Logan9773 10 Posted January 25, 2011 (edited) I hate it when people claim the game is perfect. If you truly loved the game you would acknowledge that the game has some flaws. The game is not a super game. The game is a well done simulation that has its ups and downs. Some downs include poor handling for CQB. Its a known fact that a normal person would navigate their gun and bodies through a building much more effectively than arma2. If you truly love this game you would want to see it grow, not claim its perfect and cover up all its flaws. The game simulates things beautifully and offers unimaginable worlds for you to fight over. But at the same time it needs to fix its MP capabilities/performance, frame rate performance, AI road handling, and CQB movements.Stop pretending the game is perfect and shut every guy with an opinion out of this forum with passive aggressive flaming. It does no good for this game. It does no good for the community. I'm not an admin but I will gladly point out when people are uselessly pushing someone out of his own suggestion thread. You are not BIS, they will make their own decisions. There are potential customers out there that outnumber every one of you guys. Well said. This is typical. You talk about some things you don't like in a game, and suggest some improvements, in a polite way, and some screaming fanboys show up to say that xx developer could never be wrong. At least the mods on this forum are decent guys. Thanks to the people on this forum who gave some good suggestions. I have found that if you set your character to walk by default, instead of run, movement gets smoother. Trying to go from stand to run is what makes things so jerky. You can see the problem by watching the AI trying to do it. They get up from crouch or prone, stand there like idiots for a second, and then run. At least walk to run looks like its better. Still, this sim needs some work. Movement is still pretty much unplayable, and CQB is still very much a work in progress. And yes, weapon inertia is still WAY too high. I own a real AKM (Egyptian MISR). Even with a 30 round mag in it, you swing around and stop it on a dime. I'm an average size and weight person (150 pounds, 5'6") so its nothing extra ordinary. This game has its pro's and con's, and I'm sure future engines will be interested in what Arma did on certain things. Edited January 25, 2011 by Logan9773 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4086 Posted January 25, 2011 As some have been mentioned for movement addon/mods, adding the list: - trumods - SLX animations - proper addons - st movement I'd like to add to that your mouse sensitivity, and smoothing effects how you move, more like movement of your gun, but in general i think alot of issues outside of what has been mentioned relates to setting up the controls in a fashion that works well, knowing what controls do what can do wonders. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Defunkt 431 Posted January 25, 2011 And yes, weapon inertia is still WAY too high. I own a real AKM (Egyptian MISR). Even with a 30 round mag in it, you swing around and stop it on a dime. I'm an average size and weight person (150 pounds, 5'6") so its nothing extra ordinary. You have found the Floating Zone slider haven't you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
76 0 Posted January 25, 2011 (edited) I think this bloke is trying to compare Arma to COD or MOH or Crysis or something of that ilk.Maybe he doesnt understand the realism part of this game and what it actually is. People do learn so there is hope yet! :rolleyes: I don't understand what this guy is on about? My movements are slow and precise in CQB, I never noticed any inertia and I play AA2 since its release date and through all betas.Seriously dude if you want to play Crysis or Doom this is a wrong game. And no you can't magically do 180 degree turns IRL with 30 KGs on your back like you do in Crysis. Talk to NodUnit, dont refer to him in the 3rd person... fuckin rude. Actually, I had to turn down the default horrible movement, because it did just that. Spin me 180 degree with just a slight movement of the mouse.I know some of you fanboys are going to come on just be jackasses with no real point, so try to refrain from doing it, please. The horrible movement in this game has been discussed over numerous forums spanning the internet, and is well known as a reason not to buy this sim. So, after not being able to stand it any longer, I ask that we finally be given a way to change it. @Dale - and don't give me that "realism" crap. I know realism. I've trained in the real world. This is not realistic movement. In reality you don't go hurtling sideways as you turn slightly to run up some stairs. In reality, your weapon doesn't keep moving sideways when you want it to stop. Not even my AKM with a 30 round mag and wooden stock does that IRL. When I want it to stop moving, its stops just where I want it to point. Spot on, the elitist fanboys here are there own worst enemy (and you don't have to of been here long to become one of these iceholes)... a part (and only a small one) that players leave A2 so quickly is because of this retard attitude... and the mods usually back it up. New comers come here to ask question and become part of the community but heaven forbid if you ask an 'inappropriate' question, or question the 'norm' cause you'll get shutdown, insulted, ridiculed etc... way to kill the future of our favourite game you coop only playing armchair whata be soldiers and ex retiree soldiers :) Edited January 25, 2011 by 76 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
