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MultiDiscussion : TES5: Skyrim, BattleField 3, COD, R6 etc.

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Give a big round of applause to the always-necessary Devils Advocate, everyone! :rolleyes:

EA don't care about you at all, therefore you shouldn't need to defend them.

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It certainly ruined my day when I paid $60, waited for it to download, installed it, changed my settings, tried to play MP, discovered the horrible performance bugs (that are still there to this day and are due to dualcore CPUs not running on Windows XP, apparently), and realized that it was a wide-spread problem by searching the PC sections of the Steam forums and Call of Duty forums.

I think the fact that the performance issues are still there, I have a non-refundable $60 sitting on my Steam account due to Steam's policies, and Activision/Treyarch are releasing DLC on PC that you still have to pay for, justifies my "hating" of the game.

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TBH it looks pretty good, even if it is identical to MW2 :D

No doubt it will be crazily over-hyped though and dubbed b3st g@ym evvverrrrr before it's even been released...

Edited by SW1

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better yet, grab the same gun, driver to their offices, aim at ~insert job~'s head, get that 1 dollar out and ask for some bullets.. :P
If I am ever going to be charged for virtual ammo, I will get myself a gun, drive to the company that wants me to pay for it and show then how much it costs to get rid of the bulletholes produced by one clip of ammo in their building front.

I'm at least glad to see that we're above actually killing someone over this. Although you guys did get uncomfortably close.

But that whole idea sounds like more of a joke to me. But I don't plan on buying the game anyway so even if it is I guess it isn't that big of a deal... unless it works and then it happens in every other game.

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I may pick up BF3 because, well, the BF series has always been sort of fun. But, not if I'm to be milked :) hope it was just a joke.

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I'll not be purchasing if they go ahead with that pre-order bollocks. That's taking advantage of the consumer, which I guess they have the right to, but that doesn't mean I'm going to pay for extra content that should already be in the game. Sure, I'll be missing out on it, but the only way the market will change is if consumers stand up for their morals.

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It certainly ruined my day when I paid $60, waited for it to download, installed it, changed my settings, tried to play MP, discovered the horrible performance bugs (that are still there to this day and are due to dualcore CPUs not running on Windows XP, apparently), and realized that it was a wide-spread problem by searching the PC sections of the Steam forums and Call of Duty forums.

I think the fact that the performance issues are still there, I have a non-refundable $60 sitting on my Steam account due to Steam's policies, and Activision/Treyarch are releasing DLC on PC that you still have to pay for, justifies my "hating" of the game.

I'm glad I never paid anything for Call of Duty. Overall, there are no such games that I can find that is ever worth the $60 price tag.NO GAMES to me are worth the $60 price tag. MW2... was a let down to the PC with no dedicated server (huge letdown). From what I heard about BlackOps, horrible performance on PC dual cores (i have dual core too) so hellz no for that and it seems like from what I have read that they didn't even bother to fix that problem and continue to slap PC users across the face. From what I heard about MW3... once again... no dedicated server... Them greedy Activision/Blizzard money whores. You can't trust those kind of companies. The companies I have trusted most would be well (I started trusting Valve the most but L4D2 slap me in the face after I paid $50 for L4D1. Still like their Half Life series but I lost some trust). Tripwire I find alright with Killing FLoor and (have Red Orchestra laying around but haven't tried it). And now after I played ARMA 2... this game is amazing along with Bohemia Interactive. The best company I have seen so far in my opinion. To put all efforts into a game even though it is released really buggy, BI continues to patch it and patch it so much for a very long time and not even giving up on the game with such dedication I find it amazing. It is amazing to please the fanbase like this in which a lot of companies lacked the courtesy to do. As for the release of ARMA 2 Free in the meantime, it is a very splendid strategy in increasing the playerbase of ARMA and bringing interest to ARMA 3. Although ARMA series along with Operation Flashpoint CWC are very different to the typically Run n Gun FPS of today, many people who might try would probably just go but then a few will stay... In this case... I find COD = Fail & more fail as each of them keeps getting abandoned and left alone bugged up as a new one comes out each year with the exact same crappy multiplayer that is so repetitive n overhype filled with annoying little brats.

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lol, new COD was on preview on late night with jimmy fallon on nbc...guess who's next in line? Oh yes, you've got it

i like the depth of and the realism, especially when talking about the amount of shells one is able to take from 1m away...


Edited by PuFu

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I'll not be purchasing if they go ahead with that pre-order bollocks. That's taking advantage of the consumer, which I guess they have the right to, but that doesn't mean I'm going to pay for extra content that should already be in the game. Sure, I'll be missing out on it, but the only way the market will change is if consumers stand up for their morals.

Just so you know: Physical Warfare Pack available to all Battlefield 3 players later this year

I think this whole pre-order thing has been blown out of proportion. Maybe I'm uninformed but I just don't see the issue here. Surely it's in a companies interest to increase the number of pre-orders.

I'll almost certainly be getting this, I for one really enjoy the battlefield multiplayer as something different from Arma.

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Look at those images, specially in this one.


More then likely bullshots...... post processed with super AA (Non realtime)

just like they did with early footage of BC2.

