar bay

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play without Ammocart, its for arma1, arma2 has other classnames, and arma2 ctd

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Thanks for the help, but without Eddy's ammocarts I also have a CTD...

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please read the pdf. from the nimitz ;)


class Item0







init="this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 0];";

dont use for the carrier this init ! delete this, and i mean it works :rolleyes: and check your other addons, for compatible with arma2

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please read the pdf. from the nimitz ;)

dont use for the carrier this init ! delete this, and i mean it works :rolleyes: and check your other addons, for compatible with arma2

yup i also think that will be the problem, i use (way to) many addons with the ship and it still works (also used the ammo carts to fill up the ship without any problems)

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Great work! Now we need some more carrier based aircraft to go with it.

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Wow this is pretty badass, I'm liking this alot, you did a heck of a job here, lot of features, and realism,

really adds a new level of mission design to one's game!

Great work!

Any plans for other ships like it, maybe a cruiser, or even battleship?

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Thanks for your help Vulc@no, it works...

Also does someone know how to make a respawn on the carrier?

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Fuck german/european laws. "This video features content of Sony Music Entertainment. It is not available in your country." I hate it. I really fucking hate it. -.-

Why doesn't youtube just deactivate the sound? Now I can only imagine what this video is showing...

I hate it...:mad:

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I have the same problem my dear friend Jester and it makes me mad .

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Also does someone know how to make a respawn on the carrier?

Erm i guess just place a marker like you would normaly do, and in its init box just set pos it? I think that would be how you do it, might be wrong though.

Ill have to try it myself ;)

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Fuck german/european laws. "This video features content of Sony Music Entertainment. It is not available in your country." I hate it. I really fucking hate it. -.-

Why doesn't youtube just deactivate the sound? Now I can only imagine what this video is showing...

I hate it...:mad:

It's the theme from Top Gun. Not Danger Zone, but rather the guy playing a guitar

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This error below that NoMadd mentioned

File JDG_carrier\scr\sys_arrestor.sqf, line 20

Error in expression <ile {nimCableReady == 1} do


_planes = nearestObjects [_arrestor, ["Plane"], _r>

Error position: <nearestObjects [_arrestor, ["Plane"], _r>

Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected

File JDG_carrier\scr\sys_arrestor.sqf, line 20

Is there a patch script that I can put in my mission to eliminate it from spamming the Dedi-Rpt file? (This error happens even when there is nothing on the deck).

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First I'd like to say this is GREAT! I'm loving it. I'm making a really sweet mission but, I'm having a major issue..

I have loaded out the carrier with about 20 helis, 10 f-14s, a few harriers, and some mv22s... If i have to restart my mission or my pc has been running for a while, the carrier loads after most the other objects at mission start causing me and the objects to fall through.

How can I set it so before anything is placed on the carrier it waits a few seconds or checks that the carrier is in place.. **Without me having to move off all the objects and doing sepos... The only objects that i have moving onto the carrier with setpos is the mv22s because they have to "pack" or they wouldnt place right.. it was a pain trying to do and now that i have a fully loaded carrier id hate to have to move everything off and have everything move onto it like the mv22.

Other than that I think ive been using this carrier for a solid 40+ hours and I have no other complaints... its probably the cooooolest addon ive seen in a while.


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The only way I could think of doing it with editor-place objects is like this:

1) name all your planes

2) place "this enableSimulation false;" in their init lines. This "freezes" them in place, they won't fall, they won't do anything.

3) Create an exterior script as such and call it from your init.sqf:

waitUntil{alive nimCar0}; //[i]nimCar0 is the first "visible" part of the carrier that spawns after all the underlying geometry has spawned. If its still too fast, use nimHang4, the last piece that spawns.[/i]

plane1 enableSimulation true;
plane2 enableSimulation true;
//[i]etc etc etc...[/i]

Hope that works.

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Is there a going to be an update to this addon?

If so, any idea how long till it is realsed?

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I really do hope that you will continue work on this addon, or someone else for that matter. If those "hopefull plans" you posted a while ago really are going to be implemented some day. I could see this mod becoming the mod of the year 2011

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Did I miss the bit that JDog says he WASN'T carrying on with this ?

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He didn't give up... he's just easily distracted :)

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Now we only need an F/A-18 Super Hornet addon (unless I missed it and there's one already).

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f18 is out, download FDF mod.

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Or, just hang out a bit longer for MeatBalls F-18. Least it has foldable wings. (Not sure bout the FDF one though.)

While I'm here, Love your work JDog! Just wish it could move. But like you said, floating airport. And bit of a noob question, with the scripts, namely the aircraft related ones, is it just a matter of cut and paste in the units ini, or does it have to happen externally, i.e. radio alpha, scripts, etc? Keep getting "Type script, expected nothing." I've asked and looked around, but no joy.

Cheers guys.

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After messing around with this for hours, finally figured out an idiot proof way to have this work for everyone. Take the test mission and copy EVERYTHING. Paste it into your new map and it should work flawlessly.

Now onto a more difficult topic:

How in the &^@#(@*#@*$%# do I get respawn to work on the carrier?!?!?!?!?!

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