That guy 10 Posted January 25, 2011 here is a tip to help make CQB more enjoyable: DONT RUN ALL THE TIME. this is a problem a friend of mine had. he didnt know how to walk. yeah when you are running the whole time, movement in arma is very annoying. and being difficult to control wile running IS difficult in real life. do a test: run around your house at full speed without hurting your self or breaking things. its hard Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted January 25, 2011 (edited) Talk to NodUnit, dont refer to him in the 3rd person... fuckin rude.Spot on, the elitist fanboys here are there own worst enemy (and you don't have to of been here long to become one of these iceholes)... a part (and only a small one) that players leave A2 so quickly is because of this retard attitude... and the mods usually back it up. New comers come here to ask question and become part of the community but heaven forbid if you ask an 'inappropriate' question, or question the 'norm' cause you'll get shutdown, insulted, ridiculed etc... way to kill the future of our favourite game you coop only playing armchair whata be soldiers and ex retiree soldiers :) There is no way on this earth that I am an elitist fanboy as you so nicely put it. If you read the thread in its entirety you will notice that people are actually trying to help logan get the best out of the game. Just to add, I play the game and all of its modes, be it single player, coop, dm and tvt so your statement about being a coop only player is lost on me... We all know the game isn't perfect but in the same breath the game is a hell of a lot better than COD, MOH and games of that ilk. This game is a milsim and not a twitch shooter. Edited January 25, 2011 by dale0404 afterthoughts Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
acoustic 82 Posted January 25, 2011 I wish I could figure out some of you people get so use to the problem, that it becomes invisible and you deny it's existence. Animations are what ruin the game for me. Even in 3rd person they look awkward. Regardless though, if you can't come in here and have a sensible conversation with someone who is obviously willing to give the game a chance.. don't post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted January 25, 2011 I wish I could figure out some of you people get so use to the problem, that it becomes invisible and you deny it's existence. Animations are what ruin the game for me. Even in 3rd person they look awkward. Regardless though, if you can't come in here and have a sensible conversation with someone who is obviously willing to give the game a chance.. don't post. No one has said that problems with the animations in the game don't exist, of course they do. But they are a lot better than other games already mentioned in this thread and I would bet a quid that the animations in A2 will improve. Think back to Armed Assault. You couldn't get over a curb in that game, you had to walk around it! Now look at A2, they introduced the "V" key so that you could have more realistic movement. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4086 Posted January 25, 2011 I wish I could figure out some of you people get so use to the problem, that it becomes invisible and you deny it's existence. Lol, Maybe because quite a few of us have been playing the game since OFP and with OFP, Arma, and Arma2, and now OA you learn how to compensate with controls. You get used to the controls or a way something moves or works then you essentially become a part of it per say, lets just say were not ignorant and don't know the issue is there but being so used to how the game plays and its movement it doesn't bother us, I guess you can say in one way we are desensitized to it if that may be the right way to explain that. Being a newer player to the game would indeed be more sensitive to the game and see some things other may be possibly dull too. :D im coming across like Gollum in LOTR talking in 3rd person Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HyperU2 11 Posted January 25, 2011 Talk to NodUnit, dont refer to him in the 3rd person... fuckin rude.Spot on, the elitist fanboys here are there own worst enemy (and you don't have to of been here long to become one of these iceholes)... a part (and only a small one) that players leave A2 so quickly is because of this retard attitude... and the mods usually back it up. New comers come here to ask question and become part of the community but heaven forbid if you ask an 'inappropriate' question, or question the 'norm' cause you'll get shutdown, insulted, ridiculed etc... way to kill the future of our favourite game you coop only playing armchair whata be soldiers and ex retiree soldiers :) I'd take you seriously if you weren't so contradictory. Fucking asshole. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
acoustic 82 Posted January 25, 2011 I will say that I am not an old flashpoint player, so I can't relate to the improvements that have been made. I guess since BI doesn't make new games every year (or 2 years), that gamers don't see improvements that often. Arma 2 has sorta fell back in regards to this. When Arma 3 comes out it will blow people away because of the significant changes that will be made in the period of time between the games. At it's older age (sorta where Arma 2 is now) the game will show it's age and be frowned upon on it's improvements compared to other games that release sequels in 2 years. So. We must wait for Arma 3!lol. Side note: I wish BI would get it's models right next time, as of now they look like Highschool basketball players with there skinny bodies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4086 Posted January 26, 2011 I guess since BI doesn't make new games every year (or 2 years), that gamers don't see improvements that often. Arma 2 has sorta fell back in regards to this. When Arma 3 comes out it will blow people away because of the significant changes that will be made in the period of time between the games. At it's older age (sorta where Arma 2 is now) the game will show it's age