The images are way too sharp even for PC.

You can just tell they've been buffed up.

EA got caught the last time doing it and will more then likely get caught yet again.

Edited by jblackrupert

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better yet, grab the same gun, driver to their offices, aim at ~insert job~'s head, get that 1 dollar out and ask for some bullets.. :P

I think I like this option more :D

But seriously, if I were a game developing company, producing Shooters, and someone decorated my building front with bulletholes...

I think I would just add more and see it as a good advertisement.

I once went to Hastings in South England. There is a old church tower that got hit by a cannonball from a dutch ship. The Canonball got stuck in the Wall. Instead of removing it, they simply added another one on the oposite side of the building to make it symetrical.

See for yourself


You just have to love the brits :D

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It certainly ruined the day for me as those greedy SOBs showed the gaming industry that making games should not be fun, it should be about profit only. They showed the gaming Industry that you can get away with utter crap and still make a shitload of money. They showed the gaming Industry that Advertisement is more important than actually making a good game. They showed the gaming industry that you don't have to be innovative to make a shitload of money. Those SOBs showed the gaming Industry that you can hype something to death, put a 60$ sign on it and people will still buy it.

Without them nobody would even dare to make something like OFP:DR/RR or the annonced BIA

So I think they really ruined a lot of days for me.

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The thing about supper AA is not confirmed. But that definetly can't look all that good on a console...a pc, like the one running UT3 Samaritean demo on 3xSLI setup...maybe

anyways, the DLC pack will because available for everyone for free sometime after the release: more info here

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Honestly there are a few decent bits and pieces in there....but really most of it is typical console texture, i.e low.

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The new multiplayer gameplay footage posted on youtube looks damn good, the explosions and destruction rock.

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I'm sure you can have a similiar image quality with 8x AA.

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Another thing on this money making shenanigan, i don't get it when people go on about....EPIC GAME, a full year before it's launched, and 2 seconds after it's launched, it has this bug, that's glitchy, and all of the sudden everyone wants to go back to previous cods...

...People are asking for it when they believe "this is ground breaking stuff on this new game".

Everytime time they say it will be awesome, theres advantages to prestiging and so on...I go, yeeea....remind me of them again? that's right...nothing.

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It certainly ruined the day for me as those greedy SOBs showed the gaming industry that making games should not be fun, it should be about profit only.

For millions of people CoD is fun. The fact that you don't like something that's popular doesn't mean the people who made it are evil.

Also, Bohemia is a for-profit company, too. They make games to make money just like every other commercial game developer. They just target a niche market.

---------- Post added at 04:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:20 PM ----------

Another thing on this money making shenanigan, i don't get it when people go on about....EPIC GAME, a full year before it's launched, and 2 seconds after it's launched, it has this bug, that's glitchy, and all of the sudden everyone wants to go back to previous cods...

This community has done the exact same thing with ArmA and ArmA II, and both games were buggy on release.

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It's super AA. It has the same destinct look as the BC2 buffed up images did.

It just looks overly sharp, hard to describe.

EA got caught the last time claiming everything was taken on PC with no editing or correction.

I checked the BC2 "screenshot" properties and found Photoshop CS4 for Mac

in the EXIF data and posted it in the forum.

A few hours later they confessed. Super AA was used. Not playable in realtime.

screens were taken and cleaned up further on a Mac.

Regardless of the GPU hardware used. You CANNOT fully eliminate Aliasing.

Edited by jblackrupert

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Why is everyone so stuck on the aliasing thing? ingame you rarely even see it, hell just x1 you won't likely notice because your brain is doing other things.

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It's super AA

god mate..what is this Super AA you are talking about? Because from my experience with 2d/3d and software i've heard of a lot of things, this super AA being a feature of crossfire since 18xx gfx cards.

You mean supersampling? bicubic downsampling? what? You seem to be using terms you don't really know what they mean..

Regardless of the GPU hardware used. You CANNOT fully eliminate Aliasing.

If we are talking about 72dpi images, there are not enough pixels to eliminate visible aliasing, especially if we are talking about 2-3mpx range resoluiton or (more commonly) less. In fewer words AA as you describe it is impossible. A picture done in PS @1920x1080 for instance @72dpi will have a lot of aliasing. Even working with a higher render sizes, there will ALWAYS be aliasing.

That said, your argument doesn't stand, does it?

Edited by PuFu

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The term is what DICE called it. Not mine.

It was discussed on the EA UK forum for several weeks.


They use a third party or in house application to remove all traces of Aliasing

but it's not realtime.

They never identified what they use, just admitted that the videos and screens

are not possible in realtime.

Translation: The videos and screens are FAKED.

Just like the early Crysis videos which Crytek admitted to after people trying to duplicate the results at home.

IE: Korean soldier being thrown through a wall leaving a hole. You cannot do it in the retail game. it was a special level created just for the video.

Edited by jblackrupert

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Got a link to the specific thread? I can't find anything...

Also am i the only one who is cringing every time they say "Powered by the Frostbite 2 engine..."? Its getting so repetitive and obnoxious its making me want to avoid the game rather than buy it...

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