and be frowned upon on it's improvements compared to other games that release sequels in 2 years. its a point, but its not liek that, not an old game, the game has been an evolution since OFP. if i can remember the order it went OFP then there were like a ton of patches and of course a ton of community content for it, then a few expansions if i remember, then in 2006 Armed Assault (Arma)came out, it had the same thing, patches, and expansion ect.,. and on a new engine. The low and behold in 2009 Arma2 came out with its many patches from 1.0 or 1.1 to 1.08 it too has a ton of content and an official expansion which is OA - Operation Arrowhead. lets not forget that they had release a few of DLCs as well. And then too there were and still in the process of patches for OA, latest beta being worked on as we speak. Game is far from old, I think it evolves more then any other game out there. Then theres all the addons, mods, scripts, and u name it out there, game is no way limited to what you get out of the box. Arma3 would be great but Arma2 is still evolving its really just begun, another year and the mods and such will have at least doubled by then, and OA patched at least a few more times as well as stuff added for it. Im not waiting for Arma3 theres to much and plenty to do in the game as it is but when it comes Ill be there too ;). Aint nothing out there that I need to buy that gives me such an in depth experience game and community modding as the OFP/Arma/Arma2/OA games mods included! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jblackrupert 14 Posted January 26, 2011 (edited) I wish I could figure out some of you people get so use to the problem, that it becomes invisible and you deny it's existence. Because most of the people who shoot down others concerns like this are the ones with systems that are pretty much built with the sole purpose of playing Arma 2 and nothing else. 12+GB's of RAM, SSD's, RAM Drives, super overclocked CPU's and GPU's and whatever else they can throw at it. And like 76 pointed out. A large number of them never play anything more then coop, let alone leave the editor. They've never had to wrestle with lower framerates, the clunky movement while being hunted and shot at by a human who isn't retarded and predictable as the aI. The same goes with some bugs and glitches in the game if THEY don't experience them then they don't exist or you're a PIRATE. I don't think the issue makes the unplayable as the OP suggests but it does affect those who don't have money to throw at the problem. If they could make some changes that help those who with systems that meet the minimum/Suggested specs then that would be great. Bohemia has shown time and time again that they care very much about their game. it's their baby and I'm very confident they'll do what they can. Edited January 26, 2011 by jblackrupert Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted January 26, 2011 Well I think the mention of "Crysis/Doom/Unreal" type movement in the first post is what gets people feathers ruffled. Infiltration (which I have heard very good things about) is probably less threatening. The very thought of Unreal-movement sends me back to a heyday of gobs of ritalin, buckets of coffee with a bottle of jack and a side of meth, a game controller in one hand, cell phone in the other -scary twitchfest. :D I'm all for smoother animations and recailbrated CQB movements but those games outright frighten people in this genre. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted January 26, 2011 Actually I think the general tone of this thread is either helpful or explanatory :) and - it's also an opinion thing. It's a sad fact that people expressing alternate opinions are often labeled as either a fanboy or a hater. However, that's the internet :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Antigoon 10 Posted January 26, 2011 My time playing with the Arma series, has provided me with some of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. I'd like to add...both in coop ánd TvT. And while I find these kind of threads entertaining to read, I can't help thinking it has more to do with the fact that you need to put some playing-time in...before you really get used to the game...and start to enjoy it fully. And yes, occasionally someone new to the game (most times apparent by the post-count and join-date) starts a thread like this. And you get this natural division between socalled "fanboys" and "haters"... In my opinion the best advice anyone can give these people is, instead of going "go play COD", is...."Hang in there, bud! Give it some time, find a couple of good servers to play on and you'll be enjoying yourself in a couple of weeks!" Ofcourse that's only my opinion, I'm sure lots will disagree... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macadam Cow 1 Posted January 26, 2011 (edited) I guess it's also the fact that Logan came here saying the game was unplayable. He didn't mention for how long he was playing the game (1 week ? 3 years ?) or if he tried to solve the problem by himself. Did he at least check the option before posting ? did he look for mods ? No one knows. All we know is he claims the game to be unplayable. Sorry, but it's not unusual to see this happening, people out of nowhere suddently rush on the forums claiming things like that. And usually they want their problem to be fixed now or they're going to kill themself. Honestly, yeah, ArmA movements are quite unusual, but claiming the game is unplayable is a bit extreme in my opinion. It's nowhere close any other FPS movements, sure. It needs improvements, no doubt. It's unplayable, absolutely not ! People tends to forget ArmA is a simulation. They just think it's another FPS. I mean comon, go check the LOMAC, DCS or FSX forums and look for people asking those games to be more similar to Ace Combat. Haven't seen any. Simply because they know it's a simulation, they know they'll have to deal with a steap learning curve. Now with ArmA, simply because it's a FPS it looks like they can't understand things will be different compare to others FPS. I'm fine with ArmA movements. I'm playing this series since OFP so I might got used to those specific movements but, hey, when I first started to play it I was 13, with absolutly no understanding of english and there weren't so much help/tutorials over the internet. Most of the problems people come with can be solved with 2 words : Adapt yourself It doesn't mean the game is perfect it's just not like any others FPS and it will never be. EDIT : erh, basically saying the same thing as Antigoon, was typing when he posted so I didn't saw it :j: Edited January 27, 2011 by Macadam Cow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hund 0 Posted January 27, 2011 Logan has a point, boys: The movement system has never been the most praised aspect of the game, to say the least. But I don't see it changing, for better or for worse. Personally I would rather have a walk/gun up, jog/gun up, sprint/gun down system. I am not expecting to hit anything while jogging, but it is nice to have the option. I bet those PvP fools would love it too ;D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suhsjake 1 Posted January 28, 2011 After he mentioned ROTC in his second post, I stopped reading. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posta 10 Posted January 28, 2011 Yeah, this game has it shortcomings. No question about that! But, the movement "controls" isn't the biggest problem imo. Bugs, AI, strange game mechanics, engine optimizing and so on. Still, I play and love this game a lot! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Mac 19 Posted March 6, 2011 I've spent 3 years in ROTC, have practiced with multiple real weapons in wargames, and I don't move anywhere near like the player does in game. Its total crap.Word of advice, don't go around using 3 years of ROTC as a badge of expertise. It pretty much proves to everyone out there that you're an above average idiot.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wipman 1 Posted March 6, 2011 Hi, the ArmA2 uses the same weapon sway while aiming down the sights animation that the ArmA, OA too; they didn't touched it, just allowed you to walk slowly while doing so. It improves it... but's very far from be realistic; is just the same but 0'5secs slower. BIS didn't changed the weapon sway animation from the ArmA in a sufficent enough way, they didn't even touch the side weapon (pistols) animation, aiming or not down the sights; so i can say without any fear to be wrong, that they don't gonna do nothing about. They had more than 5 years to do it and they didn't nothing about it. Let's c ya Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
11aTony 0 Posted March 6, 2011 (edited) I agree with you wipman. I think middle ground would be lowering weapons sway while walking. Also there is a difference in speed if you hold walk key or not while in ADS. You walk slower if you hold the walk key/toggle walk. The difference in speed and weapon sway/wobble should be much greater. Like 50% or so (maybe more, maybe less, should be tested). So: ADS + walk => used for outdoor CQB ADS + run => walking fast/almost running, used to return fire but still advance faster, not to kill. When not in ADS it should stay the same as it is. Solution like this would immensely improve outdoor CQB/mid range fire fights. Indoors CQB is another matter though. I have to say, there is some problems. I often get stuck for NO reason. There is clearly enough room to turn around and I just get stuck, sometimes just for a moment. Im not talking about going trough doorway sideways. Kind of solution is ST Movement addon, however this removes any collision. Of course it does matter if you have a Mp5/sidearm in your hands or Barrett. If you play without any mods like Proper, ST - stock ArmA 2 then the best way to operate in a tight building is to follow the momentum. You should not stop while going upstairs or around a tight corner. Always keep walking, preferably in ADS so you can controll how fast you go in "slow mode". Everything else gets you stuck. However sometimes you just have to lower the gun (mp5, cant do that for pistols, dont need to for that purpose anyway). Similar thing I noticed in SWAT 4, where you loose a lot of accuracy if you stop walking or start running. Even GRAW (especially 1st) had somekind of momentum. Well in ArmA 2 you get stuck. Bugs with rocks, binoculars/laser designator or "prone near wall" do not have much to do with CQB problem but sure are annoying and when newcomers see things like that... well it doesnt help to get them into it. If those would get fixed it would make everything much more enjoyable. Another thing that would help would be switching to sidearm and secondary while walking. For me the biggest defference between OPF and A2 is that in OPF you could walk forward in ADS and hit everything spot on. Sure animations were a lot faster and there was no delay when going from crouch to "stand up" for example. In ArmA2, if you are standing still, there is a delay, if you keep moving there is not. Movement is not perfect, it could use some improvements, some new features but over all its the right way to go. I personally use ST becouse I dont get stuck so much and I use some proper addons like reduced weapon weight. Edited March 6, 2011 by 11aTony Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicholas 5 Posted March 9, 2011 If this isn't realistic, then why does the US Army, the CIA and various other military/government groups use software similar to this for training? I think you must have something screwed up on your end. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites